Romney open to sending troops to Syria


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Romney open to sending troops to Syria | US National Headlines | Comcast

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Friday that he would send U.S. troops to Syria if needed to prevent the spread of chemical weapons.

"I think we have to also be ready to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that we do not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists and whether that requires troops, or whether that requires other actions by our friends and allies," Romney said in an interview with CBS News.

Romney specifically noted that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been involved in the region.

The former Massachusetts governor has limited foreign policy experience, but has so far outlined bullish positions on potential threats in the Middle East. He also told CBS News that he'd be willing to go to war to stop Iran from "becoming nuclear."

"No question in my view that we can put all manner of pressure on the regime that's there, but they have to also know that a military option is one which we'd be willing to consider if they do not take action to dissuade a course towards nuclearization," Romney said of Iran.

Mitt will take care of business,get in there , take a giant shit on them ,and get out.....


Romney open to sending troops to Syria | US National Headlines | Comcast

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Friday that he would send U.S. troops to Syria if needed to prevent the spread of chemical weapons.

"I think we have to also be ready to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that we do not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists and whether that requires troops, or whether that requires other actions by our friends and allies," Romney said in an interview with CBS News.

Romney specifically noted that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been involved in the region.

The former Massachusetts governor has limited foreign policy experience, but has so far outlined bullish positions on potential threats in the Middle East. He also told CBS News that he'd be willing to go to war to stop Iran from "becoming nuclear."

"No question in my view that we can put all manner of pressure on the regime that's there, but they have to also know that a military option is one which we'd be willing to consider if they do not take action to dissuade a course towards nuclearization," Romney said of Iran.

Mitt will take care of business,get in there , take a giant shit on them ,and get out.....

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If you're against this you should have supported Ron Paul
As opposed to obama who said that the use of chemical weapons was his line in the sand after which he WOULD send troops to Syria.

Then China and Russia told him to sit in the corner and shut up.
Oh, so now repubs are into intervention, but 1 year ago they were against Obama doing it, do the repubs need a diaper change yet?
Romney open to sending troops to Syria | US National Headlines | Comcast

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Friday that he would send U.S. troops to Syria if needed to prevent the spread of chemical weapons.

"I think we have to also be ready to take whatever action is necessary to ensure that we do not have any kind of weapon of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists and whether that requires troops, or whether that requires other actions by our friends and allies," Romney said in an interview with CBS News.

Romney specifically noted that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been involved in the region.

The former Massachusetts governor has limited foreign policy experience, but has so far outlined bullish positions on potential threats in the Middle East. He also told CBS News that he'd be willing to go to war to stop Iran from "becoming nuclear."

"No question in my view that we can put all manner of pressure on the regime that's there, but they have to also know that a military option is one which we'd be willing to consider if they do not take action to dissuade a course towards nuclearization," Romney said of Iran.

Mitt will take care of business,get in there , take a giant shit on them ,and get out.....

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Maybe he'll re-institute the draft too.

Enjoy your tour(s) of duty.
Oh, so now repubs are into intervention, but 1 year ago they were against Obama doing it, do the repubs need a diaper change yet?

I'm against it, no matter who says it needs to be done. I'm not sure why we need to get involved in Libya, Egypt or Syria. Obama has the same attitude.
I was wondering how Mittens was gonna jack up the debt by a few trillion. Now we know.

War em good god, what is it good for?

Well, war is good for a lot of things. Profit being the number one item. Ask Haliburton how war worked out for them. I am sure Mitt has many many many friends in the war making industry. And what better payback for their support than a war to reward them. Guvmint war spending, creating jobs, making widows.

Who cares about them stinking deficits. We got a war to run. (Mitts new campaign motto?)
Who cares about them stinking deficits. We got a war to run. (Mitts new campaign motto?)

Make sure you vote Obama, numb nuts

Is it time to put up the "Mission Accomplished" banner yet?

The banner aboard USS Lincoln was indeed correct. This ship's mission was indeed accomplished and it was returning to homeport.

Fucking imbecile Libberhoids seized the moment as a hack-job publicity stunt.
Warrior, you get that bike running yet. You riding it to Syria to kick some ass and take some names?
How many years active service for you? Up to 50 yet?

This new war will be just like the old wars. Syrians will greet up as liberators. Syria will actually pay for all the fighting. We will only be there a few weeks. Piece of cake, huh warrior?

And the war costs. Not a problem. If Syria reneges on paying, we will just eliminate all guvmint spending except for war. It will be great. Or we will just put it on the credit card, just like George Bush did. Not a problem. Deficits don't matter if there is war money to be made. Just ask George.
Make sure you vote Obama, numb nuts

Is it time to put up the "Mission Accomplished" banner yet?

The banner aboard USS Lincoln was indeed correct. This ship's mission was indeed accomplished and it was returning to homeport.

Fucking imbecile Libberhoids seized the moment as a hack-job publicity stunt.

Ah yes, that was it.
It was a publicity stunt that was highjacked by the...Libberhoids.

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