Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!

Barry's an "It takes a villiage" kinda guy.

He can't wrap his head around the fact that business owners are the folks who take the risk. Invest the time, the effort, the sweat and the know how to succeed.

The only thing Govt does is throw impediments in the way.

Roads, bridges and infrastucture are also payed for by taxpayers. Business owners pay more in taxes that the average American. Guess they pretty much pay their way in that dept.

Not everyone has the drive, determination or the guts to be a business owner.

Sucess is a hard, tough row to hoe. Thank God there are folks out there with the guts to go for it.

Sorry to see this post not get the attention it deserves and get drowned out by the noise.

This is one of the building bricks of America.
Accusations with no proof?

Par for the course with TPS. :thup:

You have posted many apologist replies.

Who do you think you are fooling?


I don't need to fool anyone, you do it to yourself. I didn't even say Romney was wrong, but the attacks still come.

Only partisans would be so belligerent. :thup:

My comments and observations are based upon your posts, not an individual post.

I dont care who you attack. Its the excuse making that causes me to mock you.
It's cause and effect tard, all the emoticons in the world can't hide your penchant for stupidity.

Tell me how it would've worked if the colonies were allowed to live here for little to no taxation and were allowed to prosper with N American resources.

When would the revolution occurred, since you're sure it would have.

Cause and effect??????????

Do you understand how completely stupid that is.

It's like putting out a big math equation and leaving out the most important figures, and still thinking you are going to get the right answer.

Roman Empire = Christianity all over the world?

British Empire = American Nation.

But you LEAVE OUT a big component.

Roman Empire + Christians refusing to back down and holding onto their faith = Christianity all over the world.

British Empire + Americans getting tired of the abuses of Britian and standing up and fighting against them = American Nation.

But, I'll give you a better one.

The admin of Jimmy Carter was such a catastrophic failure, it brought in one of the biggest landslides this nation has ever seen with the election of Ronald Reagan.

So should we all be thankful to Jimmy Carter, for the election of Reagan?

Didn't Carter try to PREVENT IT!

It would be like saying Obama deserves the credit if Romney wins!

It's completely illogical.

But then, I'm sure that's why you think it's so smart.


You keep throwing the word "credit" around, and while it serves your argument well it's missing the point, nothing out of the ordinary for you.

That's another thing liberals do. Whine about the freedom of speech and demand that certain words be restricted from the debate.

But when they do that, THEY ARE LOSING.

So, you are going back to the other liberal tactic, just attacking and whining.

Welcome to the The Cumberland / National Road Project

The history of the Road itself, the planning, construction and politics has been well documented over the last 200 years. The grand purpose of the Cumberland Road Project, instead, is to document the history of the people, families, businesses, towns and cities that grew alongside. What I hope will evolve is cloth woven of personal and family histories, stories of towns, cities and businesses prospering and, sometimes, fading away and observations of travelers, both past and present, of life along the road.

right from the begining these roads helped build businesses
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You have posted many apologist replies.

Who do you think you are fooling?


I don't need to fool anyone, you do it to yourself. I didn't even say Romney was wrong, but the attacks still come.

Only partisans would be so belligerent. :thup:

My comments and observations are based upon your posts, not an individual post.

I dont care who you attack. Its the excuse making that causes me to mock you.

Shouldn't that one post be included in the list of all posts?

Excuse? Nah, just an objective approach.

I'm not trying to fit an ideology's narrative.
Staples Inc. is supposedly one of Romney's 'accomplishments' right?

Someone ask Romney how much of Staple's business comes from the government.
You're some kind of dense. :thup:

Both sides of the argument have some validity, but you may be too brain-dead to realize it.

No, I'm sorry. Obama's argument has NO validity, but you are too obsessed with the illusion you aren't partisan to admit that.



Coming from a devout partisan that means a lot. :thup:

That is another thing liberals do when they are losing. Just make attacks.

Liberals are NEVER partisan. Just everyone else.


I haven't seen you ONCE call a liberal a partisan, or disagree with them.


But you aren't PARTISAN?????? :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:


I don't need to fool anyone, you do it to yourself. I didn't even say Romney was wrong, but the attacks still come.

Only partisans would be so belligerent. :thup:

My comments and observations are based upon your posts, not an individual post.

I dont care who you attack. Its the excuse making that causes me to mock you.

Shouldn't that one post be included in the list of all posts?

Excuse? Nah, just an objective approach.

I'm not trying to fit an ideology's narrative.

It takes a variety of posts to get a feel of where a poster is coming from.

How many more excuses do you plan on using?
Romney is an idiot. That is the most illogical statement I've seen in ages.

The ad is a lie, and the Romney camp knows it's a lie.

Dave Ramsey: Obama’s comments reveal he’s an ‘extreme left-wing liberal’, a political disaster for him » The Right Scoop - Ramsey says otherwise you idiot.

Nothing you said has anything to do with what I said. Stop doing that. Act like an adult for once in your useless existence.

And our standard for what is adult, comes from a paid DNC hack!


Of course he is Partisan you fucking idiot! It means he has set beliefs and is not a weak willed spineless jelly like you.


Coming from a devout mental midget that means a lot. :thup:

Your the retard that wants to act like they cant make up their mind and I am then mental midget?


I've made up my mind shit for brains.

I agree with some Conservative ideals, and some liberal ideals.

Take a break and think about it.
I'm not really a paulbot, that was just the name of the thread.

If you look at the results of my test you may be shocked to find that I actually sided with Romney 2% more than Obama, though both were in the 50% range.

That's because I see some value in both the left and the right's philosophies, because I'm not a partisan.


Accusations with no proof?

Par for the course with TPS. :thup:

Proof is right in this thread.

You only disagree with conservatives. You don't disagree with liberals.


My comments and observations are based upon your posts, not an individual post.

I dont care who you attack. Its the excuse making that causes me to mock you.

Shouldn't that one post be included in the list of all posts?

Excuse? Nah, just an objective approach.

I'm not trying to fit an ideology's narrative.

It takes a variety of posts to get a feel of where a poster is coming from.

How many more excuses do you plan on using?

I guess as long as you keep crying about it.
when someone starts a business in the middls of nowhere with no connecting roads for customers and delieveries they are sure to fail.

You cant succede in this country without infrastructure use.

its just plain fact
Shouldn't that one post be included in the list of all posts?

Excuse? Nah, just an objective approach.

I'm not trying to fit an ideology's narrative.

It takes a variety of posts to get a feel of where a poster is coming from.

How many more excuses do you plan on using?

I guess as long as you keep crying about it.

I am not crying, I am calling you out as a liar........

Quite easy to do...............

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