Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!


As pointed out earlier, all buisness have roads, bridges, police. Not to mention business owners and employees are all paying taxes FOR all those things.

If government provided services and infrastructure are responsible for a business' success, are they not also accountable for failures of business?

Sometimes. Such as when the Interstates put diners and motels out of business on places like Rt 66. In most cases, infrastructure creates opportunities for businesses, who know how to leverage, succeed.
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Of course it IS completely accurate, which is why even the left heard it that way at first, and actually tried to defend it that way for several days, until the talking-points memo came out and told them they were supposed to defend by claiming, "Out of context! Misunderstood!"
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.

There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)

The part in bold is basically my point.

Nobody does anything without help of some kind, which is Obama's point. But as Romney said, having those things doesn't promise a successful business either.

So they're both correct in a way.

Sorry, but that was NOT Obama's point, nor was it what he said. That's just the backpedal he put out for his supporters to run with.

And before you bore me with your "I'm not an Obama supporter!" defensiveness, I neither know nor give a shit if you are or if you're just extremely gullible and susceptible to liberal spin. Not my problem.
Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!

Doesn't have to be a Liberal to be taken out of context, remember, I'm not a partisan hack.

Just because you think you are not a hack does not prove you aren't.


Wow, please enlighten me on your beliefs about my beliefs. :thup:
You are setting a false bar. Yes Society, even Government builds Infrastructure. There is discovery, Invention, that we all benefit from. I thank God for it every day. Taking credit for things one had no part in, is a sham. Should we now bow to the Alter of Government in thanks for the Roads we paid for, Electricity, in door plumbing, Cable TV and the Internet? Society played a role, Government played a role, Individual Merit and ingenuity played a role.

There is Divine Inspiration, Vision, do you want to tax and take credit for these too??? I think that Government needs to stand more out of the way, and further, show cause, when it needs to intervene, while knowing it's limits. You have a problem with that? .... Good. You need to get checked. ;)

The part in bold is basically my point.

Nobody does anything without help of some kind, which is Obama's point. But as Romney said, having those things doesn't promise a successful business either.

So they're both correct in a way.

Sorry, but that was NOT Obama's point, nor was it what he said. That's just the backpedal he put out for his supporters to run with.

Yeah, even Toro, and he's voting for Romney...good call dipshit. :thup:

And before you bore me with your "I'm not an Obama supporter!" defensiveness, I neither know nor give a shit if you are or if you're just extremely gullible and susceptible to liberal spin. Not my problem.

^ That means something to someone, I guess.
Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit

What the fuck do you mean, "Prove it"? Are you really that frigging stupid and that far up Obama's ass that you actually need blindingly, painfully self-evident, logical facts "proven" if they DARE to contradict Obama's script?

Here, let me loan you my brain, since yours is obviously permanently out of commission.

Your new favorite mantra of "roads and bridges" are paid for how? By taxes. Business owners pay taxes, don't they? In fact, they pay quite a bit more in taxes than individuals do, considering that they are taxed in ways that individuals are not, at rates that individuals are not.

In addition, medium- to large-size businesses that are opening new facilities are often required to pay extra for infrastructure surrounding their site in order to accommodate their presence. An example would be a trucking company in my area that wanted to open a yard next to a train stop, because they did so much business that required picking up freight delivered by train. They had to pay to have the overpass on their street raised to accommodate tractor-trailers, and to have the road reinforced.
Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

because the republican party cant win if they tell the truth

Because liberals believe that somebody other than business owners created - and continues to create, because don't ever think that's a long-ago-finished job - our American system; someone other than business owners invests in roads and bridges; someone other than business owners pays for education. Because liberals believe that business owners just sit back on their cushy office chairs, profiting off of things someone else provided for them.

That backpedal ain't getting any traction, dumbass. Give it up.
Truthmatters, now you see why I dont argue with them, every argument comes back to

"Obama is Black, we dont want a Black Democrat as Prez"

"We know there is not a single reason for our position, we know it is entirely and completely about race, we just dont know why you dumb liberals cant figure that out"

My first choice was Herman Cain.
These Hands - YouTube

Romney also did something with four small business owners, and one of them put it best:

"If roads, bridges, and sidewalks were the reason my business is a success, then ALL Businesses would be a success, because they all have road, bridges, and sidewalks."

But that isn't the case. It's hard WORK and risk that makes a business a success.

Obama who hasn't had a real job in his LIFE, sits in judgement of those who do? And he's backed up by union thugs who have never worked in the private sector IN THEIR LIVES!

I love it! It's about time Romney got a clue about who Obama is and started fighting back!



Mr. Obama said you did not get there on your own...which is true.

Romney is low life scum sucking piece of Repuglican Shit.
This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfish. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

If you have a better canidate then fine, bring them on. Otherwise step the fuck away from the table. This is the United States of America.

The teen manager of a local 7/11 would be better suited to be President than Obama because at least the teen manager knows how to balance the till at night.

You have to be a adult to manage a convenience store.....I should know seeing as I am training to become one.....

I thank God I have my job too and I thank God for the man who built circle K and it wasn't the fucking government....
No person ever did all by their self. Roads are built with taxes. Bridges are built with taxes. You use those roads and bridges, then you are benefiting from the work done by others.
No person ever did all by their self. Roads are built with taxes. Bridges are built with taxes. You use those roads and bridges, then you are benefiting from the work done by others.

Yes, we know that, thanks for the information.

Anything else to contribute, or do you think your point is being denied?

I love irony, and no matter how you interpret President Obama's 'You didn't do that statement,' he obviously does not know the mechanics of modern day construction and development in the United States of America. There is a few ways 'that bridge or roadway' gets built. First of all, and most likely, the roadways will be built by private developers as a requirement of their approved development plans. It's a pay-to-play structure where if Joe Shmo wants to build 200 homes, he builds not only the roads through his development, but he also builds or improves the roads all around his development including widening, traffic signals, sidewalks, curb and gutter, traffic studies, turn lanes etc etc. All this because the government cannot see to it to pay their fair share of an expanding urban area, even though the municipality WILL have increased tax revenue as a result of Joe Shmo's development. Well keep in mind that is just roads. Joe Shmo (not the big-a gov't) ALSO builds the storm drains systems, the sewer facilities, the potable (and in many cases non-potable) water distribution system, the gas and electric infrastructure, and various environmental implementations. If you ask me, it is a miracle these developers have an appetite for development given these demands, but make no mistake - it is not government building these features, paying for them, or designing them. ALL PRIVATE INDUSTRY.

The other way a road or bridge gets built is by a public agency identifying the need, having it designed, and building it. All through that process, it is primarily private industry contracted with the government to make the design and then to build it. The paper-pushers at the public agency conduct oversight and make sure demands are met. In the end, the project lead by a public agency is funded by TAXES acquired from SUCCESSFUL business enterprises and individuals' incomes.

Clearly Mr. Obama is clueless as to how things are built in America!!! And as much as Barack Obama wants to say that you are I could not accomplish our dreams without big government paving the roadways, it is the exact opposite that is more and more true. Government would almost completely vanish without successful companies' taxes. Corporate taxes and income taxes ARE THE BACKBONE OF GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

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