Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!

It's an effective ad because it's true.

The bigger the government, the smaller the people. If you want that - vote for Obama.
they clipped up what he said and left parts out of the middle.

go listen its been shown to be absolute fact already

Actually, here is that part of the speech:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Somebody else made that happen? Who?

It sure as hell wasn't the Obama base of the lower 50% that pay no income tax.
No, it was taxpayers, especially business owners and their employees, who pay taxes to make all those things happen.

This whole speech is just an arguement to promote more taxation of sucessful businesses and the wealthy.
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

[ame=]President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube[/ame]

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!
It was taken out of context. You are taking it out of context.

However the overall message he was trying to get across pretty dumb to begin with, but the way he said it just takes the cake.

Then again it's my belief that this election is more of a reality show than it is anything resembling democracy. I think that both parties are TRYING to do stupid things like this so zombies can talk about what they want them to.

It's the political version of "The Real Housewives of Orange County" only it doesn't matter what sex you are... Everyone that buys into it is a "real" housewife.

I'm voting for Romney.


Because he's more competent and better understands how the economy works.

I see. If he wins I hope you're correct. The last MBA (and only MBA) to hold the office of POTUS was George W. Bush. Romney has already signaled he would cut regulations and taxes suggesting this is the panacea for all that is bad in the world. Bush did and the results have not been Utopian.

Romney has also pandered to the far right, neo conservatives element, which brought us the nation destroying and failed nation building in Iraq. Romney has promised to end "obamcare" on day one, how will he be able to do so is anyone's guess. He has made veiled threats to Iran yet has no foreign policy experience and suggested a trade war with China.

If Romney understands the economy so well, why does he act as if has no clue? He talks the talk (not as well as Obama) but Romney has yet to walk the walk. Obama has been quite successful in ending our Iraq Problem, making NATO do the dirty work in Lybia, keeping economic pressure on Iran and pushing the UN on Syria. What would Romney do (has he said anything) about Russia's support of Assad?

One final and critical issue is Romney's unwillingness to publish his taxes. Failing to do so is evident he is hiding something which he does not want the American voter to know.

As pointed out earlier, all buisness have roads, bridges, police. Not to mention business owners and employees are all paying taxes FOR all those things.

If government provided services and infrastructure are responsible for a business' success, are they not also accountable for failures of business?

Wrong (of course you need not feel offended, you simply parrot the words of the fringe)

All legal business would fail if there were none of the protections outlined. Think about it - well maybe those who can will.

As pointed out earlier, all buisness have roads, bridges, police. Not to mention business owners and employees are all paying taxes FOR all those things.

If government provided services and infrastructure are responsible for a business' success, are they not also accountable for failures of business?

Wrong (of course you need not feel offended, you simply parrot the words of the fringe)

All legal business would fail if there were none of the protections outlined. Think about it - well maybe those who can will.

Will you concede the point that those legal businesses who utilize all those protections also have paid and continue to pay to install them and keep them in place? Do you think some cosmic Santa Claus or a genie out of a bottle just miraculously caused all those protections to appear? And we should all be so enthralled with that so that we willingly and without reservation hand over even bigger chunks of our profits due to sheer gratitude that we are allowed to benefit from an infrastructure that we voted for and paid to have put into place?
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says the racist pig fuck who loves having the N word in his signature so he can say it over and over and over again

I know! it sucks that your hero LBJ not only was a racist but probably had Malcolm X and Martin Luther King assassinated too

what sucks is this board allows racist pig fucks like you

I should charge you tuition.

Your hero LBJ was the racist. As Senate Majority Leader he kept Ike Civil Rights Bill held up in the Senate to 7 Years! Ike proposed almost the exact bill passed by LBJ back in 1957!

LBJ set Civil Rights back 7 whole years
I know! it sucks that your hero LBJ not only was a racist but probably had Malcolm X and Martin Luther King assassinated too

what sucks is this board allows racist pig fucks like you

I should charge you tuition.

Your hero LBJ was the racist. As Senate Majority Leader he kept Ike Civil Rights Bill held up in the Senate to 7 Years! Ike proposed almost the exact bill passed by LBJ back in 1957!

LBJ set Civil Rights back 7 whole years

You are a clueless, racist, throwback and are soon going to die off thru evolution, the rest of the planet is disgusted with you...

this isnt me saying it, it is the rest of the planet


Because he's more competent and better understands how the economy works.

I see. If he wins I hope you're correct. The last MBA (and only MBA) to hold the office of POTUS was George W. Bush. Romney has already signaled he would cut regulations and taxes suggesting this is the panacea for all that is bad in the world. Bush did and the results have not been Utopian.

Romney has also pandered to the far right, neo conservatives element, which brought us the nation destroying and failed nation building in Iraq. Romney has promised to end "obamcare" on day one, how will he be able to do so is anyone's guess. He has made veiled threats to Iran yet has no foreign policy experience and suggested a trade war with China.

If Romney understands the economy so well, why does he act as if has no clue? He talks the talk (not as well as Obama) but Romney has yet to walk the walk. Obama has been quite successful in ending our Iraq Problem, making NATO do the dirty work in Lybia, keeping economic pressure on Iran and pushing the UN on Syria. What would Romney do (has he said anything) about Russia's support of Assad?

One final and critical issue is Romney's unwillingness to publish his taxes. Failing to do so is evident he is hiding something which he does not want the American voter to know.

I don't care about someone's taxes, just like I don't care about someone's college transcripts.

I have no problem with Obama's foreign policy. I think he's been decent, in fact. Not great, but decent, and certainly many times better than the past President. But this election is on the economy. And on that count, Obama has been very poor.

Obama and the Democrats are not to blame for this mess. And we will start to accelerate out of this mess around 2014 or so no matter who is President. However, I believe Obama's policies are impeding the recovery. Uncertainty, regulations and an anti-business environment are causing businesses, in part, to sit on their hands. That's not entirely his fault, or even mainly his fault, but he is contributing to it.

I also believe Obama is abdicating responsibility on the fiscal state of the nation. Bush and the Republicans are to blame too, but I see no leadership whatsoever from Obama and the Democrats. In fact, they are making it worse, with ACA, and offering no long-term plan whatsoever on the fiscal problems confronting this nation. In fact, they are demagoguing the issue, beating Republicans over the head on Medicare for short-term political gain. Medicare, Medicaid and the ACA are fiscal time bombs that threatens the health of the nation. Currently, federal government spending is 24% of the economy. With no reforms, it will rise to 37% by 2040, and total government spending will be above 50%. We will most likely not have to wait that long before some sort of fiscal or currency crisis hits America however. Obama and the Democrats offer no solutions.

Regulation has also been poor. I think we should have better regulation of the financial system, and I was originally in favor of Dodd-Frank, at least conceptually. But the more I have read about it, the worse I think it is.

So I'm looking to Romney almost by default. I'm not a big fan of Romney, and ideally, I wouldn't let anyone from Wall Street within the Beltway, let alone the White House. I supported Democrats pretty much across the board from 00 through 08, even when I didn't agree with them because Republicans were so bad. However, when I see how bad Obama has been, and how awful the Democrats have generally behaved, I don't think there is an option today. I'm not voting for a party. I'm voting for a man. Romney is wooden and doesn't connect well, but he is a brilliant technocrat and manager. I've met many people who worked for him at Bain and they all say the same thing - extremely smart and competent. Obama is extremely smart but he isn't competent. He never ran anything in his life, and it shows.

So when I look at the options in the following light:

The election is about the economy. I have a choice between two candidates

1.) An enormously successful businessman, who turned around multiple businesses and the Olympics, and who understands what businesses need to grow and hence add jobs, or

2.) A President who has been poor on the economy, whose background was as a legal academic and community organizer

To me, there is no choice.

The argument that Romney isn't qualified because he loaded companies up debt that went bankrupt is nonsense. First, most of Romney's businesses were very successful. Under his tenure, Bain invested in 270 companies, 12 went bankrupt while 190 improved profitability. Second, even if you believe the charges, he still understands business and the economy better than a constitutional academic and community organizer.

So it's Romney.
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They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

[ame=]President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube[/ame]

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!

Too bad MSNBC can't fill in context as much as they take it out.
The argument that Romney isn't qualified because he loaded companies up debt that went bankrupt is nonsense. First, most of Romney's businesses were very successful. Under his tenure, Bain invested in 270 companies, 12 went bankrupt while 190 improved profitability. Second, even if you believe the charges, he still understands business and the economy better than a constitutional academic and community organizer.

So it's Romney.

Of those 270 there are hundreds, probably over a thousand companies they decided not to touch. That is the beauty of investing, you get to pick and choose your companies. President of the United States doesn't get to choose not to invest in anyone. One way or another he has to invest in all of us, even those single mothers.

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