Romney puts out new ad slamming Obama's "You didn't build that!" It's great!

Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit

Keep explaining,justifying away. His comment was a slap in the face to small business owners and entrepreneurs everywhere. Obama Adminsitration put US Small Business at the end of the line when he took office in 2008. Government First, Unions, Big Business Cronies, are the only one that benefited from the Obama Economy.
Republicans pouncing on Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark -

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help,” Obama said. “There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

prove the business owners built the roads and bridges you lying sacks of shit

Keep explaining,justifying away. His comment was a slap in the face to small business owners and entrepreneurs everywhere. Obama Adminsitration put US Small Business at the end of the line when he took office in 2008. Government First, Unions, Big Business Cronies, are the only one that benefited from the Obama Economy.

bigots and liars like you are a breed that is going to die off due to evolution, enjoy the ride while it lasts
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

Yes, and it doesnt matter to bigots and racists and liars and scum, like every single righty on this board and elsewhere, what the truth is, never has, never will.

This is the war they want, they are mad as hell that Black people were freed as a result of the Civil War and they wanna fight it over again

Dear Business Owners,

With all due respect, I think it's time we came clean. They have found us out. We've been exposed. President Obama has let the cat out of the bag. We have to fess up, and we have to fess up now.

Okay, I hate to do it, but here it is. How to become a successful business owner in America. Damn, I hate to admit this:

1. Be white, familiarize yourself with The Secret White Guy Handshake™.

2. Get your business license and establish your business entity (LLC, C, S, Corp, Partnership, whatever).

3. Drink a lot of beer for about two weeks, waiting for the mail.

4. Stagger out to the mailbox, open up the mail marked "FOR BUSINESS OWNER ONLY"

5. You will have a check for seven million dollars ($7,000,000). Deposit it. You're rich.

6. Go to your office, sit there, watch TV, drink more beer. Don't worry about taking loans against your house, or buying food off a credit card, worrying about meeting payroll, dealing with horrific employees, or working 90-hours weeks. Fuck that, seriously. That's all a myth.

7. When there is a knock on the door, answer it. There will be about a dozen employees. The government knows how incompetent you are, so these are the people who are going to build your business from the ground up and keep it going for you, you loser.

8. Keep just keep your shit together enough to pay them every couple of weeks. Remember, they're the ones building the business, not you. You're fuckin' lucky to be there. Remember, you drove on a road to get to the office.

9. Continue for about ten years, sell the business for $8 billion, retire.

Okay, that's it. I did it. What's done is done. The secret to success.

The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

Yes, and it doesnt matter to bigots and racists and liars and scum, like every single righty on this board and elsewhere, what the truth is, never has, never will.

This is the war they want, they are mad as hell that Black people were freed as a result of the Civil War and they wanna fight it over again

I really do have better things to do then get into typing combat for a third presidental election but seriously? WTF!!!
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfishin. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

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Dear Business Owners,

With all due respect, I think it's time we came clean. They have found us out. We've been exposed. President Obama has let the cat out of the bag. We have to fess up, and we have to fess up now.

Okay, I hate to do it, but here it is. How to become a successful business owner in America. Damn, I hate to admit this:

1. Be white, familiarize yourself with The Secret White Guy Handshake™.

2. Get your business license and establish your business entity (LLC, C, S, Corp, Partnership, whatever).

3. Drink a lot of beer for about two weeks, waiting for the mail.

4. Stagger out to the mailbox, open up the mail marked "FOR BUSINESS OWNER ONLY"

5. You will have a check for seven million dollars ($7,000,000). Deposit it. You're rich.

6. Go to your office, sit there, watch TV, drink more beer. Don't worry about taking loans against your house, or buying food off a credit card, worrying about meeting payroll, dealing with horrific employees, or working 90-hours weeks. Fuck that, seriously. That's all a myth.

7. When there is a knock on the door, answer it. There will be about a dozen employees. The government knows how incompetent you are, so these are the people who are going to build your business from the ground up and keep it going for you, you loser.

8. Keep just keep your shit together enough to pay them every couple of weeks. Remember, they're the ones building the business, not you. You're fuckin' lucky to be there. Remember, you drove on a road to get to the office.

9. Continue for about ten years, sell the business for $8 billion, retire.

Okay, that's it. I did it. What's done is done. The secret to success.


Forgot one....

10. Donate large amounts to candidates backed by the DNC, since they made it all happen for you.
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfish. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

here is the official reply from the left:

Stop being mean!! You are a racist! Where are Mitt's tax returns??

The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfish. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

here is the official reply from the left:

Stop being mean!! You are a racist! Where are Mitt's tax returns??

shut up racist, ask me for permission before you start your racist and bigoted shit...from now on...:eusa_clap:
All that says is Congress wanted this railroad too and passed laws to allow GRANTS OF LAND.

It does not say they BUILT IT!

A business needs land and/or zoning to build a business? YOU DON'T SAY!

That hardly means government did it for them. That's called a business working WITHIN THE LAW!


Who pays for roads and bridges being built and maintained?

Who pays for public education?

Who pays for the defense of this country?

Who pays for law enforcement, the criminal justice system, the prison system?

Excellent point.

The government pays for it all.

Where does the government get the money?

From the taxpayers.

Who are the taxpayers?

Businesses and their employees because the benefit sucking poor don't pay any taxes.

Okay, so you agree that the government DOES help business in very important ways, and that anyone who says otherwise is full of shit.

Well, you've made progress today.
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfish. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

Screw this! I want to see some tax returns!
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfish. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

If you have a better canidate then fine, bring them on. Otherwise step the fuck away from the table. This is the United States of America.
Credit? No, but to pretend that it didn't pave the way for is kinda stupid.

Who's pretending it didn't pave the way for it? Our founders didn't like the oppressive government they were living under so they created something better. Trying to give any credit to an entity that's oppressive, harmful, obstructionist, whatever if just stupid. That would be a motivation. It's not like England's government was oppressive for the sole purpose of trying to get some of it's people to rebel against them.

Sometimes I think our government is oppressive for EXACTLY that reason...
amazing, these terrorist rightwing scum are still lying about what the prez said

fuck it, i have tried to keep my friends from going to war with you, i wont try and stop them anymore
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Like you just did?

I am still waiting for somebody, anyone, to show me how putting this into context makes it better. Why don't you prove you smart you are and show me the context?
They're both right really, and of course the context of Obama's statement that's being used isn't completely accurate.

Only the partisans will take one side on this issue. :thup:

Oh you are full of it!

Every time a liberal's comments blow up in his face, the common refrain is "he was taken out of context."

What's out of context?

We heard exactly what Obama said.

[ame=""]President Obama: If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen - YouTube[/ame]

There isn't ANYTHING being taken out of context. Go push that BS somewhere else!

Doesn't have to be a Liberal to be taken out of context, remember, I'm not a partisan hack.

Just because you think you are not a hack does not prove you aren't.
The issue with the clip in the ad is that they took out the subject that 'that' was referring to. "That, you didn't build that." That was referring to the country's infrastructure. Obama started another sentence and then continued with the previous one he started. By taking the first part of the sentence out it is an intentionally misleading clip. I'll call it a lie since I don't think the ad team have any doubt about the intent of the message. Bush's team use to leave that crap to Swift Boaters. I guess Romney's team will be handling all the lying personally.

This is a fucking insult. It was meant to be an insult. It was an insult to lay a smackdown by the President against business owners.

You cannot crawfish out of this for him. Read the words carefully. Stop crawfish. He meant it. He just didn't expect the blowback.

And by the way, that fake First Nations Warren espouses the same philosophy.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” Obama said. “I’m always struck by people who think it must be because I was so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there.”

Another common thought is that “it must be because I worked harder than everybody else,” Obama said.

“If you have a business, you didn’t build that, somebody else made that happen.

If you have a better canidate then fine, bring them on. Otherwise step the fuck away from the table. This is the United States of America.

The teen manager of a local 7/11 would be better suited to be President than Obama because at least the teen manager knows how to balance the till at night.

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