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Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy 'failure'


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
3 days ago
Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy 'failure'

Posted by
CNN Political Unit

(CNN) - Mitt Romney is blaming President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the crisis in Ukraine as well as other foreign policy challenges across the globe.

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, the former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee says a "failure" by the President and former secretary of state to lead when they had the chance has led to the current situation.

Romney's op-ed comes on the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia after the autonomous region of Ukraine voted overwhelming this past weekend to join Russia. The United States, the European Union, and Ukraine did not recognize the results of the referendum.

"From Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Egypt, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, America apparently has no good options. If possession is nine-tenths of the law, Russia owns Crimea and all we can do is sanction and disinvite-and wring our hands," Romney wrote.

And Romney placed the blame on Obama and Clinton, who if she runs for the White House in 2016 would instantly become the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nomination.

"President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton traveled the world in pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. Their failure has been painfully evident: It is hard to name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office, and now Russia is in Ukraine. Part of their failure, I submit, is due to their failure to act when action was possible, and needed," Romney wrote.

Romney was derided for saying during the 2012 election that Russia was a major political foe of the U.S. In a March 2012 interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room," Romney said that Russia "without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They - they fight every cause for the world's worst actors."

But as the situation in Ukraine, and especially Crimea, unraveled over the past month, many conservative commentators criticized the President and touted Romney's prescience.

Romney closed his op-ed by adding that there was still a chance for American diplomacy, saying that a "chastened president and Secretary of State Kerry, a year into his job, can yet succeed, and for the country’s sake, must succeed. Timing is of the essence."

Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy ?failure? ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

How many here feel really stupid for voting for Obama now?
3 days ago
Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy 'failure'

Posted by
CNN Political Unit

(CNN) - Mitt Romney is blaming President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the crisis in Ukraine as well as other foreign policy challenges across the globe.

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, the former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee says a "failure" by the President and former secretary of state to lead when they had the chance has led to the current situation.

Romney's op-ed comes on the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia after the autonomous region of Ukraine voted overwhelming this past weekend to join Russia. The United States, the European Union, and Ukraine did not recognize the results of the referendum.

"From Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Egypt, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, America apparently has no good options. If possession is nine-tenths of the law, Russia owns Crimea and all we can do is sanction and disinvite-and wring our hands," Romney wrote.

And Romney placed the blame on Obama and Clinton, who if she runs for the White House in 2016 would instantly become the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nomination.

"President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton traveled the world in pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. Their failure has been painfully evident: It is hard to name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office, and now Russia is in Ukraine. Part of their failure, I submit, is due to their failure to act when action was possible, and needed," Romney wrote.

Romney was derided for saying during the 2012 election that Russia was a major political foe of the U.S. In a March 2012 interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room," Romney said that Russia "without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They - they fight every cause for the world's worst actors."

But as the situation in Ukraine, and especially Crimea, unraveled over the past month, many conservative commentators criticized the President and touted Romney's prescience.

Romney closed his op-ed by adding that there was still a chance for American diplomacy, saying that a "chastened president and Secretary of State Kerry, a year into his job, can yet succeed, and for the country’s sake, must succeed. Timing is of the essence."

Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy ?failure? ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

How many here feel really stupid for voting for Obama now?

On the topic of War?!?!? This post has to be a joke...

The Military Industrial Complex is peaking today. They are buying media and people to believe that we should get involved in EVERYTHING around the globe. Our Country is out of control but the small brains don't understand that WAR costs money, (and lives).

Why are Right Wingers so hell bent on going to war? They started Iraq and Afghanistan. Since Obama became president they judged him for not going to war with Iran, Libya, Syria and now Crimea. And there were even warnings that the Military Industrial Complex planned war with most of these Countries and no one batted an eye
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE]The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) - YouTube[/ame]

Romney/Ryan wanted war with Iran because they had nukes like Iraq had WMD's. No proof, but whatever. They were Patriots (R)ight? Romney stated he wouldn't need Congress approval to go to war with Iran;
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lEsB8p8zc0]Mitt Romney Says He Could Wage War on Iran Without Congress' Approval - YouTube[/ame]

Then he told Fox News he's basically ready to start WWIII
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3HBKs5gVjE]O'Reilly On Bombing Iran - YouTube[/ame]

Then Paul Ryan told Biden that we can't pull out of Afghanistan because of "war season".....and we wonder why he lost the debate. I'm not alone when I say war doesn't have a season......

To answer the OP no, I don't regret voting Obama over Romney. Everything wrong with America is what Romney is. Profit over humanity.
Our nation should just stick to dealing drugs, a popular political move to destabilize economies since 1847...
Well there's a big hiccup with Romney's theory that this issue in Ukraine is just a "foreign policy failure". It's far more than that.

And I hope you'll hear me out. I come from a generation who believed we were the good guys. Bad guys well the bad guys were whoever my good guys told me were bad. My faith of course was shaken over Vietnam but not forever.

I believed in our intervention in Kosovo. I believed in our intervention in Afghanistan. Hell's bells I was a cheerleader on that one because I had been a champion for Afghan women since the mid 90's so I had pom poms flying on that one, I believed in Iraq for years.

Now I don't know what caused me to have an epiphany; to spin my head and heart around but I have finally come to understand that almost every nation we interfere in and even with all the best intentions, we screw up.

This is bipartisan baby. I can slag both sides. Iraq is now considering a law to allow "women as young as 8" to marry. Oh yeah baby. We brought "democracy" to the Middle East. It takes a vote now.

Afghanistan still has the dancing boys and we are currently negotiating with the Taliban at their embassy in Qatar. That makes me want to bazooka barf.

Egypt is where I did a primordial scream going "OMG our leaders are pro Muslim Brotherhood WTF???
Thank heavens the Egyptians turfed our hand picked hard line maniac Morsi. And even after Morsi had nominated the terrorist who masterminded the Luxor massacre for a mega government position (at least not tourism minister) our government still freaking backed these whack jobs called the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hell's bells Obama even sent over McCain and Graham to still attempt to interfere when a true uprising was held to throw out the man we put in power.

Libya is a complete dogs breakfast. Foreign policy. No. Our complete lack of understanding of the middle east. One more time bi partisan. I'm slagging both sides. Like come on. Terrorists and militias were in like flint after we removed Gaddafi.

Errrrrrrrrrr rebels who wanted democracy oh and our tax dollars. :lol: Arab spring. Kiss my ass. The place is completely lawless run by about 8 to 10 militias now.

We're not on a winning streak here. Can you tell?

Then Syria. Holy toledo our maniacs in Washington, Ottawa and London didn't just want to chalk up all their other failures. They were hell bent for leather to now bomb Syria to help the paid foreing mercenaries and the al Qaeda affilliates eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels for democracy until these Islamic Jihadists were busted for what they were.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we were backing the bad guys and this is the operative word "again".

Fast forward Ukraine. We are now backing a coup of epic proportions with really vicious anti jew uber nationalists at the helm.

How many times are we going to screw up here?

Unfreakingmothertruckingunreal. Yeah I know I pulled a Palin and just made up a word. But it fits OK?

So it really isn't foreign policy. That really doesn't fit. It's like we are Gladys Kravitz on steroids not able to keep our nose out of everyone elses business.

And our leaders and our governments appear addicted to interfering in other countries.

That is not "foreign policy".

And a quick aside. I don't know about you. But I elected my government, my conservative btw government to govern my country. Not to help govern the world.

I want them to fix pot holes here. Not carpet bomb a foreign land. I want them to do the job I elected them to do. Not to save the planet.

And I truly hope and pray that our leaders be they left or right start getting the message.
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Well there's a big hiccup with Romney's theory that this issue in Ukraine is just a "foreign policy failure". It's far more than that.

And I hope you'll hear me out. I come from a generation who believed we were the good guys. Bad guys well the bad guys were whoever my good guys told me were bad. My faith of course was shaken over Vietnam but not forever.

I believed in our intervention in Kosovo. I believed in our intervention in Afghanistan. Hell's bells I was a cheerleader on that one because I had been a champion for Afghan women since the mid 90's so I had pom poms flying on that one, I believed in Iraq for years.

Now I don't know what caused me to have an epiphany; to spin my head and heart around but I have finally come to understand that almost every nation we interfere in and even with all the best intentions, we screw up.

This is bipartisan baby. I can slag both sides. Iraq is now considering a law to allow "women as young as 8" to marry. Oh yeah baby. We brought "democracy" to the Middle East. It takes a vote now.

Afghanistan still has the dancing boys and we are currently negotiating with the Taliban at their embassy in Qatar. That makes me want to bazooka barf.

Egypt is where I did a primordial scream going "OMG our leaders are pro Muslim Brotherhood WTF???
Thank heavens the Egyptians turfed our hand picked hard line maniac Morsi. And even after Morsi had nominated the terrorist who masterminded the Luxor massacre for a mega government position (at least not tourism minister) our government still freaking backed these whack jobs called the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hell's bells Obama even sent over McCain and Graham to still attempt to interfere when a true uprising was held to throw out the man we put in power.

Libya is a complete dogs breakfast. Foreign policy. No. Our complete lack of understanding of the middle east. One more time bi partisan. I'm slagging both sides. Like come on. Terrorists and militias were in like flint after we removed Gaddafi.

Errrrrrrrrrr rebels who wanted democracy oh and our tax dollars. :lol: Arab spring. Kiss my ass. The place is completely lawless run by about 8 to 10 militias now.

We're not on a winning streak here. Can you tell?

Then Syria. Holy toledo our maniacs in Washington, Ottawa and London didn't just want to chalk up all their other failures. They were hell bent for leather to now bomb Syria to help the paid foreing mercenaries and the al Qaeda affilliates eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels for democracy until these Islamic Jihadists were busted for what they were.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we were backing the bad guys and this is the operative word "again".

Fast forward Ukraine. We are now backing a coup of epic proportions with really vicious anti jew uber nationalists at the helm.

How many times are we going to screw up here?

Unfreakingmothertruckingunreal. Yeah I know I pulled a Palin and just made up a word. But it fits OK?

So it really isn't foreign policy. That really doesn't fit. It's like we are Gladys Kravitz on steroids not able to keep our nose out of everyone elses business.

And our leaders and our governments appear addicted to interfering in other countries.

That is not "foreign policy".

Snd a quick aside. I don't know about you. But I elected my government, my conservative btw government to govern my country. Not to help govern the world.

I want them to fix pot holes here. Not carpet bomb a foreign land. I want them to do the job I elected them to do. Not to save the planet.

And I truly hope and pray that our leaders be they left or right start getting the message.

Have to save some of the enemy for the industrial complex in a future war...
Romney would not have been able to stop what Russia did either.....

Actually he would have failed with more balls than Obama had. That's a fact.

I guess you think that balls has something to do with politics or your obsessed with testates.

Actually, I'm not the one with a fictional character waving his ass around for all to see in his avatar. And yes, politics should require balls and a spine, of which Obama lacks.
Actually he would have failed with more balls than Obama had. That's a fact.

I guess you think that balls has something to do with politics or your obsessed with testates.

Actually, I'm not the one with a fictional character waving his ass around for all to see in his avatar. And yes, politics should require balls and a spine, of which Obama lacks.

No balls are needed since most US presidents have hit middle age and the testosterone production has decreased to levels where ball touching, ball gags and balls of fire have diminished....
Well there's a big hiccup with Romney's theory that this issue in Ukraine is just a "foreign policy failure". It's far more than that.

And I hope you'll hear me out. I come from a generation who believed we were the good guys. Bad guys well the bad guys were whoever my good guys told me were bad. My faith of course was shaken over Vietnam but not forever.

I believed in our intervention in Kosovo. I believed in our intervention in Afghanistan. Hell's bells I was a cheerleader on that one because I had been a champion for Afghan women since the mid 90's so I had pom poms flying on that one, I believed in Iraq for years.

Now I don't know what caused me to have an epiphany; to spin my head and heart around but I have finally come to understand that almost every nation we interfere in and even with all the best intentions, we screw up.

This is bipartisan baby. I can slag both sides. Iraq is now considering a law to allow "women as young as 8" to marry. Oh yeah baby. We brought "democracy" to the Middle East. It takes a vote now.

Afghanistan still has the dancing boys and we are currently negotiating with the Taliban at their embassy in Qatar. That makes me want to bazooka barf.

Egypt is where I did a primordial scream going "OMG our leaders are pro Muslim Brotherhood WTF???
Thank heavens the Egyptians turfed our hand picked hard line maniac Morsi. And even after Morsi had nominated the terrorist who masterminded the Luxor massacre for a mega government position (at least not tourism minister) our government still freaking backed these whack jobs called the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hell's bells Obama even sent over McCain and Graham to still attempt to interfere when a true uprising was held to throw out the man we put in power.

Libya is a complete dogs breakfast. Foreign policy. No. Our complete lack of understanding of the middle east. One more time bi partisan. I'm slagging both sides. Like come on. Terrorists and militias were in like flint after we removed Gaddafi.

Errrrrrrrrrr rebels who wanted democracy oh and our tax dollars. :lol: Arab spring. Kiss my ass. The place is completely lawless run by about 8 to 10 militias now.

We're not on a winning streak here. Can you tell?

Then Syria. Holy toledo our maniacs in Washington, Ottawa and London didn't just want to chalk up all their other failures. They were hell bent for leather to now bomb Syria to help the paid foreing mercenaries and the al Qaeda affilliates eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels for democracy until these Islamic Jihadists were busted for what they were.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we were backing the bad guys and this is the operative word "again".

Fast forward Ukraine. We are now backing a coup of epic proportions with really vicious anti jew uber nationalists at the helm.

How many times are we going to screw up here?

Unfreakingmothertruckingunreal. Yeah I know I pulled a Palin and just made up a word. But it fits OK?

So it really isn't foreign policy. That really doesn't fit. It's like we are Gladys Kravitz on steroids not able to keep our nose out of everyone elses business.

And our leaders and our governments appear addicted to interfering in other countries.

That is not "foreign policy".

Snd a quick aside. I don't know about you. But I elected my government, my conservative btw government to govern my country. Not to help govern the world.

I want them to fix pot holes here. Not carpet bomb a foreign land. I want them to do the job I elected them to do. Not to save the planet.

And I truly hope and pray that our leaders be they left or right start getting the message.

Have to save some of the enemy for the industrial complex in a future war...

If you had said that to me a decade ago I would have thought you crazy. Fast forward.
Makes sense to me. Sheesh.
Well there's a big hiccup with Romney's theory that this issue in Ukraine is just a "foreign policy failure". It's far more than that.

And I hope you'll hear me out. I come from a generation who believed we were the good guys. Bad guys well the bad guys were whoever my good guys told me were bad. My faith of course was shaken over Vietnam but not forever.

I believed in our intervention in Kosovo. I believed in our intervention in Afghanistan. Hell's bells I was a cheerleader on that one because I had been a champion for Afghan women since the mid 90's so I had pom poms flying on that one, I believed in Iraq for years.

Now I don't know what caused me to have an epiphany; to spin my head and heart around but I have finally come to understand that almost every nation we interfere in and even with all the best intentions, we screw up.

This is bipartisan baby. I can slag both sides. Iraq is now considering a law to allow "women as young as 8" to marry. Oh yeah baby. We brought "democracy" to the Middle East. It takes a vote now.

Afghanistan still has the dancing boys and we are currently negotiating with the Taliban at their embassy in Qatar. That makes me want to bazooka barf.

Egypt is where I did a primordial scream going "OMG our leaders are pro Muslim Brotherhood WTF???
Thank heavens the Egyptians turfed our hand picked hard line maniac Morsi. And even after Morsi had nominated the terrorist who masterminded the Luxor massacre for a mega government position (at least not tourism minister) our government still freaking backed these whack jobs called the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hell's bells Obama even sent over McCain and Graham to still attempt to interfere when a true uprising was held to throw out the man we put in power.

Libya is a complete dogs breakfast. Foreign policy. No. Our complete lack of understanding of the middle east. One more time bi partisan. I'm slagging both sides. Like come on. Terrorists and militias were in like flint after we removed Gaddafi.

Errrrrrrrrrr rebels who wanted democracy oh and our tax dollars. :lol: Arab spring. Kiss my ass. The place is completely lawless run by about 8 to 10 militias now.

We're not on a winning streak here. Can you tell?

Then Syria. Holy toledo our maniacs in Washington, Ottawa and London didn't just want to chalk up all their other failures. They were hell bent for leather to now bomb Syria to help the paid foreing mercenaries and the al Qaeda affilliates eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels for democracy until these Islamic Jihadists were busted for what they were.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, we were backing the bad guys and this is the operative word "again".

Fast forward Ukraine. We are now backing a coup of epic proportions with really vicious anti jew uber nationalists at the helm.

How many times are we going to screw up here?

Unfreakingmothertruckingunreal. Yeah I know I pulled a Palin and just made up a word. But it fits OK?

So it really isn't foreign policy. That really doesn't fit. It's like we are Gladys Kravitz on steroids not able to keep our nose out of everyone elses business.

And our leaders and our governments appear addicted to interfering in other countries.

That is not "foreign policy".

And a quick aside. I don't know about you. But I elected my government, my conservative btw government to govern my country. Not to help govern the world.

I want them to fix pot holes here. Not carpet bomb a foreign land. I want them to do the job I elected them to do. Not to save the planet.

And I truly hope and pray that our leaders be they left or right start getting the message.

Well stated.


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