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Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy 'failure'

What do we know of Romney's backbone,

Romney was very nice to Obama,

Romney was not critical of Obama.

Romney was unwilling to do what it took to beat Obama

Romney ignored the Conservatives, hence the Foreign policy that expands our influence, our strength, our freedom.

Obama surrounds himself with Marxists, Obama comes from a family that were Marxist, Obama's friend Bill Ayers was a Marxist, Romney never confronted Obama about his Marxism.

Romney had no passion as far as I can see.

So what would Romney do when Putin the Marxist takes Crimea, smile I guess.
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3 days ago
Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy 'failure'

Posted by
CNN Political Unit

(CNN) - Mitt Romney is blaming President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the crisis in Ukraine as well as other foreign policy challenges across the globe.

In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, the former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee says a "failure" by the President and former secretary of state to lead when they had the chance has led to the current situation.

Romney's op-ed comes on the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia after the autonomous region of Ukraine voted overwhelming this past weekend to join Russia. The United States, the European Union, and Ukraine did not recognize the results of the referendum.

"From Crimea to North Korea, from Syria to Egypt, and from Iraq to Afghanistan, America apparently has no good options. If possession is nine-tenths of the law, Russia owns Crimea and all we can do is sanction and disinvite-and wring our hands," Romney wrote.

And Romney placed the blame on Obama and Clinton, who if she runs for the White House in 2016 would instantly become the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nomination.

"President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton traveled the world in pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. Their failure has been painfully evident: It is hard to name even a single country that has more respect and admiration for America today than when President Obama took office, and now Russia is in Ukraine. Part of their failure, I submit, is due to their failure to act when action was possible, and needed," Romney wrote.

Romney was derided for saying during the 2012 election that Russia was a major political foe of the U.S. In a March 2012 interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room," Romney said that Russia "without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They - they fight every cause for the world's worst actors."

But as the situation in Ukraine, and especially Crimea, unraveled over the past month, many conservative commentators criticized the President and touted Romney's prescience.

Romney closed his op-ed by adding that there was still a chance for American diplomacy, saying that a "chastened president and Secretary of State Kerry, a year into his job, can yet succeed, and for the country’s sake, must succeed. Timing is of the essence."

Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy ?failure? ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

How many here feel really stupid for voting for Obama now?

On the topic of War?!?!? This post has to be a joke...

The Military Industrial Complex is peaking today. They are buying media and people to believe that we should get involved in EVERYTHING around the globe. Our Country is out of control but the small brains don't understand that WAR costs money, (and lives).

Why are Right Wingers so hell bent on going to war? They started Iraq and Afghanistan. Since Obama became president they judged him for not going to war with Iran, Libya, Syria and now Crimea. And there were even warnings that the Military Industrial Complex planned war with most of these Countries and no one batted an eye
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE]The Plan -- according to U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) - YouTube[/ame]

Romney/Ryan wanted war with Iran because they had nukes like Iraq had WMD's. No proof, but whatever. They were Patriots (R)ight? Romney stated he wouldn't need Congress approval to go to war with Iran;
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lEsB8p8zc0]Mitt Romney Says He Could Wage War on Iran Without Congress' Approval - YouTube[/ame]

Then he told Fox News he's basically ready to start WWIII
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3HBKs5gVjE]O'Reilly On Bombing Iran - YouTube[/ame]

Then Paul Ryan told Biden that we can't pull out of Afghanistan because of "war season".....and we wonder why he lost the debate. I'm not alone when I say war doesn't have a season......

To answer the OP no, I don't regret voting Obama over Romney. Everything wrong with America is what Romney is. Profit over humanity.

I kinda feel sorry for you.

You are very passionate about this one thing. Mmmm, aging 1970's radical.

Yeah. Born too late to be a 60's radical. You missed having a real go at radical Peace and Love and Haight-Ashbury and Bill Ayers kind of stuff, And it's driving you to become even more committed to the cause!

Or maybe a young headfullofmush with OCD.

Or maybe none of the above, but no matter.

Rather than waste, er, spend my time bringing you evidence that you are wrong, which you won't read or watch anyway (it takes A LOT of refusing to drink the water to make a horse like you so blindered to the assault Obama is executing on America and Americans), I'll just comment on your style.

Liberals LOVE it when you think they have style.

Especially those who sport Val Kilmer avatars.

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What do we know of Romney's backbone,

Romney was very nice to Obama,

Romney was not critical of Obama.

Romney was unwilling to do what it took to beat Obama

Romney ignored the Conservatives, hence the Foreign policy that expands our influence, our strength, our freedom.

Obama surrounds himself with Marxists, Obama comes from a family that were Marxist, Obama's friend Bill Ayers was a Marxist, Romney never confronted Obama about his Marxism.

Romney had no passion as far as I can see.

So what would Romney do when Putin the Marxist takes Crimea, smile I guess.

Romney's advisors cautioned him about being too contentious with Obama for fear of alienating those who STILL think Whites must be pandering or solicitous of Blacks.

Which, by the way, is the same attitude the media has.

You have to suck Obama ass or else be thought racist or uncool.

That same attitude is what's wrong with the old guard GOP.

Mitt Romney is damned if he did and damned cause he didn't.

He's falsely painted as a cold, uncaring and heartless 1% er a "Simon Legree" kind of guy (In Uncle Tom's cabin - he is a cruel slave owner—a Northerner by birth—whose name has become synonymous with greed.)

And at the other extreme he's falsely labeled as a holier than thou, "Milquetoast." (An American English dysphemism for a weak, timid, or bland person.)

Both depictions are stereotypical caricatures that are as offensive and mean spirited as characterizing a Black person as lazy and 'shifless.'

And that's the shame.

If his advisers had just gone all out to dispel the faulty notions about Mitt instead of cautioning him about trying to avoid being "White" (no matter what Romney did he was always going to be the White guy who ran against the first Black POTUS, so why try to avoid the unavoidable...bah, his media advisers were too media driven and less attuned to what makes America great and how IN TUNE Mitt is with that) he might have had a better go of it.


Have you watched the Netflix film, "MITT"?

That would have won him the election had it been available during the 2012 campaign.

He is a STUD.

America's best.

And we will NOT see his likes again running for the Presidency in a loooooooong time, if ever.

You couldn't have found a better prepared candidate to handle the problems we faced.

By the way, did you ever hear of the story of the time Mitt shut down his entire office to help mobilize those 100 or so employees to help look for an associate's daughter who went missing on a trip to NYC?

Yeah, they found her, too. Another day or two and she'd have died, IIRC.

And do you know what the prognosis was for the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics before Mitt took it over?

It was WORSE than the USA's condition in 2008 when Barry took office.

And Mitt turned it around.

You don't get to that level of business responsibility without being tough and hard nosed.

But Mitt is that AND a kind, devout, sincerely caring guy.

And you guys voted for Obama.

Instead of worrying about what Blacks think of you (Please tell me what Black person now loves Whites because you re-elected Obama? NONE!) you should have been worrying about this country!

If you were the H.R. person at a huge company called, The United States of America, and with all the problems we had and have, you would NOT pick Obama to be the CEO overa guy like Mitt.

They don't compare.

And it's not close.

Mitt was qualified.

Obama wasn't. And isn't.

Mitt was like the world's leading cardiac surgeon when America needed a risky bypass operation.

But we chose the guy who worked in the Hospital's Outreach Department to cut on US.

America is in piss poor condition and you think Mitt's too nice to go eyeball to eyeball with Putin?

And the Val Kilmer fan thinks he's too much a war monger.

And you are both wrong as can be.

But it doesn't matter now that his family has stated they don't want to go through one more campaign like 2012.


America blew it.
...And we care what private citizen and LOSER Romney says because...

I could never put my finger on it before but there was always something about you that I didn't trust. Well, now I'm getting a better idea of why I felt that way.

That comment says much more about you than it does him.
I guess you think that balls has something to do with politics or your obsessed with testates.

Actually, I'm not the one with a fictional character waving his ass around for all to see in his avatar. And yes, politics should require balls and a spine, of which Obama lacks.

No balls are needed since most US presidents have hit middle age and the testosterone production has decreased to levels where ball touching, ball gags and balls of fire have diminished....

Slick Willie being the exception, of course.
Lol Romney was right about Russia.

Fixed that for you.


Romney would not have been able to stop what Russia did either.....

Actually he would have failed with more balls than Obama had. That's a fact.

You ever been in a fight?

You don't know how an adversary will react unless and until you stand up to them and are ready to go.

Shit, haven't you kids learned anything from Reagan?

Or the schoolyard???

Or poker???

Or buying a car???

And to the real America haters among us, haven't you learned from Saddam Hussein?

He bluffed but he miscalculated.
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