Romney Surges Ahead In Clarus Research Group Poll


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2012
They took polls before the debate and after the debate. The question they ask is:

"I'd like to ask you about the upcoming presidential election. Of the two candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, which one would you most likely vote for if the election were held today?"

Before debate:

Obama: 49%
Romney: 45%
Unsure/Refused: 6%

After debate:

Romney: 47%
Obama: 46%
Unsure/Refused: 7%

WH2012: General

People are waking up!
They took polls before the debate and after the debate. The question they ask is:

"I'd like to ask you about the upcoming presidential election. Of the two candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, which one would you most likely vote for if the election were held today?"

Before debate:

Obama: 49%
Romney: 45%
Unsure/Refused: 6%

After debate:

Romney: 47%
Obama: 46%
Unsure/Refused: 7%

WH2012: General

People are waking up!


That's a good one...:clap2:
They took polls before the debate and after the debate. The question they ask is:

"I'd like to ask you about the upcoming presidential election. Of the two candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, which one would you most likely vote for if the election were held today?"

Before debate:

Obama: 49%
Romney: 45%
Unsure/Refused: 6%

After debate:

Romney: 47%
Obama: 46%
Unsure/Refused: 7%

WH2012: General

People are waking up!


That's a good one...:clap2:

Perhaps it's just the beginning?
It may very well increase temporarily but it won't last as fact checkers check and Romney continues to re-invent himsellf. I'm pretty sure Obama and Biden will be ready this next time to point this out more forcefully. Obama's counterpoints about Romney's lies got lost in the hypermanic display of Romney's where he was almost shouting at times. Obama needs to be a little less measured and calm.

I'd rather have Obama's measured and calm finger on the red button than Romen's manic one!
Hmmm, nervous and babbling is now considered measured and calm.

The factcheckers most seem to rely on are funded by the Annenberg Group. Obama and his domestic terrorist buddy, Ayers, used to work for them. The directors of FactCheck have ranged from authors that wrote books bashing conservatives to a former reporter for CNN.

And next, some leftie will tell us they are unbiased simply because they claim to be unbiased.

Who checks the fact checkers? No one on the left will because they are deemed the ultimate authority by fools.
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hahahaha so first the polls are fixed, now the are correct, first the cons like fact check and quote it about obama all the time, now, they hate fact checkers? also did your whole party/base jump down kerry neck for first being for something then against it? hmmmm
The only polls that matters is the one taken in November.

Win or lose, Romney is going to probably tip some senate seats to the GOP if he can sustain the momentum.

Even Clair looks like she's going to lose.
Lol...surge....mmk. Well if it makes ya happy mittiots. I still say Obama wins.
Obama is a loser, Romney will hand him his ass in November ! Start packing Obama ...:clap2::clap2::clap2:
They took polls before the debate and after the debate. The question they ask is:

"I'd like to ask you about the upcoming presidential election. Of the two candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, which one would you most likely vote for if the election were held today?"

Before debate:

Obama: 49%
Romney: 45%
Unsure/Refused: 6%

After debate:

Romney: 47%
Obama: 46%
Unsure/Refused: 7%

WH2012: General

People are waking up!

"Surges"? :eusa_eh:
Lol...surge....mmk. Well if it makes ya happy mittiots. I still say Obama wins.
Members of his own party are fleeing. He's told one too many lies and broken too many promises, and can't keep all of them straight in his mind during a debate. He knew the facts ate his liver Wednesday. It showed all over his face.

Facts are tough customers.
They took polls before the debate and after the debate. The question they ask is:

"I'd like to ask you about the upcoming presidential election. Of the two candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, which one would you most likely vote for if the election were held today?"

Before debate:

Obama: 49%
Romney: 45%
Unsure/Refused: 6%

After debate:

Romney: 47%
Obama: 46%
Unsure/Refused: 7%

WH2012: General

People are waking up!

"Surges"? :eusa_eh:
Big pollsters are dragging out their "questioning" to over a week now, combining about 20% of post-debate opinions with 80% of pre-debate opinions, giving a skew in favor of Obama the loser.

They're sold out to big media, don't want the truth out too soon, as ordered by DNC headquarters.

They want Obama to look as nice as pie over the weekend.

Not all pollsters are so criminal in opinion management and omission by way of fine print.

I think Obama has been pwnd by the public, and if pollsters don't clean up their act and get the current truth, America will pwn them too.
It may very well increase temporarily but it won't last as fact checkers check and Romney continues to re-invent himsellf. I'm pretty sure Obama and Biden will be ready this next time to point this out more forcefully. Obama's counterpoints about Romney's lies got lost in the hypermanic display of Romney's where he was almost shouting at times. Obama needs to be a little less measured and calm.

I'd rather have Obama's measured and calm finger on the red button than Romen's manic one!

lol, Obama and Biden will point it out FORCEFULLY:lol:
and how many people do you think pay attention to these so called, factcheckers
too bad more don't because OBama would be up a SHIT CREEK

Also, Election Dashboard Swing State Polls


He has dropped a little but I feel confident he will go back up!

Romney will have to win all 3 and another state with at least 15 electoral votes to win the electoral vote count.

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