Romney To Olympians: ‘You Didn’t Get Here Solely On Your Own’

Romney To Olympians: ‘You Didn’t Get Here Solely On Your Own’

ROMNEY: You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power. For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities.

What a hoot. I agree with Mitt on this.

NICE TRY--on trying to compare apples to oranges---:lol:

Olympians didn't get there by themselves. They do have lots of support from their parents--who supported them through out their lives-- through-out the trials--paid for their food and housing--and CONTRIBUTED financially to their SUCCESS--along with PRIVATE DONORS--who paid for the Olympic games.

Completely different from small business in this country that risk everything they own--then put in 60-70 hours of hard labor each week--to become a successful business--ALL ON THEIR OWN.

"I'm saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime. A lot of people don't want to say that. They'll say, 'Oh God, don't be attacking Obama.' Well, this is Obama's deal, and it's Obama that's responsible for this fear in America."

"The guy [Obama] keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe 'we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest or hold too much money.' We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists."

"Business is being hammered. The business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the president of the United States. Until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."
Democrat CEO Steve Wynn--of Wynn's resort and Casino who is also a strong supporter of Democrat senate majority leader Harry Reid.
Steve Wynn's Anti-Obama Rant - Is He Right? - CBS News


"If you don't have a record to run on, you have to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama.
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Can you believe this is what the liberals-sheep and THE MEDIA are worried about..

We'll worry about the real things happening people

vote Obama out, for the sake of the country
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This is like dropping a t-bone steak with all the fixin's in Obama's lap :D

Only to a brain washed, obama butt licker socialist like yourself.

You mouth breathing, trailer trash trying to associate an athlete training for the olympics and someone that works hard to build a successful business is just... well... it's amusing to us that aren't lying to ourselves as if there was some sort of connection.

You people are a joke, and thankfully the majority of Americans are realizing in ever increasing numbers what kind of a radical little commie turd obama is, and now that he's desperate he's slipping and letting out just how radical of a little commie turd he truly is, and people don't want it. He's gone. Plain and simple. In November his ass is gone. He's a joke, the people that still support him are a joke, and this entire thread is a joke.
another view on it
links in article at site


Ugh: NBC trying to manufacture a “you didn’t build that” moment for Mitt Romney
posted at 4:01 pm on July 23, 2012 by Erika Johnsen

Of course. NBC (or, the online news source formerly known as MSNBC) is trying to equate President Obama’s recently infamous “you didn’t build that” remark about Americans and their businesses with Mitt Romney’s “you didn’t get here on your own” remark about the Olympic athletes during the 2008 opening ceremonies.

While President Obama was making the argument that the wealthy should pay even more in taxes because they need to stop thinking they’re “just so smart” or that they “worked harder than everyone else” and instead realize they could never have accomplished anything without some degree of dependency on government, Mitt Romney reminded the athletes to be grateful for the parents and coaches who loved and supported them — and NBC tries to posit that they’re both merely making an “it takes a village” argument. It’s cute, really.
But in 2002, during his speech at the Opening Ceremonies at the Winter Olympics — the games in which Romney was lauded for turning around the management — Romney made a similar argument about Olympians.
“Tonight we cheer the Olympians, who only yesterday were children themselves,” Romney said. “As we watch them over the next 16 days, we affirm that our aspirations, and those of our children and grandchildren, can become reality. We salute you Olympians – both because you dreamed and because you paid the price to make your dreams real. You guys pushed yourself, drove yourself, sacrificed, trained and competed time and again at winning and losing.” …
“You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power,” said Romney, who on Friday will attend the Opening Ceremonies of this year’s Summer Olympics. “For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities. All right! [pumps fist].”

Forgive me, but I fail to see the ostensible resemblance.

all of it here with comments
Ugh: NBC trying to manufacture a “you didn’t build that” moment for Mitt Romney « Hot Air

This is like dropping a t-bone steak with all the fixin's in Obama's lap :D

Only to a brain washed, obama butt licker socialist like yourself.

You mouth breathing, trailer trash trying to associate an athlete training for the olympics and someone that works hard to build a successful business is just... well... it's amusing to us that aren't lying to ourselves as if there was some sort of connection.

You people are a joke, and thankfully the majority of Americans are realizing in ever increasing numbers what kind of a radical little commie turd obama is, and now that he's desperate he's slipping and letting out just how radical of a little commie turd he truly is, and people don't want it. He's gone. Plain and simple. In November his ass is gone. He's a joke, the people that still support him are a joke, and this entire thread is a joke.

You're quite the intellectual. BTW, Obama will win in November. People like you make the right look like idiots.
You have to love it...Threads like this and this video they dug up from the lamestream media shows they know Obama STEPPED in it AGAIN....BIG TIME

his mask is slipping more each day what he thinks of you and our country.

vote him out people..we can't stand or afford four more years of this divisive community organizer
Democrats are really, REALLY, desperate.

On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.
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Democrats are really, REALLY, desperate.

On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.
Star of Romney ‘My Hands Didn’t Build This’ Ad Received Millions in Government Loans and Contracts - ABC News

In a campaign ad, the Romney campaign spliced out the “roads and bridges” the president seemed to be referring to as “that” when he said “you didn’t build that.”
In a new TV ad, Romney features an offended New Hampshire businessman, saying, “My father’s hands didn’t build this company? My hands didn’t build this company? My son’s hands aren’t building this company?”

The New Hampshire Union Leader’s John DiStato today reports that in 1999 the business in question, Gilchrist Metal, “received $800,000 in tax-exempt revenue bonds issued by the New Hampshire Business Finance Authority ‘to set up a second manufacturing plant and purchase equipment to produce high definition television broadcasting equipment’…” In addition, in 2011, Gilchrist Metal “received two U.S. Navy sub-contracts totaling about $83,000 and a smaller, $5,600 Coast Guard contract in 2008…”

The businessman, Jack Gilchrist, also acknowledged that in the 1980s the company received a U.S. Small Business Administration loan totaling “somewhere south of” $500,000, and matching funds from the federally-funded New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center.
Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Why do you insist on continuing to lie about what he said?

Is it because you have nothing on him otherwise?

i give up, you are terrorists, all of you rightwing scum, you lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie

jesus, the good guys can only take so much
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Democrats are really, REALLY, desperate.

On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.

Exactly. Obama's words were telling people they aren't worth anything without government.
Romney To Olympians: ‘You Didn’t Get Here Solely On Your Own’

ROMNEY: You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power. For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities.

What a hoot. I agree with Mitt on this.

Lol, how lame. You obamabots are pathetic.

IF we were trying to increase the number of Olympians in this country then hey, I'd say Romney isn't our man. But we're trying to ENCOURAGE businesses, especially small businesses, and it's clear that obama isn't our man.

Not even a nice try.
Romney To Olympians: ‘You Didn’t Get Here Solely On Your Own’

ROMNEY: You Olympians, however, know you didn’t get here solely on your own power. For most of you, loving parents, sisters or brothers, encouraged your hopes, coaches guided, communities built venues in order to organize competitions. All Olympians stand on the shoulders of those who lifted them. We’ve already cheered the Olympians, let’s also cheer the parents, coaches, and communities.

What a hoot. I agree with Mitt on this.

Lol, how lame. You obamabots are pathetic.

IF we were trying to increase the number of Olympians in this country then hey, I'd say Romney isn't our man. But we're trying to ENCOURAGE businesses, especially small businesses, and it's clear that obama isn't our man.

Not even a nice try.

Obama is still smarting that he failed to get the Olympics for Chicago in 2016...

Remember this?

Obamas' Olympic Bid for Chicago Fails
Democrats are really, REALLY, desperate.

On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.
ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help.
Democrats are really, REALLY, desperate.

On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.
ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help.

the people who PROVIDE Roads? wtf? so now we have to give thanks for driving on the roads WE PAY FOR?
the rest...good grief

Lol, how lame. You obamabots are pathetic.

IF we were trying to increase the number of Olympians in this country then hey, I'd say Romney isn't our man. But we're trying to ENCOURAGE businesses, especially small businesses, and it's clear that obama isn't our man.

Not even a nice try.

Obama is still smarting that he failed to get the Olympics for Chicago in 2016...

Remember this?

Obamas' Olympic Bid for Chicago Fails

i remember you cheered

why? because you are a terrorist and you hate America, that's why

how can there be any other reason?

this is an example of why if i passed you in the street and you were going to die in one minute if i didnt give you a drink of my water i would laugh and keep walking

you are lower than pond scum
On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.
ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help.

the people who PROVIDE Roads? wtf? so now we have to give thanks for driving on the roads WE PAY FOR?
the rest...good grief
According to Willard Mitt, rhymes with _, yes.
Democrats are really, REALLY, desperate.

On the theory that there may still be one or two out there who is not so brainwashed that he or she is unable to think on his/her own:

One more time:

Obama: It was government that made you successful. You can't take credit for that.

Romney: Many support and encourage the atheletes and the Olympic games and they deserve recognition too.

Thinking people can see the difference between these two concepts.

Those groveling at the feet of Obama cannot.

When our kids were still in highschool and we were sitting at the end-of-season athletic awards banquets, the coaches would praise us parents for being financial boosters that helped them obtain equipment and finance trips, thank us moms for 'washing the grundgy stuff, and for occasionally providing transportation and doing chaperone duty as needed.

They never once gave us credit for the kids' efforts and performance in their respective sports. Because we didn't do that. The kids did.
ROMNEY: I know that you recognize a lot of people help you in a business. Perhaps the bank, the investors. There is no question your mom and dad, your school teachers. The people who provide roads, the fire, the police. A lot of people help.

That's a LOT different than saying "You didn't build that."

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