Romney was Robbed...


The absolutists are killing the GOP, and no issue may be doing it more than this one. They're making it incredibly easy for the Dems to just point at them and say, "hey, look at THAT!"

If the party were not so full of itself, it would see that it could easily attract more Hispanics if it were not so bull-headed on this one topic.

How about a guest worker program for those who are here, but them at the back of the immigration line, and let's all get the fuck on with our lives?

Is the GOP that set on continuing to shoot itself in the foot?


Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but anyone who tries to tackle immigration ends up destroying themselves. The Dems want it as a perpetual wedge-issue like abortion is. They don't want a problem they themselves caused to be solved.

Sure, I can see that, but the Republicans would look like the adult in the room if they came out with a clear alternative that actually fixed problems. Let the Dems do whatever the hell they want.

Holy crap, that phrase "clear alternative that actually fixed problems". Reminds me of Obamacare. Instead of creating a clear plan and holding it up every time they're interviewed, they're allowing themselves to be portrayed as Neanderthals.

Goddamn, it's just sitting right there, waiting for you. Stop just saying "no", make a plan, and scream about it at the top of your freaking lungs.


You mean like they did when they presented their plan for Healthcare?
But the repubs must have been whispering instead of shouting because I never did hear their health plan. But I sure wish they had come up with one.
:lol:...definitely a Democrat..

Not even close, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em. Romney was lying garbage, just like Obama is.

Romney's a far more honorable fellow than Obama, not perfect by a long stretch but to compare the 2 as equal is pathetically stupid.

I never said they were equal, they are just both liars and idiots. RomneyCare is no better than Obama care, and a Romney presidency would have been no more beneficial than an Obama one. We'll just have to agree to disagree on what an honorable fellow Romney is. Unlike you, he earns no points with me for simply being in the Republican party, I judge him on his ideals and stances.
Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but anyone who tries to tackle immigration ends up destroying themselves. The Dems want it as a perpetual wedge-issue like abortion is. They don't want a problem they themselves caused to be solved.

Sure, I can see that, but the Republicans would look like the adult in the room if they came out with a clear alternative that actually fixed problems. Let the Dems do whatever the hell they want.

Holy crap, that phrase "clear alternative that actually fixed problems". Reminds me of Obamacare. Instead of creating a clear plan and holding it up every time they're interviewed, they're allowing themselves to be portrayed as Neanderthals.

Goddamn, it's just sitting right there, waiting for you. Stop just saying "no", make a plan, and scream about it at the top of your freaking lungs.


You mean like they did when they presented their plan for Healthcare?
But the repubs must have been whispering instead of shouting because I never did hear their health plan. But I sure wish they had come up with one.

Yes, that was my point.


The absolutists are killing the GOP, and no issue may be doing it more than this one. They're making it incredibly easy for the Dems to just point at them and say, "hey, look at THAT!"

If the party were not so full of itself, it would see that it could easily attract more Hispanics if it were not so bull-headed on this one topic.

How about a guest worker program for those who are here, but them at the back of the immigration line, and let's all get the fuck on with our lives?

Is the GOP that set on continuing to shoot itself in the foot?


Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but anyone who tries to tackle immigration ends up destroying themselves. The Dems want it as a perpetual wedge-issue like abortion is. They don't want a problem they themselves caused to be solved.

Sure, I can see that, but the Republicans would look like the adult in the room if they came out with a clear alternative that actually fixed problems. Let the Dems do whatever the hell they want.

Holy crap, that phrase "clear alternative that actually fixed problems". Reminds me of Obamacare. Instead of creating a clear plan and holding it up every time they're interviewed, they're allowing themselves to be portrayed as Neanderthals.

Goddamn, it's just sitting right there, waiting for you. Stop just saying "no", make a plan, and scream about it at the top of your freaking lungs.


Bush came up with a clear solution....."Enforce the laws".

nuff said
Percentage of the population-->Hispanics
1980 6.4%
2000 12.5%
2010 16.3%
2013 17.0%

We're making 100-150k per year naturalized.

In 2012, immigrants from six countries — Mexico, the Philippines, India, the Dominican Republic, China, and Cuba — accounted for close to 38 percent of all naturalizations.
Of all immigrants who naturalized in 2012, 13.5 percent were born in Mexico (102,181), 6 percent each in the Philippines (44,958) and India (42,928),

Migration Information Source - Naturalization Trends in the United States

Would probably be a good idea to put the illegals in this line as we might want to work with these people.

Blacks have also grown from 11.5% in 1980 to 12.6% today.

1% in 2013 is 3.17 million people!
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Romney was Robbed...

The party that basically hates practically everybody cannot understand why people are not voting for their candidates?

That's absolutely hilarious.

Here's a tip kiddies...if ya hate people?

They're not likely to like you either.
More Stuff

I just figured members would go to the op links, link..silly me..:redface:


In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.

The decline — from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated.

And the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it.

Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy.

Census ?faked? 2012 election jobs report | New York Post
Percentage of the population-->Hispanics
1980 6.4%
2000 12.5%
2010 16.3%
2013 17.0%

We're making 100-150k per year naturalized.

In 2012, immigrants from six countries — Mexico, the Philippines, India, the Dominican Republic, China, and Cuba — accounted for close to 38 percent of all naturalizations.
Of all immigrants who naturalized in 2012, 13.5 percent were born in Mexico (102,181), 6 percent each in the Philippines (44,958) and India (42,928),

Migration Information Source - Naturalization Trends in the United States

Would probably be a good idea to put the illegals in this line as we might want to work with these people.

Blacks have also grown from 11.5% in 1980 to 12.6% today.

Work with these people? Hell if we'd have just enforced the law the rate would still be at the 1980 rate. Now you act as if we OWE them something.
Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Laughing at Republicans made up scandals aren't "excuses".

Only morons would want a "Pioneer of outsourcing". When Mitt said he would only represent half of America, he was talking about those with money. Red States are totally dependent on Blue States. So who do you think the majority of that half are?
Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but anyone who tries to tackle immigration ends up destroying themselves. The Dems want it as a perpetual wedge-issue like abortion is. They don't want a problem they themselves caused to be solved.

Sure, I can see that, but the Republicans would look like the adult in the room if they came out with a clear alternative that actually fixed problems. Let the Dems do whatever the hell they want.

Holy crap, that phrase "clear alternative that actually fixed problems". Reminds me of Obamacare. Instead of creating a clear plan and holding it up every time they're interviewed, they're allowing themselves to be portrayed as Neanderthals.

Goddamn, it's just sitting right there, waiting for you. Stop just saying "no", make a plan, and scream about it at the top of your freaking lungs.


You mean like they did when they presented their plan for Healthcare?
But the repubs must have been whispering instead of shouting because I never did hear their health plan. But I sure wish they had come up with one.

maybe it was the media whispering rather than the GOP. Might want to raise a stink about the fact they (the media) like to only shout about the lefts side, since it doesn't give you real options. Oh, and turn up your hearing aid to hear those whispers in the mean time so you don't miss anything.
Notice the date? 06-09
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with the help of the lamestream media, the dirtiest politics I have ever seen, Obama's government lying, fudging numbers, etc etc...

this was the crookest corrupted election ever..

and lets not forget they released a video Romney didn't know was being taken, of the 47% and with the help of the Democrat sheep made it into something it wasn't

If this how the people wants their Presidential elections to be like...then we get more people like Obama who couldn't run on HIS RECORD so he ran on DIRT...all we heard about was tax returns, ads with rolling grandmas off cliffs, etc etc...anyone with 7.5% unemployment numbers and running for re-election should of been kicked to curb
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Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Laughing at Republicans made up scandals aren't "excuses".

Only morons would want a "Pioneer of outsourcing". When Mitt said he would only represent half of America, he was talking about those with money. Red States are totally dependent on Blue States. So who do you think the majority of that half are?

The correct phrase is "phony scandals".

Better tighten up your lib-speak bud.
Conservatives are addicted to blaming everyone and everything else for the failures of conservatism.

The unemployment fake scandal has already been thoroughly debunked, and yet, that will not matter at all to the rightwing cult.
Conservatives are addicted to blaming everyone and everything else for the failures of conservatism.

The unemployment fake scandal has already been thoroughly debunked, and yet, that will not matter at all to the rightwing cult.

Sure it has. In your dreams.

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