Romney was Robbed...

Criticize the policy until the cows come home. I citicize his naivety quite often.

Questioning the legitimacy of the President, at this date, is based on his skin color and nothing else. Again, deny it all you wish; you know it is the case.

that's just disgusting...I'm sure you said that same thing about Bush...oh wait, his skin was White wasn't it?

that's low and is now only used to try and make people shut up

At some point you have to accept that your guy lost. I will admit that I was not happy about the decision the Supreme Court rendered in December of 2000 basically stating that we didn't have time to get it right. But after that, it was "All Hail President Bush, your president, my president, our President." I remember typing it numerous times on the message board I was on.

Have you ever accepted Obama as your president? I doubt it.

It has little to do with skin color.

It has to do part with ideology, part cognitive biases and part batshit crazy.

No different than the Diebold Stole Ohio for Bush meme of the far left nutters.

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