Romney was Robbed...

Try holding your breath, ..:lol:

You obviously get off on the lies, corruption, manipulation and such.. it's a free country.. enjoy..:thup:

While I don't expect you to support Obama, I'll call out idiots like you who call him an illegitimate president.

It's a fact whether you accept it or not, grow up..

Your corrupted suck-holing opinion means nothing to me...:lol:

You're free to do so. The rest of us living in reality will continue to point fingers at you and laugh.
While I don't expect you to support Obama, I'll call out idiots like you who call him an illegitimate president.

It's a fact whether you accept it or not, grow up..

Your corrupted suck-holing opinion means nothing to me...:lol:

You're free to do so. The rest of us living in reality will continue to point fingers at you and laugh.

:lol:.. your reality is a lie...I'm sure you've earned the right to it..
Here's the kind of truth that makes the fake UE number fake scandal so classically rightwing farce.

The 7.8% UE was released Oct 5th, 2012.

Obama on that day was leading Romney by 3 points in the poll averages.

Two weeks later, with the effects of this supposed fake number in the mix,

Romney was ahead in the polls!!!

Romney remained ahead in the polls for the rest of the month.

So not only is there no evidence someone skewed the numbers to Obama's benefit, there is also no evidence the numbers worked to Obama's benefit.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

A double faux rightwing scandal!!!!

and so the Obamas campaign had a crystal ball to tell them the effects of fudging unemployment numbers would have. just because it did or didn't work is not a defense of them not doing it

Nice try, duncecap.

The defense of them not doing it is the fact that not an ounce of evidence has been provided to show they did.
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Here's the kind of truth that makes the fake UE number fake scandal so classically rightwing farce.

The 7.8% UE was released Oct 5th, 2012.

Obama on that day was leading Romney by 3 points in the poll averages.

Two weeks later, with the effects of this supposed fake number in the mix,

Romney was ahead in the polls!!!

Romney remained ahead in the polls for the rest of the month.

So not only is there no evidence someone skewed the numbers to Obama's benefit, there is also no evidence the numbers worked to Obama's benefit.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

A double faux rightwing scandal!!!!

and so the Obamas campaign had a crystal ball to tell them the effects of fudging unemployment numbers would have. just because it did or didn't work is not a defense of them not doing it

Nice try, duncecap.

The defense of them not doing it is the fact that not an ounce of evidence has been provided to show they did.

did I make the claim that they did or did not fudge the numbers? just pointing out your defense they did not do it because it didn't work is idiotic. I reserve my judgment if it was or was not done till more evidence is provided
Romney was Robbed...

The party that basically hates practically everybody cannot understand why people are not voting for their candidates?

That's absolutely hilarious.

Here's a tip kiddies...if ya hate people?

They're not likely to like you either.

Besides the fact that what you said is BS what do you really think?

The GOP doesn't hate practically everybody. The Democrats say they hate everybody.

Well, here's a scoop folks......Democrats lie!!!

Witness Obamacare.

And they will continue to lie.......

...until lying doesn't work for them anymore.
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While I don't expect you to support Obama, I'll call out idiots like you who call him an illegitimate president.

It's a fact whether you accept it or not, grow up..

Your corrupted suck-holing opinion means nothing to me...:lol:

You're free to do so. The rest of us living in reality will continue to point fingers at you and laugh.

quite the jackass doing it..and they just laugh back at you

and this is your reality, trolling a message board?
Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Laughing at Republicans made up scandals aren't "excuses".

Only morons would want a "Pioneer of outsourcing". When Mitt said he would only represent half of America, he was talking about those with money. Red States are totally dependent on Blue States. So who do you think the majority of that half are?

The correct phrase is "phony scandals".

Better tighten up your lib-speak bud.

"Phony scandals"? OK, I agree with you.
Romney was Robbed...

The party that basically hates practically everybody cannot understand why people are not voting for their candidates?

That's absolutely hilarious.

Here's a tip kiddies...if ya hate people?

They're not likely to like you either.

Besides the fact that what you said is BS what do you really think?

The GOP doesn't hate practically everybody. The Democrats say they hate everybody.

Well, here's a scoop folks......Democrats lie!!!

Witness Obamacare.

And they will continue to lie.......

...until lying doesn't work for them anymore.

Dem Senator: 'We All Knew' Obama Was Lying

Hmmm, yea, let's see. Who are worse? The people who lied and tricked us into a fake war leaving thousands of Americans dead and tens of thousands maimed for life, the people who let Bin Laden go, the people who neglected those in New Orleans and threw a "Good Job Brownie" party while nearly two thousand died, the people who shouted out "let him die" who hate blacks, gays, Hispanics and they told us trillions in tax cuts for the rich would create jobs


the people who have worked to clean up that mess and who are trying to bring health care to millions of Americans?

Chaaaa, that's a hard one. I think the first group are just barely worse.
The party that basically hates practically everybody cannot understand why people are not voting for their candidates?

That's absolutely hilarious.

Here's a tip kiddies...if ya hate people?

They're not likely to like you either.

Besides the fact that what you said is BS what do you really think?

The GOP doesn't hate practically everybody. The Democrats say they hate everybody.

Well, here's a scoop folks......Democrats lie!!!

Witness Obamacare.

And they will continue to lie.......

...until lying doesn't work for them anymore.

Dem Senator: 'We All Knew' Obama Was Lying

Hmmm, yea, let's see. Who are worse? The people who lied and tricked us into a fake war leaving thousands of Americans dead and tens of thousands maimed for life, the people who let Bin Laden go, the people who neglected those in New Orleans and threw a "Good Job Brownie" party while nearly two thousand died, the people who shouted out "let him die" who hate blacks, gays, Hispanics and they told us trillions in tax cuts for the rich would create jobs


the people who have worked to clean up that mess and who are trying to bring health care to millions of Americans?

Chaaaa, that's a hard one. I think the first group are just barely worse.

Afghanistan is still going on. Soldiers are still dying. Why?

We got Bin Laden. What the fuck are we still doing there?

The people that you claim are cleaning up the mess caused the mess in the first place. Now they're making it worse. That's just a fact you can't seem to face.

When you get your cancellation letter don't you dare start whining to me dumb-ass.
and so the Obamas campaign had a crystal ball to tell them the effects of fudging unemployment numbers would have. just because it did or didn't work is not a defense of them not doing it

Nice try, duncecap.

The defense of them not doing it is the fact that not an ounce of evidence has been provided to show they did.

did I make the claim that they did or did not fudge the numbers? just pointing out your defense they did not do it because it didn't work is idiotic. I reserve my judgment if it was or was not done till more evidence is provided

The thread title says Romney was robbed. Do you need an explanation as to how that makes my 'defense' relevant?
Nice try, duncecap.

The defense of them not doing it is the fact that not an ounce of evidence has been provided to show they did.

did I make the claim that they did or did not fudge the numbers? just pointing out your defense they did not do it because it didn't work is idiotic. I reserve my judgment if it was or was not done till more evidence is provided

The thread title says Romney was robbed. Do you need an explanation as to how that makes my 'defense' relevant?

it is not relevant because it is a ridicules defense saying it didn't work there for they didn't do it
Besides the fact that what you said is BS what do you really think?

The GOP doesn't hate practically everybody. The Democrats say they hate everybody.

Well, here's a scoop folks......Democrats lie!!!

Witness Obamacare.

And they will continue to lie.......

...until lying doesn't work for them anymore.

Dem Senator: 'We All Knew' Obama Was Lying

Hmmm, yea, let's see. Who are worse? The people who lied and tricked us into a fake war leaving thousands of Americans dead and tens of thousands maimed for life, the people who let Bin Laden go, the people who neglected those in New Orleans and threw a "Good Job Brownie" party while nearly two thousand died, the people who shouted out "let him die" who hate blacks, gays, Hispanics and they told us trillions in tax cuts for the rich would create jobs


the people who have worked to clean up that mess and who are trying to bring health care to millions of Americans?

Chaaaa, that's a hard one. I think the first group are just barely worse.

Afghanistan is still going on. Soldiers are still dying. Why?

We got Bin Laden. What the fuck are we still doing there?

The people that you claim are cleaning up the mess caused the mess in the first place. Now they're making it worse. That's just a fact you can't seem to face.

When you get your cancellation letter don't you dare start whining to me dumb-ass.

So we just pack up and leave Afghanistan and the Taliban blinds and maims a million girls and women who we gave hope and the fucking asshole GOP blames Obama on another mess they left him. Republicans have done more damage to this earth in the last 15 years than al Qaeda and the Taliban combined. And the latest 24 billion they destroyed trying to keep millions of American from health care. Fucking pigs.

But I get it, I really do. Republicans don't care about those people. They don't care about the poor and middle class here or the Christians that used to be in Iraq. I really don't know what they are about. They aren't good for anything. They don't make anything. They don't build anything. They only stand for destruction and nothing else. Even you can't name anything. Go ahead and try.
The Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson STILL can't prove that Romney was robbed?
I guess being a billionaire is no indication of hiring competent investigators.
Romney was a piece of shit too, anyways.

You're really bad at getting things right arent you? His policy ideas weren't always the best. But Romney has done alot more good in the world than most people. He was a very good man. He was also very accomplished.

Was Romney Robbed? probably not. There is no doubt the President was lying about a heck of alot of stuff. We knew that at the time of the election. The People made the choice. Let' s just pray we can survive the consequence.

Are you still butthurt about the Religion and Ethics board? As I recall, you were the one left with nothing more to say in the end; You can be stubborn in your beliefs if you'd like. It makes them no more true.

When it comes to Romney, I haven't heard much about the good he's done in the world. What I do know is that he is a liar, he also wanted to nationalize health care, and resorted to flinging mud too much. He was a piece of shit politician then, he's a piece of shit politician now. Obama isn't any better either, so I'm not sure what all of the Democrats are so happy about these days.

Romney got EXACTLY. what. he. deserved.

In fact we dodged a bullet by not electing that lying RW bastard from Massachusetts.

GTFOH w/this nonsensical RW nonsense!


Nonsensical nonsense? Redundant much?
Romney was a piece of shit too, anyways.

You're really bad at getting things right arent you? His policy ideas weren't always the best. But Romney has done alot more good in the world than most people. He was a very good man. He was also very accomplished.

Was Romney Robbed? probably not. There is no doubt the President was lying about a heck of alot of stuff. We knew that at the time of the election. The People made the choice. Let' s just pray we can survive the consequence.

Are you still butthurt about the Religion and Ethics board? As I recall, you were the one left with nothing more to say in the end; You can be stubborn in your beliefs if you'd like. It makes them no more true.

When it comes to Romney, I haven't heard much about the good he's done in the world. What I do know is that he is a liar, he also wanted to nationalize health care, and resorted to flinging mud too much. He was a piece of shit politician then, he's a piece of shit politician now. Obama isn't any better either, so I'm not sure what all of the Democrats are so happy about these days.

Romney got EXACTLY. what. he. deserved.

In fact we dodged a bullet by not electing that lying RW bastard from Massachusetts.

GTFOH w/this nonsensical RW nonsense!


Nonsensical nonsense? Redundant much?
Yes, it was redundant.

I realized after-the-fact and just let it stay.

However, I adjusted the next time I posted the same message, which was a post or two or three down from that one.
If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote would of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.
It is sad when you have to give amnesty to criminals to win the WH.

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