Romney was Robbed...

Ive never run for President. So no I haven't been beaten by anyone.

His skin color is irrelevant. You guys really need to stop being racist. Especially if you are going to falsely accuse others of racism.

Okay, your candidate got beat by a black man; over a year ago; and you're still yelling foul. Why is that? Do you honestly believe that Mitt Romney couldn't get his message out? Do you honestly believe that there was enough improprieties (that occur in every election) to swing the votes? Even at this late date, 5 million fucking votes, 2 fucking elections, you still have people on this board claiming he's illigitmate. You still have people who think he was not born in the US.

No way that happens if Obama was white.

Deny it all you wish; you know that is the truth.

Those who believe Gore was robbed need to get over it as well by the way.

I said he probably wasnt robbed. Again, what does him being black have to do with anything? Why are you guys so freaking obsessed with skin color? if Obama was white his policies would still be destroying our nation. Are we supposed to just ignore that because he's black?

You're worried about the birther thing? Seriously. Millions of people are losing their insurance because of bad policy and you are worried about a few whack jobs who believe a conspiracy Clinton started?

You miss the forest for the trees.

Criticize the policy until the cows come home. I citicize his naivety quite often.

Questioning the legitimacy of the President, at this date, is based on his skin color and nothing else. Again, deny it all you wish; you know it is the case.
Okay, your candidate got beat by a black man; over a year ago; and you're still yelling foul. Why is that? Do you honestly believe that Mitt Romney couldn't get his message out? Do you honestly believe that there was enough improprieties (that occur in every election) to swing the votes? Even at this late date, 5 million fucking votes, 2 fucking elections, you still have people on this board claiming he's illigitmate. You still have people who think he was not born in the US.

No way that happens if Obama was white.

Deny it all you wish; you know that is the truth.

Those who believe Gore was robbed need to get over it as well by the way.

I said he probably wasnt robbed. Again, what does him being black have to do with anything? Why are you guys so freaking obsessed with skin color? if Obama was white his policies would still be destroying our nation. Are we supposed to just ignore that because he's black?

You're worried about the birther thing? Seriously. Millions of people are losing their insurance because of bad policy and you are worried about a few whack jobs who believe a conspiracy Clinton started?

You miss the forest for the trees.

Criticize the policy until the cows come home. I citicize his naivety quite often.

Questioning the legitimacy of the President, at this date, is based on his skin color and nothing else. Again, deny it all you wish; you know it is the case.

that's just disgusting...I'm sure you said that same thing about Bush...oh wait, his skin was White wasn't it?

that's low and is now only used to try and make people shut up
The more illegitimacy of the Obama's presidency, the happier Democrats get...WoW.
Paul Ryan said it the day after the election..."The urbanites (Gee, I wonder who he meant by that?) came out to vote."

And after Romney Bet Ryan 25K that they wouldn't come out to vote.
Here's the kind of truth that makes the fake UE number fake scandal so classically rightwing farce.

The 7.8% UE was released Oct 5th, 2012.

Obama on that day was leading Romney by 3 points in the poll averages.

Two weeks later, with the effects of this supposed fake number in the mix,

Romney was ahead in the polls!!!

Romney remained ahead in the polls for the rest of the month.

So not only is there no evidence someone skewed the numbers to Obama's benefit, there is also no evidence the numbers worked to Obama's benefit.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

A double faux rightwing scandal!!!!

and so the Obamas campaign had a crystal ball to tell them the effects of fudging unemployment numbers would have. just because it did or didn't work is not a defense of them not doing it
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Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Yeah, and only Dems were polled before the election.

This myth was debunked a long time ago. Find something else to lie about.

How about this one: The Repubs want to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Not even close, I just calls 'em like I sees 'em. Romney was lying garbage, just like Obama is.

Romney's a far more honorable fellow than Obama, not perfect by a long stretch but to compare the 2 as equal is pathetically stupid.

I never said they were equal, they are just both liars and idiots. RomneyCare is no better than Obama care, and a Romney presidency would have been no more beneficial than an Obama one. We'll just have to agree to disagree on what an honorable fellow Romney is. Unlike you, he earns no points with me for simply being in the Republican party, I judge him on his ideals and stances.

That's not what my friends and family in Boston say.

The people who actually have "Romenycare" say it was a mess when it was first enacted but that politicians worked together to fix it.

We don't have that now. We have one party who wants the US in total ruin and will happily do anything to get that done.
Republicans will win in 2016 if they do
1. Stop fighting gays
2. Allow abortion before 20 weeks. I thought this was your stance before 2010?
3. Enforce/amnesty for the illegals. Better to legalize then the shit we have now.

= win the white house.
Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
Romney got EXACTLY. what. he. deserved.

In fact we dodged a bullet by not electing that lying RW bastard from Massachusetts.

GTFOH w/this nonsensical RW nonsense!


Very well put.

Odd that they're trotting him out again. Here and there, there he is, doing what he loes so well -- lying.
Please provide evidence of the illegitimacy. I'll wait.

Try holding your breath, ..:lol:

You obviously get off on the lies, corruption, manipulation and such.. it's a free country.. enjoy..:thup:

While I don't expect you to support Obama, I'll call out idiots like you who call him an illegitimate president.

It's a fact whether you accept it or not, grow up..

Your corrupted suck-holing opinion means nothing to me...:lol:

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