Romney was Robbed...

If this was 1980 or 1984 Romney would of got 300+ elv as 59% of the white vote of easily put him in the white house. Probably of won California too.

Needed to pass the amnesty/enforcement bill as 28% of the Hispanic vote is way down from 44% from under Bush. You will lose until you do....

They're now powerful enough to prevent the republican party nationally from holding the white house. IF You do stupid shit.

Best and easiest way to take over a state is flood it with undocumented Democrats......

It worked in California.
Romney wasn't going to win no matter what. He was as phony as any candidate could get. He was every side of every issue. He was moderate until the primaries, then switched back to being moderate during the general election. The only thing Republicans and Democrats seemed to agree on during the election was that they didn't like Mitt Romney. Hell, I can't stand people like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum, but I would have preferred them to Mitt Romney. At least they are honest in their batshit craziness.
Conservatives are addicted to blaming everyone and everything else for the failures of conservatism.

The unemployment fake scandal has already been thoroughly debunked, and yet, that will not matter at all to the rightwing cult.

And liberals can't help spewing something like this when a discussion on the elections is being talked about...

zzzzzzzzzzzzBlah blah blah

It's that high and mighty gene in you
Because so many, including democrats who voted for obama, now have buyer's remorse, they can take their fury out on democrats running in 2014 and 2016.
Po' babies. Got your stinky diapers in a knot. You lost. You will lose again. Alienate the working poor, antagonize the middle class, and scare the bejesus out of Wall Street, and then wonder why the Dems are raising funds at a record rate.

You silly asses earned your loss in a big way. You are earning an even bigger come-uppance with this kind of nonsense.
Romney was indeed an entrenched Big Government Bureaucracy and its Hench Thugs in the MSM and Big Unions.
More Stuff

I just figured members would go to the op links, link..silly me..:redface:


In the home stretch of the 2012 presidential campaign, from August to September, the unemployment rate fell sharply — raising eyebrows from Wall Street to Washington.

The decline — from 8.1 percent in August to 7.8 percent in September — might not have been all it seemed. The numbers, according to a reliable source, were manipulated.

And the Census Bureau, which does the unemployment survey, knew it.

Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy.

Census ?faked? 2012 election jobs report | New York Post

So one worker was fired who was faking reports over a year before the election. That worker was not told to give every fake survey they completed a job. There is NO proof that there was a systematic movement to alter the jobs numbers. You'd think with this corrupt, Soviet style administration that this worker would have been promoted instead of being fired for "adjust the numbers".

As I said in another thread, this will never be proven but will live on in conservative mythology for years.
Conservatives are addicted to blaming everyone and everything else for the failures of conservatism.

The unemployment fake scandal has already been thoroughly debunked, and yet, that will not matter at all to the rightwing cult.

Sure it has. In your dreams.

There was not a single shred of credible evidence produced that anyone fabricated unemployment data in such a way so as to move the unemployment number down.

None at all.
Evidence? Who needs stinkin' evidence? This is 'Conservative' red meat. Truth is irrelevant, and reality is a drag.

can you people ever allow a discussion on the elections without all the, Obama won get over it bs?

we still hear from you Democrats how BUSH stole the election and Presidency

grow up
Where did Old Rocks say that? Maybe you should address his post.

You're not my boss...and my daddy has passed a long time ago

If you want to continue posting like a doofus, feel free to do so. If you want to look somewhat intelligent, you should follow my advice.


you do well looking like a doofus yourself with posting like this

shoot your high horse it's broken down from being ridden so much

now try to get back to the TOPIC of the thread..Or just be an ass, no skin off mine
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Lies about Obama-Care, Benghazi, FBI screwing over Tea Party Groups and the latest, manipulation of employment numbers. I can't help but wonder how Democrats feel about this. They must have run out of excuses by now, you would think..


A shocking report in The New York Post accuses employees at the U.S. Census Bureau – which conducts monthly unemployment surveys for the government’s widely watched jobs report – of manipulating this data in the months leading up to U.S. President Barack Obama’s reelection.

“Just two years before the presidential election, the Census Bureau had caught an employee fabricating data that went into the unemployment report, which is one of the most closely watched measures of the economy,” the Post’s John Crudele reported this week. “And a knowledgeable source says the deception went beyond that one employee — that it escalated at the time President Obama was seeking reelection in 2012 and continues today.”

According to Crudele, the employee – Julius Buckmon – admits to the data manipulation, saying “he was told to make up information by higher-ups at Census.”

Each month, Census conducts approximately 60,000 in-person and telephone interviews as part of its “current population survey.” The employment data from this survey is fed to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) – the division of the Department of Labor responsible for publishing the nation’s monthly employment situation report.

Read more at Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Report: Jobs Data Manipulated To Benefit Obama » FITSNews

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Liberals are too embarrassed to admit the destruction they have wrought on America with their votes to reelect a a treasonous man to govern their entitlements. **Every** time I ask a liberal where I live, what they think about the lies of O, they immediately segue to "well Bush did...." [this or that] Same ole, same ole.....can't face the music.

I have met one very far left guy with a political science degree, who has hated Obama for a long time, and regrets voting for him. :clap2: ( he can almost be forgiven )
Evidence? Who needs stinkin' evidence? This is 'Conservative' red meat. Truth is irrelevant, and reality is a drag.

can you people ever allow a discussion on the elections without all the Obama won get over it bs?

Where did Old Rocks say that? Maybe you should address his post.

She's admitting that this is just rightwing nonsense being perpetrated as a payback for leftwing nonsense in 2000.
can you people ever allow a discussion on the elections without all the Obama won get over it bs?

Where did Old Rocks say that? Maybe you should address his post.

She's admitting that this is just rightwing nonsense being perpetrated as a payback for leftwing nonsense in 2000.

ah yes, the GAME liberals play

you betcha that is what I was saying...surenuff, hummumm....
pathetic as whining how everyone is sore loser...
but it's what you need I guess
can you people ever allow a discussion on the elections without all the Obama won get over it bs?

Where did Old Rocks say that? Maybe you should address his post.

You're not my boss...and my daddy has passed a long time ago

So you aren't going to respond to what he actually said? Got it.

All you hear from the right is faux outrage, but you never see actual proof Obama stole the election. Weird.

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