Romney's Bain Lie

Meat's personal approval rating was going UP, but according to MSNBC,[sic] it just started down,[sic] again. This didn't come up,[sic] in any search. All I got was May results.

I wonder if Meat needs to release some tax returns, while he quits jerking off,[sic] about his grades?

I can just imagine how your grades were. :rolleyes:
My grades went all the way, through graduation, at a major university. Just sayin' . . .

So how were YOUR grades, faggot? You didn't study much, but eating shit, I suppose.

You sure do bitch against punctuation, on all kinds of threads.
My grades went all the way, through graduation, at a major university. Just sayin' . . .

So how were YOUR grades, faggot? You didn't study much, but eating shit, I suppose.

You sure do bitch against punctuation, on all kinds of threads.

Psst, bugnuts?

"Ralphie's Retard-a-Rama" isn't actually considered a "major university."

Though that "X" for Xcellence is sure something for you to be proud of......
My grades went all the way,[sic] through graduation,[sic] at a major university. Just sayin' . . .

So how were YOUR grades, faggot? You didn't study much,[sic] but eating shit,[sic] I suppose.

You sure do bitch against punctuation, on all kinds of threads.

You sure do make a lot of errors in punctuation everytime you try and fail to construct a sentence, psycho.
My grades went all the way,[sic] through graduation,[sic] at a major university. Just sayin' . . .

So how were YOUR grades, faggot? You didn't study much,[sic] but eating shit,[sic] I suppose.

You sure do bitch against punctuation, on all kinds of threads.

You sure do make a lot of errors in punctuation everytime you try and fail to construct a sentence, psycho.

normally I would say, "Dont feed the trolls!!"...........but for me, this asshole cant post enough. If I post up a smilie face guy, he has a mental meltdown. What's more fun than that?
I was born to make far left guys go mental and am so blessed to have at my disposal some of the most eccentric nutty-asses on the internet showing up in here.:rock::rock::rock::rock:
My grades went all the way,[sic] through graduation,[sic] at a major university. Just sayin' . . .

So how were YOUR grades, faggot? You didn't study much,[sic] but eating shit,[sic] I suppose.

You sure do bitch against punctuation, on all kinds of threads.

You sure do make a lot of errors in punctuation everytime you try and fail to construct a sentence, psycho.
<----That's a fused, run-on sentence.[/I]

No, it is not. No matter how much you copy and paste it won't do you any good because you cannot comprehend what you have copied and you cannot actually use the English language properly. You are, and shall remain, a buffoon.
See all the immigrants, some of them illegal? Who do you think made really sure the illegals had to come up here? Do you think some of them found out,[sic] how the white gene pool had a crack,[sic] in the bottom? [/I]

Do you want to add 'racist' and 'apologist for illegal immigration' to your list of insanity, you illiterate buffoon?
normally I would say, "Dont feed the trolls!!"...........but for me, this asshole cant post enough. If I post up a smilie face guy, he has a mental meltdown. What's more fun than that?
I was born to make far left guys go mental and am so blessed to have at my disposal some of the most eccentric nutty-asses on the internet showing up in here.:rock::rock::rock::rock:

I told Bil_Stunbmun you were looking for him, he should drop by soon.
holy shit......this thread is still going?

Nobody cares...........Barry has spent 100 mil in ads and the polls havent moved.

But Im laughing.............

You are just as stupid as you have ever been.

If you were smart enough to know how stupid you are would be crying...

Spending just enough money to keep the polls the same is smart. But you are too stupid to understand that. Hey Numbnutz!!! It's july! There is no reason to spend now to have some idiotic "lead" in the polls at this time.

GAAWWDD!!!! You are one dumb SOB.
The Bain story is not going away.

Why won't Romney release his tax returns?

The same ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists that bitched loud and long about President Obama's Birth Certificate are now saying how unfair it is that Romnoid should release his Tax Returns.

This isn't about belief, it's about FACTS and cold, hard evidence.


It's about demagoguery, it's about creating impressions.

You know full well what you claim is false, but you want Obama to win, and he sure the fuck can't win on his record, so libeling Romney is what you view as your alternative.

Your opinion means NOTHING, as the FACTS contradict what you believe.
The SEC is not just twiddling it's thumbs, and the records are there for all to see.

The SEC already said that there is nothing unusual about the Bain 10Q, they have no investigation nor any questions.

Fact is, you're just flat out lying, as is Obama - in the vain hope that your smears will distract from the abysmal failure of the Obama administration.

No ione is questioning the 10Q, you twit. the question concerns Romney's claim tht he had NOTHING to do with Bain during a certain time period. The official records tell adifferent tale: There was a management committee running Bain to transition from Mitt to a new structure," Conard said last week during an interview on MSNBC. At the same time, Conard said, Romney's exit was complicated by the fact that "Mitt's names were on the documents as chief executive and sole owner of the company."

Those documents, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contain dozens of references to Romney and his holdings. An AP analysis of thousands of SEC filings in that three-year period found at least 39 documents in which Romney was listed as sole shareholder, president or director of investment funds that controlled large stakes in Bain-related companies.
The Associated Press: FACT CHECK: Romney met Bain partners after exit

What business of yours is it? The truth is you want tax returns so that you can slander and libel Romney.

Presidential candidates have been turning over tax returns when you were young and stupid, genius. It's a sign that they have nothing to hide and are upfront with the people. Assholes like you wanted to crawl up Obama's butt and analyze his DNA, but you let Romney slide on a simple tax return? Hypocrit!
Obama has released his going back had to pry just one year out of Romney.

Romney released his college transcripts, oddly - Obama has kept his secret.

Get your head out of Limbaugh's ass and do your homework! Obama has released over 10 years of tax returns...Romney just one year onad one "estimate". Romney digs in against releasing more tax returns | Reuters

As for his college transcripts, 'Birthers' claim Obama applied to college as a foreigner - Los Angeles Times

That you're STILL spewing the LONG DISPROVEN lies by the right wingnut cabal about Obama's citizenship, family history and religion indicates that you are not interested in logic and deductive reasoning, but just hearing whatever substantiates your personal beliefs.

Rich irony from a Bainther®. There is zero distinction between you and the birthers.

And as I proved above, you're just another Uncensored neocon/teabagger flunkie proudly demonstrating your willful stupidity and parroting the latest Drudge talking point. Get a life!
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

:eusa_clap:What makes you think he's hiding anything?:eusa_clap:

Hmmm, This thread has taken on a life of it's own and I know I posted in the beginning of it and unfortunately haven't taken the time to re-read everything that has been posted since.

But I will repeat what I said then. All Mitt has to do is release his tax returns and Bain records during the time he was on leave of absence and all would be cleared up. He should have to release the same number of years as others have.

The reason he is not doing this, despite paying a political price, is he has something to hide or he'd just do it.

He did it for McCain so he can do it again.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed: As we’ve previously noted, Mitt Romney twice told the Government Ethics Office that he left Bain Capital in February 1999, but there has been plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise. When he left Bain is a critical question, both because a different date than the one he claimed could mean he lied on official forms, and also because Romney has used the early departure date to insulate himself from attacks on Bain’s practices during the early 2000s.

But the Boston Globe reports today that Romney stayed on a full three years longer at Bain than he has claimed. Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed the in the years after 1999 list Romney as the “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president” of Bain. And a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002.

Romney’s Bain lie -

Hmmm, This thread has taken on a life of it's own and I know I posted in the beginning of it and unfortunately haven't taken the time to re-read everything that has been posted since.

But I will repeat what I said then. All Mitt has to do is release his tax returns and Bain records during the time he was on leave of absence and all would be cleared up. He should have to release the same number of years as others have.

The reason he is not doing this, despite paying a political price, is he has something to hide or he'd just do it.

He did it for McCain so he can do it again.

Eventually, he will release more records. When he does, it will be the most unpresidential of all appearances; he'll be doing it because he had to.

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