Romney's Bain Lie

Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed

Three more years saving jobs in failing companies. Good for him!

You mean, three more years of outsourcing to India and China.

Bain and Romney are worshipped by the baggers, because Romney was able to do at Bain what all baggers dream of

buy companies, destroy them, take all the money out, live high on the hog while others starve to death

bonus if the others are minorities, but whites are good targets too
Three more years saving jobs in failing companies. Good for him!

You mean, three more years of outsourcing to India and China.

Bain and Romney are worshipped by the baggers, because Romney was able to do at Bain what all baggers dream of

buy companies, destroy them, take all the money out, live high on the hog while others starve to death

bonus if the others are minorities, but whites are good targets too
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain three years longer than he claimed

Three more years saving jobs in failing companies. Good for him!

You mean, three more years of outsourcing to India and China.

Yes, the party of fear again speaks out. OMG, those injuns and chinks are stealing our jobs! Oh, fear, desperation, misery!

Actually offshoring is good for our economy. I spent years doing it for GE. And offshoring isn't just moving jobs offshore, it creates new onshore jobs managing the process as well. The more competitive our companies are, the richer we are and the more jobs we have and better paying ones. When you trap our corporations from cutting cost, they lose to international competitors.

The walls of fear you want to erect are the walls of our own destruction. Our companies can complete just fine in an international marketplace. It's your fear that's destroying us, not their acting competitively.
Bain and Romney are worshipped by the baggers, because Romney was able to do at Bain what all baggers dream of

buy companies, destroy them, take all the money out, live high on the hog while others starve to death

bonus if the others are minorities, but whites are good targets too

Actually economically it makes no sense to destroy random companies. The companies that it makes sense to destroy are the underperforming ones that are misusing or underutilizing their assets. To destroy a healthy company makes no sense and wouldn't lead to profit.

It's like the lions capturing the slowest wildebeest is good for the herd. Those jobs are going away. Bain saves jobs and makes the US economy more competitive which helps us deal better with international competition. It's a pure plus for us all. But then again, I'm a business guy and you are listening to a politician who wants to manipulate your fear button to make you vote for them to give them the endless power of government guns.. I'm a lot more biased in this.
Actually economically it makes no sense to destroy random companies. The companies that it makes sense to destroy are the underperforming ones that are misusing or underutilizing their assets. To destroy a healthy company makes no sense and wouldn't lead to profit.

It's like the lions capturing the slowest wildebeest is good for the herd. Those jobs are going away. Bain saves jobs and makes the US economy more competitive which helps us deal better with international competition. It's a pure plus for us all. But then again, I'm a business guy and you are listening to a politician who wants to manipulate your fear button to make you vote for them to give them the endless power of government guns.. I'm a lot more biased in this.

Bain provided capital for companies that were in trouble. Without Bain capital, there was 100% chance they would go bankrupt. With Bain capital, the chance dropped significantly. If the issue was environmental or other regulatory problems, then outsourcing was a viable answer.
Mitt Romney is the most amoral person I have ever seen.

He has no conscience whatsoever.
Mitt Romney is the most amoral person I have ever seen.

He has no conscience whatsoever.

First of all 3 independent fact checkers have stated that there is no evidence of Romney outsourcing jobs during his 20 year career at Bain Capital. : Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach

SECONDLY--Obama has a real record of outsourcing green energy jobs to CHINA.
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News
Obama Administration Gave Half-Billion-Dollar Loan to Al Gore-Connected Electric Car Company Fisker to Build in Finland |

THIRDLY--none of these attack ads against Romney has worked. USA/Gallop poll shows that Romney is leading 63% to 29% on who is more trusted leading this economy forward.

WASHINGTON – Despite concerted Democratic attacks on his business record, Republican challenger Mitt Romney scores a significant advantage over President Obama when it comes to managing the economy, reducing the federal budget deficit and creating jobs, a national USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds.

By more than 2-1, 63%-29%, those surveyed say Romney's background in business, including his tenure at the private equity firm Bain Capital, would cause him to make good decisions, not bad ones, in dealing with the nation's economic problems over the next four years.

The findings raise questions about Obama's strategy of targeting Bain's record in outsourcing jobs and hammering Romney for refusing to commit to releasing more than two years of his tax returns. Instead, Americans seem focused on the economy, where disappointment with the fragile recovery and the 8.2% unemployment rate are costing the president.
Poll: Romney preferred over Obama to handle the economy

Clearly the Obama reelection campaign of lies hasn't worked. And it probably didn't help that Bill Clinton praised Romney's 20 year record at Bain Capital.
Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney's business record 'sterling' -

So Criss do all the whining you want too-:eusa_boohoo:-but no one is believing it--according to this poll--this race is already over--Obama is going to get CREAMED in November--it's going to look like the Carter/Reagan race all over again.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you paint your opponent as someone people need to run from."--Barack Obama
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Mitt Romney is the most amoral person I have ever seen.

He has no conscience whatsoever.

WOW and you're a liberal, you must not talk to yourself or other liberals much..... talk about amoral....defend criminals, kill children and you have a wife beater as a hero....I think that sums it up pretty good, I could go on, but I think you get the point ;)
I wish I had a dawg in this Obamney race, but I'm voting for Dr.Jill Stein, from the Green Party.

I would have voted for Rosanne Barr, who used to have a co-dependency clowning relationship, with funny guy Tom Arnold, but Jill beat her out, for the nomination.

I just can't see wasting time, trying to get an issue into one of the Obamney camps. They are both loaded with empties, with a cult leader, on top of things.

You have to get to know the Obamneys, to be so completely disillusioned, as to vote for a candidate, who will no way win. But the Obamneys and their supporters managed, to lose some of us, completely.

So when is that white Obamney going to cough up some tax returns? When his retards let him stop thinking, about how he managed to study, in college? At least, MAYBE he studied, and THEN he learned, to jack off. He DID learn how, to jack off.

How else do you think report cards are a substitute, for tax returns? Put some lotion on it, Meat.

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