Romney's Bain Lie


Hey article. Exactly what would Romney's tax returns tell us about his ability to be a good president in your opinion?

Touting your business experience while doing everything you can to keep your financial records under wraps and doing everything you can to distance yourself from a three year period of a company you were the CEO and sole stockholder of just screams that you are hiding something.

"Because there are so many things that will be open again for more attack... and that's really, that's just the answer."

^ Ann Romney on why they don't want to release the returns.

What she is saying is that there are things in there that can be attacked and they want to avoid that.

My guess is that it will reveal some serious hypocrisy, prove him to be a liar about Bain and/or his tithing on some level, show that the Romney's haven't actually "worked" in some time, and/or give insight as to how little of a share of their income the alleged overtaxed wealthy in America pay.

It will provide insight into what kind of a businessman/citizen the man who is running for president based on his business acumen and good citizenship is.

I think we can easily gather that information from all the public records out there about Romney.

He was a very successfull business man and investor and makes 10's of millions a year as a result of this.

What Anne Romney said was accurate as I'm sure Romney made boatloads of money over the years. The democrats, with their war on success and wealth, will just use that to hammer him in the same way they are using the lack of said information to hammer him. Hence anne romney telling the dems and liberals in the media that "you people" don't need anymore information.

However, your angle that maybe those tax returns...if released for his time at Bain...might show hypocrisy I do find a legit reason to be asking about it.

The whole "tax returns" thing just, to me, reeks of political partisanship on the level of the birthers with obama's B.C. and his college records...which is why I challenged you in the first place on it ;).
Hey article. Exactly what would Romney's tax returns tell us about his ability to be a good president in your opinion?

Touting your business experience while doing everything you can to keep your financial records under wraps and doing everything you can to distance yourself from a three year period of a company you were the CEO and sole stockholder of just screams that you are hiding something.

"Because there are so many things that will be open again for more attack... and that's really, that's just the answer."

^ Ann Romney on why they don't want to release the returns.

What she is saying is that there are things in there that can be attacked and they want to avoid that.

My guess is that it will reveal some serious hypocrisy, prove him to be a liar about Bain and/or his tithing on some level, show that the Romney's haven't actually "worked" in some time, and/or give insight as to how little of a share of their income the alleged overtaxed wealthy in America pay.

It will provide insight into what kind of a businessman/citizen the man who is running for president based on his business acumen and good citizenship is.

I think we can easily gather that information from all the public records out there about Romney.

He was a very successfull business man and investor and makes 10's of millions a year as a result of this.

What Anne Romney said was accurate as I'm sure Romney made boatloads of money over the years. The democrats, with their war on success and wealth, will just use that to hammer him in the same way they are using the lack of said information to hammer him. Hence anne romney telling the dems and liberals in the media that "you people" don't need anymore information.

However, your angle that maybe those tax returns...if released for his time at Bain...might show hypocrisy I do find a legit reason to be asking about it.

The whole "tax returns" thing just, to me, reeks of political partisanship on the level of the birthers with obama's B.C. and his college records...which is why I challenged you in the first place on it ;).

I disagree and I don't think tax returns and BC/college transcripts are in the same ballpark.
What Anne Romney said was accurate as I'm sure Romney made boatloads of money over the years. The democrats, with their war on success and wealth, will just use that to hammer him in the same way they are using the lack of said information to hammer him. Hence anne romney telling the dems and liberals in the media that "you people" don't need anymore information.

They made a political decision and decided that releasing them was more of a political liability than not.

That should get any informed voter's attention.
Let's find out, if:

1. Weasels deflect;
2. Weasels LIE!

1. YES!
2. YES!!

Looks like a hen-house got hit, over here. So where are those returns and some FBARs, Meats?
Romney Invested Millions in Firms That Pioneered High-Tech Outsourcing | Mother Jones

Oh but, don't worry cuz, as prez, he won't do that.

Yeah, right.

He's running on what he did in the past so that we can know what he will do in the future. Just how dumb does he think we are?

Note to rw's with their head's in the sand. Either PROVE the source is wrong or shut up. Not everyone is dumb enough to fall for your "source" whine.
yeah just like OBama didnt....oh wait he did too. Again why bring up subjects that democrats do as well?
Everything is outsourced and outsold from Budweiser to Chrysler.....invested and profited in every pension, 401k and retirement fund.

Its the dicked up American way.

Give me a fucking break.
If we didn't have business killing regulations maybe so many companies wouldn't have left the country. The only surprising thing is that they all haven't left.
Romney Invested Millions in Firms That Pioneered High-Tech Outsourcing | Mother Jones

Oh but, don't worry cuz, as prez, he won't do that.

Yeah, right.

He's running on what he did in the past so that we can know what he will do in the future. Just how dumb does he think we are?

Note to rw's with their head's in the sand. Either PROVE the source is wrong or shut up. Not everyone is dumb enough to fall for your "source" whine.

Mother Jones isn't helping itself, well, they are getting page views from boobs by peddling the same lame nonsense...

all you need to know form the article;

In March 1999, shortly after Romney left Bain
It's funny to see these rank and file republicans being manipulated by the Koch brothers to call for less regulation.

This is the reason the Koch brothers are giving $400 million dollars to Romney.

They want to be able to pollute at will.
If our resident neocon/teabagger flunkies have deluded themselves into thinking that all this scrutiny on Mitten's dealings with Bain is just liberal witch hunting, then all they have to do is just revisit the Republican nominee debates and see what other staunch right wingers had to say about Mitten's...especially neocon sage Gingrich.

My first posts on this site were about what a Globalist NeoCon pig Newt Gingrich is, and how he's ALWAYS been that way.

IMHO, if Gingrich didn't like Mitt, all the more reason for me TO like Mitt.

I still can't bring myself to like him, but I've got a goldfish that would be better than O'Bummer.

Take off the blinders, Guy. The clown show that was the Republican primaries was essentially a bunch of pots calling kettles black.

Mittens has been caught in some many lies, hypocrisies and denials that it's a fucking joke to even consider him the lesser evil than Obama's re-election.

My point was that the Republican primary put on display ALL of Romney's faults and dubious claims. What's happening now is just a more specific point for point examination...and Mittens is not fairing well.
I am SO tired of neocon/teabagger flunkies repeating the Limbaugh-esque BS about the Dems/liberals/progressives waging "class warfare" on the wealthy....."jealous" of their success.

Reality check: the wealthy only pay 3% tax increase on taxable income ABOVE 250,000. That means the initial 250K DOES NOT GET AN ADDITIONAL TAX. So no one is going broke.

Reagaonomics didn't create a slew of jobs....the corporatist and wealthy took their money off shore, out sourced jobs and downsized.

Deal with it.
i don't believe Romney lied. Thats something Liberals are attacking with. If you think Romney lied, how about all the lies Obama has been caught at. ? Obama won't even be honest about his Birth Certif, or the soc sec fraudlent card. Obama was raised as a Muslim, and thinks like a Muslim, and believes this country should be like the Muslim countries he was raised in. He is after money and anyway he can get it. He has spent us into the largest deficet that ouir Grandkids will have to be paying back. He is going to tax us to death and everything you worked for will be gone. He's a total disaster and has to be voted out.!!!!!!
i don't believe Romney lied. Thats something Liberals are attacking with. If you think Romney lied, how about all the lies Obama has been caught at. ? Obama won't even be honest about his Birth Certif, or the soc sec fraudlent card. Obama was raised as a Muslim, and thinks like a Muslim, and believes this country should be like the Muslim countries he was raised in. He is after money and anyway he can get it. He has spent us into the largest deficet that ouir Grandkids will have to be paying back. He is going to tax us to death and everything you worked for will be gone. He's a total disaster and has to be voted out.!!!!!!

This isn't about belief, it's about FACTS and cold, hard evidence. The SEC is not just twiddling it's thumbs, and the records are there for all to see. If Romney is so forth coming, where are his tax statements? Obama has released his going back had to pry just one year out of Romney.

That you're STILL spewing the LONG DISPROVEN lies by the right wingnut cabal about Obama's citizenship, family history and religion indicates that you are not interested in logic and deductive reasoning, but just hearing whatever substantiates your personal beliefs.
i don't believe Romney lied. Thats something Liberals are attacking with. If you think Romney lied, how about all the lies Obama has been caught at. ? Obama won't even be honest about his Birth Certif, or the soc sec fraudlent card. Obama was raised as a Muslim, and thinks like a Muslim, and believes this country should be like the Muslim countries he was raised in. He is after money and anyway he can get it. He has spent us into the largest deficet that ouir Grandkids will have to be paying back. He is going to tax us to death and everything you worked for will be gone. He's a total disaster and has to be voted out.!!!!!!

Really? Romney has never lied?

What about the bullshit of Mittens saying that Obama apologized for this country? Give me just ONE link to a reliable news source.

How about his campaign commercial quoting Obama as saying that if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose? Got news for you, Obama was quoting John McCain (who lost btw), and Mittens severely edited the quote.

How about the latest one of Mittens using Obama's words (with a lot of editing) telling business that they didn't build that themselves? Got news for you..............Obama was telling people that businesses didn't get to where they were without the infrastructure of roads and bridges (as well as the protection of police and firemen) to help keep their business safe.

Oh yeah..............wanna talk about the speech he gave the following day after Obama said that and he said THE SAME FUCKING THING?

Sorry..................but Mittens lies a LOT.

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