Romney's Bain Lie

You've not shown a damned thing that shows Romney had ties to Noriega, Panama, or El Salvador.

Nothing but smoke and mirrors. Ephemeral, kinda like your candidate.

The first outside investor in Bain was a leading London financier, Sir Jack Lyons, who made a $2.5-million investment through a Panama shell company set up by a Swiss money manager, further shielding his identity. Years later, Lyons was convicted in an unrelated stock fraud scandal ....

Records show the first investment in Bain Capital -- $1.25 million in June 1984 -- was in the name of Jean Overseas Ltd., registered in Panama by Marcel Elfen, a Swiss money manager. Later, the investment was doubled.

The Panamanian shell company apparently was a vehicle for Lyons, the British businessman and philanthropist. Lyons died in 2008 ...

Jack Lyons worked as an outside consultant for Bain & Co., but that ended when he and three others were charged in the Guinness Affair, a stock scandal that rocked Britain. Convicted of fraud in 1990, he was spared prison time due to his failing health, but was stripped of his knighthood.

Bain Capital's Most Notable Foreign Founding Investors - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Bain Capital started with help of secretive international investors

Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors - Page 2 -


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start
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You've not shown a damned thing that shows Romney had ties to Noriega, Panama, or El Salvador.

Nothing but smoke and mirrors. Ephemeral, kinda like your candidate.

The first outside investor in Bain was a leading London financier, Sir Jack Lyons, who made a $2.5-million investment through a Panama shell company set up by a Swiss money manager, further shielding his identity. Years later, Lyons was convicted in an unrelated stock fraud scandal ....

Records show the first investment in Bain Capital -- $1.25 million in June 1984 -- was in the name of Jean Overseas Ltd., registered in Panama by Marcel Elfen, a Swiss money manager. Later, the investment was doubled.

The Panamanian shell company apparently was a vehicle for Lyons, the British businessman and philanthropist. Lyons died in 2008 ...

Jack Lyons worked as an outside consultant for Bain & Co., but that ended when he and three others were charged in the Guinness Affair, a stock scandal that rocked Britain. Convicted of fraud in 1990, he was spared prison time due to his failing health, but was stripped of his knighthood.

Bain Capital's Most Notable Foreign Founding Investors - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Bain Capital started with help of secretive international investors

Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors - Page 2 -

Where are the jobs?
Why is this traitorous scumbag in Europe raising money to defeat Americans?

what the fuck?

Romney’s London fundraisers will take him to heart of scandal-plagued banking industry - The Washington Post

Imagine if Obama did this, oh my god :lol:

Mitt Romney’s overseas trip next week will take him to the heart of London’s scandal-ridden banking industry, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee holds two campaign fundraisers hosted by lobbyists and executives from more than two dozen financial institutions.

The hosts of Romney’s high-dollar reception and dinner on July 26 overwhelmingly represent banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions, some of which are embroiled in the Libor rate-fixing scandal.

what a pig
You've not shown a damned thing that shows Romney had ties to Noriega, Panama, or El Salvador.

Nothing but smoke and mirrors. Ephemeral, kinda like your candidate.

The first outside investor in Bain was a leading London financier, Sir Jack Lyons, who made a $2.5-million investment through a Panama shell company set up by a Swiss money manager, further shielding his identity. Years later, Lyons was convicted in an unrelated stock fraud scandal ....

Records show the first investment in Bain Capital -- $1.25 million in June 1984 -- was in the name of Jean Overseas Ltd., registered in Panama by Marcel Elfen, a Swiss money manager. Later, the investment was doubled.

The Panamanian shell company apparently was a vehicle for Lyons, the British businessman and philanthropist. Lyons died in 2008 ...

Jack Lyons worked as an outside consultant for Bain & Co., but that ended when he and three others were charged in the Guinness Affair, a stock scandal that rocked Britain. Convicted of fraud in 1990, he was spared prison time due to his failing health, but was stripped of his knighthood.

Bain Capital's Most Notable Foreign Founding Investors - Garance Franke-Ruta - The Atlantic

Bain Capital started with help of secretive international investors

Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors - Page 2 -

Where are the jobs?

Like Chris, if you can't stay on topic at least stfu? If you want to speak about Jobs, that's another thread.

If Mods/Admins go to all the trouble of merging threads, the least you can do is respect the sentiment. :eusa_whistle:


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start
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worthless traitorous scumbag romney raising money in Europe so he can continue to sell us out...

What achievements? The little prick is a pathological liar. He will not show his grades. Therefore, we must accept the fact Obama was an AA candidate his entire life. His bio is a complete lie. The right tried to warn you all, but noooooooo, you voted for the most inept corrupt person to ever occupy the White House. And by "Occupy", I mean exactly that. He hasn't done a damn thing to fix this economy after spending billions.

Actually...............several things here...........................

Bin Laden is dead, and GM is alive.

The stock market that Obama inherited from Jr. was sitting at 7,900, and it's currently sitting at aroud 12,500 (plus or minus).

We've had consistent job GROWTH for the past 29 months, even though the GOP says it's not fast enough, it's still an improvement.

As far as "occupy", do you make more than 250,000/yr? If not, why do you want to vote against yourself?
Many of us making less than 250k simply do not believe that taking more money from those pulling the wagon is in our best interests. And we certainly don't believe that YOU know anything about our best interests. We think such a determination is best made by individuals.

YOU are "pulling the wagon", idiot! The tax is 3% AFTER the first 250K! Hardly a financial back breaker. Got that, bunky?
We've had reaganomics for about 30 years ain't working! If it were, the jobs would be here and NOT in India or South America, and major corporations wouldn't be doing hefty layoffs.

You need to get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and start realizing that the people you are defending could care less about you unless you're serving them.

Like Chris, if you can't stay on topic at least stfu? If you want to speak about Jobs, that's another thread.

If Mods/Admins go to all the trouble of merging threads, the least you can do is respect the sentiment. :eusa_whistle:


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

Obama has his suckups do his overseas fundraising.

Mr. Clooney will appear at a reception for Mr. Obama on Aug. 27 in Geneva, Switzerland, according to Mr. Obama’s campaign Web site. The event will be hosted by Charles C. Adams Jr., a Geneva-based lawyer, and Matthew Barzun, the Obama campaign’s national finance chairman and a former U.S. ambassador to Sweden.

The Tribune de Genève reports that a reception for 150 people will be followed by a dinner for 50. Tickets start at $1,000, but the price goes up to $5,000 for a photo reception. A seat at the dinner table will cost $20,000 per person, or $30,000 for a couple.

This will be the second time Mr. Clooney has attended a fund-raiser for Mr. Obama in Geneva: the first, in September 2008, brought in just shy of $1 million.

That pales in comparison, of course, to the $15 million that was raised by the event that Mr. Obama attended at Mr. Clooney’s house in May.

This will not be the first Geneva-based fund-raiser for the Obama campaign this year, either. In February, Mr. Adams, who is also the co-president of Americans Abroad for Obama, held a fund-raiser at his home that featured Robert Bauer, the White House counsel.
Where are the jobs?

Like Chris, if you can't stay on topic at least stfu? If you want to speak about Jobs, that's another thread.

If Mods/Admins go to all the trouble of merging threads, the least you can do is respect the sentiment. :eusa_whistle:


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

Obama has his suckups do his overseas fundraising.

Mr. Clooney will appear at a reception for Mr. Obama on Aug. 27 in Geneva, Switzerland, according to Mr. Obama’s campaign Web site. The event will be hosted by Charles C. Adams Jr., a Geneva-based lawyer, and Matthew Barzun, the Obama campaign’s national finance chairman and a former U.S. ambassador to Sweden.

The Tribune de Genève reports that a reception for 150 people will be followed by a dinner for 50. Tickets start at $1,000, but the price goes up to $5,000 for a photo reception. A seat at the dinner table will cost $20,000 per person, or $30,000 for a couple.

This will be the second time Mr. Clooney has attended a fund-raiser for Mr. Obama in Geneva: the first, in September 2008, brought in just shy of $1 million.

That pales in comparison, of course, to the $15 million that was raised by the event that Mr. Obama attended at Mr. Clooney’s house in May.

This will not be the first Geneva-based fund-raiser for the Obama campaign this year, either. In February, Mr. Adams, who is also the co-president of Americans Abroad for Obama, held a fund-raiser at his home that featured Robert Bauer, the White House counsel.

You people do not support campaign financing so candidates and their campaigns go to where the money is -- legally.

Obama has people who are vulture capitalists like Romney giving his campaign money? Thank you conservatives who fought and continue to fight, campaign finance laws.

Obama himself has not taken a job away from an American and shipped it overseas for a shitty profit. Romney has.


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start
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If our resident neocon/teabagger flunkies have deluded themselves into thinking that all this scrutiny on Mitten's dealings with Bain is just liberal witch hunting, then all they have to do is just revisit the Republican nominee debates and see what other staunch right wingers had to say about Mitten's...especially neocon sage Gingrich.
If our resident neocon/teabagger flunkies have deluded themselves into thinking that all this scrutiny on Mitten's dealings with Bain is just liberal witch hunting, then all they have to do is just revisit the Republican nominee debates and see what other staunch right wingers had to say about Mitten's...especially neocon sage Gingrich.

eggzactly, cant wait to see how they respond to your point

Like Chris, if you can't stay on topic at least stfu? If you want to speak about Jobs, that's another thread.

If Mods/Admins go to all the trouble of merging threads, the least you can do is respect the sentiment. :eusa_whistle:


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

Obama has his suckups do his overseas fundraising.

Mr. Clooney will appear at a reception for Mr. Obama on Aug. 27 in Geneva, Switzerland, according to Mr. Obama’s campaign Web site. The event will be hosted by Charles C. Adams Jr., a Geneva-based lawyer, and Matthew Barzun, the Obama campaign’s national finance chairman and a former U.S. ambassador to Sweden.

The Tribune de Genève reports that a reception for 150 people will be followed by a dinner for 50. Tickets start at $1,000, but the price goes up to $5,000 for a photo reception. A seat at the dinner table will cost $20,000 per person, or $30,000 for a couple.

This will be the second time Mr. Clooney has attended a fund-raiser for Mr. Obama in Geneva: the first, in September 2008, brought in just shy of $1 million.

That pales in comparison, of course, to the $15 million that was raised by the event that Mr. Obama attended at Mr. Clooney’s house in May.

This will not be the first Geneva-based fund-raiser for the Obama campaign this year, either. In February, Mr. Adams, who is also the co-president of Americans Abroad for Obama, held a fund-raiser at his home that featured Robert Bauer, the White House counsel.

You people do not support campaign financing so candidates and their campaigns go to where the money is -- legally.

Obama has people who are vulture capitalists like Romney giving his campaign money? Thank you conservatives who fought and continue to fight, campaign finance laws.

Obama himself has not taken a job away from an American and shipped it overseas for a shitty profit. Romney has.


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

What is this 'you people' horseshit? I haven't said anything about campaign finance laws. What change in the law do you propose so I can make a judgement on it? The usual result of a new campaign finance law is the pols find a way around it.

This is just ONE of Obama's people that have sent jobs overseas so you can knock off the whining about Romney and the companies Bain managed.

Jeffrey Immelt, the head of Barack Obama's highly touted "Jobs Council", is moving even more GE infrastructure to China. GE makes more medical-imaging machines than anyone else in the world, and now GE has announced that it "is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing". Apparently, this is all part of a "plan to invest about $2 billion across China" over the next few years. But moving core pieces of its business overseas is nothing new for GE. Under Immelt, GE has shipped tens of thousands of good jobs out of the United States. Perhaps GE should change its slogan to "Imagination At Work (In China)". If the very people that have been entrusted with solving the unemployment crisis are shipping jobs out of the country, what hope is there that things are going to turn around any time soon?
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Obama has not now or ever sent a single job overseas, not one.

Keep lying and pretty soon you wont know your own name...
Obama has his suckups do his overseas fundraising.

You people do not support campaign financing so candidates and their campaigns go to where the money is -- legally.

Obama has people who are vulture capitalists like Romney giving his campaign money? Thank you conservatives who fought and continue to fight, campaign finance laws.

Obama himself has not taken a job away from an American and shipped it overseas for a shitty profit. Romney has.


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

What is this 'you people' horseshit? I haven't said anything about campaign finance laws. What change in the law do you propose so I can make a judgement on it? The usual result of a new campaign finance law is the pols find a way around it.

This is just ONE of Obama's people that have sent jobs overseas so you can knock off the whining about Romney and the companies Bain managed.

Jeffrey Immelt, the head of Barack Obama's highly touted "Jobs Council", is moving even more GE infrastructure to China. GE makes more medical-imaging machines than anyone else in the world, and now GE has announced that it "is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing". Apparently, this is all part of a "plan to invest about $2 billion across China" over the next few years. But moving core pieces of its business overseas is nothing new for GE. Under Immelt, GE has shipped tens of thousands of good jobs out of the United States. Perhaps GE should change its slogan to "Imagination At Work (In China)". If the very people that have been entrusted with solving the unemployment crisis are shipping jobs out of the country, what hope is there that things are going to turn around any time soon?

Actually Id argue that your point is a false equivilency. The difference being ( if all accusations are true ) that one candidate founded a company that actively moved jobs oevrseas and the other candidate was given money for his campaign from a company that moved jobs overseas. The difference is simply active vs passive but the difference does exist.
Id also like to add that the whole Romney ties to forgiegn entities subject is EXACTLY why Citizens United is a bad thing. Who knows where the money is coming from for EITHER candidate when money is speech and it can be kept secret?

Is Romney supported by Panamanians? Is Obama getting money from North Korea? All any foreign entity would have top do is donate to one of the PAC that hides behind the charity tag and we would have no legal means to discover their involvement. Too risky if you ask me.
Obama has his suckups do his overseas fundraising.

You people do not support campaign financing so candidates and their campaigns go to where the money is -- legally.

Obama has people who are vulture capitalists like Romney giving his campaign money? Thank you conservatives who fought and continue to fight, campaign finance laws.

Obama himself has not taken a job away from an American and shipped it overseas for a shitty profit. Romney has.


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

What is this 'you people' horseshit? I haven't said anything about campaign finance laws. What change in the law do you propose so I can make a judgement on it? The usual result of a new campaign finance law is the pols find a way around it.

This is just ONE of Obama's people that have sent jobs overseas so you can knock off the whining about Romney and the companies Bain managed.

Romney and others sent jobs overseas. Problem for Romney and you is -- all the other Vulture Capitalists aren't stupid enough to run for President and insult the American people to their faces.


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start
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Id also like to add that the whole Romney ties to forgiegn entities subject is EXACTLY why Citizens United is a bad thing. Who knows where the money is coming from for EITHER candidate when money is speech and it can be kept secret?

Is Romney supported by Panamanians? Is Obama getting money from North Korea? All any foreign entity would have top do is donate to one of the PAC that hides behind the charity tag and we would have no legal means to discover their involvement. Too risky if you ask me.

ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

I hate to say "I told you so" - no I don't :laugh2: but follow the money.

Simple: follow the money


Investing and consulting techniques? :eusa_whistle:
Bain Capital
Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Bain & Company partners Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss. In 1983, Bill Bain offered Romney the chance to head a new venture that would invest in companies and apply Bain's consulting techniques to improve operations...New employees hired were generally in their twenties and top-ranked graduates from Stanford University or Harvard University, both of which Romney had attended...While Bain Capital was founded by Bain executives, the firm was not an affiliate or a division of Bain & Company but rather a completely separate company.

Why Panama? :eusa_whistle:

Bank secrecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panama Banks Are The Most Secret in the World | ABC Article Directory

In the 1989 invasion of Panama by the United States he (Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno[2] (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjeɣa]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and soldier. He was military governor of Panama from 1983 to 1989.) was removed from power, captured, detained as a prisoner of war, and flown to the United States. Noriega was tried on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering in April 1992.

The Romney campaign declined to comment on the specifics of Bain's early investors. Romney has argued that his offshore investments are entirely proper..."The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe," Romney said in an interview this week with National Review Online. ... About $9 million came from rich Latin Americans, including powerful Salvadoran families living in Miami during their country's brutal civil war.

The first outside investor in Bain was a leading London financier, Sir Jack Lyons, who made a $2.5-million investment through a Panama shell company set up by a Swiss money manager, further shielding his identity. Years later, Lyons was convicted in an unrelated stock fraud scandal.

"The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe," - Yeah, I bet. :mad:

Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors -

ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start
If our resident neocon/teabagger flunkies have deluded themselves into thinking that all this scrutiny on Mitten's dealings with Bain is just liberal witch hunting, then all they have to do is just revisit the Republican nominee debates and see what other staunch right wingers had to say about Mitten's...especially neocon sage Gingrich.

eggzactly, cant wait to see how they respond to your point


I won't hold my breath for that one.:up:
ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

I hate to say "I told you so" - no I don't :laugh2: but follow the money.

Simple: follow the money


Investing and consulting techniques? :eusa_whistle:
Bain Capital
Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Bain & Company partners Mitt Romney, T. Coleman Andrews III, and Eric Kriss. In 1983, Bill Bain offered Romney the chance to head a new venture that would invest in companies and apply Bain's consulting techniques to improve operations...New employees hired were generally in their twenties and top-ranked graduates from Stanford University or Harvard University, both of which Romney had attended...While Bain Capital was founded by Bain executives, the firm was not an affiliate or a division of Bain & Company but rather a completely separate company.

Why Panama? :eusa_whistle:

Bank secrecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Panama Banks Are The Most Secret in the World | ABC Article Directory

In the 1989 invasion of Panama by the United States he (Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno[2] (Spanish pronunciation: [maˈnwel noˈɾjeɣa]; born February 11, 1934) is a former Panamanian politician and soldier. He was military governor of Panama from 1983 to 1989.) was removed from power, captured, detained as a prisoner of war, and flown to the United States. Noriega was tried on eight counts of drug trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering in April 1992.

The Romney campaign declined to comment on the specifics of Bain's early investors. Romney has argued that his offshore investments are entirely proper..."The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe," Romney said in an interview this week with National Review Online. ... About $9 million came from rich Latin Americans, including powerful Salvadoran families living in Miami during their country's brutal civil war.

The first outside investor in Bain was a leading London financier, Sir Jack Lyons, who made a $2.5-million investment through a Panama shell company set up by a Swiss money manager, further shielding his identity. Years later, Lyons was convicted in an unrelated stock fraud scandal.

"The world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe," - Yeah, I bet. :mad:

Bain Capital started with help of offshore investors -

ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start


Dante's merged thread OP - the one that was about the Bain/Panama link: ROMNEY and BAIN's unusual, secretive, shady, Panamanian start

I think youre forgetting that the NeoCons ignored the fact that W. was fionanced by the Bin Laden family. You think theyre going to be phased by Noriega?

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