Romney's Biggest Hurdle?


No Party Affiliation
Dec 15, 2008
IMHO it isn't his record at Bain.
I think it's his record in Massachusetts.
During his term the state's rank in job creation fell from 36th to 47th. This fairy tale of "his history of creating jobs" is pure myth.

On spending, from 2003 to 2007 Massachusetts's goverment spending went from 22.25 billion to 25.44 billion (about 24%).

His biggest accomplishment was implementing ObamaCare in Massachusetts,

Sure, candidates successfully pull off similar illusions on the voters all too frequently.
Can Romney pull it off?

Doesn't look like he did in Massachusetts. His exit approval rating was 34. And now, the only place that elected him to public office is considered out-of-reach for him with Obama leading by 22 points (RCP poll average).

When was the last time a president was elected without winning his home state?
you dont know what neutral looks like


It's the one in the middle.
Robmoney is trying to avoid his record in office.

So he wants to tout his great business acumen.

Problem is he was very good at making money while fucking up American lives.

Corporate raiders are not one of the good guys according to MOST Americans
Robmoney is trying to avoid his record in office.

So he wants to tout his great business acumen.

Problem is he was very good at making money while fucking up American lives.

Corporate raiders are not one of the good guys according to MOST Americans

Is obama and the left focusing on their records as well?
Robmoney is trying to avoid his record in office.

So he wants to tout his great business acumen.

Problem is he was very good at making money while fucking up American lives.

Corporate raiders are not one of the good guys according to MOST Americans

It is interesting to me that initially the Romney campaign really wanted to tout his Bain experience (and NOT his Masschusetts record) but when folks started kicking the tires and checking under the hood of that Bain experience - all of a sudden it's "dirty politics."

Now, they're trying to shift focus away from Bain and tout his Massachusetts experience. I wonder how much scrutiny THAT record can withstand before all of a sudden it becomes "off limitis" too?
IMHO it isn't his record at Bain.
I think it's his record in Massachusetts.
During his term the state's rank in job creation fell from 36th to 47th. This fairy tale of "his history of creating jobs" is pure myth.

On spending, from 2003 to 2007 Massachusetts's goverment spending went from 22.25 billion to 25.44 billion (about 24%).

His biggest accomplishment was implementing ObamaCare in Massachusetts,

Sure, candidates successfully pull off similar illusions on the voters all too frequently.
Can Romney pull it off?

Doesn't look like he did in Massachusetts. His exit approval rating was 34. And now, the only place that elected him to public office is considered out-of-reach for him with Obama leading by 22 points (RCP poll average).

When was the last time a president was elected without winning his home state?
Can he do better as president than Obama? Yes, I believe he can...and will.

The evidence doesn't seem to support that position, but to each his or her own.

While Governor, unemployment was 5.6% in MA. When he left is was 4.7%. Job growth may have slowed- but it continued. I think that's a record American's will consider good. God knows Obama has the worst record- and that's why he will ultimately lose the election~
Can he do better as president than Obama? Yes, I believe he can...and will.

The evidence doesn't seem to support that position, but to each his or her own.

While Governor, unemployment was 5.6% in MA. When he left is was 4.7%. Job growth may have slowed- but it continued. I think that's a record American's will consider good. God knows Obama has the worst record- and that's why he will ultimately lose the election~

Even the Romney camp acknowledges that the only reason the rate went down was because of the mass exodus. People left Mass. to find jobs elsewhere - they certainly weren't creating jobs.

The only way you can project a "better" record for Romney is to spin like top - but that's certainly not a first for American politics either. We'll see how successful they are at it.
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btw - the last time a presidential candidate won while losing his home state .... I think it was 1916 - Woodrow Wilson.

If the only people he's ever tried to govern want no part of him .... why should I?
Romney is doing quite well with hurdles. It's obama that's in trouble. He made a mistake in trying to fabricate a war on women and came across as both patronizing and condescending instead. He made a mistake in personalizing Trayvon Martin as his son when Martin turned out to be a little street thug drug addict. He made a mistake in supporting same sex marriage. obama has turned out to be obama's biggest hurdles.

Compared to that, Romney is doing quite well.
Romney's biggest hurdle will be convincing working class swing voters in the rust belt battleground states that he will treat them better than Obama will.
Romney is doing quite well with hurdles. It's obama that's in trouble. He made a mistake in trying to fabricate a war on women and came across as both patronizing and condescending instead. He made a mistake in personalizing Trayvon Martin as his son when Martin turned out to be a little street thug drug addict. He made a mistake in supporting same sex marriage. obama has turned out to be obama's biggest hurdles.

Compared to that, Romney is doing quite well.

I've already heard HOW Romney is going to try to spin it and HOW they are going to try to attack Obama ... with the "spin trumps numbers and facts because we REALLY hate this guy" campaign.

I'm just not sure they can pull it off. Even if the zealots start believeing their own spin.

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