Romney's history making screw up.

Sorry, but I fail to see the comparison

Try again

Liberal Hack, LIAR, dishonesty.. ALL ON DISPLAY.. Using the deaths of American troops................................... LIBERALS have NOTHING but made up PROPAGANDA and they can't even do that right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B U S T ED!!! Your messiah did the same exact thing, even went further............... and you Zombies sit here and play Stoooooooooopid.. LMAO

Your analogy between two events doesn't carry

Calling names doesn't change that. Try again

Sure it does Hack.. .. LMAO

Hussein Obama did the EXACT same thing.. NOTHING different.. The truth hurts.. FACTS remain.. Poor liberals, going to have to come up with some other BULLSHIT propaganda to carry your messiahs dirty water.. This one is gone. :)
Don't even try it Sallow.. everyone read where you said it took Booooooooooooooosh longer to respond than Obama, beyond 24 hours.. Doubling-down on stoopid makes you look the bigger fool. His response was not a response????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? THAT'S YOUR EXCUSE??? It's one of the most famous quotes and will be remembered always.. OMG.

Try what?

I'm not going to get into a what "is" means conversation with you..

Because it's an exercise in stupidity.

Bush's initial response to 9/11 was unfocused..and it really took him 3 days to get it together. And for a brief moment..he looked as if he had a handle on it.

But he really fucked it all up.

If you are judging Obama's foreign policy as a whole against that..which the way..appropriate...then Obama wins out hands down.

You guys conflate every bump in the road as some extreme failure.

Which it is not.

And your alternative is military action..almost at every turn.

No thanks.

While Bush was initially missing in action on 9-11, his response a few days later at ground zero was masterful and the highlight of his Presidency

The Bush declaration of "You are either with us or with the terrorists" set the tone and gained him unprecedented support both at home and abroad

Unfortunately, he pissed that support away and alienated the rest of the world with his unwarranted blunder of attacking Iraq

Boooooooooooooosh addressed the nation EXACTLY 45 minutes after we were struck.. Obama, at the 24 hour mark.. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REVISIONSIT HISTORY no longer works when you have technology.. you lefties can't continue to lie your asses off and get away with it.

PS- Lotssssssssssssss of lurkers read these threads.. I wonder what they think seeing all of the batshit crazy leftists lying like Charles Manson on trial??
All I can tell ya is, I'm a capitalist and I like my freedom.
I have time to be here when I choose because I can afford the time.
I'm no so sure I can say the same for most of the liberals in here.
Obama's finished, move fiscally right will ya. Get a fucking job.
Now that the dust has settled somewhat and people are beginning to understand just what happened, it appears, that Romney made history.

Six hours after the American Consulate in Libya issued a statement after hearing there might be protests due to a youtube vid denigrating Islam, Romney maps the statement to Obama and calls it "disgraceful". Then after learning the full story, that A. Obama didn't issue the statement and B. It was issued prior to the protests..Romney doubles down. This was done during an ongoing American crisis. Even some conservatives are pretty shocked.

Some are saying this is Romney's "jump the shark" moment. Basically, I personally think that happened when the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare. But this does illustrate what a poor candidate and politician Romney is..and it also made history..because this is the first time a Presidential Candidate has done something like this.

However..Romney did get one thing right..the Disgraceful part. applied to Romney.


whats a matter, your other moronic thread get pounded get pounded so you had to regroup??:rolleyes:

poor shallow, loves the shiny objects...:lol:

here ya go, whats your take on this, and whats more, what was halperins, todds, talking points memo and the rest of the chuckle heads take on obama comments here;

take your time, I'll be back...
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obama's middle east policy is in a shambles. It was always a shambles, but now it's just pieces of shambles.

Our allies like Israel are enemies, our enemies like Egypt and Libya is what we support. obama meets with the muslim brotherhood and refuses to meet with Netanyahu. He puts brotherhood operatives in the state department.

obama's inaction, weakness and vacillation have spread anti American protests to Tunisia and Yemen. obama is out campaigning. The official answer is for the Secretary of State to blame the Constitution. The obama answer is to do nothing. Ignore it.
Try what?

I'm not going to get into a what "is" means conversation with you..

Because it's an exercise in stupidity.

Bush's initial response to 9/11 was unfocused..and it really took him 3 days to get it together. And for a brief moment..he looked as if he had a handle on it.

But he really fucked it all up.

If you are judging Obama's foreign policy as a whole against that..which the way..appropriate...then Obama wins out hands down.

You guys conflate every bump in the road as some extreme failure.

Which it is not.

And your alternative is military action..almost at every turn.

No thanks.

While Bush was initially missing in action on 9-11, his response a few days later at ground zero was masterful and the highlight of his Presidency

The Bush declaration of "You are either with us or with the terrorists" set the tone and gained him unprecedented support both at home and abroad

Unfortunately, he pissed that support away and alienated the rest of the world with his unwarranted blunder of attacking Iraq

Boooooooooooooosh addressed the nation EXACTLY 45 minutes after we were struck.. Obama, at the 24 hour mark.. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REVISIONSIT HISTORY no longer works when you have technology.. you lefties can't continue to lie your asses off and get away with it.

PS- Lotssssssssssssss of lurkers read these threads.. I wonder what they think seeing all of the batshit crazy leftists lying like Charles Manson on trial??

Bush didn't address the nation until 12 hours later

His 9-11 speech was not his best. He looked like he was shaken and in shock. A few days later he hit it out of the park with his ground zero speech. Undoubtably his finest hour

Too bad he pissed it all away
obama's middle east policy is in a shambles. It was always a shambles, but now it's just pieces of shambles.

Our allies like Israel are enemies, our enemies like Egypt and Libya is what we support. obama meets with the muslim brotherhood and refuses to meet with Netanyahu. He puts brotherhood operatives in the state department.

obama's inaction, weakness and vacillation have spread anti American protests to Tunisia and Yemen. obama is out campaigning. The official answer is for the Secretary of State to blame the Constitution. The obama answer is to do nothing. Ignore it.

Hasn't every Presidents mideast policy been in shambles?
Friday, September 11, 20099:30 am ... 9/11 ... President George W. Bush: "Freedom itself was attacked this morning..."

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ... freedom will be defended." -- President George W. Bush, 9/11/

At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11/01, after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, President George W. Bush addressed the nation in a brief statement just 45 minutes after the first attack. The shaping of his new presidency was about to take a different direction as America entered in the war on terrorism with the President vowing to protect American citizens.

LIAR.. Too bad there's proof..

45 MINUTES after the attack.. Amazing how much LIBERALS lie.
Now that the dust has settled somewhat and people are beginning to understand just what happened, it appears, that Romney made history.

Six hours after the American Consulate in Libya issued a statement after hearing there might be protests due to a youtube vid denigrating Islam, Romney maps the statement to Obama and calls it "disgraceful". Then after learning the full story, that A. Obama didn't issue the statement and B. It was issued prior to the protests..Romney doubles down. This was done during an ongoing American crisis. Even some conservatives are pretty shocked.

Some are saying this is Romney's "jump the shark" moment. Basically, I personally think that happened when the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare. But this does illustrate what a poor candidate and politician Romney is..and it also made history..because this is the first time a Presidential Candidate has done something like this.

However..Romney did get one thing right..the Disgraceful part. applied to Romney.


Vs the alternative of putting a known felon back in charge for four more.

Didnt you guys kill enough border guards?
Friday, September 11, 20099:30 am ... 9/11 ... President George W. Bush: "Freedom itself was attacked this morning..."

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ... freedom will be defended." -- President George W. Bush, 9/11/

At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11/01, after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, President George W. Bush addressed the nation in a brief statement just 45 minutes after the first attack. The shaping of his new presidency was about to take a different direction as America entered in the war on terrorism with the President vowing to protect American citizens.

LIAR.. Too bad there's proof..

45 MINUTES after the attack.. Amazing how much LIBERALS lie.

Bush was in hiding

He did not address the nation, he released a statement

Not the same
Romney screwed up. Obama waited a reasonable amount of time before jumping to conclusions to try to get as much information as possible.

Bottom line is that Americans trust Obama by about 11% over Romney when it comes to foreign affairs and national security. Peoplw will likely not want to change horses in midstream with all the unrest at the moment.

The ME was, is and always will be a tinderbox of rebellion, strife, terror and all sorts of negative things. No one has the answers and obviously both republicans and dems have not done such a great job there.

What I would ask the Romney supporters and Romeny himself is "what exactly would you do regarding this current situation and for the future in the middle east, including Iran and its nuclear threats?"

Answers here:

Your emotional meltdown doesn't change the FACTS I listed above.. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH BARBARIAN did it.. It doesn't change the ABSOLUTE facts:

The Obama Administration was warned in both 2009 and 2010 about Embassy security- they cut funding-.

Warned by whom, and doesn't congress control spending? Aren't they the ones trying to cut everything from school lunches to subsidies?

The Obama Administration destroyed an ally, pushing the so called, "Arab Spring," resulting in a known Terror-tied organization seizing control of Egypt..

Mubarek was a dead man walking, and everyone knew it... At least anyone with beyond a High School education.

The Obama Administration took 24 hours to respond to an attack on our Sovereignity..

Okay, Corkette, I know you need to believe that.

The Obama Administration is seeking funds for the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood to help buy UBOATS... sends them invites to the WH all the while sticks a middle finger up to Israel and insults their Leader.

I could literally go on and on.. THE FACTS remain.

Yes, you could, but you've embarrased yourself enough?

Uboats? Seriously, does anyone still call them "U-Boats". Of course, the GErman Type-209 is a design from the 1960's, hardly state of the art.

And we finally have a president who tells the Zionists to fuck themselves...Oh, be still, my beating heart.
Friday, September 11, 20099:30 am ... 9/11 ... President George W. Bush: "Freedom itself was attacked this morning..."

"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward ... freedom will be defended." -- President George W. Bush, 9/11/

At 9:30 a.m. on 9/11/01, after the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were attacked, President George W. Bush addressed the nation in a brief statement just 45 minutes after the first attack. The shaping of his new presidency was about to take a different direction as America entered in the war on terrorism with the President vowing to protect American citizens.

LIAR.. Too bad there's proof..

45 MINUTES after the attack.. Amazing how much LIBERALS lie.

Bush was in hiding

He did not address the nation, he released a statement

Not the same

In her's a "response".

Romney acted presidential while Obama slept.

Indeed.......and looked it too, by the way!!!

Reality is 95% perception. As this shit esclates all over the map, Romney looks decisive while Obama looks like he's hoping this shit will just blow over FTG.

At the end of the day, what will endure? That on the anniversary of 9/11, the administration was sitting around the White House playing pocket pool as our embassy was stormed = more living in Disney.

Everythings good Warrior bro........:rock:

I agree, but the Liberal Press is doing a full court Press to try and Twist it and Make Obama look good and Romney bad, and I am afraid the Masses of Everyday Americans appear to be buying it.

Just shows you how Ignorant of what is going on the Average Voter is. Were Watching the Result of Obama's Weak, Disjointed, and Short sighted Foreign Policy unfold, and the Number of People who trust Obama more than Romney on Foreign Policy is actually rising. If you believe the Polls.

Your emotional meltdown doesn't change the FACTS I listed above.. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH BARBARIAN did it.. It doesn't change the ABSOLUTE facts:

The Obama Administration was warned in both 2009 and 2010 about Embassy security- they cut funding-.

Warned by whom, and doesn't congress control spending? Aren't they the ones trying to cut everything from school lunches to subsidies?

The Obama Administration destroyed an ally, pushing the so called, "Arab Spring," resulting in a known Terror-tied organization seizing control of Egypt..

Mubarek was a dead man walking, and everyone knew it... At least anyone with beyond a High School education.

The Obama Administration took 24 hours to respond to an attack on our Sovereignity..

Okay, Corkette, I know you need to believe that.

The Obama Administration is seeking funds for the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood to help buy UBOATS... sends them invites to the WH all the while sticks a middle finger up to Israel and insults their Leader.

I could literally go on and on.. THE FACTS remain.

Yes, you could, but you've embarrased yourself enough?

Uboats? Seriously, does anyone still call them "U-Boats". Of course, the GErman Type-209 is a design from the 1960's, hardly state of the art.

And we finally have a president who tells the Zionists to fuck themselves...Oh, be still, my beating heart.

Except he doesn't.

He made the rare milquetoast "suggestion" that Israel might do itself some good if it did what was required by the rest of the world..and actually listen to the UN.

After being blasted by Netanayahu and his rabble in this country..who hold Israel over the United States (gotta love those conservative Republicans!)..Obama essentially fell in line, did nothing to keep that conduit of American cash going to Israel and went to the UN to throw the Palestinians under the bus.

Gotta love it.
Could someone link me to this apology? I haven't seen it.

I have asked for this elusive apology supposedly made by President Obama but so far, no one has been able to post it.

Nor did the embassy "apologize".

Simply, there was no apology. Not at any time. Not by anyone.

As for Mittens, its a lot easier to throw gas on a fire than it is for a president to try to save lives.

Mittens is allowed to make a mistake but he is not allowed to then lie about it. He's a disaster and a liar. You rw's can try to blame anyone you want but fact is, Mittens did this to himself and then lied about it. There just no excuse for that.

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