Romney's history making screw up.

"Spreading the seeds of democracy", the phrase employed by George W. Bush and the Bush administration as justification for the war in Iraq,

Article back in Nov, 2011, when the Arab Spring was being hailed:

Tampa, Fl SunSentinal

Give Bush credit for the Arab Spring
November 13, 2011|Noelle Nikpour
These past few months, Americans have watched as dictators have fallen in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, and it looks as if Syria's Bashar Assad might be next.

These are historic days in the Mideast, and they are happening partly because of President George W. Bush.

By unseating the Taliban and ridding the world of Saddam Hussein, Bush planted the seeds of democracy that are sprouting in northern Africa and in the Middle East. He changed the conversation from whether democracy should be attempted in the Arab world to how to make it work there.


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And post 911 GWs approval rating was what - 70 something percent? What's Barry's, post this crisis?

Epic fail

I've given Bush points for his speech at the WTC. That was a very fine moment for him. It also brought the nation..and much of the world together.

But he really screwed up after that.

Yup. We were united against a common enemy that had actually attacked us. Then he invaded the wrong country.
Here's what the US Embassy in Egypt said prior to the attack:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions," the U.S. Embassy in Cairo said early Tuesday in a press release.

Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."
There's no apology there. It's a condemnation of people who "offend believers of all religions". Even if you want to call this an apology, which would be inaccurate, it's not from Obama. It's from someone in the embassy. Obama is ultimately responsible for the behavior of all US gov't employees, but responsibility is not the same as culpability.
And post 911 GWs approval rating was what - 70 something percent? What's Barry's, post this crisis?

Epic fail

3000 people dying vs. 4 people dying...

Not even in the same ballpark.

Using this logic, Barry's approval should be right around 147 percent

If logic were involved, yeah.

This is emotion. It's harder to get all emotional when 4 people die than when 3000 do.

This is where I give Bush (whom, again, I voted for twice) a lot of credit. We were in shock as a nation, and he was a very comforting figure in the days that followed.

This.. Well, it's embassies getting stormed a few people dying. Not as in your face, and perhaps we are more jaded after a decade of this stuff.
Here's what the US Embassy in Egypt said prior to the attack:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions," the U.S. Embassy in Cairo said early Tuesday in a press release.

Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."
There's no apology there. It's a condemnation of people who "offend believers of all religions". Even if you want to call this an apology, which would be inaccurate, it's not from Obama. It's from someone in the embassy. Obama is ultimately responsible for the behavior of all US gov't employees, but responsibility is not the same as culpability.

It was a tweet from an Embassy that was being stormed by an angry mob at that.
President Obama has a very good record of making people that kill Americans die. I suspect that the people responsible for this attack will be dead within months. The Libyan government is embarressed and angry over the attacks, and many of the Libyan people admired and respected Ambassador Stevens. I think that there will be enough cooperation among the Libyan people to finger who planned and executed this atrocity to identify and destroy those responsible.

In the meantime, Romney's statements show him unfit to be President.

Even the Obama Admin walked back the apology.. Only liberal hacks continue to pursue the lie that there wasn't one..

Telling the enemy who burned embassies and others who slaughtered Americans.... We're sorry someone hurt your Muslim feelings... is a disgusting ass licking apology/appeasement.. Par for the course for this lousy/ABSENT - FAILED Administration. Why did it take over 24 hrs for the Obama Admin to respond when we were under attack?? ABSENT LEADERSHIP.. Who stabbed an ally in the back, MUBARAK, installing the Muslim Brotherhood, blowing up the Middle East in to an Islamic Clusterfuck of violence?? THE APPEASEMENT ADMINISTRATION.. LIBERALS OWN THIS.. You can't run fast enough from it!
President Obama has a very good record of making people that kill Americans die. I suspect that the people responsible for this attack will be dead within months. The Libyan government is embarressed and angry over the attacks, and many of the Libyan people admired and respected Ambassador Stevens. I think that there will be enough cooperation among the Libyan people to finger who planned and executed this atrocity to identify and destroy those responsible.

In the meantime, Romney's statements show him unfit to be President.

while i was driving in to work, they said on the news that we're working with the libyan government to bring the perps to justice.

i'd say that's the appropriate response to an incendiary situation.

and i'm figuring that this new and not quite stable government of libya that we helped is going to do what they need to in order to maintain our support so they don't end up like quaddafy.

Even the Obama Admin walked back the apology.. Only liberal hacks continue to pursue the lie that there wasn't one..

Telling the enemy who burned embassies and others who slaughtered Americans.... We're sorry someone hurt your Muslim feelings... is a disgusting ass licking apology/appeasement.. Par for the course for this lousy/ABSENT - FAILED Administration. Why did it take over 24 hrs for the Obama Admin to respond when we were under attack?? ABSENT LEADERSHIP.. Who stabbed an ally in the back, MUBARAK, installing the Muslim Brotherhood, blowing up the Middle East in to an Islamic Clusterfuck of violence?? THE APPEASEMENT ADMINISTRATION.. LIBERALS OWN THIS.. You can't run fast enough from it!

What fucking idiots you wingnuts are showing yourselves to be. More and more this appears to be an Al Queda attack, using the protests as cover. But you want to blame the President, even if it means supporting Al Queda. You are beneath contempt.
President Obama has a very good record of making people that kill Americans die. I suspect that the people responsible for this attack will be dead within months. The Libyan government is embarressed and angry over the attacks, and many of the Libyan people admired and respected Ambassador Stevens. I think that there will be enough cooperation among the Libyan people to finger who planned and executed this atrocity to identify and destroy those responsible.

In the meantime, Romney's statements show him unfit to be President.

while i was driving in to work, they said on the news that we're working with the libyan government to bring the perps to justice.

i'd say that's the appropriate response to an incendiary situation.

and i'm figuring that this new and not quite stable government of libya that we helped is going to do what they need to in order to maintain our support so they don't end up like quaddafy.

End up how? Using authoritarian rule for about four decades? Don't over-state what Obama can do just b/c you're so desperate to cheerlead for him.
So............. He really didn't apologize?

Even the Obama Admin walked back the apology.. Only liberal hacks continue to pursue the lie that there wasn't one..

Telling the enemy who burned embassies and others who slaughtered Americans.... We're sorry someone hurt your Muslim feelings... is a disgusting ass licking apology/appeasement.. Par for the course for this lousy/ABSENT - FAILED Administration. Why did it take over 24 hrs for the Obama Admin to respond when we were under attack?? ABSENT LEADERSHIP.. Who stabbed an ally in the back, MUBARAK, installing the Muslim Brotherhood, blowing up the Middle East in to an Islamic Clusterfuck of violence?? THE APPEASEMENT ADMINISTRATION.. LIBERALS OWN THIS.. You can't run fast enough from it!

What fucking idiots you wingnuts are showing yourselves to be. More and more this appears to be an Al Queda attack, using the protests as cover. But you want to blame the President, even if it means supporting Al Queda. You are beneath contempt.

:lmao: I seriously had a good chuckle when I read your conclusion.
Romney acted presidential while Obama slept.

Indeed.......and looked it too, by the way!!!

Reality is 95% perception. As this shit esclates all over the map, Romney looks decisive while Obama looks like he's hoping this shit will just blow over FTG.

At the end of the day, what will endure? That on the anniversary of 9/11, the administration was sitting around the White House playing pocket pool as our embassy was stormed = more living in Disney.

Everythings good Warrior bro........:rock:

When one leader comes out after the attack and says, "We don't want to hurt your feelings about your religion and are tolerant of all religions"...they are missing the point. The leader who says, "We won't tolerate our embassy being attacked", is the the leader I want to hear from.
Romney acted presidential while Obama slept.

Indeed.......and looked it too, by the way!!!

Reality is 95% perception. As this shit esclates all over the map, Romney looks decisive while Obama looks like he's hoping this shit will just blow over FTG.

At the end of the day, what will endure? That on the anniversary of 9/11, the administration was sitting around the White House playing pocket pool as our embassy was stormed = more living in Disney.

Everythings good Warrior bro........:rock:

When one leader comes out after the attack and says, "We don't want to hurt your feelings about your religion and are tolerant of all religions"...they are missing the point. The leader who says, "We won't tolerate our embassy being attacked", is the the leader I want to hear from.

Um... yeah....

Hey how about when those embassies were attacked in Africa, and Clinton bombed some targets, and the right accused him of making a "wag the dog" attack to distract from Monica?

Or when our embassies in Kuwait and Lebanon were bombed in the 1980's, and Reagan let local authorities deal with it?

since you feel so strongly about embassies, you should support Clinton and condemn Reagan's vacilation.
So............. He really didn't apologize?

Even the Obama Admin walked back the apology.. Only liberal hacks continue to pursue the lie that there wasn't one..

Telling the enemy who burned embassies and others who slaughtered Americans.... We're sorry someone hurt your Muslim feelings... is a disgusting ass licking apology/appeasement.. Par for the course for this lousy/ABSENT - FAILED Administration. Why did it take over 24 hrs for the Obama Admin to respond when we were under attack?? ABSENT LEADERSHIP.. Who stabbed an ally in the back, MUBARAK, installing the Muslim Brotherhood, blowing up the Middle East in to an Islamic Clusterfuck of violence?? THE APPEASEMENT ADMINISTRATION.. LIBERALS OWN THIS.. You can't run fast enough from it!

What fucking idiots you wingnuts are showing yourselves to be. More and more this appears to be an Al Queda attack, using the protests as cover. But you want to blame the President, even if it means supporting Al Queda. You are beneath contempt.

Your emotional meltdown doesn't change the FACTS I listed above.. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH BARBARIAN did it.. It doesn't change the ABSOLUTE facts:

The Obama Administration was warned in both 2009 and 2010 about Embassy security- they cut funding-

The Obama Administration destroyed an ally, pushing the so called, "Arab Spring," resulting in a known Terror-tied organization seizing control of Egypt.

The Obama Administration took 24 hours to respond to an attack on our Sovereignity.

The Obama Administration is seeking funds for the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood to help buy UBOATS... sends them invites to the WH all the while sticks a middle finger up to Israel and insults their Leader.

I could literally go on and on.. THE FACTS remain.

I've never seen the media heap that much criticism on Obama for anything, let alone something so trivial. We all know they're in bed with Obama. We stopped caring about their opinions a long time ago.

It wasn't at all "trivial".

This is the man vying for one of the most important jobs in the world. How he conducts himself in the face of crisis is germane to the sort of acumen that he has toward that goal.

And this has never been done before by a Presidential Candidate. This is a first.
Even the Obama Admin walked back the apology.. Only liberal hacks continue to pursue the lie that there wasn't one..

Telling the enemy who burned embassies and others who slaughtered Americans.... We're sorry someone hurt your Muslim feelings... is a disgusting ass licking apology/appeasement.. Par for the course for this lousy/ABSENT - FAILED Administration. Why did it take over 24 hrs for the Obama Admin to respond when we were under attack?? ABSENT LEADERSHIP.. Who stabbed an ally in the back, MUBARAK, installing the Muslim Brotherhood, blowing up the Middle East in to an Islamic Clusterfuck of violence?? THE APPEASEMENT ADMINISTRATION.. LIBERALS OWN THIS.. You can't run fast enough from it!

What fucking idiots you wingnuts are showing yourselves to be. More and more this appears to be an Al Queda attack, using the protests as cover. But you want to blame the President, even if it means supporting Al Queda. You are beneath contempt.

Your emotional meltdown doesn't change the FACTS I listed above.. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH BARBARIAN did it.. It doesn't change the ABSOLUTE facts:

The Obama Administration was warned in both 2009 and 2010 about Embassy security- they cut funding-
The Obama Administration destroyed an ally, pushing the so called, "Arab Spring," resulting in a known Terror-tied organization seizing control of Egypt.

The Obama Administration took 24 hours to respond to an attack on our Sovereignity.

The Obama Administration is seeking funds for the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood to help buy UBOATS... sends them invites to the WH all the while sticks a middle finger up to Israel and insults their Leader.

I could literally go on and on.. THE FACTS remain.



And as to your second point. Gaddafi was a terrorist. He authored the Lockerbie attack.

How soon you guys forget.
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