Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

If a person comes from a family that works, they will be likely to work. If mom has lived off welfare, daddy's gone, they won't get a good paying job, or any job.

It is a little late for democrats to blather on about the patriotism of military service. The last two democrat presidents never served at all. And, the democrats did everything they could to dice and slice Sarah Palin's son who was actively serving while she was running for VP.

Thats not necessarily true, I know several friends of mine who turned out to be total potheads who just play Playstation 3 all day and just smoke weed, and don't work. Their parents both have good jobs, and they are not welfare babies.

It's not a guarantee! It's a matter of liklihood. A person who comes from a family that has a work ethic is likely to have a work ethic themselves.
.....Likewise, a family of.....

The MASTERS don't typically send their childrens into harms way.

That what us little people's kids are for.

To be absolutely fair, John McCain's sons served.

Sarah Palin's son served.

I think it's unfair to tar all Republicans because the Romneys are crapping their magic underwear at the thought of being in harms way. :eusa_whistle:

Mitt Romney's sons are doing nothing more and nothing less than exercising their right of free association. Since there is no compulsory draft, their choice is no less honorable than the choice former president Clinton and current president Obama made when they were at the age as Mitt Romney's sons are now. more time.

What part of volunteer military are you not understanding?

The poor people can stay away from induction centers just like everyone else can.

Except they really can't. Not if they live in a place like Detroit or Cleveland that thanks to the Mitt Romneys of the world moving all the good jobs to China, the military is the only place that's actually hiring.

And here's where I get very critical of a system I benefited from. The military paid for my college, but I was lucky enough to have 12 years of Catholic education that prepared me for college. (This was in the bad old days when Catholic Education was relatively cheap. I paid for my last two years of high school with summer jobs.)

But a lot of these poor kids sign up, hoping to get an education. The unlucky ones come back in boxes or without limbs. The "Lucky" ones come back and then find they never got the skills in high school or grammar school to go to college, and they flunk out after a year.

Now, by comparison, a Romney kid is never going to be in a situation like that. He's always going to be able to get a good paying job for no effort through Daddy's connection, just like Dad did.

If there is any place where the utter futility of the so-called war on poverty is demonstrated as a total failure, Cleveland and and Detroit are the uncontested winners.

Democratic mayors for the last, what, 300 years? If kids growing up there haven't got the grounding and the skills in high school or grammar school to go to college and get a good paying job, it is because these two cities - and sadly many, if not all cities - are plagued by similar mayors and councils who are totally removed from reality in their ivory towers and teachers whose main concern is their three month holiday, their undeserved pension and their total lack of devotion to the little slice of their lives, large portion of which is wasted on so-called PD days, so the kids can have a day off and experience the joys of drugs that the 'teachers' are so fond of.

Nothing to do with wealth. Which, by the way, is EARNED, except for lottery winners.
It really is odd that Romney or any of his five sons ever served their country in the military.

Regarding the military draft, Romney had initially received a student deferment, then like most other Mormon missionaries a ministerial deferment while in France, then another student deferment. When those ran out, his high number in the December 1969 draft lottery (300) ensured he would not be selected.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It really is odd that Obama never served his country in the military.

That's just different... right? :rolleyes:

Did Obama protest FOR a war that he supported sending other kids to, like Romney? Then not go?

Sign of the Times – A Photo Shows Romney Backing Vietnam Draft - ABC News
It really is odd that Romney or any of his five sons ever served their country in the military.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It really is odd that Obama never served his country in the military.

That's just different... right? :rolleyes:

Did Obama protest FOR a war that he supported sending other kids to, like Romney? Then not go?

Sign of the Times – A Photo Shows Romney Backing Vietnam Draft - ABC News
immaterial to the question.

Speaking strictly about military service, in and of itself... is it fair to criticize one man for seeking the presidency without having served, while not criticizing another for the same reason? No, it isn't. It's hypocritical.
It really is odd that Romney or any of his five sons ever served their country in the military.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It really is odd that Obama never served his country in the military.

That's just different... right? :rolleyes:

Did Obama protest FOR a war that he supported sending other kids to, like Romney? Then not go?

Sign of the Times – A Photo Shows Romney Backing Vietnam Draft - ABC News

Not totally, but he's sending kids to protect oil rich land in Uganda, the same principle as war for oil in Iraq that he pretended to be against based on principle.

Also Libya was the same principle, he was ok with warmongering there because he didn't like their ruler, but was against going to war with Iraq and their evil ruler.
What we have here is a debate (?) amongst partisans about Romney's sons non-participation in two wars.

I'm sure some left leaning 527 will take on the issue with a negative political ad (because that's what 527s do) and run the ad about this subject, along with Romney's bank accounts offshore. Then the ad will ask non-committed voters if these circumstances fit into what they expect from someone who will be leading America and how it identifies with their values and their own circumstances.
Biden's son went to Iraq. Biden's worth about $350,000. One of the poorest members of congress before becoming Vice.

Romney's worth a quarter Billion dollars..and that's what we know. He's got foreign he might be worth more.

None of his sons went to war. Given a chance to fight in a war he FULLY SUPPORTED, he balked.

So you're not going to answer the question.

Romney Tax Returns Show $7 Million in Donations Over 2 Years - Businessweek

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney donated $7 million to charity in the past two years, more than the $6.2 million the candidate and his wife paid in federal taxes in that period, documents the campaign released show.

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year -

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife gave an average of $369 a year to charity during the past decade, his tax records show.
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's campaign today released 10 years' worth of tax returns for Biden, a senator from Delaware, and his wife Jill, a community college instructor. The Bidens reported earning $319,853 last year, including $71,000 in royalties for his memoir, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics.

An average of $400 even when he was making 320 K a year.

Wow...that's a fair share.

I don't recall asking about Iraq.

Do even bother to read these articles?

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney donated $7 million to charity in the past two years, more than the $6.2 million the candidate and his wife paid in federal taxes in that period, documents the campaign released show.

Romney and his wife, Ann, who jointly file taxes, gave $1.5 million cash in 2010 and $2.6 million cash in 2011 to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the tax documents show. A former Massachusetts governor whose campaign estimates his fortune at between $190 million and $250 million as co-founder of Boston private-equity firm Bain Capital LLC, Romney is a devout Mormon with deep family ties to the church.

The Romneys donated about 16.4 percent of their adjusted gross income of $42.5 million in the two-year period, according to their 2010 tax returns and an estimate for 2011 taxes. The 2010 return shows $3 million in charitable contributions, and the 2011 estimate shows $4 million.

At first glance, the dollar amount of the Romneys’ charitable giving is “shocking,” Russell James, director of a graduate program in charitable financial planning at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, said in a telephone interview today. “But it’s a different story when you compare it to total wealth. It’s not a shocking amount when you have a quarter- billion dollars in wealth.”

Gifts of Stock

In addition to their church donations, the Romneys had deductions for more than $2 million in donations that are listed as noncash charitable contributions. That includes tens of thousands of shares of stock in Domino’s Pizza Inc, Senasata Technologies, Dunkin Donuts and Warner Chilcott that went to his family’s Tyler Foundation, based in Boston. Romney’s Bain Capital acquired those companies, records show.

It isn’t unusual for high earners like the Romneys to funnel money into charitable foundations that they control, said Lloyd Mayer, an associate dean at the University of Notre Dame Law School.

“If you’re wealthy, you set up your own private foundation,” Mayer said. “You get a deduction now, but you don’t have to give it all away right away. You can do it in a much more leisurely way.”

‘Common Strategy’

From a tax perspective, it makes sense for the Romneys to use shares of stock to make charitable donations, Mayer said. If someone donates shares that have increased in value, they can deduct the contribution while avoiding the 15 percent capital gains tax they would have to pay otherwise.

“It’s a very common strategy,” Mayer said.

Most of the "charity" went to the Mormon church..or to evade paying taxes.


And again..when called in to do service for this country..Romney went to France.

Would you be happier if his donations had gone to the Atheist church??

You know, the 'church' that doesn't even exist? And do you know why it doesn't exist? because atheists could not care less about others. Filled with hate, the atheists's only credo is to attack others. Kind of similar or perhaps even identical to the Democratic credo.

It goes without saying that you and your ilk would be perfectly happy if that money had gone to the "church" that supported Obama's view of "GOD DAMN AMERICA" so eloquently expressed and so whole-heartedly supported by President Barack Hussein Obama.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy"......

"Jimmy Carter is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy who spent ten years in the uniformed service of his country. As far as I can tell, this is ten years more than the cumulative service of all members of the Romney clan."

Are you guys so desperate for something to attack Romney with that you have to resort to this? Is Obama's record so crappy that you have to deflect so much? I guess the answer is yes.

Pretty sad. I can come up with better stuff to attack Romney with and I support the man.

The wealthy from other generations believed in a certain sense of Noblesse oblige but not the 1%ers.

these 1%ers are Like Paul Ryan in that they worship greed and Ayn Lunatic Rand.

Paul Ryan should be hoping that everybody reads Robert Draper's book, because it humanizes him. I pretty much had cardboard cutouts of these people in my head, because all I saw were the headlines.
Would you be happier if his donations had gone to the Atheist church??

You know, the 'church' that doesn't even exist? And do you know why it doesn't exist? because atheists could not care less about others. Filled with hate, the atheists's only credo is to attack others. Kind of similar or perhaps even identical to the Democratic credo.

It goes without saying that you and your ilk would be perfectly happy if that money had gone to the "church" that supported Obama's view of "GOD DAMN AMERICA" so eloquently expressed and so whole-heartedly supported by President Barack Hussein Obama.

Wow. You're new here, and you'll fit right in - but let me ask you. Do you actually know any atheists? Maybe it's the company I keep, but every atheist I know is intelligent and kind, and it takes more than the fingers of one hand to count my atheist friends. They are funny. They are loving parents. And yes, as far as I know, they are all democrats. There probably are Republican atheists, I just haven't befriended one yet.

Read Phil 4:8, and get back to me on why you appear to be so very angry.
So you're not going to answer the question.

Romney Tax Returns Show $7 Million in Donations Over 2 Years - Businessweek

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney donated $7 million to charity in the past two years, more than the $6.2 million the candidate and his wife paid in federal taxes in that period, documents the campaign released show.

Biden gave average of $369 to charity a year -

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and his wife gave an average of $369 a year to charity during the past decade, his tax records show.
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's campaign today released 10 years' worth of tax returns for Biden, a senator from Delaware, and his wife Jill, a community college instructor. The Bidens reported earning $319,853 last year, including $71,000 in royalties for his memoir, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics.

An average of $400 even when he was making 320 K a year.

Wow...that's a fair share.

I don't recall asking about Iraq.

Do even bother to read these articles?

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney donated $7 million to charity in the past two years, more than the $6.2 million the candidate and his wife paid in federal taxes in that period, documents the campaign released show.

Romney and his wife, Ann, who jointly file taxes, gave $1.5 million cash in 2010 and $2.6 million cash in 2011 to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the tax documents show. A former Massachusetts governor whose campaign estimates his fortune at between $190 million and $250 million as co-founder of Boston private-equity firm Bain Capital LLC, Romney is a devout Mormon with deep family ties to the church.

The Romneys donated about 16.4 percent of their adjusted gross income of $42.5 million in the two-year period, according to their 2010 tax returns and an estimate for 2011 taxes. The 2010 return shows $3 million in charitable contributions, and the 2011 estimate shows $4 million.

At first glance, the dollar amount of the Romneys’ charitable giving is “shocking,” Russell James, director of a graduate program in charitable financial planning at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, said in a telephone interview today. “But it’s a different story when you compare it to total wealth. It’s not a shocking amount when you have a quarter- billion dollars in wealth.”

Gifts of Stock

In addition to their church donations, the Romneys had deductions for more than $2 million in donations that are listed as noncash charitable contributions. That includes tens of thousands of shares of stock in Domino’s Pizza Inc, Senasata Technologies, Dunkin Donuts and Warner Chilcott that went to his family’s Tyler Foundation, based in Boston. Romney’s Bain Capital acquired those companies, records show.

It isn’t unusual for high earners like the Romneys to funnel money into charitable foundations that they control, said Lloyd Mayer, an associate dean at the University of Notre Dame Law School.

“If you’re wealthy, you set up your own private foundation,” Mayer said. “You get a deduction now, but you don’t have to give it all away right away. You can do it in a much more leisurely way.”

‘Common Strategy’

From a tax perspective, it makes sense for the Romneys to use shares of stock to make charitable donations, Mayer said. If someone donates shares that have increased in value, they can deduct the contribution while avoiding the 15 percent capital gains tax they would have to pay otherwise.

“It’s a very common strategy,” Mayer said.

Most of the "charity" went to the Mormon church..or to evade paying taxes.


And again..when called in to do service for this country..Romney went to France.

Would you be happier if his donations had gone to the Atheist church??

You know, the 'church' that doesn't even exist? And do you know why it doesn't exist? because atheists could not care less about others. Filled with hate, the atheists's only credo is to attack others. Kind of similar or perhaps even identical to the Democratic credo.

It goes without saying that you and your ilk would be perfectly happy if that money had gone to the "church" that supported Obama's view of "GOD DAMN AMERICA" so eloquently expressed and so whole-heartedly supported by President Barack Hussein Obama.

I love USMB's loud and proud bigots, don't hide the hate my friend, let it flow! Just like Jesus would want you to!
What part of volunteer military are you not understanding?

And what part of the claim from the Rethugs that "terrorists" represent the biggest threat to the country we have faced since the USSR fell. And with the supposed threat you don't think it strange that the man with 5 sons who has wanted to be POTUS for 8 years, during which we have been at war and he didn't have even one son who joined the military.

And you want Mittens to be CIC? So he can send other peoples sons and daughters to war.

What a fearless leader Mittens would be. Sons must be pussies, but Mittens is fearless. Cause it ain't his rich kids getting killed.

It sounds to me like most of you here are just showing a little jealousy!

How is Romney going to send our sons and daughters to war IF THEY DON'T WANT TO GO? If they don't sign up, they're not going anywhere! :cuckoo:
If they don't want to go then they just dont sign up...easy!

Are you saying just because Romneys kids are rich that they SHOULD join the military? That makes no sense at all. There are THOUSANDS of rich democrats out there, and i bet the majority of them hasn't had kids in the military either....where's your rants about them? Just because Romney is running for president you guys have to pick on his family about this?

Romney isn't my first choice to run for president, i have issues with him....just not as many issues as i have with Obama.

I come from a time that remembers the cream of the crop in America running off to join, simply because they felt that strongly about it. The first name that popped into my head was Elvis, Clark Gable? Jimmy Stewart. I need to read, it's been a long time since I was as enamored of Hollywood as I was growing up.

This is a different time, and thanks to people like Muhammed Ali, more thought is being put into WHY should we (as an individual) go to war, just because the man at the top of the food chain says "march."
When American boys were fighting and dying in Vietnam, Mitt Romney was hiding in France, eating cheese and drinking lattes.

What a coward!
Who cares what Romney's kids did? Why does it matter? How is it going to get unemployment down?

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