Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

well I guess it's now open season on the Obama's kids?

yeah, because adults are exactly the same as preteens.

stupid twat
Republicans are happy to volunteer other people's children to die for them. Just don't ask them to pay taxes - that's too great a sacrifice to make for country.

I have both right and left in my family. The children of the right are all in the military.... the ones on the left.... would DIE before they saw or allowed their children in the military.

I did a little experiment in 2004. I invited some College Republicans to talk about the Iraq War, how much they supported it, and how crucial they felt it was to the nation. At first they were a little reserved, but once they got going, those maniacs just couldn't stop piling the crap on - eventually they were basically saying if we didn't invade Iraq, the world would end in fiery Armageddon tomorrow. So I told them I had good news: I had arranged for them all to come with me to a recruiting station so they could enlist and save America from imminent doom. Dead silence, then sputtering. A few of the lurkers on the fringe made a hasty getaway, while the people I'd been directly talking to turned beet red - first from embarrassment, then from rage that I'd shown them to be cowards and hypocrites. Eventually they came up with some lame idea that they were the "Home Guard" by sitting on their Hitler Youth asses telling other people to be killers for George Bush.

That isn't to say the military isn't generally right-wing, because it is - but the reverse is not true: Right-wingers are, generally speaking, lazy, undisciplined, cowardly bullies who like the idea of killing people and stealing things, but will only approach their psychotic fantasies vicariously through politics. They will be so enthusiastic about a war, they'll hold barbecues to celebrate its commencement - but enlist? Of course not. That's for a very, very small proportion among them who actually believe what they're told, and aren't just lying sociopaths. The few who do enlist are very different from the typical Republican, and most have some semblance of decency - although compromised by a lot of authoritarian hogwash.

As to the left, most don't enlist because they don't agree with the war being fought. Isn't that a novel idea, to only fight when necessary? There were plenty on the left who enlisted after 9/11 because it seemed like there might actually be a need, but that isn't how things turned out - Bush soft-pedaled the war against the people who attacked us and sent our troops to die trying to create an empire for him in Iraq. So yeah, liberals would not volunteer to die for a mad dictator who's as much an enemy of their country as the one he was trying to overthrow, but they do volunteer when the nation actually needs troops. That's what a citizen is supposed to do, not go into the military just because your daddy did, or because you think it's cool and honorable to follow orders.

But most conservatives don't even do that - they won't even freaking pay the taxes to fund the wars they demand and send other people to fight. They're despicable, loathsome characters and sorry excuses for Americans and human beings.

cool story, bro

now go home and get your shine box
[ame=]Mitt said what? (military service) - YouTube[/ame]

Mitt's son couldn't join. They were doing something even MORE important.
So Democrats are now out to destroy a Republican candidate based on his religion and family.

America is having a low.
So Democrats are now out to destroy a Republican candidate based on his religion and family.

America is having a low.

Destroy him? We celebrate his "values" and "morals". The military is only for the "little people". "Special People" like Mitt need to be "protected" and "idolized". He is someone to "die for". Ask him.
Who cares what Romney's kids did? Why does it matter? How is it going to get unemployment down?

I love this. The Wall Street Assholes who ran unemployment up to double digits are now the ones whining about it.... Even though it has gone down.
The incumbent YOU are supporting killed a couple of hundred thousand American jobs in the Gulf of Mexico to get even with big oil, and you're routing a businessman who has saved thousands of jobs by salvaging what he could of a business gone bad due to poor management? When he turned them around and they prospered, guess what, Joe. Employment went up in the businesses following reorganization.

Some people don't like to do what it takes to keep a business from getting rid of everyone in a bankruptcy situation. Solyndra fired its entire staff less than two years after the government gave them 535 million dollars, which is over half a billion. When Congress ended the giveaway, Nancy Pelosi jumped on it to get her Brother-in-Law another deal. He now can dump it any time he cares to but will lose nothing due to the 1.3 billion US Treasury dollars handed to him on a silver platter by his in-the-know Sister-in-Law.

Every earner in America is paying that $1.3 billion, and Congress is allowed to continue on with nobody stopping them, tapping them on the shoulder, and saying "Hey, that's the people's money, and you can't use it to enrich yourself just because it's there for Constitutional requirements of government."

It's one scandal after another, but this crowd is locked into beating up a conservative over his religion, his sons, and micromanagement by Democrats in a scorched-earth scenario of character assassination by proxy.
Romney's dark days for freedom would be a son of his defending America

Romney's latest scurrilous attack on the US President and American freedoms, has him attacking President Obama on unverified news reports?


Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy" like Warren Buffett who claims he wants to pay more taxes, yet he owes what about a billion in back taxes he refuses to pay?

Oh, is it a left-wing thing to attack the children and grandchildren of Republican candidates, yeah, it is.

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.
The incumbent YOU are supporting killed a couple of hundred thousand American jobs in the Gulf of Mexico to get even with big oil, and you're routing a businessman who has saved thousands of jobs by salvaging what he could of a business gone bad due to poor management? When he turned them around and they prospered, guess what, Joe. Employment went up in the businesses following reorganization.

Some people don't like to do what it takes to keep a business from getting rid of everyone in a bankruptcy situation. Solyndra fired its entire staff less than two years after the government gave them 535 million dollars, which is over half a billion. When Congress ended the giveaway, Nancy Pelosi jumped on it to get her Brother-in-Law another deal. He now can dump it any time he cares to but will lose nothing due to the 1.3 billion US Treasury dollars handed to him on a silver platter by his in-the-know Sister-in-Law.

Every earner in America is paying that $1.3 billion, and Congress is allowed to continue on with nobody stopping them, tapping them on the shoulder, and saying "Hey, that's the people's money, and you can't use it to enrich yourself just because it's there for Constitutional requirements of government."

It's one scandal after another, but this crowd is locked into beating up a conservative over his religion, his sons, and micromanagement by Democrats in a scorched-earth scenario of character assassination by proxy.

Okay, since oil production has actually INCREASED on Obama's watch despite the BP Spill (did you all forget the BP SPill?) I'm not sure if it's worth talking to you if you can't even get simple facts straight.

I don't support Solyndra, but the overall concept that we need to invest in new technologies is a step in the right direction.

There's only a finite amount of oil, and the world's demand for it is increasing. When China and India start living like Americans, we aer all going to be in trouble.
So Democrats are now out to destroy a Republican candidate based on his religion and family.

America is having a low.

His religion is an insane cult and his family are a bunch of people who've lived off the rest of us most of their lives...

So, um. nope. The low was when you guys nominated this fool.
In America we do not judge people based on their religious beliefs.

If there were no people looking to make businesses prosper, Joe, there wouldn't be any jobs available. Do you know what happened to Russia when hot-blooded holier-than-thous murdered their Czar? Firstly, they persecuted people who owned businesses and put them out of business. Then, with no jobs to turn to, they turned on each other, with blame games turning to bullets, and at the end of the saga, they decided their experiment was a failure...a hundred million deaths later. It was a nightmare.

Obama is destroying profitable businesses right and left. The horrors of this haven't sunk in yet, but they're printing a lot of paper money right now.

I'm sticking with my theory: America is at a low. Romney's skills can turn it around.

Of course if having a crisis like Greece floats your boat It's on you, not me.
The incumbent YOU are supporting killed a couple of hundred thousand American jobs in the Gulf of Mexico to get even with big oil, and you're routing a businessman who has saved thousands of jobs by salvaging what he could of a business gone bad due to poor management? When he turned them around and they prospered, guess what, Joe. Employment went up in the businesses following reorganization.

Some people don't like to do what it takes to keep a business from getting rid of everyone in a bankruptcy situation. Solyndra fired its entire staff less than two years after the government gave them 535 million dollars, which is over half a billion. When Congress ended the giveaway, Nancy Pelosi jumped on it to get her Brother-in-Law another deal. He now can dump it any time he cares to but will lose nothing due to the 1.3 billion US Treasury dollars handed to him on a silver platter by his in-the-know Sister-in-Law.

Every earner in America is paying that $1.3 billion, and Congress is allowed to continue on with nobody stopping them, tapping them on the shoulder, and saying "Hey, that's the people's money, and you can't use it to enrich yourself just because it's there for Constitutional requirements of government."

It's one scandal after another, but this crowd is locked into beating up a conservative over his religion, his sons, and micromanagement by Democrats in a scorched-earth scenario of character assassination by proxy.

Okay, since oil production has actually INCREASED on Obama's watch despite the BP Spill (did you all forget the BP SPill?) I'm not sure if it's worth talking to you if you can't even get simple facts straight.

I don't support Solyndra, but the overall concept that we need to invest in new technologies is a step in the right direction.

There's only a finite amount of oil, and the world's demand for it is increasing. When China and India start living like Americans, we aer all going to be in trouble.
I don't know what you're on, young man, but the BP spill cause Barack Obama to unilaterally close down American drilling and he handed it over to Chinese and Russian interests who are working very closely with Cuba, the people who allowed the Russians in with their nuke weapons, or have YOU forgotten that?

You don't have a choice. You already gave to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law's company solyndra because those nice long bills the Lefties love to hide their little gold digging schemes in? If you were working for the last 5 years, you already paid your share so her family will never have to worry about money for the duration of their lives with that 1.3 Billion dollars you paid, along with several million other ones of us who did, but didn't know about it because we were certain our Congresscritters, even on the left wouldn't stab us in the back with using the public treasury to enrich their own families with, instead of providing for the common defense.

You made your choice. I made mine.
In America we do not judge people based on their religious beliefs.
No, in America religious people judge and attack anyone who does not share their prejudices and beliefs. :eusa_hand:


Grenell, an unabashed supporter of gay marriage who has a longtime partner, was attacked by evangelical Christian conservatives who, like Romney, oppose gay marriage, and said Romney was compromising himself on the issue by hiring Grenell.

“The message Gov. Romney appears to be sending to the pro-family community … is ‘drop dead,’” wrote Bryan Fischer of the American Family Assn., which was designated as a “hate group” in 2010 by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its anti-gay comments. Tony Perkins of Family Research Council intimated that Grenell would be sympathetic to the foreign policy goals of the Obama administration because he is gay.

'Hyperpartisan discussion' ends gay spokesman's stint with Romney - Los Angeles Times
How did you treat Kerrys heroic service dr drock?

Kerry was (is) a traitor. How many honorable servicement took their medals and threw them over the White house fence in protest? Yes....i've read that he didn't "want" to do it, but other's made the decision, and he went along with it. How heroic is that? Sounds like a follower to me....

Traitor is siding with your enemy for political gain.

So Democrats are now out to destroy a Republican candidate based on his religion and family.

America is having a low.

His religion is an insane cult and his family are a bunch of people who've lived off the rest of us most of their lives...

So, um. nope. The low was when you guys nominated this fool.
In America we do not judge people based on their religious beliefs.

If there were no people looking to make businesses prosper, Joe, there wouldn't be any jobs available. Do you know what happened to Russia when hot-blooded holier-than-thous murdered their Czar? Firstly, they persecuted people who owned businesses and put them out of business. Then, with no jobs to turn to, they turned on each other, with blame games turning to bullets, and at the end of the saga, they decided their experiment was a failure...a hundred million deaths later. It was a nightmare.

Obama is destroying profitable businesses right and left. The horrors of this haven't sunk in yet, but they're printing a lot of paper money right now.

I'm sticking with my theory: America is at a low. Romney's skills can turn it around.

Of course if having a crisis like Greece floats your boat It's on you, not me.

You fucking tard. You judge Obama on what you think is religious beliefs are all the time. Then you say he's destroying business? But not how? And with not a shred of evidence? Get the fuck out of here and crawl back into that sewer you escaped from. Light damages your kind.

In America we do not judge people based on their religious beliefs.
No, in America religious people judge and attack anyone who does not share their prejudices and beliefs. :eusa_hand:
Right now, the attacks on this thread are leftists and neoleftists attacking a Republican candidate for his private religious beliefs and for having 5 sons in his family.

This is a lot more about losing a political race, but people I know try to look through the fluff and pick out a respectable person who will bring honor back to this country.

There's no honor in going after businesses just because they don't put money in your anti-business campaigns, but Obama put a hurt on the south over the oil jobs they lost, as if they hadn't been hit hard enough by Katrina and other hurricanes the left blamed on Republicans.

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