Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

And that is exactly why they fled with nothing but the clothes on their back.

Nice twist, Gumby.

And why did they flee THERE to begin with??

It was his "Ancestors" that fled there...HE had nothing to do with it. Are we supposed to be responsible for what our ancestors did? Were we there? There's no reason Romney needs to talk about it.

Well it is not like the Left wants
to talk about Papa Obama's economic failings
In America we do not judge people based on their religious beliefs.

Well, actually, we do. That's why you wingnuts keep trying to 'prove' Obama's a Muslim.

If there were no people looking to make businesses prosper, Joe, there wouldn't be any jobs available. Do you know what happened to Russia when hot-blooded holier-than-thous murdered their Czar? Firstly, they persecuted people who owned businesses and put them out of business. Then, with no jobs to turn to, they turned on each other, with blame games turning to bullets, and at the end of the saga, they decided their experiment was a failure...a hundred million deaths later. It was a nightmare.

Uhhh, okay. I guess we can chalk up "Russian History" to something you are profoundly ignorant of. Besides repeating the bogus "100 million death" figure, the failures of the USSR had little to do with their economic system and a lot more to do with the fact that like every other colonial empire, it was doomed to failure. It actually outlasted the British and French Empires.

Obama is destroying profitable businesses right and left. The horrors of this haven't sunk in yet, but they're printing a lot of paper money right now.

I'm sticking with my theory: America is at a low. Romney's skills can turn it around.

Of course if having a crisis like Greece floats your boat It's on you, not me.

Again, the thing was, Europe tried Austerity, and it didn't work.

Greece has a crisis because it has no control over its currency. It can't print up money and attract investment.

No one is destroying businesses other than the people running them. Sorry.
So Democrats are now out to destroy a Republican candidate based on his religion and family.

America is having a low.

His religion is an insane cult and his family are a bunch of people who've lived off the rest of us most of their lives...

So, um. nope. The low was when you guys nominated this fool.

What is it that makes you think that Mormon beliefs are any more outlandish than any other religion? Care to explain to me how a six hundred year old man gathered up two of every animal and carried them around on a boat?

I think those stories are pretty absurd, too.

But here's the difference.

The guy who wrote that down was not just making shit up. He was putting to paper legends that had existed amongst his people for generations. And while the literal story was kind of silly, historians do believe that there were frequent massive floods in pre-history that have put a flood story in nearly every mythology. (Probably because as the glaciers retreated after the last ice age, big floods were common.)

No, yeah, for the first 10 or so chapters of Genesis you have some silly legends, and then the rest is actually probably some history spiced up with some less impressive miracles because everything they didn't understand was "God".

No such wiggle room with Joseph Smith. There were no Golden Plates. The "Book of Abraham" Papyrus were found and determined to be not what he portrayed them as. The Kinderhook Plates turned out to be fakes made by Smith's neighbors. He was making it all up to con less smart people out of money and get into the bloomers of teenage girls.

And much like Scientology, the people who now run it know it was a scam, but they can't come out and say so, there's too much money to be made.

Which is why Romney squirms every time someone asks him about the Magic Underwear. He knows it's bullshit, but it's bullshit that benefits him.
Except there were gold plates. The Papyrus were mostly destroyed in the Great Fire of Chicago. And Joseph never gave a damn about the kinderhook plates. Which is why he largely ignored them while he worked hard to purchase the papyrus.

The beauty of it all, is we have to text to read for ourselves. And God is more than willing to verify His word. Joseph never said to take his word for it. He specifically invited others to witness and experience what he did. You can disbelieve it all you want. But the man was either a Prophet of God or the luckiest man on earth with everything he managed to get correct.
Except there were gold plates. The Papyrus were mostly destroyed in the Great Fire of Chicago. And Joseph never gave a damn about the kinderhook plates. Which is why he largely ignored them while he worked hard to purchase the papyrus.

The beauty of it all, is we have to text to read for ourselves. And God is more than willing to verify His word. Joseph never said to take his word for it. He specifically invited others to witness and experience what he did. You can disbelieve it all you want. But the man was either a Prophet of God or the luckiest man on earth with everything he managed to get correct.

^^^^^ THis is why Mormons are too crazy to be trusted with Nuclear Weapons. Everyone take a good look.
His religion is an insane cult and his family are a bunch of people who've lived off the rest of us most of their lives...

So, um. nope. The low was when you guys nominated this fool.

What is it that makes you think that Mormon beliefs are any more outlandish than any other religion? Care to explain to me how a six hundred year old man gathered up two of every animal and carried them around on a boat?

I think those stories are pretty absurd, too.

But here's the difference.

The guy who wrote that down was not just making shit up. He was putting to paper legends that had existed amongst his people for generations. And while the literal story was kind of silly, historians do believe that there were frequent massive floods in pre-history that have put a flood story in nearly every mythology. (Probably because as the glaciers retreated after the last ice age, big floods were common.)

No, yeah, for the first 10 or so chapters of Genesis you have some silly legends, and then the rest is actually probably some history spiced up with some less impressive miracles because everything they didn't understand was "God".

No such wiggle room with Joseph Smith. There were no Golden Plates. The "Book of Abraham" Papyrus were found and determined to be not what he portrayed them as. The Kinderhook Plates turned out to be fakes made by Smith's neighbors. He was making it all up to con less smart people out of money and get into the bloomers of teenage girls.

And much like Scientology, the people who now run it know it was a scam, but they can't come out and say so, there's too much money to be made.

Which is why Romney squirms every time someone asks him about the Magic Underwear. He knows it's bullshit, but it's bullshit that benefits him.

I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions
Except there were gold plates. The Papyrus were mostly destroyed in the Great Fire of Chicago. And Joseph never gave a damn about the kinderhook plates. Which is why he largely ignored them while he worked hard to purchase the papyrus.

The beauty of it all, is we have to text to read for ourselves. And God is more than willing to verify His word. Joseph never said to take his word for it. He specifically invited others to witness and experience what he did. You can disbelieve it all you want. But the man was either a Prophet of God or the luckiest man on earth with everything he managed to get correct.

^^^^^ THis is why Mormons are too crazy to be trusted with Nuclear Weapons. Everyone take a good look.

Apparently. honest people are crazy in Joe's mind.

We should trust absolute liars like Joe instead.
Except there were gold plates. The Papyrus were mostly destroyed in the Great Fire of Chicago. And Joseph never gave a damn about the kinderhook plates. Which is why he largely ignored them while he worked hard to purchase the papyrus.

The beauty of it all, is we have to text to read for ourselves. And God is more than willing to verify His word. Joseph never said to take his word for it. He specifically invited others to witness and experience what he did. You can disbelieve it all you want. But the man was either a Prophet of God or the luckiest man on earth with everything he managed to get correct.

^^^^^ THis is why Mormons are too crazy to be trusted with Nuclear Weapons. Everyone take a good look.

Muslims too
and Catholics
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Let them bring it on

Really do they want a full and open discussion on religion
with Papa's Obama religious background

This will be a no go for the Left and the MSM.
The last thing they want to do is remind the voter of
Papa Obama's religious background
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

Threw him under the bus when it was politically necessary?
You would respect that

Of course, it doesn't mean he stopped believing the Marxist based crap
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Okay, and you just took the train to Crazytown again...

The criticism of ROmney's Cult is that his cult doesn't seem to understand that there's a line between Church and State that really is the promise that religious folks (read: idiots who can't get through their lives without thinking a magic sky man loves them) have of being able to believe what they want.

You can't have freedom OF religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Okay, and you just took the train to Crazytown again...

The criticism of ROmney's Cult is that his cult doesn't seem to understand that there's a line between Church and State that really is the promise that religious folks (read: idiots who can't get through their lives without thinking a magic sky man loves them) have of being able to believe what they want.

You can't have freedom OF religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.

Using that logic, no doubt there is a connection between God and Marxist ideology for Papa Obama

No one doubts that
Sad thing, it does not seem to bother you
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Okay, and you just took the train to Crazytown again...

The criticism of ROmney's Cult is that his cult doesn't seem to understand that there's a line between Church and State that really is the promise that religious folks (read: idiots who can't get through their lives without thinking a magic sky man loves them) have of being able to believe what they want.

You can't have freedom OF religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.

Using that logic, no doubt there is a connection between God and Marxist ideology for Papa Obama

No one doubts that
Sad thing, it does not seem to bother you

Well, I think when you scream "Marxism" about Obama, you kind of lose credibility on anything..

He's a guy who saved corporate America. They are the only ones who've really fared well in this disaster.

But haters gotta hate.
Okay, and you just took the train to Crazytown again...

The criticism of ROmney's Cult is that his cult doesn't seem to understand that there's a line between Church and State that really is the promise that religious folks (read: idiots who can't get through their lives without thinking a magic sky man loves them) have of being able to believe what they want.

You can't have freedom OF religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.

Using that logic, no doubt there is a connection between God and Marxist ideology for Papa Obama

No one doubts that
Sad thing, it does not seem to bother you

Well, I think when you scream "Marxism" about Obama, you kind of lose credibility on anything..

He's a guy who saved corporate America. They are the only ones who've really fared well in this disaster.

But haters gotta hate.

Belong to a church that used a Marxist based theology
Where would anyone get that idea

Saved corporate America?
So what, even Lenin had his N.E.P.

Socialists working with big corporations has always been the preferred way
It is quicker for the gov't to get what they want and for corporations to decrease
competition and increase their profits

Crony capitalism, socialism , market socialism, mixed economy etc
call it whatever you want
It is all the same crap or derivative of statism
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How did you treat Kerrys heroic service dr drock?

John Kerry's "heroic service" was illustrated and described beyond a shadow of a doubt, by the people on the swift boats who served along side of him.

For credibility I would prefer the word of those who proudly kept the medal(s) their country bestowed upon them to the word of the one who tossed his medal away.
Would you be happier if his donations had gone to the Atheist church??

You know, the 'church' that doesn't even exist? And do you know why it doesn't exist? because atheists could not care less about others. Filled with hate, the atheists's only credo is to attack others. Kind of similar or perhaps even identical to the Democratic credo.

It goes without saying that you and your ilk would be perfectly happy if that money had gone to the "church" that supported Obama's view of "GOD DAMN AMERICA" so eloquently expressed and so whole-heartedly supported by President Barack Hussein Obama.

Wow. You're new here, and you'll fit right in - but let me ask you. Do you actually know any atheists? Maybe it's the company I keep, but every atheist I know is intelligent and kind, and it takes more than the fingers of one hand to count my atheist friends. They are funny. They are loving parents. And yes, as far as I know, they are all democrats. There probably are Republican atheists, I just haven't befriended one yet.

Read Phil 4:8, and get back to me on why you appear to be so very angry.

OK, I am new here. Are you implying that I should just shut up and quiver in the shadow of your left-wing majesty? Sorry, it won't happen.

Yes, I DO know several atheists. Chief among them is my friend of over 65 years, who is a staunch Democrat and funny, and a loving great-grand parent.

But he was flabbergasted, year after year when I traveled hundreds of miles to help victims of hurricanes, floods and urban decay, totally unable understand that my motivation for such acts was the fact I believe that no matter how perfect atheist humans think they are, I also believe that there is someone/something more perfect than me.

I devoted two weeks of my vacation time after 1992 (Hurricane Andrew) until 2003, when my health no longer allowed me to do so, to help people less fortunate than me.

It may be dismissed by you as only rhetorical and anecdotal, but through all those years I never volunteered along and atheist. And/or - perhaps coincidentally - a Democrat.
Main points an get lost in the fog of spam...

But mention ANYHING about the Obama girls.........


comparing 5 grown men to young girls? :rofl:

too funny. the girlyman/boy defense of GOP idjits. :lol:

If Obama had 5 grown up adult children, not serving while he waged a war, I'd ask the very same question.

you lose
I'm an atheist and the only politician i support is a republican. I don't think i do enough, but i'm a credit counselor for habitat for humanity and am currently training for Pelotonia. A bike ride here in central ohio where every ride has to raise thousands for cancer research.

FJO I'm like the majority of atheists and am not spoken about my lack of beliefs, what's the point in me telling everyone I don't believe? I'm not pushing my lack of beliefs, I don't think less or more of someone if they have my beliefs and have no motivation to try converting anyone.
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