Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

I'm an atheist and the only politician i support is a republican. I don't think i do enough, but i'm a credit counselor for habitat for humanity and am currently training for Pelotonia. A bike ride here in central ohio where every ride has to raise thousands for cancer research.

FJO I'm like the majority of atheists and am not spoken about my lack of beliefs, what's the point in me telling everyone I don't believe? I'm not pushing my lack of beliefs, I don't think less or more of someone if they have my beliefs and have no motivation to try converting anyone.

I'm a republican who thinks rational people need to take the GOP back from the neo-conservative Republicans.

republican vs Republican :eusa_whistle:
And that is exactly why they fled with nothing but the clothes on their back.

Nice twist, Gumby.

And why did they flee THERE to begin with??

It was his "Ancestors" that fled there...HE had nothing to do with it. Are we supposed to be responsible for what our ancestors did? Were we there? There's no reason Romney needs to talk about it.

I did say 'they.' He DID have nothing to do with it, but she's trying to revise history. They went TO Mexico because polygamy was legal there. They LEFT because of the Mexican Revolution (this would be the first I've heard about "nothing but the clothes on their back.")

JoeB131 is right. If he's a practicing Mormon, he's got some pretty twisted beliefs. It's not just like "Oh, Kennedy was Catholic, and look at them." It's some really messed up stuff. Now, I would have set it aside for Huntman, because he was balanced out by a lot of wonderful stuff. But Romney is a truly odd duck, who sometimes does a fair impression of being normal.

And no - that's not me buying into the MSM. That's me doing some research into the man's past. I genuinely liked him before he turned into the 17 other personalities, all of which are pandering to the far right.
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.
Stupid question from the cheap seats; are they conscientious objectors/religious beliefs?

From what I know, its not religion. I have Morm's close to me. Some have served, some not.

Its not just Mitt's kids. Its money. Fact is, the military nowadays is made up of people who, thanks to income inequality, will never have a chance at the Great American Dream.

Mitt hid out in France because his daddy could afford to hide him there instead of Canada. Mitt's kids have the money to avoid military service.

Mitt is anything BUT patriotic. He's a professional hypocrite. If he cared anything about his own country, he would not have his investments in foreign banks and foreign business.
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.

I'll need proof of what Obama still believes privately.

I can't believe I even had to type that.
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Why do you call it a religion instead of a cult?
Do you question Obama's patriotism?

have you seen a post of mine where I do so? please point it out to me.

I have not, but I'm still curious.

Do you question Obama's patriotism?

When was there EVER a Presidential candidate that openly declared that he wants to "fundamentally change" America, the country that has been the beacon of light, freedom and prosperity since 1776?

YES!!! Obama's patriotism should be under severe and objective scrutiny.
have you seen a post of mine where I do so? please point it out to me.

I have not, but I'm still curious.

Do you question Obama's patriotism?

When was there EVER a Presidential candidate that openly declared that he wants to "fundamentally change" America, the country that has been the beacon of light, freedom and prosperity since 1776?

YES!!! Obama's patriotism should be under severe and objective scrutiny.
You have a link to this supposed Obama quote?
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.

Which is evidenced by what? Exactly?
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.

Nothing quite as stupid as saying you know what someone believes "in private".

You actually KNOW nothing of the kind.

You're free to believe anything that dunks your donut and you're free to pretend you know something, but don't try to make anyone believe you KNOW anything about what President Obama believes "privately".
What is it that makes you think that Mormon beliefs are any more outlandish than any other religion? Care to explain to me how a six hundred year old man gathered up two of every animal and carried them around on a boat?

I think those stories are pretty absurd, too.

But here's the difference.

The guy who wrote that down was not just making shit up. He was putting to paper legends that had existed amongst his people for generations. And while the literal story was kind of silly, historians do believe that there were frequent massive floods in pre-history that have put a flood story in nearly every mythology. (Probably because as the glaciers retreated after the last ice age, big floods were common.)

No, yeah, for the first 10 or so chapters of Genesis you have some silly legends, and then the rest is actually probably some history spiced up with some less impressive miracles because everything they didn't understand was "God".

No such wiggle room with Joseph Smith. There were no Golden Plates. The "Book of Abraham" Papyrus were found and determined to be not what he portrayed them as. The Kinderhook Plates turned out to be fakes made by Smith's neighbors. He was making it all up to con less smart people out of money and get into the bloomers of teenage girls.

And much like Scientology, the people who now run it know it was a scam, but they can't come out and say so, there's too much money to be made.

Which is why Romney squirms every time someone asks him about the Magic Underwear. He knows it's bullshit, but it's bullshit that benefits him.

I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

What convictions?
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Hey, its also against the law to pass voter suppression laws but that hasn't even slowed the pubs down from doing exactly that.

Mormonism is screwy enough and their goals anti-American enough that we should not have a Mormon prez. Especially one who cannot think for himself. A vote for Mittens is a vote for Norquist, Rove, Koch and not one of you rw's can say they don't know that.
That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.

Nothing quite as stupid as saying you know what someone believes "in private".

You actually KNOW nothing of the kind.

You're free to believe anything that dunks your donut and you're free to pretend you know something, but don't try to make anyone believe you KNOW anything about what President Obama believes "privately".

Pass the donuts, por favor. And don't be holding out on me. I know you have them. You wouldn't have mentioned them in passing if they didn't exist.
Do you question Obama's patriotism?

By his own admission, obama doesn't have any patriotism. Not to this country anyway. His patriotism is to the vision of what the nation will be once he has transformed it. Not to what it is. to obama the nation is not only a failure now, but has never been successful. Its values have never been good values, its policies have never been good policies and its people have never been good people.

Those are not expressions of patriotism.
He was so unpatriotic he ran for President.....Yeah, he must really hate this country. :cuckoo:

Have you ever heard of PERSONAL GAIN??

You know, like giving speeches written by somebody else, that one can read off a teleprompter, for, like $300,000.00 each? Pay somebody to write a book for you, and pay the poor stupid bastard his pittance. Or having a bunch of patriots protecting the sorry asses of yourself and your brood for the rest of your life? Or, like demanding undeserved adulation for the same length of time?

Not enough motivation to pretend false patriotism?

How about written about by slobbering "historians" as the greatest President, ever?
By his own admission, obama doesn't have any patriotism. Not to this country anyway. His patriotism is to the vision of what the nation will be once he has transformed it. Not to what it is. to obama the nation is not only a failure now, but has never been successful. Its values have never been good values, its policies have never been good policies and its people have never been good people.

Those are not expressions of patriotism.
He was so unpatriotic he ran for President.....Yeah, he must really hate this country. :cuckoo:

Have you ever heard of PERSONAL GAIN??

You know, like giving speeches written by somebody else, that one can read off a teleprompter, for, like $300,000.00 each? Pay somebody to write a book for you, and pay the poor stupid bastard his pittance. Or having a bunch of patriots protecting the sorry asses of yourself and your brood for the rest of your life? Or, like demanding undeserved adulation for the same length of time?

Not enough motivation to pretend false patriotism?

How about written about by slobbering "historians" as the greatest President, ever?

And he's aging before our eyes not because this all weighs so heavily on his shoulders, but - why again?
So whether his kids support it or not is immaterial? Got it, makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:

And I'm sure you'll be on here demanding Obama's girls sign up for the military when they turn 18 when the war on terror and war in Afghanistan are still going on. I'm absolutely certain you'll be doing that, because you have the same standards for both parties and the same standards for family members of both parties.

Growing up on broccoli and carrot sticks would (will) make those unfortunate girls too amaemic to serve anywhere, never mind the military.

Better than having fully digested broccoli and carrot sticks for brains, such as yourself.

Dr.Brock, you are, obviously the doctor of personal insults.
Growing up on broccoli and carrot sticks would (will) make those unfortunate girls too amaemic to serve anywhere, never mind the military.

Better than having fully digested broccoli and carrot sticks for brains, such as yourself.

Dr.Brock, you are, obviously the doctor of personal insults.

I know, right! Much better than demtards, demotwats, etc. Rethuglicans. He put some thought into it!
Growing up on broccoli and carrot sticks would (will) make those unfortunate girls too amaemic to serve anywhere, never mind the military.

Better than having fully digested broccoli and carrot sticks for brains, such as yourself.

Dr.Brock, you are, obviously the doctor of personal insults.

Good point, you made a wonderful intellectual comment on the physical stature of children and I should've responded with an equally genius comment.

My MOST sincere apologies.
The incumbent YOU are supporting killed a couple of hundred thousand American jobs in the Gulf of Mexico to get even with big oil, and you're routing a businessman who has saved thousands of jobs by salvaging what he could of a business gone bad due to poor management? When he turned them around and they prospered, guess what, Joe. Employment went up in the businesses following reorganization.

Some people don't like to do what it takes to keep a business from getting rid of everyone in a bankruptcy situation. Solyndra fired its entire staff less than two years after the government gave them 535 million dollars, which is over half a billion. When Congress ended the giveaway, Nancy Pelosi jumped on it to get her Brother-in-Law another deal. He now can dump it any time he cares to but will lose nothing due to the 1.3 billion US Treasury dollars handed to him on a silver platter by his in-the-know Sister-in-Law.

Every earner in America is paying that $1.3 billion, and Congress is allowed to continue on with nobody stopping them, tapping them on the shoulder, and saying "Hey, that's the people's money, and you can't use it to enrich yourself just because it's there for Constitutional requirements of government."

It's one scandal after another, but this crowd is locked into beating up a conservative over his religion, his sons, and micromanagement by Democrats in a scorched-earth scenario of character assassination by proxy.

Okay, since oil production has actually INCREASED on Obama's watch despite the BP Spill (did you all forget the BP SPill?) I'm not sure if it's worth talking to you if you can't even get simple facts straight.

I don't support Solyndra, but the overall concept that we need to invest in new technologies is a step in the right direction.

There's only a finite amount of oil, and the world's demand for it is increasing. When China and India start living like Americans, we are all going to be in trouble.

Since, as you and the administration claim, oil production is at a new high why are the prices at the pumps also at a new high?
Nice twist, Gumby.

And why did they flee THERE to begin with??

It was his "Ancestors" that fled there...HE had nothing to do with it. Are we supposed to be responsible for what our ancestors did? Were we there? There's no reason Romney needs to talk about it.

I did say 'they.' He DID have nothing to do with it, but she's trying to revise history. They went TO Mexico because polygamy was legal there. They LEFT because of the Mexican Revolution (this would be the first I've heard about "nothing but the clothes on their back.")

JoeB131 is right. If he's a practicing Mormon, he's got some pretty twisted beliefs. It's not just like "Oh, Kennedy was Catholic, and look at them." It's some really messed up stuff. Now, I would have set it aside for Huntman, because he was balanced out by a lot of wonderful stuff. But Romney is a truly odd duck, who sometimes does a fair impression of being normal.

And no - that's not me buying into the MSM. That's me doing some research into the man's past. I genuinely liked him before he turned into the 17 other personalities, all of which are pandering to the far right.

You totally lost any credibility you had when you said JoeB is right when the man doesnt know a thing about Mormonism.

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