Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

What something like 1.5 million serve out of over 300 million? And do you complain that democrats don't serve?
Nice twist, Gumby.

And why did they flee THERE to begin with??

It was his "Ancestors" that fled there...HE had nothing to do with it. Are we supposed to be responsible for what our ancestors did? Were we there? There's no reason Romney needs to talk about it.

I did say 'they.' He DID have nothing to do with it, but she's trying to revise history. They went TO Mexico because polygamy was legal there. They LEFT because of the Mexican Revolution (this would be the first I've heard about "nothing but the clothes on their back.")

JoeB131 is right. If he's a practicing Mormon, he's got some pretty twisted beliefs. It's not just like "Oh, Kennedy was Catholic, and look at them." It's some really messed up stuff. Now, I would have set it aside for Huntman, because he was balanced out by a lot of wonderful stuff. But Romney is a truly odd duck, who sometimes does a fair impression of being normal.

And no - that's not me buying into the MSM. That's me doing some research into the man's past. I genuinely liked him before he turned into the 17 other personalities, all of which are pandering to the far right.

But ya know...i haven't heard Romney say one word about his religion. Or what his religious beliefs are. So he's a Mormon, there are different mormon beliefs, just as there are different Christian beliefs. Some are more radical than others. So far, Romney hasn't started pushing his beliefs on us and i really don't believe he will. Until he does, i think everyone should just stop worrying about his "religion" and concentrate on his politics.

Obama had (has) some pretty radical beliefs, but his followers couldn't care less about it!
It was his "Ancestors" that fled there...HE had nothing to do with it. Are we supposed to be responsible for what our ancestors did? Were we there? There's no reason Romney needs to talk about it.

I did say 'they.' He DID have nothing to do with it, but she's trying to revise history. They went TO Mexico because polygamy was legal there. They LEFT because of the Mexican Revolution (this would be the first I've heard about "nothing but the clothes on their back.")

JoeB131 is right. If he's a practicing Mormon, he's got some pretty twisted beliefs. It's not just like "Oh, Kennedy was Catholic, and look at them." It's some really messed up stuff. Now, I would have set it aside for Huntman, because he was balanced out by a lot of wonderful stuff. But Romney is a truly odd duck, who sometimes does a fair impression of being normal.

And no - that's not me buying into the MSM. That's me doing some research into the man's past. I genuinely liked him before he turned into the 17 other personalities, all of which are pandering to the far right.

But ya know...i haven't heard Romney say one word about his religion. Or what his religious beliefs are. So he's a Mormon, there are different mormon beliefs, just as there are different Christian beliefs. Some are more radical than others. So far, Romney hasn't started pushing his beliefs on us and i really don't believe he will. Until he does, i think everyone should just stop worrying about his "religion" and concentrate on his politics.

Obama had (has) some pretty radical beliefs, but his followers couldn't care less about it!

No doubt

which is why you won't see the leadership of the Left or the MSM push this issue
Papa Obama has too much "baggage" in that department
It was his "Ancestors" that fled there...HE had nothing to do with it. Are we supposed to be responsible for what our ancestors did? Were we there? There's no reason Romney needs to talk about it.

I did say 'they.' He DID have nothing to do with it, but she's trying to revise history. They went TO Mexico because polygamy was legal there. They LEFT because of the Mexican Revolution (this would be the first I've heard about "nothing but the clothes on their back.")

JoeB131 is right. If he's a practicing Mormon, he's got some pretty twisted beliefs. It's not just like "Oh, Kennedy was Catholic, and look at them." It's some really messed up stuff. Now, I would have set it aside for Huntman, because he was balanced out by a lot of wonderful stuff. But Romney is a truly odd duck, who sometimes does a fair impression of being normal.

And no - that's not me buying into the MSM. That's me doing some research into the man's past. I genuinely liked him before he turned into the 17 other personalities, all of which are pandering to the far right.

But ya know...i haven't heard Romney say one word about his religion. Or what his religious beliefs are. So he's a Mormon, there are different mormon beliefs, just as there are different Christian beliefs. Some are more radical than others. So far, Romney hasn't started pushing his beliefs on us and i really don't believe he will. Until he does, i think everyone should just stop worrying about his "religion" and concentrate on his politics.

Obama had (has) some pretty radical beliefs, but his followers couldn't care less about it!

He could be from Zion Lutheran, and I'd still be majorly concerned about how many sides of his mouth he talks out of .
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

George H W Bush served the left supported Bill Clinton John McCain served and endured hell the left supported Barak Obama Sarah Palins son served in the military no one on the left seemed to care. Please feel free to not suddenly pretend you care about who served in the military or who's children did or did not serve.

Cheney 5 deferments and a public statement where he says he had better things to do.

black dope down
What was Clintons excuse? Did you care then? Like I said before stop pretending all the sudden military service matters to you. Serving in the the military is a choice some choose to make some do not since there is sudden interest about morons in the military.
I hear you
just like the MSM and the Left and Papa Obama's 20 year history
with the Marxist based Black Liberation Theology and Rev Wright

You know, the one he threw under the bus

Well at least Romney stands by his convictions

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.

And you know that how, exactly? Because they associated together on things they agreed upon.

I work on a team that had myself (an atheist), A Jehovah's Witness, A Bhuddist and a couple of indifferent Catholics. Just because we all worked for the same thing did not mean we endorsed each other's beliefs.

I think what Wright said was reprehensible, and it should not have taken Obama that long to denounce it. But you are going to have to find me more proof that's what he actually believes... and you have none.
The attack on Romney's religion by democrats is a very thinly disgused attempt to deny political office to Christians and Jews. There is a Constitutional prohibition against a religious test to hold office, but that doesn't mean the democrats can't do by social pressure what they cannot do under the Constitution.

Okay, and you just took the train to Crazytown again...

The criticism of ROmney's Cult is that his cult doesn't seem to understand that there's a line between Church and State that really is the promise that religious folks (read: idiots who can't get through their lives without thinking a magic sky man loves them) have of being able to believe what they want.

You can't have freedom OF religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.

That by you is a good thing.

Heck, I respect the fact Obama threw Wright under the bus. NOthing makes me happier when someone running the "God Scam" gets his...

He used wright and threw him away when he wasn't useful anymore. Good for him.

obama threw Wright under the bus publicly as a matter of political expediency. Privately he still believes in black liberation theology.

And you know that how, exactly? Because they associated together on things they agreed upon.

I work on a team that had myself (an atheist), A Jehovah's Witness, A Bhuddist and a couple of indifferent Catholics. Just because we all worked for the same thing did not mean we endorsed each other's beliefs.

I think what Wright said was reprehensible, and it should not have taken Obama that long to denounce it. But you are going to have to find me more proof that's what he actually believes... and you have none.

The fruit does not fall far from the tree
20 years- something must have felt right about it for him
You are right, 22 years then we know for sure

He never would have left unless it became an issue.
His first statement was to say

I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother...

But when it got too hot, he threw him under the bus

Just watch the way Papa Obama rules; creates class and race division for political

Nothing Marxist there
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George H W Bush served the left supported Bill Clinton John McCain served and endured hell the left supported Barak Obama Sarah Palins son served in the military no one on the left seemed to care. Please feel free to not suddenly pretend you care about who served in the military or who's children did or did not serve.

Cheney 5 deferments and a public statement where he says he had better things to do.

black dope down
What was Clintons excuse? Did you care then? Like I said before stop pretending all the sudden military service matters to you. Serving in the the military is a choice some choose to make some do not since there is sudden interest about morons in the military.

Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Cheney 5 deferments and a public statement where he says he had better things to do.

black dope down
What was Clintons excuse? Did you care then? Like I said before stop pretending all the sudden military service matters to you. Serving in the the military is a choice some choose to make some do not since there is sudden interest about morons in the military.

Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary

Actually, Clinton dodged the draft
Really, he took a spot from someone that could have used it
But, probably had to go to Vietnam instead

How many people did we kill in Yugoslavia under Clinton
Oh yeah, he bombed Iraq as well

But hey

in Clinton's defense he did not belong to any Marxist based Black Liberation Theology
like Papa Obama
even though some liked to claim he was are first black president
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Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

So you're mad that they did not fight in wars that I'm guessing you weren't for? Seems to me that you have your own nice little double standard going.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

So you're mad that they did not fight in wars that I'm guessing you weren't for? Seems to me that you have your own nice little double standard going.

Oh, Dante is on record being for going into Iraq pre-911. :lol:

Dante is no peacenik. :eek:

Kosovo War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war
How many people did we kill in Yugoslavia under Clinton

How many people did we save? Civilians being targeted as they tried to walk streets? And no GOP tough guys wanted to go save those people?

God Bless Bill Clinton and God Bless America!

That's this week

When Papa Obama loses the next election
you may feel different

Dante did NOT vote for Obama -- ever. SO twice, Dante voted against Obama.

go figure
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romney's 5 privileged sons cowardly patriotism
romney's 5 sons cowardly patriotism
romney's 5 sons cowardly mormon patriotism
romney's 5 privileged sons
mitt romney's five sons

seems the heat is on.... LOL
How many people did we save? Civilians being targeted as they tried to walk streets? And no GOP tough guys wanted to go save those people?

God Bless Bill Clinton and God Bless America!

That's this week

When Papa Obama loses the next election
you may feel different

Dante did NOT vote for Obama -- ever. SO twice, Dante voted against Obama.

go figure

If true, I commend you

Really, even Hillary would have been better
Search tags for this page
romney's 5 privileged sons cowardly patriotism
romney's 5 sons cowardly patriotism
romney's 5 sons cowardly mormon patriotism
romney's 5 privileged sons
mitt romney's five sons

seems the heat is on.... LOL

No doubt this thread
will be the achilles heel of the Romney campaign

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