Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?


Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.

I like Romney. I was ready to consider voting for him (not voting against Obama) until he went lunatic right to capture the GOP base. McCain went there in 2008, but I threw my vote to him because I knew the Dems would win both houses.

I like divided government, go figure.

Romney's sons are exemplary citizens in every way...except, their dad has made comments questioning other people's patriotism. This opens up the debate -- patriotism and family values mixed together.

I've been to Romney's home -- with a relative of his. I do not hate the man.

imagine that

I agree with you about a divided governent, now if we could just make the bastards work together.

To be honest, I have no recollection of Romney questiong anyone's patriotism, but then I have paid little aattention to the man. he reminds of a cardboard cutout of a used car salesman. If he did I have to ask, was it in a manner to suggest that only military enlistment qualifies for patriotism?

No matter really, Johnson gets my vote...
Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.

I like Romney. I was ready to consider voting for him (not voting against Obama) until he went lunatic right to capture the GOP base. McCain went there in 2008, but I threw my vote to him because I knew the Dems would win both houses.

I like divided government, go figure.

Romney's sons are exemplary citizens in every way...except, their dad has made comments questioning other people's patriotism. This opens up the debate -- patriotism and family values mixed together.

I've been to Romney's home -- with a relative of his. I do not hate the man.

imagine that

I agree with you about a divided governent, now if we could just make the bastards work together.

To be honest, I have no recollection of Romney questiong anyone's patriotism, but then I have paid little aattention to the man. he reminds of a cardboard cutout of a used car salesman. If he did I have to ask, was it in a manner to suggest that only military enlistment qualifies for patriotism?

No matter really, Johnson gets my vote...

Contrary to revisionist Democratic party memories go (I was an elected Democratic official), Romney was not a bad Governor for liberal values. Romney represented the values of all the voters in Massachusetts. He was elected by independents and Democrats as well as Republicans.

My issue with the man is his run for the Presidency. The run for the Presidency does strange things to otherwise honorable people.

My hyper-partisan attacks on him are just tit for tat. If he insists on debasing the process to win, I will debase his candidacy and his person.


I expected better from him. I truly did. Shame on me
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Perhaps it's a matter of personal choice?

Hard to hold a man responsible for the choices made by his adult children.

except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?


Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.

This should suffice.
except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?


Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.

This should suffice.

if you're deaf, dumb, and blind, yeah.


Just watch the way Papa Obama rules; creates class and race division for political

Nothing Marxist there

I have watched the way he rules.

He continued Bush's bailout of the banking industry, he saved GM and Chrysler and he adopted Mitt Romney's health care reform which was a big wet sloppy kiss to big insurance. And the Dow is over 13,000, much better than the 7000 and falling it was at when he took office. So I really don't know what the ultra-rich and their deluded toadies are whining about.

If he weren't black and a Democrat, you whackos would be defending his policies to the fucking hilt, and you know it, because they aren't that far off from the center.

There's a certain point where you need to stop cheering for a team, guy, when there are really no differences between the teams.

Now there is a good argument to be made against Obama. He's inexperienced and over his head in some ways. And if the GOP nominated an experienced guy of good character like MItch Daniels or Tim Pawlenty, I'd be behind him all the way.

Instead, you nominated the Mormon Bloodsucker. So for the first time, I'm going to vote for the Democrat. Not because I like him, but because Romney would be far worse.

Just watch the way Papa Obama rules; creates class and race division for political

Nothing Marxist there

I have watched the way he rules.

He continued Bush's bailout of the banking industry, he saved GM and Chrysler and he adopted Mitt Romney's health care reform which was a big wet sloppy kiss to big insurance. And the Dow is over 13,000, much better than the 7000 and falling it was at when he took office. So I really don't know what the ultra-rich and their deluded toadies are whining about.

If he weren't black and a Democrat, you whackos would be defending his policies to the fucking hilt, and you know it, because they aren't that far off from the center.

There's a certain point where you need to stop cheering for a team, guy, when there are really no differences between the teams.

Now there is a good argument to be made against Obama. He's inexperienced and over his head in some ways. And if the GOP nominated an experienced guy of good character like MItch Daniels or Tim Pawlenty, I'd be behind him all the way.

Instead, you nominated the Mormon Bloodsucker. So for the first time, I'm going to vote for the Democrat. Not because I like him, but because Romney would be far worse.

Well again, we are beating a dead horse here

If he weren't black and a Democrat, you whackos would be defending his policies to the fucking hilt, and you know it, because they aren't that far off from the center.

Of course, that't it

Any "centrist" you see by him is not by choice but the political reality of the day.
As said before, even Lenin had N.E.P.

Would a republican have done some of the same things sure. But that does not make Papa Obama a centrist, it just shows that politicians to stay in power have to keep the crony capitalist system going.
Really, what changes can one make, if the system totally collapsed before they could promote or change the things they want- like Papa Obama care.

You claim you are not going to vote for Papa Obama or anyone else for that matter
Which one could argue is like voting for Papa Obama

Your claim, and I am NOT saying you are
But it does come close to area of "concerned troll" - one who claims one position while
at the same time to discourage that same group.

At this point, the important thing is to get him out office before he can do any more damage and be less controllable in a 2nd term.
Is that a guarantee that Romney would do the right things- of course not. But getting Papa Obama out of office before he can do any more damage is enough
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except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?


Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.

I like Romney. I was ready to consider voting for him (not voting against Obama) until he went lunatic right to capture the GOP base. McCain went there in 2008, but I threw my vote to him because I knew the Dems would win both houses.

I like divided government, go figure.

Romney's sons are exemplary citizens in every way...except, their dad has made comments questioning other people's patriotism. This opens up the debate -- patriotism and family values mixed together.

I've been to Romney's home -- with a relative of his. I do not hate the man.

imagine that

Oh you do lawn service, as well ?
Well again, we are beating a dead horse here

If he weren't black and a Democrat, you whackos would be defending his policies to the fucking hilt, and you know it, because they aren't that far off from the center.

Of course, that't it

Any "centrist" you see by him is not by choice but the political reality of the day.
As said before, even Lenin had N.E.P.

And anyone who brings Lenin (or Hitler, or any other dictator) into a conversation has kind of forfeited the right to be taken seriously.

Would a republican have done some of the same things sure. But that does not make Papa Obama a centrist, it just shows that politicians to stay in power have to keep the crony capitalist system going.
Really, what changes can one make, if the system totally collapsed before they could promote or change the things they want- like Papa Obama care.

Um, guy, I'm not sure what you are saying here. "Just because Obama has governed as a centrist doesn't make him a centrist". If he governs as an extreme leftist, then we can come back and talk about it. Frankly, he didn't do anything all that left even when he had both houses of Congress and a filibuster proof majority. After this election, he's probably going to have a Republican Senate and House.

You claim you are not going to vote for Papa Obama or anyone else for that matter
Which one could argue is like voting for Papa Obama

No, I'll probably vote for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Your claim, and I am NOT saying you are
But it does come close to area of "concerned troll" - one who claims one position while
at the same time to discourage that same group.

Well, anyone who knows me knows where I stand. I piss off both left and right because I'm not a zombie who cheers for the team.

Labels of left and right and conservative and liberal are kind of meaningless when people are rabidly against what they were for four years ago because the black guy is doing it now. "We love mandates! Mitt Romney is brilliant!....Um. Wait, the black guy did it? We hate Mandates now! But Mitt is still brilliant...ummm,,,,errrr,,,,,ummmmm"

Sorry, man, I think you are a bit confused here.

At this point, the important thing is to get him out office before he can do any more damage and be less controllable in a 2nd term.
Is that a guarantee that Romney would do the right things- of course not. But getting Papa Obama out of office before he can do any more damage is enough

Well, a few arguments against that.

First, I think Romney would be far worse, because Romney is just an evil cocksucker. Pardon my french. Romney gets off on firing people and belittles working folks. Obama, for all his flaws (and he has many) actually cares about people like me. I'm not even in an income bracket Romney would talk to.


Second, like it or not, second terms aren't really that big of a deal. Usually, a president is less effective in his second term. That was true of Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Ike. Obama will be hemmed in by a Republican Congress (unless Romney screws the downticket so bad they marginally retake control, and that'll be reversed in 2014). So really, with no re-election on the horizon, Obama won't have to posture. He'll be looking to make deals to secure a legacy. Second terms are usually defined by comprimise.
Indeed anyone, like you, who makes specious claims about racism
is to be taken seriously. Really, false claims of racism are a soft form of tyranny

As for Hitler, you brought him not I. Just because your point is weak on Papa Obama being a centrist,
do you really think trying to spin it to a "Godwin rule", makes it better for you?

Now you will vote, because you said you would not

Romney and corporations seem to upset you
Yet Papa Obama cutting secret deals with Big Pharma
taking money from big corporations, does not seem to

Funny how that works

2nd terms can be weaker. But Papa Obama has shown a willingness to abuse executive powers
as much as possible to get what he wants. With the MSM being such a willing lackey of his, it goes unchallenged.

Really, your obsession with with seeing racism everywhere
is getting into the realm of the tin foil hat crowd of the left

I am surprised; I expected better of you
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Indeed anyone, like you, who makes specious claims about racism
is to be taken seriously. Really, false claims of racism are a soft form of tyranny

As for Hitler, you brought him not I. Just because your point is weak on Papa Obama being a centrist, do you really think trying to spin it to a "Godwin rule", makes it better for you?

Now you will vote, because you said you would not

Romney and corporations seem to upset you
Yet Papa Obama cutting secret deals with Big Pharma
taking money from big corporations, does not seem to

Funny how that works

2nd terms can be weaker. But Papa Obama has shown a willingness to abuse executive powers
as much as possible to get what he wants. With the MSM being such a willing lackey of his, it goes unchallenged.

Where did I say I wasn't going to vote?

Fact is, you scream all day about Obama being a Marxist, and then you fail to produce one example of how he's governed as one. But you do a "Godwin" by bringing up Lenin at every oppurtunity.

Yes, Romney and Corporations do upset me. It upsets me that they've gutted the middle class and destroyed the economy, and then still expect to be treated like heroes.

And sorry, 90% of the hatred of Obama is becuase of racism. I'd like to think we've outgrown that, but we haven't.
And anyone who brings Lenin (or Hitler, or any other dictator) into a conversation has kind of forfeited the right to be taken seriously.

No kidding, eh?

You know, during the HOlocaust, a few people figured out how to make money turning the slaughtered victims into lampshades and bars of soap.


Wow, man, you've managed to not only go off point, but you've raised stalking to a new level.

I must have really hurt your feelings for you to bring stalking to this level...

Where you going to mention this was in response to when you bragged about how you made a killing off the destruction of the American economy and people losing their homes? Or are you just going to leave that part out because it makes you look like a douchebag?
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Well again, we are beating a dead horse here

If he weren't black and a Democrat, you whackos would be defending his policies to the fucking hilt, and you know it, because they aren't that far off from the center.

Of course, that't it

Any "centrist" you see by him is not by choice but the political reality of the day.
As said before, even Lenin had N.E.P.

And anyone who brings Lenin (or Hitler, or any other dictator) into a conversation has kind of forfeited the right to be taken seriously.

Would a republican have done some of the same things sure. But that does not make Papa Obama a centrist, it just shows that politicians to stay in power have to keep the crony capitalist system going.
Really, what changes can one make, if the system totally collapsed before they could promote or change the things they want- like Papa Obama care.

Um, guy, I'm not sure what you are saying here. "Just because Obama has governed as a centrist doesn't make him a centrist". If he governs as an extreme leftist, then we can come back and talk about it. Frankly, he didn't do anything all that left even when he had both houses of Congress and a filibuster proof majority. After this election, he's probably going to have a Republican Senate and House.

No, I'll probably vote for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Your claim, and I am NOT saying you are
But it does come close to area of "concerned troll" - one who claims one position while
at the same time to discourage that same group.

Well, anyone who knows me knows where I stand. I piss off both left and right because I'm not a zombie who cheers for the team.

Labels of left and right and conservative and liberal are kind of meaningless when people are rabidly against what they were for four years ago because the black guy is doing it now. "We love mandates! Mitt Romney is brilliant!....Um. Wait, the black guy did it? We hate Mandates now! But Mitt is still brilliant...ummm,,,,errrr,,,,,ummmmm"

Sorry, man, I think you are a bit confused here.

At this point, the important thing is to get him out office before he can do any more damage and be less controllable in a 2nd term.
Is that a guarantee that Romney would do the right things- of course not. But getting Papa Obama out of office before he can do any more damage is enough

Well, a few arguments against that.

First, I think Romney would be far worse, because Romney is just an evil cocksucker. Pardon my french. Romney gets off on firing people and belittles working folks. Obama, for all his flaws (and he has many) actually cares about people like me. I'm not even in an income bracket Romney would talk to.

Second, like it or not, second terms aren't really that big of a deal. Usually, a president is less effective in his second term. That was true of Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Ike. Obama will be hemmed in by a Republican Congress (unless Romney screws the downticket so bad they marginally retake control, and that'll be reversed in 2014). So really, with no re-election on the horizon, Obama won't have to posture. He'll be looking to make deals to secure a legacy. Second terms are usually defined by comprimise.

Indeed anyone, like you, who makes specious claims about racism
is to be taken seriously. Really, false claims of racism are a soft form of tyranny

As for Hitler, you brought him not I. Just because your point is weak on Papa Obama being a centrist, do you really think trying to spin it to a "Godwin rule", makes it better for you?

Now you will vote, because you said you would not

Romney and corporations seem to upset you
Yet Papa Obama cutting secret deals with Big Pharma
taking money from big corporations, does not seem to

Funny how that works

2nd terms can be weaker. But Papa Obama has shown a willingness to abuse executive powers
as much as possible to get what he wants. With the MSM being such a willing lackey of his, it goes unchallenged.

Where did I say I wasn't going to vote?

Fact is, you scream all day about Obama being a Marxist, and then you fail to produce one example of how he's governed as one. But you do a "Godwin" by bringing up Lenin at every oppurtunity.

Yes, Romney and Corporations do upset me. It upsets me that they've gutted the middle class and destroyed the economy, and then still expect to be treated like heroes.

And sorry, 90% of the hatred of Obama is becuase of racism. I'd like to think we've outgrown that, but we haven't.

I don't scream all day about Obama being a Marxist
Another delusion on your part

You tried the soft tyranny of accusing someone a racist, with out any base
and then try to turn into a Godwin issue because your arguments on Papa Obama
are weak.

As for Lenin being another "godwin" situation, since most Americans would
have little appreciation for Lenin in the same way. I dare say a lot would not even
know who he was..... Your argument is weak there as well and shows a
desperation on your part- reaching for straws, as they say

Vote? I thought we had discussion where you said that
But really, it is a moot point since you are going to waste your vote, anyway

No, I stand by my point

You falsely accusing/implying someone of racism is a soft form of tyranny and shows the inability
to defend your point

Joel, you keep saying racism
I do fear you have gotten into the tin foil hat crowd, now
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I don't scream all day about Obama being a Marxist
Another delusion on your part

GUy, your Avatar is Obama with a hammer and sickle on his head. Give me a fucking break. Seriously. So you are screaming it every time you post, even if you don't write it out (which you do pretty often, too.)

Fact is, when it comes to Obama's policies, you have very little to complain about other than they aren't working, but they weren't working when they were Bush's policies and Romney is really proposing more of the same.

So I guess the only X factor I see here is that you don't like his skin tone. Because you've yet to offer any valid complaint.
And anyone who brings Lenin (or Hitler, or any other dictator) into a conversation has kind of forfeited the right to be taken seriously.

No kidding, eh?

You know, during the HOlocaust, a few people figured out how to make money turning the slaughtered victims into lampshades and bars of soap.


Wow, man, you've managed to not only go off point, but you've raised stalking to a new level.

I must have really hurt your feelings for you to bring stalking to this level...

Where you going to mention this was in response to when you bragged about how you made a killing off the destruction of the American economy and people losing their homes? Or are you just going to leave that part out because it makes you look like a douchebag?

Hey, I just like pointing out hypocrisy!

Your analogy is as dumb as someone calling Obama Marxist or Hitler. Thanks for proving my point, JoeHarvestOrgans. Oh, and for the irony.
I don't scream all day about Obama being a Marxist
Another delusion on your part

GUy, your Avatar is Obama with a hammer and sickle on his head. Give me a fucking break. Seriously. So you are screaming it every time you post, even if you don't write it out (which you do pretty often, too.)

Fact is, when it comes to Obama's policies, you have very little to complain about other than they aren't working, but they weren't working when they were Bush's policies and Romney is really proposing more of the same.

So I guess the only X factor I see here is that you don't like his skin tone. Because you've yet to offer any valid complaint.

So the mockery of the "holy one" is what upsets you
'Ridicule is man's most potent weapon', I would expect you, especially
now, to appreciate this one.

First off, I would never expect Papa Obama to be Marxist
that is too revolutionary in its attempts and he doesn't have the intestinal
fortitude, for such a thing. What between his golf games and wagyu steak and vodka
martini parties, he is going to have an armed revolution? I can see it now
"Oh guys, let me finish this drink and I will be right there"

No Papa Obama is more of the boring garden variety leftists
like the European social democrats. He prefers the slow approach
where like the frog boiled in water slowly will not jump out.
But it does not mean his policies are any less disastrous for the US.
It just allows him to muddy the waters, so to speak

Seriously. So you are screaming it every time you post, even if you don't write it out (which you do pretty often, too.)

Even if I don't write it, it is still there,,, - interesting
Delusions of racism everywhere and seeing things that don't exist

My god JoeB- you may have "Obama Fever"; no doubt you will wait until Papa ObamaCare
fully kicks in before getting treated. After all, if you go now you will get better care
and that would be unfair

So I guess the only X factor I see here is that you don't like his skin tone. Because you've yet to offer any valid complaint.

Really, didn't the Left play out this race card thing, last election?
Is there anymore left on it?

Again JoeB, I am really surprised, you have changed
and not for the better. Indeed I dare say you
have may gone over to the "Dark Side"
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