Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Hey, I just like pointing out hypocrisy!

Your analogy is as dumb as someone calling Obama Marxist or Hitler. Thanks for proving my point, JoeHarvestOrgans. Oh, and for the irony.

NO, it's not a dumb analogy.

Whenever there's a human tragedy, there are always assholes ready to make a quick buck.

And they are always contemptable.

It's just amazing when someone like you brags about it.

"Granny lost her house, but I made a killing betting against real estate!"
So the mockery of the "holy one" is what upsets you
'Ridicule is man's most potent weapon', I would expect you, especially
now, to appreciate this one.

First off, I would never expect Papa Obama to be Marxist
that is too revolutionary in its attempts and he doesn't have the intestinal
fortitude, for such a thing. What between his golf games and wagyu steak and vodka
martini parties, he is going to have an armed revolution? I can see it now
"Oh guys, let me finish this drink and I will be right there"

No Papa Obama is more of the boring garden variety leftists
like the European social democrats. He prefers the slow approach
where like the frog boiled in water slowly will not jump out.
But it does not mean his policies are any less disastrous for the US.
It just allows him to muddy the waters, so to speak

Seriously. So you are screaming it every time you post, even if you don't write it out (which you do pretty often, too.)

Even if I don't write it, it is still there,,, - interesting
Delusions of racism everywhere and seeing things that don't exist

My god JoeB- you may have "Obama Fever"; no doubt you will wait until Papa ObamaCare
fully kicks in before getting treated. After all, if you go now you will get better care
and that would be unfair

So I guess the only X factor I see here is that you don't like his skin tone. Because you've yet to offer any valid complaint.

Really, didn't the Left play out this race card thing, last election?
Is there anymore left on it?

Again JoeB, I am really surprised, you have changed
and not for the better. Indeed I dare say you
have may gone over to the "Dark Side"

LIke I said, I'm only voting for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Other than that, tired whining about Marxism and Lenin means you just kind of have gone off the reservation and aren't even offering VALID criticisms at this point.

As for the race card, you are the ones playing it, not me. All the racist anti-Obama e-mails that float about...

I don't care for Obama because I think he's inept, but Romney would be a lot worse.
Hey, I just like pointing out hypocrisy!

Your analogy is as dumb as someone calling Obama Marxist or Hitler. Thanks for proving my point, JoeHarvestOrgans. Oh, and for the irony.

NO, it's not a dumb analogy.

Whenever there's a human tragedy, there are always assholes ready to make a quick buck.

And they are always contemptable.

It's just amazing when someone like you brags about it.

"Granny lost her house, but I made a killing betting against real estate!"

"Granny lost her house on a Solyndra investment, but the CEO walked away with a nice deal"
So the mockery of the "holy one" is what upsets you
'Ridicule is man's most potent weapon', I would expect you, especially
now, to appreciate this one.

First off, I would never expect Papa Obama to be Marxist
that is too revolutionary in its attempts and he doesn't have the intestinal
fortitude, for such a thing. What between his golf games and wagyu steak and vodka
martini parties, he is going to have an armed revolution? I can see it now
"Oh guys, let me finish this drink and I will be right there"

No Papa Obama is more of the boring garden variety leftists
like the European social democrats. He prefers the slow approach
where like the frog boiled in water slowly will not jump out.
But it does not mean his policies are any less disastrous for the US.
It just allows him to muddy the waters, so to speak

Seriously. So you are screaming it every time you post, even if you don't write it out (which you do pretty often, too.)

Even if I don't write it, it is still there,,, - interesting
Delusions of racism everywhere and seeing things that don't exist

My god JoeB- you may have "Obama Fever"; no doubt you will wait until Papa ObamaCare
fully kicks in before getting treated. After all, if you go now you will get better care
and that would be unfair

So I guess the only X factor I see here is that you don't like his skin tone. Because you've yet to offer any valid complaint.

Really, didn't the Left play out this race card thing, last election?
Is there anymore left on it?

Again JoeB, I am really surprised, you have changed
and not for the better. Indeed I dare say you
have may gone over to the "Dark Side"

LIke I said, I'm only voting for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Other than that, tired whining about Marxism and Lenin means you just kind of have gone off the reservation and aren't even offering VALID criticisms at this point.

As for the race card, you are the ones playing it, not me. All the racist anti-Obama e-mails that float about...

I don't care for Obama because I think he's inept, but Romney would be a lot worse.

Well I hate to see you vote that way

Sorry, the only one whining about Marxism and Lenin, is you

Playing the race card, emails ?
I am responsible for those emails

I realize that for many on the Left, Papa Obama does not make them happy for a variety of reason- he isn't fast enough, the wars, he didn't do x,y,or z etc

But, they will still vote for him, because he is their best hope for taking the country more left

Really, the left's use of identity politics does not allow them to see their own racism.
Even now, one can hear the MSM discuss things like "Can we really vote our First black President out?" why not, because he is black ?- should that matter- no

No, while the Left instinctively depends on false cries of racism to support many positions, it fails to see the real picture.

The problem with Papa Obama is not the colour of his skin; but the colour of his politics
Papa Obama is not working and no amount of crying racism is going to change that fact.
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Hey, I just like pointing out hypocrisy!

Your analogy is as dumb as someone calling Obama Marxist or Hitler. Thanks for proving my point, JoeHarvestOrgans. Oh, and for the irony.

NO, it's not a dumb analogy.

Whenever there's a human tragedy, there are always assholes ready to make a quick buck.

And they are always contemptable.

It's just amazing when someone like you brags about it.

"Granny lost her house, but I made a killing betting against real estate!"

"Granny lost her house on a Solyndra investment, but the CEO walked away with a nice deal"

I thought the right wing complaint about Solyndra was that the private investors got paid off before the government did.

You guys really need to get your story straight.
LIke I said, I'm only voting for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Other than that, tired whining about Marxism and Lenin means you just kind of have gone off the reservation and aren't even offering VALID criticisms at this point.

As for the race card, you are the ones playing it, not me. All the racist anti-Obama e-mails that float about...

I don't care for Obama because I think he's inept, but Romney would be a lot worse.

Well I hate to see you vote that way

Sorry, the only one whining about Marxism and Lenin, is one

Playing the race card, emails ?
I am responsible for those emails

I realize that for many on the Left, Papa Obama does not make them happy for a variety of reason- he isn't fast enough, the wars, he didn't do x,y,or z etc

But, they will still vote for him, because he is their best hope for taking the country more left

Really, the left's use of identity politics does not allow them to see their own racism.
Even now, one can hear the MSM discuss things like "Can we really vote our First black President out?" why not, because he is black ?- should that matter- no

No, while the Left instinctively depends on false cries of racism to support many positions, it fails to see the real picture.

The problem with Papa Obama is not the colour of his skin; but the colour of his politics[/QUOTE]

Guy, the whole "left/right" thing became utterly fucking meaningless when you guys said Romney's state mandates were good and Obama's federal mandate was bad. It ain't even about that sort of thing anymore. The whole line has been blurred to the point where it isn't there anymore.

So for me, this election is a choice between a good but inept centrist and an evil douchebag who is probably also kind of inept.

As far as who is driving the country to the left, that would be you jokers. The more you demolish the middle class, the more you make people dependent on government. The more dependent on government people become, the more they'll vote for Democrats.

The fact you can't see this because the black guy makes you so angry is kind of telling.
NO, it's not a dumb analogy.

Whenever there's a human tragedy, there are always assholes ready to make a quick buck.

And they are always contemptable.

It's just amazing when someone like you brags about it.

"Granny lost her house, but I made a killing betting against real estate!"

"Granny lost her house on a Solyndra investment, but the CEO walked away with a nice deal"

I thought the right wing complaint about Solyndra was that the private investors got paid off before the government did.

You guys really need to get your story straight.

Considering that most of the private investors were were people who donated to Papa Obama or "bundled" for him

yeah that complaint is pretty valid

But of course, crony capitalism promoted for the more noble goals of the left
Makes it ok now.
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LIke I said, I'm only voting for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Other than that, tired whining about Marxism and Lenin means you just kind of have gone off the reservation and aren't even offering VALID criticisms at this point.

As for the race card, you are the ones playing it, not me. All the racist anti-Obama e-mails that float about...

I don't care for Obama because I think he's inept, but Romney would be a lot worse.

Well I hate to see you vote that way

Sorry, the only one whining about Marxism and Lenin, is you
with a self initiated reference to Hitler in a failed attempt to make your fallacious
point seem valid.

Playing the race card, emails ?
I am responsible for those emails?

I realize that for many on the Left, Papa Obama does not make them happy for a variety of reason- he isn't fast enough, the wars, he didn't do x,y,or z etc

But, they will still vote for him, because he is their best hope for taking the country more left

Really, the left's use of identity politics does not allow them to see their own racism.
Even now, one can hear the MSM discuss things like "Can we really vote our First black President out?" why not, because he is black ?- should that matter- no

No, while the Left instinctively depends on false cries of racism to support many positions, it fails to see the real picture.

The problem with Papa Obama is not the colour of his skin; but the colour of his politics[/QUOTE]

Guy, the whole "left/right" thing became utterly fucking meaningless when you guys said Romney's state mandates were good and Obama's federal mandate was bad. It ain't even about that sort of thing anymore. The whole line has been blurred to the point where it isn't there anymore.

So for me, this election is a choice between a good but inept centrist and an evil douchebag who is probably also kind of inept.

As far as who is driving the country to the left, that would be you jokers. The more you demolish the middle class, the more you make people dependent on government. The more dependent on government people become, the more they'll vote for Democrats.

The fact you can't see this because the black guy makes you so angry is kind of telling.

First off, I think Romney health care ideas sucked
But, the Constitution does allow via the 10th amendment states to make
such actions.

For the Feds to claim the same right, is intrusive and beyond their enumerated

Papa Obama a centrist- The man who said he would prefer single payer
got it...

The system, as designed, is limiting Papa Obama and slows him down.
The parameters of our system keep most Presidents in check and
create the illusion of what you see as centrist.
Last election, when the press did not vet him properly
the centrist thing was an easier sell, as well. It is going to be a
lot tougher to sell that bag of goods, this time.

tough sell, good luck with that one

Yes, sure, the black guy makes me angry
just like the white guy Bill Clinton made me angry
Too funny, you don't even know what race I am

JoeB, time to adjust your tin foil hat
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LIke I said, I'm only voting for Obama because I hate Romney with a passion.

Other than that, tired whining about Marxism and Lenin means you just kind of have gone off the reservation and aren't even offering VALID criticisms at this point.

As for the race card, you are the ones playing it, not me. All the racist anti-Obama e-mails that float about...

I don't care for Obama because I think he's inept, but Romney would be a lot worse.

Well I hate to see you vote that way

Sorry, the only one whining about Marxism and Lenin, is you
with a self initiated reference to Hitler in a failed attempt to make your fallacious
point seem valid.

Playing the race card, emails ?
I am responsible for those emails?

I realize that for many on the Left, Papa Obama does not make them happy for a variety of reason- he isn't fast enough, the wars, he didn't do x,y,or z etc

But, they will still vote for him, because he is their best hope for taking the country more left

Really, the left's use of identity politics does not allow them to see their own racism.
Even now, one can hear the MSM discuss things like "Can we really vote our First black President out?" why not, because he is black ?- should that matter- no

No, while the Left instinctively depends on false cries of racism to support many positions, it fails to see the real picture.

The problem with Papa Obama is not the colour of his skin; but the colour of his politics

Guy, the whole "left/right" thing became utterly fucking meaningless when you guys said Romney's state mandates were good and Obama's federal mandate was bad. It ain't even about that sort of thing anymore. The whole line has been blurred to the point where it isn't there anymore.

So for me, this election is a choice between a good but inept centrist and an evil douchebag who is probably also kind of inept.

As far as who is driving the country to the left, that would be you jokers. The more you demolish the middle class, the more you make people dependent on government. The more dependent on government people become, the more they'll vote for Democrats.

The fact you can't see this because the black guy makes you so angry is kind of telling.

First off, I think Romney health care ideas sucked
But, the Constitution does allow via the 10th amendment states to make
such actions.

For the Feds to claim the same right, is intrusive and beyond their enumerated

Papa Obama a centrist- The man who said he would prefer single payer
got it...

The system, as designed, is limiting Papa Obama and slows him down.
The parameters of our system keep most Presidents in check and
create the illusion of what you see as centrist.
Last election, when the press did not vet him properly
the centrist thing was an easier sell, as well. It is going to be a
lot tougher to sell that bag of goods, this time.

tough sell, good luck with that one

Yes, sure, the black guy makes me angry
just like the white guy Bill Clinton made me angry

JoeB, time to adjust your tin foil hat[/QUOTE]

If an insurance mandate is a violation of your protected constitutional rights, why would a state get to do it?
But mention ANYHING about the Obama girls.........


comparing 5 grown men to young girls? :rofl:

too funny. the girlyman/boy defense of GOP idjits. :lol:

If Obama had 5 grown up adult children, not serving while he waged a war, I'd ask the very same question.

you lose

Neither have shit to do with their political abilities.

You win the internet.
Fail better?

political abilities? like lying or being a coward in chief?
Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

If your a rich politician making war contract deals for your wealthy friends sure.....

but those poor folks back in the draft days did not have that luxury.

Too bad there was no draft for the recent wars. And again, you can have all the righteous indignation you want about the war but it doesn't change the fact that your guy Obama is not only politicizing the war on both ends (for and against it) but he's continuing it. You have no ground to stand on.

Obama is not my guy :lol: and neither is that Mormon Romney......:eek:
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Undoubtedly, like Dick Cheney in his youth, they had other priorities.

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