Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

However well off the Romney family is, Mitt Romney obviously doesn't believe they're well off enough,

since he plans to pass a tax cut that will enrich him by several hundred thousand dollars a year,

while asking almost everyone else to make sacrifices.
If Mr. Etch-a-Sketch were a "war as a last resort" thinker, I wouldn't much care if his kids served. His recent statements and saber rattling, regarding Russia, demonstrates, once again, what a phony and and spineless little bitch that he is.
First off, I think Romney health care ideas sucked
But, the Constitution does allow via the 10th amendment states to make
such actions.

For the Feds to claim the same right, is intrusive and beyond their enumerated

I think it's a horrid idea because it doesn't address the problem- that health care costs are spiralling out of control. This just increases the pool of money by forcing everyone in.

Papa Obama a centrist- The man who said he would prefer single payer
got it...

Well, if you weren't a xenophobic retard, you'd know the rest of the world has single payer or universal coverage. We're the only major power that doesn't.

Yes, sure, the black guy makes me angry
just like the white guy Bill Clinton made me angry
Too funny, you don't even know what race I am

Nor do you you have to, your words out you pretty well...
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

WTF does that have to do with the economic disaster we face, what does it have to do with Obama putting us on fast track to economic collapse, what does it have to do with highest level of poverty in over 50 years?

Wow, if you think whether Romney will do a better job at straightening out this economic mess is determined by the military service of his offspring, then do you really think you even have what it takes to make an informed judgment to even vote? It's pretty simple-if you think THIS is as good as it gets under a President, Obama is your guy! But he ain't mine because I know better! ROFLMAO!
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?
What branch of military service did Barrack Obama, Sr's son serve?
WTF does that have to do with the economic disaster we face, what does it have to do with Obama putting us on fast track to economic collapse, what does it have to do with highest level of poverty in over 50 years?

Wow, if you think whether Romney will do a better job at straightening out this economic mess is determined by the military service of his offspring, then do you really think you even have what it takes to make an informed judgment to even vote? It's pretty simple-if you think THIS is as good as it gets under a President, Obama is your guy! But he ain't mine because I know better! ROFLMAO!

I think that if you don't have the intellectual honesty to realize our economic problems were well in place long before Obama got there, you probably don't have what it takes to leave the house unattended.

You know, Republicans used to taut the importance of military service, until they ran out of veterans they could run.
First off, I think Romney health care ideas sucked
But, the Constitution does allow via the 10th amendment states to make
such actions.

For the Feds to claim the same right, is intrusive and beyond their enumerated

I think it's a horrid idea because it doesn't address the problem- that health care costs are spiralling out of control. This just increases the pool of money by forcing everyone in.

Papa Obama a centrist- The man who said he would prefer single payer
got it...

Well, if you weren't a xenophobic retard, you'd know the rest of the world has single payer or universal coverage. We're the only major power that doesn't.
Xenophobic? Do you even know what that word means?
It has nothing to do with it with why I am against single payer and with name calling using retard
very progressive of you

Yes, sure, the black guy makes me angry
just like the white guy Bill Clinton made me angry
Too funny, you don't even know what race I am

Nor do you you have to, your words out you pretty well...

Do they, so what preconceived notions do you have?
So you assume people of different races think or speak
in a certain way? So what race do you assume I am?

What way would that be? Is like like Warren, all Native Americans
have high cheek bones. Yes, the Progressive mind at work

You know JoeB, this 'new you' is not very appealing
You sounded more intelligent when you weren't acting like a liberal
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Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?
What branch of military service did Barrack Obama, Sr's son serve?

He's serving four years as Commander in Chief.
romney's mormon patriotism: 5 privileged sons and no volunteers?

is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and ann romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), matt (36), josh (32), ben (29), and craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an american?
what branch of military service did barrack obama, sr's son serve?

he's serving four years as commander in chief.
fail! :))
what branch of military service did barrack obama, sr's son serve?

he's serving four years as commander in chief.
fail! :))

Plus he is leading the Progressive wars

Their War on Native Americans (because of Warren)
Their War on Mexicans (because of Fast & Furious guns killing Mexicans)
Their War on Hispanics (because of them throwing Zimmerman under the bus)

So you can see Papa Obama and the Left are
very busy
Actually, your hero Zimmerman is going to be railroaded by Republicans... Sorry..

Though I do feel for Hispanics falling under the lefts
War on Hispanics

he is not my hero
Obviously, another preconceived notion on your part
like the race of people. Must be a left thing

I'm Beginning to Suspect The Left Just Might Be Playing Fast and Loose With Race For Political Reasons

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I like Romney. I was ready to consider voting for him (not voting against Obama) until he went lunatic right to capture the GOP base. McCain went there in 2008, but I threw my vote to him because I knew the Dems would win both houses.

I like divided government, go figure.

Romney's sons are exemplary citizens in every way...except, their dad has made comments questioning other people's patriotism. This opens up the debate -- patriotism and family values mixed together.

I've been to Romney's home -- with a relative of his. I do not hate the man.

imagine that

I agree with you about a divided governent, now if we could just make the bastards work together.

To be honest, I have no recollection of Romney questiong anyone's patriotism, but then I have paid little aattention to the man. he reminds of a cardboard cutout of a used car salesman. If he did I have to ask, was it in a manner to suggest that only military enlistment qualifies for patriotism?

No matter really, Johnson gets my vote...

Contrary to revisionist Democratic party memories go (I was an elected Democratic official), Romney was not a bad Governor for liberal values. Romney represented the values of all the voters in Massachusetts. He was elected by independents and Democrats as well as Republicans.

My issue with the man is his run for the Presidency. The run for the Presidency does strange things to otherwise honorable people.

My hyper-partisan attacks on him are just tit for tat. If he insists on debasing the process to win, I will debase his candidacy and his person.


I expected better from him. I truly did. Shame on me

Actually, your hero Zimmerman is going to be railroaded by Republicans... Sorry..

Though I do feel for Hispanics falling under the lefts
War on Hispanics

he is not my hero
Obviously, another preconceived notion on your part
like the race of people. Must be a left thing

I'm Beginning to Suspect The Left Just Might Be Playing Fast and Loose With Race For Political Reasons

No political reasons here at all, guy. Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid. He needs to go to prison for that. He would have if his Daddy wasn't an ex-judge.
Actually, your hero Zimmerman is going to be railroaded by Republicans... Sorry..

Though I do feel for Hispanics falling under the lefts
War on Hispanics

he is not my hero
Obviously, another preconceived notion on your part
like the race of people. Must be a left thing

I'm Beginning to Suspect The Left Just Might Be Playing Fast and Loose With Race For Political Reasons

No political reasons here at all, guy. Zimmerman shot an unarmed kid. He needs to go to prison for that. He would have if his Daddy wasn't an ex-judge.

Oh no doubt
the legal system should do its job
From the left's view
Too bad he wasn't all white....
So instead

The lefts'
War on Hispanics must go on

I'm Beginning to Suspect The Left Just Might Be Playing Fast and Loose With Race For Political Reasons
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