Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Zimmerman only became "Hispanic" when the gun nuts wanted to fob him off on someone else.


when in eyes of the MSM and the Left
him being white is all that matters
it gets more political use out of it
for the usual suspects

What race am I again?
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Zimmerman only became "Hispanic" when the gun nuts wanted to fob him off on someone else.


when in eyes of the MSM and the Left
him being white is all that matters
it gets more political use out of it
for the usual suspects

What race am I again?

You do realize that whenever you generalize, you lie. Right?

well, the exception proves the rule

and in this case there is no lie

Politics and especially Identity politics of the left
require it. Sadly, one only needs to look at the black on black
crimes that goes largely ignored by the press and the MSM,
to see that is the case. It just doesn't sell
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Zimmerman only became "Hispanic" when the gun nuts wanted to fob him off on someone else.


when in eyes of the MSM and the Left
him being white is all that matters
it gets more political use out of it
for the usual suspects

What race am I again?



What mattered in the eyes of a lot of sensible people is that he shot an unarmed kid and was let go that very night. Maybe because he was white, maybe because he was the son of a judge, maybe because, hey, in Florida, they luvs them guns.

Point is he never should have been until a complete and total investigation was done.

Now, for the record, yeah, I think that Sharpton has exploited this, and MSNBC giving him a TV show was like giving a pyromaniac a box of matches and a can of gasoline. On the overall principle, this was a foulup.

when in eyes of the MSM and the Left
him being white is all that matters
it gets more political use out of it
for the usual suspects

What race am I again?

You do realize that whenever you generalize, you lie. Right?

well, the exception proves the rule

and in this case there is no lie

Politics and especially Identity politics of the left
require it. Sadly, one only needs to look at the black on black
crimes that goes largely ignored by the press and the MSM,
to see that is the case. It just doesn't sell

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

WTF does that have to do with the economic disaster we face, what does it have to do with Obama putting us on fast track to economic collapse, what does it have to do with highest level of poverty in over 50 years?

Wow, if you think whether Romney will do a better job at straightening out this economic mess is determined by the military service of his offspring, then do you really think you even have what it takes to make an informed judgment to even vote? It's pretty simple-if you think THIS is as good as it gets under a President, Obama is your guy! But he ain't mine because I know better! ROFLMAO!


We had an economic disaster at the end of the Bush administration. was more then one. Bush did nothing..and I mean absolutely nothing about toss tax payer dollars at it. The rich got incredibly rich. And with the economic disparity left to us by his and Ronald Reagan's administration..we are on the same path..that Mexico and Thailand are on now. That's what Obama wants to change..and that's what you guys are fighting so hard to make..the United States into a third world nation with a big shiny military.
Zimmerman only became "Hispanic" when the gun nuts wanted to fob him off on someone else.


when in eyes of the MSM and the Left
him being white is all that matters
it gets more political use out of it
for the usual suspects

What race am I again?


What mattered in the eyes of a lot of sensible people is that he shot an unarmed kid and was let go that very night. Maybe because he was white, maybe because he was the son of a judge, maybe because, hey, in Florida, they luvs them guns.

Point is he never should have been until a complete and total investigation was done.

Now, for the record, yeah, I think that Sharpton has exploited this, and MSNBC giving him a TV show was like giving a pyromaniac a box of matches and a can of gasoline. On the overall principle, this was a foulup.

Actually my father is "borg"


You see the exploitation - good there may be hope for you

Knowing the left has a problem, is the first step in recovering
Knowing that you project racial qualities to posters as
how you think people should think, is the second step
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frazzledgear's frazzled view of reality

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

WTF does that have to do with the economic disaster we face, what does it have to do with Obama putting us on fast track to economic collapse...

uhm, facts say differently. The 2007/2008 economic collapse was halted under Obama.

frazzledgear's frazzled view of reality

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

WTF does that have to do with the economic disaster we face, what does it have to do with Obama putting us on fast track to economic collapse...

uhm, facts say differently. The 2007/2008 economic collapse was halted under Obama.


he inherited a big mess from the bushwackers, and Romney will just sell off america piece by piece and go live in Mexico :lol:
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy" like Warren Buffett who claims he wants to pay more taxes, yet he owes what about a billion in back taxes he refuses to pay?

Oh, is it a left-wing thing to attack the children and grandchildren of Republican candidates, yeah, it is.

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

Where, when and with whom did you serve in Ground Combat Operations?
Indeed anyone, like you, who makes specious claims about racism
is to be taken seriously. Really, false claims of racism are a soft form of tyranny

As for Hitler, you brought him not I. Just because your point is weak on Papa Obama being a centrist, do you really think trying to spin it to a "Godwin rule", makes it better for you?

Now you will vote, because you said you would not

Romney and corporations seem to upset you
Yet Papa Obama cutting secret deals with Big Pharma
taking money from big corporations, does not seem to

Funny how that works

2nd terms can be weaker. But Papa Obama has shown a willingness to abuse executive powers
as much as possible to get what he wants. With the MSM being such a willing lackey of his, it goes unchallenged.

Where did I say I wasn't going to vote?

Fact is, you scream all day about Obama being a Marxist, and then you fail to produce one example of how he's governed as one. But you do a "Godwin" by bringing up Lenin at every oppurtunity.

Yes, Romney and Corporations do upset me. It upsets me that they've gutted the middle class and destroyed the economy, and then still expect to be treated like heroes.

And sorry, 90% of the hatred of Obama is becuase of racism. I'd like to think we've outgrown that, but we haven't.

It was the unions who gutted the middle class. All union brass ARE thugs, crooks and criminals. They are way over their heads holding a position that in their delusional world they consider equivalent to an executive position in the corporate world.

These thugs would rather see jobs go overseas than look in the mirror, do a bit of self-reflection and realize that putting a bolt in place on the assembly line every 20 minutes is not worth the outrageous wages they demand. And of course, certainly not the even more outrageous pensions. And/or the even more outrageous demands for undeserved respect.

For these thugs their nests are generously feathered. They could not care less about the schmucks who pay their union dues and see those dues squandered by them as political donations to the party that only care more about their owns exotic vacations than the jobs, livelihood and lives of the membership.

Union bosses are just like politicians of any stripe who are dead set against term limits. Slime and scum of the Earth. That is why you see fossils, masquarading as human being in the House, in the Senate, fossils that can't see the stamp on their forehead that says "Best Before 20 years ago" if even then. They cling to their post as desperately as a drowning person clings to a straw. Have no shame, have no pride, have no self-respect.

If two terms (eight years) are good enough for a President, it should be good enough for a union boss, a representative or a senator.
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