Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Actually, it is a personal thing that has nothing to do with your being privileged or not. No American is required to serve in the military unless they are called by their government to do so. Once called, a citizen has a moral, as well as a legal, obligation to serve.

The vast majority of American males have never served in the military, and that is their privilege. All Americans have the right to make the choices that best suit their desires and their futures.

BTW, anyone who voted for Bill Clinton, a draft dodger, has no business questioning the military service of anyone in politics.

Romney himself protested in favor of the Vietnam War, and then avoided the draft using a ministerial exemption as a Mormon Missionary.

I didn't vote for Bill Clinton either time, but Clinton took a principled stand that the war was wrong. He didn't support it and avoid it.

Same thing here. Romney wants to get us into a new war with Iran, but oddly, we just don't see his boys signing up and getting ready. Now why is that?
Are they being encouraged by politicians, like Pelosi and Papa Obama
and part of any current movement, just like the OWS


next question

Did PElosi say, "Go out and plant bombs?"


What's your next stupid claim?

Stupid, sometimes the truth is hard
for the left to understand

Did she denounce the violence

by the OWS


Next question
Why should she have to?

You stated that these five losers planting bombs in Cleveland was her fault.

I've been to Cleveland. Blowing it up would be redundant... but anyway.

Please point out where she said, "Heck, if you can't win people over, plant bombs."

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Actually, it is a personal thing that has nothing to do with your being privileged or not. No American is required to serve in the military unless they are called by their government to do so. Once called, a citizen has a moral, as well as a legal, obligation to serve.

The vast majority of American males have never served in the military, and that is their privilege. All Americans have the right to make the choices that best suit their desires and their futures.

BTW, anyone who voted for Bill Clinton, a draft dodger, has no business questioning the military service of anyone in politics.

Romney himself protested in favor of the Vietnam War, and then avoided the draft using a ministerial exemption as a Mormon Missionary.

I didn't vote for Bill Clinton either time, but Clinton took a principled stand that the war was wrong. He didn't support it and avoid it.

Same thing here. Romney wants to get us into a new war with Iran, but oddly, we just don't see his boys signing up and getting ready. Now why is that?

This is not an issue to anyone.
Why should she have to?

You stated that these five losers planting bombs in Cleveland was her fault.

I've been to Cleveland. Blowing it up would be redundant... but anyway.

Please point out where she said, "Heck, if you can't win people over, plant bombs."


Well she found time for the Tea Party
and even chocked up about it and had crocodile tears
amid fears of political violence, even though none existed

Next question

[ame=]Pelosi Chokes Up Amid Fears of Political Violence - YouTube[/ame]

No doubt the first chance she gets she will speak out against/concerns on the
OWS violence, which is real
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Actually, it is a personal thing that has nothing to do with your being privileged or not. No American is required to serve in the military unless they are called by their government to do so. Once called, a citizen has a moral, as well as a legal, obligation to serve.

The vast majority of American males have never served in the military, and that is their privilege. All Americans have the right to make the choices that best suit their desires and their futures.

BTW, anyone who voted for Bill Clinton, a draft dodger, has no business questioning the military service of anyone in politics.

Romney himself protested in favor of the Vietnam War, and then avoided the draft using a ministerial exemption as a Mormon Missionary.

I didn't vote for Bill Clinton either time, but Clinton took a principled stand that the war was wrong. He didn't support it and avoid it.

Same thing here. Romney wants to get us into a new war with Iran, but oddly, we just don't see his boys signing up and getting ready. Now why is that?

This is not an issue to anyone.

It is to you, or you wouldn't be here...
But mention ANYHING about the Obama girls.........


You mean like how his girls go to a Private school
but Papa Obama prevents poor black kids from going to the same
school in the future by denying school vouchers because of his subservience to the
teacher's unions

So sad that children have to be "sacrificed" for some stupid political cause
Well, other people's children

Even Bush allowed poor black kids to go there

Wonder why he won't send his kids to the public schools
Carter did- must have been less of a hypocrite
Well that is one way they are not the same
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Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Harry Reid is also a member of the Mormon Church.

He has four sons. Did they serve in our Armed Forces?

I saved the best for last: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently credited Apollo with helping write the stimulus bill and getting it passed. Yet the stimulus' "green jobs" provisions funnel federal tax dollars to unions, green groups and community organizers -- that is, the organizations that make up Apollo. NY's Tax-Funded Ex-Terrorist
NY's Tax-Funded Ex-Terrorist -
Indeed anyone, like you, who makes specious claims about racism
is to be taken seriously. Really, false claims of racism are a soft form of tyranny

As for Hitler, you brought him not I. Just because your point is weak on Papa Obama being a centrist, do you really think trying to spin it to a "Godwin rule", makes it better for you?

Now you will vote, because you said you would not

Romney and corporations seem to upset you
Yet Papa Obama cutting secret deals with Big Pharma
taking money from big corporations, does not seem to

Funny how that works

2nd terms can be weaker. But Papa Obama has shown a willingness to abuse executive powers
as much as possible to get what he wants. With the MSM being such a willing lackey of his, it goes unchallenged.

Where did I say I wasn't going to vote?

Fact is, you scream all day about Obama being a Marxist, and then you fail to produce one example of how he's governed as one. But you do a "Godwin" by bringing up Lenin at every oppurtunity.

Yes, Romney and Corporations do upset me. It upsets me that they've gutted the middle class and destroyed the economy, and then still expect to be treated like heroes.

And sorry, 90% of the hatred of Obama is becuase of racism. I'd like to think we've outgrown that, but we haven't.

It was the unions who gutted the middle class. All union brass ARE thugs, crooks and criminals. They are way over their heads holding a position that in their delusional world they consider equivalent to an executive position in the corporate world. These thugs would rather see jobs go overseas than look in the mirror, do a bit of self-reflection and realize that putting a bolt in place on the assembly line every 20 minutes is not worth the outrageous wages they demand. And of course, certainly not the even more outrageous pensions. And/or the even more outrageous demands for undeserved respect. For these thugs their nests are generously feathered. They could not care less about the schmucks who pay their union dues and see those dues squandered by them as political donations to the party that only care more about their owns exotic vacations than the jobs, livelihood and lives of the membership. Union bosses are just like politicians of any stripe who are dead set against term limits. Slime and scum of the Earth. That is why you see fossils, masquarading as human being in the House, in the Senate, fossils that can't see the stamp on their forehead that says "Best Before 20 years ago" if even then. They cling to their post as desperately as a drowning person clings to a straw. Have no shame, have no pride, have no self-respect. If two terms (eight years) are good enough for a President, it should be good enough for a union boss, a representative or a senator.

The government GI bill programs and the unions, after WWII, created the most prosperous middle class in America, and the corporatists hated that. The thug business bosses with their lackeys in Congress have done their best since 1980 to strip the middle class of its wealth.
The government GI bill programs and the unions, after WWII, created the most prosperous middle class in America, and the corporatists hated that. The thug business bosses with their lackeys in Congress have done their best since 1980 to strip the middle class of its wealth.

If this is what you really think, Jake (and I agree), then why the fuck are you supporting Romney?
Because I believe Romney will hold down defense spending, force a revenue increase, and reform entitlement programs in a responsible and fair manner.

I am not a bigot of religiosity, JoeB, thus I can see clearly.
Because I believe Romney will hold down defense spending, force a revenue increase, and reform entitlement programs in a responsible and fair manner.

I am not a bigot of religiosity, JoeB, thus I can see clearly.

But there's nothing to indicate he will do ANY of those things.

He's signed on to the Ryan Budget. He's called for increasing defense spending. He's called for cutting rich people's taxes even more.

If you believe that he's going to do those things, then you have to believe everything he has said up to this point is a lie.

So why are you supporting a guy you know to be a liar?

But let's say that he is indeed lying and is going to really run the country as a moderate. Where is his support going to come from?

Not the Democrats. They are going to be looking for some serious-ass payback for defeating Obama. And not the Republicans, who are going to feel betrayed when they find out that he doesn't hate the Gays and love $600.00 hammers as much as they do.

Again, I go back to Jimmy Carter, who went into Washington with no friends and left with no friends.

Thankfully, I don't have to bother trying to figure out when he's lying and when he's not lying, and what he really means and what he doesn't.

I was done with this guy when I figured out he belongs to the Lie a Day Saints. (LDS).
The government GI bill programs and the unions, after WWII, created the most prosperous middle class in America, and the corporatists hated that. The thug business bosses with their lackeys in Congress have done their best since 1980 to strip the middle class of its wealth.

If this is what you really think, Jake (and I agree), then why the fuck are you supporting Romney?

Please define your term "Working Man".
The government GI bill programs and the unions, after WWII, created the most prosperous middle class in America, and the corporatists hated that. The thug business bosses with their lackeys in Congress have done their best since 1980 to strip the middle class of its wealth.

If this is what you really think, Jake (and I agree), then why the fuck are you supporting Romney?

Please define your term "Working Man".

Those of us who go out there, punch a clock and work for a living, not live off the work of others.

We get squeezed on one side by the Democrats who want to put as many people on the dole as possible and on the other by REpublicans who want to squeeze blood out of a turnip by cutting wages and benefits to make a few rich douchebags richer.

Too bad we don't have a political party. We have to choose between the welfare statists and the plutocrats, neither of whom have our best interests in mind.
If this is what you really think, Jake (and I agree), then why the fuck are you supporting Romney?

Please define your term "Working Man".

Those of us who go out there, punch a clock and work for a living, not live off the work of others.

We get squeezed on one side by the Democrats who want to put as many people on the dole as possible and on the other by REpublicans who want to squeeze blood out of a turnip by cutting wages and benefits to make a few rich douchebags richer.

Too bad we don't have a political party. We have to choose between the welfare statists and the plutocrats, neither of whom have our best interests in mind.

You punch a clock and work for a living.

Pretty poor attempt at an explanation.
Evidently, you made life choices putting you in your economic level. In this country, we have the freedom to do as well economically as we are willing to: make sacrifices, obtain the education and/or experience, take a few risks and have a strong work ethic that drives you to where you want to go.
Those who settle for less blame everyone but themselves.
Because I believe Romney will hold down defense spending, force a revenue increase, and reform entitlement programs in a responsible and fair manner.

I am not a bigot of religiosity, JoeB, thus I can see clearly.

But there's nothing to indicate he will do ANY of those things.

He's signed on to the Ryan Budget. He's called for increasing defense spending. He's called for cutting rich people's taxes even more.

If you believe that he's going to do those things, then you have to believe everything he has said up to this point is a lie.

So why are you supporting a guy you know to be a liar?

But let's say that he is indeed lying and is going to really run the country as a moderate. Where is his support going to come from?

Not the Democrats. They are going to be looking for some serious-ass payback for defeating Obama. And not the Republicans, who are going to feel betrayed when they find out that he doesn't hate the Gays and love $600.00 hammers as much as they do.

Again, I go back to Jimmy Carter, who went into Washington with no friends and left with no friends.

Thankfully, I don't have to bother trying to figure out when he's lying and when he's not lying, and what he really means and what he doesn't.

I was done with this guy when I figured out he belongs to the Lie a Day Saints. (LDS).

Joe, you are sick when it comes to religion, and it is obvious to all of us.

You seem upset. Go lie down and think some happy thought.
You punch a clock and work for a living.

Pretty poor attempt at an explanation.
Evidently, you made life choices putting you in your economic level. In this country, we have the freedom to do as well economically as we are willing to: make sacrifices, obtain the education and/or experience, take a few risks and have a strong work ethic that drives you to where you want to go.
Those who settle for less blame everyone but themselves.

No, guy, it's more along the lines of, "Who can I fuck over to advance myself" never really enters my mind.

That's the problem with the system you support. It isn't a matter of how hard you work, it's a matter of how unethical you are in order to advance yourself. This is not a system where virtue wins... and it should.
JoeB; I've yet to see you recruit one person to your Mormon hating opinion. Maybe you should consider the idea that you truly are a nut ball.
Because I believe Romney will hold down defense spending, force a revenue increase, and reform entitlement programs in a responsible and fair manner.

I am not a bigot of religiosity, JoeB, thus I can see clearly.

But there's nothing to indicate he will do ANY of those things.

He's signed on to the Ryan Budget. He's called for increasing defense spending. He's called for cutting rich people's taxes even more.

If you believe that he's going to do those things, then you have to believe everything he has said up to this point is a lie.

So why are you supporting a guy you know to be a liar?

But let's say that he is indeed lying and is going to really run the country as a moderate. Where is his support going to come from?

Not the Democrats. They are going to be looking for some serious-ass payback for defeating Obama. And not the Republicans, who are going to feel betrayed when they find out that he doesn't hate the Gays and love $600.00 hammers as much as they do.

Again, I go back to Jimmy Carter, who went into Washington with no friends and left with no friends.

Thankfully, I don't have to bother trying to figure out when he's lying and when he's not lying, and what he really means and what he doesn't.

I was done with this guy when I figured out he belongs to the Lie a Day Saints. (LDS).

Joe, you are sick when it comes to religion, and it is obvious to all of us.

You seem upset. Go lie down and think some happy thought.

Seriously, guy you spent a couple days thinking about an answer, and this was the best you could come up with?



You totally deflected the question.

What possible incentive does any Democrat have for working with Romney in 2013?

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