Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

But there's nothing to indicate he will do ANY of those things.

He's signed on to the Ryan Budget. He's called for increasing defense spending. He's called for cutting rich people's taxes even more.

If you believe that he's going to do those things, then you have to believe everything he has said up to this point is a lie.

So why are you supporting a guy you know to be a liar?

But let's say that he is indeed lying and is going to really run the country as a moderate. Where is his support going to come from?

Not the Democrats. They are going to be looking for some serious-ass payback for defeating Obama. And not the Republicans, who are going to feel betrayed when they find out that he doesn't hate the Gays and love $600.00 hammers as much as they do.

Again, I go back to Jimmy Carter, who went into Washington with no friends and left with no friends.

Thankfully, I don't have to bother trying to figure out when he's lying and when he's not lying, and what he really means and what he doesn't.

I was done with this guy when I figured out he belongs to the Lie a Day Saints. (LDS).

Joe, you are sick when it comes to religion, and it is obvious to all of us.

You seem upset. Go lie down and think some happy thought.

Seriously, guy you spent a couple days thinking about an answer, and this was the best you could come up with?



You totally deflected the question.

What possible incentive does any Democrat have for working with Romney in 2013?

See - that's the thing. I would LIKE to think we'll take the high road, but given all the shit of the past four years? Oh yeah. I can easily see payback being a bitch.
JoeB; I've yet to see you recruit one person to your Mormon hating opinion. Maybe you should consider the idea that you truly are a nut ball.

You haven't been looking very hard, then.

But reading comprehension is always been one of your limitations.


And by the way, it's your reading comprehension that fails you. I said I haven't seen you recruit anyone to your opinion yet. I still haven't. If you're going to try and get a dig on me then stand on solid ground. Else, you look like an idiot. I guess you're used to that though.
JoeB; I've yet to see you recruit one person to your Mormon hating opinion. Maybe you should consider the idea that you truly are a nut ball.

You haven't been looking very hard, then.

But reading comprehension is always been one of your limitations.


And by the way, it's your reading comprehension that fails you. I said I haven't seen you recruit anyone to your opinion yet. I still haven't. If you're going to try and get a dig on me then stand on solid ground. Else, you look like an idiot. I guess you're used to that though.

Me, for one. I didn't know we were supposed to register with you after the fact.
JoeB; I've yet to see you recruit one person to your Mormon hating opinion. Maybe you should consider the idea that you truly are a nut ball.

You haven't been looking very hard, then.

But reading comprehension is always been one of your limitations.


And by the way, it's your reading comprehension that fails you. I said I haven't seen you recruit anyone to your opinion yet. I still haven't. If you're going to try and get a dig on me then stand on solid ground. Else, you look like an idiot. I guess you're used to that though.

Some on the left will try to push his religion
but it is a no go with the Left leaders and the MSM

Papa Obama has too much baggage from his past and his 20 year
connection to a Marxist based Black Liberation Theology church for the them to
really pursue it
JoeB; I've yet to see you recruit one person to your Mormon hating opinion. Maybe you should consider the idea that you truly are a nut ball.

You haven't been looking very hard, then.

But reading comprehension is always been one of your limitations.


And by the way, it's your reading comprehension that fails you. I said I haven't seen you recruit anyone to your opinion yet. I still haven't. If you're going to try and get a dig on me then stand on solid ground. Else, you look like an idiot. I guess you're used to that though.

I think a lot of people are as freaked out about Romney's weird religion as I am.

One guy here even refers to him as "High Bishop Romney", which I thought was a bit much.

Fact is, you want to concentrate on my religious criticism of Romney, when it's really less than 10% of what I say bad about the guy. Because you want to believe a rich cult with shady machinations is really being "oppressed" when people point out they are full of shit.
Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

Where, when and with whom did you serve in Ground Combat Operations?

Hey soldier boy, go salute a flag, willya?


I did not serve the US Army.

I served in Vietnam as a USMC Grunt with the 1st Bn 4th Marines 67-68 and fought the North Vietnamese Army in Northern I Corps. I have no regrets and make no apologies.
If they brought back the draft, guys like you would soil yourselves at the thought of serving in our Armed Forces.

Harry Reid is a Mormon. His sons did not chose to serve in our Armed Forces. Either you did not know this or in your delusional world you don't see yourself as a hypocrite.
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Where, when and with whom did you serve in Ground Combat Operations?

Hey soldier boy, go salute a flag, willya?


I did not serve the US Army.

I served in Vietnam as a grunt with the 1st Bn 4th Marines 67-68 fighting the North Vietnamese Army in Northern I Corps. I have no regrets and make no apologies.
If they brought back the draft, guys like you would soil yourselves at the thought of serving in our Armed Forces.

Harry Reid is a Mormon. His sons did not chose to serve in our Armed Forces. Either you did not know this or in your delusional world you don't see yourself as a hypocrite.

Harry Reid isn't running for President, and he's not insisting a war is a good idea.
Hey soldier boy, go salute a flag, willya?


I did not serve the US Army.

I served in Vietnam as a grunt with the 1st Bn 4th Marines 67-68 fighting the North Vietnamese Army in Northern I Corps. I have no regrets and make no apologies.
If they brought back the draft, guys like you would soil yourselves at the thought of serving in our Armed Forces.

Harry Reid is a Mormon. His sons did not chose to serve in our Armed Forces. Either you did not know this or in your delusional world you don't see yourself as a hypocrite.

Harry Reid isn't running for President, and he's not insisting a war is a good idea.

Harry Reid in one of the most powerful men in this country

On October 11, 2002 (H J Res 114) Harry Reid voted to give President Bush the Authorization to use force against Iraq.

So it turns out Harry Reid didn't really think that the war in Iraq was "lost" and that the U.S. "surge" in 2007 was a mistake. At least that is what the desperate Senate majority leader would like Nevada voters to believe.
PostPartisan - This Harry Reid is lost
Reid: Iraq War lost, U.S. can't win - politics -
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I did not serve the US Army.

I served in Vietnam as a grunt with the 1st Bn 4th Marines 67-68 fighting the North Vietnamese Army in Northern I Corps. I have no regrets and make no apologies.
If they brought back the draft, guys like you would soil yourselves at the thought of serving in our Armed Forces.

Harry Reid is a Mormon. His sons did not chose to serve in our Armed Forces. Either you did not know this or in your delusional world you don't see yourself as a hypocrite.

Harry Reid isn't running for President, and he's not insisting a war is a good idea.

Pretty lame excuse. You proved that you do live in a delusional world of your own design.

Not at all.

Leaving aside the fact that Harry Reid decided the war was a bad idea when it was obvious that they got it totally wrong on WMD's, the fact is, Romney was the guy who went out there and said that his sons working on his campaign in 2007 was just as much service to their country as McCain's son going to Iraq.

And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Back in the 1960's, when Mitt was done beating up the gay kids, he got a minsterial exemption from the draft after he went on demonstration in support of the Vietnam War.
Please define your term "Working Man".

Those of us who go out there, punch a clock and work for a living, not live off the work of others.

We get squeezed on one side by the Democrats who want to put as many people on the dole as possible and on the other by REpublicans who want to squeeze blood out of a turnip by cutting wages and benefits to make a few rich douchebags richer.

Too bad we don't have a political party. We have to choose between the welfare statists and the plutocrats, neither of whom have our best interests in mind.

You punch a clock and work for a living.

Pretty poor attempt at an explanation.
Evidently, you made life choices putting you in your economic level. In this country, we have the freedom to do as well economically as we are willing to: make sacrifices, obtain the education and/or experience, take a few risks and have a strong work ethic that drives you to where you want to go.
Those who settle for less blame everyone but themselves.


For the regular joe? It's a crap shoot.

For Romney? The fix is in.
You haven't been looking very hard, then.

But reading comprehension is always been one of your limitations.


And by the way, it's your reading comprehension that fails you. I said I haven't seen you recruit anyone to your opinion yet. I still haven't. If you're going to try and get a dig on me then stand on solid ground. Else, you look like an idiot. I guess you're used to that though.

I think a lot of people are as freaked out about Romney's weird religion as I am.

One guy here even refers to him as "High Bishop Romney", which I thought was a bit much.

Fact is, you want to concentrate on my religious criticism of Romney, when it's really less than 10% of what I say bad about the guy. Because you want to believe a rich cult with shady machinations is really being "oppressed" when people point out they are full of shit.

You are absolutely silly in your religious bigotry.
The only silly thing I see is believing there's a magic sky man who is going to love you more depending on what church you waste your Sunday Morning at.

But, yeah, come on, Mormonism is absurd, and frankly they shouldn't be let out of the house without supervision. If it weren't, Romney would be telling us all about how the Hebrews came to America in Submarines and God wanted Joseph Smith to bang all those teenage girls.

Then again, the Scientologists don't tell the new suckers... er... converts about Evil Space Lord Xenu until they have all their money, either.

You punch a clock and work for a living.

Pretty poor attempt at an explanation.
Evidently, you made life choices putting you in your economic level. In this country, we have the freedom to do as well economically as we are willing to: make sacrifices, obtain the education and/or experience, take a few risks and have a strong work ethic that drives you to where you want to go.

No, guy, it's more along the lines of, "Who can I fuck over to advance myself" never really enters my mind.

That's the problem with the system you support. It isn't a matter of how hard you work, it's a matter of how unethical you are in order to advance yourself. This is not a system where virtue wins... and it should.

So anyone who does much better than you, got there through unethical means?
You have proved my point by continuing the blame game.
Excuses are the reasons we fail.
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So anyone who does much better than you, got there through unethical means?
You have proved my point by continuing the blame game.
Excuses are the reasons we fail.

1) Didn't say I failed personally, nor did I say anyone who was doing better was unethical. I'm holding my own in this recession, actually doing a bit better than I did in the 2001 recession.

2) Um, yeah, we are in the mess we are in because a few unethical assholes that you worship screwed it up. Were you like totally asleep during the financial meltdown in 2008?

Oh, wait, JP MOrgan just lost two billion. Whooops. Don't know where the 2 billion went, guys.

Well, can't hold them to account. they're rich and so much better and more important than we are.

Let's throw some black kid in jail for life for stealing a slice of Pizza, but we'll give these assholes a bailout and let them keep their bonuses.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

No one is required to join the military in this country--there is no draft. Maybe it suggests that Mitt Romney is anti-war? As far as volunteering--they may have served this country in other ways...

but not with their lives, which Romney supports other people's sons doing
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Actually, it is a personal thing that has nothing to do with your being privileged or not.

Harry Reid isn't running for President, and he's not insisting a war is a good idea.

Pretty lame excuse. You proved that you do live in a delusional world of your own design.

Not at all.

Leaving aside the fact that Harry Reid decided the war was a bad idea when it was obvious that they got it totally wrong on WMD's, the fact is, Romney was the guy who went out there and said that his sons working on his campaign in 2007 was just as much service to their country as McCain's son going to Iraq.

And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Back in the 1960's, when Mitt was done beating up the gay kids, he got a minsterial exemption from the draft after he went on demonstration in support of the Vietnam War.

You did not read the links that I provided. Here they are again:
So it turns out Harry Reid didn't really think that the war in Iraq was "lost" and that the U.S. "surge" in 2007 was a mistake. At least that is what the desperate Senate majority leader would like Nevada voters to believe.
Reid: Iraq War lost, U.S. can't win - politics -
I am done debating this issue.

So anyone who does much better than you, got there through unethical means?
You have proved my point by continuing the blame game.
Excuses are the reasons we fail.

1) Didn't say I failed personally, nor did I say anyone who was doing better was unethical. I'm holding my own in this recession, actually doing a bit better than I did in the 2001 recession.

2) Um, yeah, we are in the mess we are in because a few unethical assholes that you worship screwed it up. Were you like totally asleep during the financial meltdown in 2008?

Oh, wait, JP MOrgan just lost two billion. Whooops. Don't know where the 2 billion went, guys.

Well, can't hold them to account. they're rich and so much better and more important than we are.

Let's throw some black kid in jail for life for stealing a slice of Pizza, but we'll give these assholes a bailout and let them keep their bonuses.

It isn't a matter of how hard you work, it's a matter of how unethical you are in order to advance yourself. This is not a system where virtue wins... and it should."Who can I fuck over to advance myself. It isn't a matter of how hard you work, it's a matter of how unethical you are in order to advance yourself. These are your rantings.
They certainly imply that anyone who has done well economically did it according to your words.

I can tell you who was asleep when the Financial Melt Done was brewing. It was the President of the New York Fed. If you know it's main function, then you should know what it failed to do. The President of the NY Fed during that time is our current Secretary of the Treasury who failed to pay his taxes.

How about Barney and Dodd who Chaired the Committees that were responsible for the oversight and regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2007, both found no problems.
Bubble Meter: Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd deserve blame for Fannie and Freddie
After years of calls for Congress to create stronger regulatory oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, time ran out in 2008 when the two mortgage giants collapsed, forcing a costly government bailout.

I have opposed and continue to oppose any and all bailouts regardless of who is president.
The Banks certainly played a big part in the Financial Melt Down.If the New York Fed, and Barney and Dodd had done their jobs the impact might have been less chaotic.
The New York Fed and Barney and Dodd deserved a thorough and complete investigation. It didn't happen.

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