Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy" like Warren Buffett who claims he wants to pay more taxes, yet he owes what about a billion in back taxes he refuses to pay?

Oh, is it a left-wing thing to attack the children and grandchildren of Republican candidates, yeah, it is.

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

Where, when and with whom did you serve in Ground Combat Operations?

Hey soldier boy, go salute a flag, willya?

frazzledgear's frazzled view of reality

WTF does that have to do with the economic disaster we face, what does it have to do with Obama putting us on fast track to economic collapse...

uhm, facts say differently. The 2007/2008 economic collapse was halted under Obama.


he inherited a big mess from the bushwackers, and Romney will just sell off america piece by piece and go live in Mexico :lol:

If that were true, Obama would have his college records released.


They'd show that he applied as a foreign student. What's the address of your rock?

Or not.

Here's the problem with that. If there was something truly incriminating in his college records, some one would have leaked them by now.

And this is a great example of how crazy people have taken over the GOP. Birthers are truly weird, but here you have it being treated as mainstream thought. And no matter how many times Obama debunks it, they come up with another angle.

"Well, he produced his birth certificate, but I'll bet he applied as a foreign student because he lived in Indonesia for a while." :cuckoo:
OWS members try to blow up bridge

Crazy and dangerous

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Wow, and that was relevent to what, exactly?

Every movement creates the fanatic... I no more blame the left for these jokers than the right for Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolf.
Are they being encouraged by politicians, like Pelosi and Papa Obama
and part of any current movement, just like the OWS


next question
Are they being encouraged by politicians, like Pelosi and Papa Obama
and part of any current movement, just like the OWS


next question

Did PElosi say, "Go out and plant bombs?"


What's your next stupid claim?
I expect that soon the "Birthers" will be wanting DNA testing to see of Obama is actully human.

There is some concern that he is alien. Isn't that correct Gat?

Give one example of how Obama has governed as a Marxist.

Your inability to produce an example will taken as an affirmative silence you have no such example.
When was there EVER a Presidential candidate that openly declared that he wants to "fundamentally change" America, the country that has been the beacon of light, freedom and prosperity since 1776?

YES!!! Obama's patriotism should be under severe and objective scrutiny.
You have a link to this supposed Obama quote?

In His own words:

[ame=]Obama: "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America" Long Version - YouTube[/ame]

No need to thank me. But do yourself a favor and use the internet for more than just displaying your ignorance to the entire world.

Pardon me for misquoting His Majesty and using the plebeian word "change" instead of the Harvardian one, "transform".
A highly edited clip without context, that starts with him saying it, instead of starting with what he said leading up to it? :lol:

That's a big 10-FAIL!
OWS members try to blow up bridge

Crazy and dangerous

and there are loads of stories about conservatives, christians, and republicans doing that and worse.

your point is?


Tea Party founders with signs saying 'niggar'
are you saying Romney's sons should have joined the American military?
or the Mexican military when they denounced America and moved there?
Wolfie, that sounds rather bizarre. Try formulating a clear question with two parts, please.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

No one is required to join the military in this country--there is no draft. Maybe it suggests that Mitt Romney is anti-war? As far as volunteering--they may have served this country in other ways--than learning how to operate an AK--47?

Furthermore--Barack Obama never spent a day in the military--so who are you trying to compare too.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Actually, it is a personal thing that has nothing to do with your being privileged or not. No American is required to serve in the military unless they are called by their government to do so. Once called, a citizen has a moral, as well as a legal, obligation to serve.

The vast majority of American males have never served in the military, and that is their privilege. All Americans have the right to make the choices that best suit their desires and their futures.

BTW, anyone who voted for Bill Clinton, a draft dodger, has no business questioning the military service of anyone in politics.

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