Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Cheney 5 deferments and a public statement where he says he had better things to do.

black dope down
What was Clintons excuse? Did you care then? Like I said before stop pretending all the sudden military service matters to you. Serving in the the military is a choice some choose to make some do not since there is sudden interest about morons in the military.

Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary

So that is your rationalization Cheney did it first and Clinton just did what other's did very weak. As for Bush as far as I know his unit was never deployed to nam so your not really avoiding combat if your unit is not deployed.
What was Clintons excuse? Did you care then? Like I said before stop pretending all the sudden military service matters to you. Serving in the the military is a choice some choose to make some do not since there is sudden interest about morons in the military.

Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary

So that is your rationalization Cheney did it first and Clinton just did what other's did very weak. As for Bush as far as I know his unit was never deployed to nam so your not really avoiding combat if your unit is not deployed.

He is just pushing another stupid left talking point
The left has had a bad month

The dog thing failed
War on women failed
Papa Obama's new slogan- Forward- failed
Started campaign on Karl Marx's birthday- failed

Combined with his dismal economic record

Obama is not working
What was Clintons excuse? Did you care then? Like I said before stop pretending all the sudden military service matters to you. Serving in the the military is a choice some choose to make some do not since there is sudden interest about morons in the military.

Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary

So that is your rationalization Cheney did it first and Clinton just did what other's did very weak. As for Bush as far as I know his unit was never deployed to nam so your not really avoiding combat if your unit is not deployed.

Kerry signed up for combat. Bush refused all chances to sign up for combat.

Clinton avoided the draft. Cheney took 5 deferments and said he had better things to do.

Kerry fought against the idiotic policies that were killing more of America's sons in the 'nam. Bush played games and was a disgrace to his unit and uniform.

Clinton was no war monger. Cheney was for many a military confrontation from his days in COngress and the WH...all confrontations he would most assuredly avoided with all his might.,


sucks backing conservative baby boomers, eh?

Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary

So that is your rationalization Cheney did it first and Clinton just did what other's did very weak. As for Bush as far as I know his unit was never deployed to nam so your not really avoiding combat if your unit is not deployed.

He is just pushing another stupid left talking point
The left has had a bad month

The dog thing failed
War on women failed
Papa Obama's new slogan- Forward- failed
Started campaign on Karl Marx's birthday- failed

Combined with his dismal economic record

Obama is not working

note to Neotrotsky: suicide is a viable option

Granted, we all know Papa Obama is a narcissist

but he loves himself too much
to take that option

No doubt when he loses
He will write another book
about all the great food he ate as President
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Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

So you're mad that they did not fight in wars that I'm guessing you weren't for? Seems to me that you have your own nice little double standard going.

Oh, Dante is on record being for going into Iraq pre-911. :lol:

Dante is no peacenik. :eek:

Kosovo War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war

Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.
So you're mad that they did not fight in wars that I'm guessing you weren't for? Seems to me that you have your own nice little double standard going.

Oh, Dante is on record being for going into Iraq pre-911. :lol:

NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war

Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

If your a rich politician making war contract deals for your wealthy friends sure.....

but those poor folks back in the draft days did not have that luxury.
Look at the years people avoided the draft. Cheney avoided it way back. Clinton? He did what others did. And Clinton was no a war monger. That said, he avoided the draft just as G.W. Bush avoided combat.

If Clinton were playing the hyper-patriot card you bet your lily white arse it would have been an issue. Instead, it was a GOP and conservative push in the so-called liberal media that went after Clinton for his draft record during the primary[/QUOTE]

So that is your rationalization Cheney did it first and Clinton just did what other's did very weak. As for Bush as far as I know his unit was never deployed to nam so your not really avoiding combat if your unit is not deployed.[/QUOTE]

Kerry signed up for combat. Bush refused all chances to sign up for combat.
Yeah Kerry signed up more power to him Bush's unit was not deployed he didn't get to make that decision.

Clinton avoided the draft. Cheney took 5 deferments and said he had better things to do.

Avoiding the the draft taking deferments you act like there is really some big difference there news flash there is not.
Kerry fought against the idiotic policies that were killing more of America's sons in the 'nam. Bush played games and was a disgrace to his unit and uniform.
Kerry also insulted his fellow solider's by calling them murders and war criminals you r entitled to your opinion of Bush but opinions are not facts.[/COLOR

Clinton was no war monger. Cheney was for many a military confrontation from his days in COngress and the WH...all confrontations he would most assuredly avoided with all his might.,
War monger really? I have been checking out the Cheney record when he was in Congress I can't find any warmongering there When he was Secretary of Defense he did direct the invasion of Panama and Desert storm Panama amounted to little and Desert Storm had support not only inside this country but from around the world. By the way the decision for these actions as well as the Iraq war were made by the President not him as for what Cheney might have avoided considering his history of hear problems it's highly doubtful he could have passed a military physical


sucks backing conservative baby boomers, eh?
Since the facts back me up no but thanks for asking this has been fun you spin really well I will let someone else take over I'm done here for the night play nice with you ever takes over.

Oh, Dante is on record being for going into Iraq pre-911. :lol:

NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war

Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

If your a rich politician making war contract deals for your wealthy friends sure.....

but those poor folks back in the draft days did not have that luxury.

Too bad there was no draft for the recent wars. And again, you can have all the righteous indignation you want about the war but it doesn't change the fact that your guy Obama is not only politicizing the war on both ends (for and against it) but he's continuing it. You have no ground to stand on.
So you're mad that they did not fight in wars that I'm guessing you weren't for? Seems to me that you have your own nice little double standard going.

Oh, Dante is on record being for going into Iraq pre-911. :lol:

Dante is no peacenik. :eek:

Kosovo War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war

Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

calling? most every volunteer is motivated to join based on reasoning other than patriotism

Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

If your a rich politician making war contract deals for your wealthy friends sure.....

but those poor folks back in the draft days did not have that luxury.

Too bad there was no draft for the recent wars. And again, you can have all the righteous indignation you want about the war but it doesn't change the fact that your guy Obama is not only politicizing the war on both ends (for and against it) but he's continuing it. You have no ground to stand on.

My guy Obama? I didn't vote for Obama -- twice.

I support Presidents and Congress when I agree with things they are doing. Noy being a partisan douchebagh like you....

ahh, why bother?

Oh, Dante is on record being for going into Iraq pre-911. :lol:

Dante is no peacenik. :eek:

Kosovo War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war

Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

calling? most every volunteer is motivated to join based on reasoning other than patriotism


My statement is rather self explanatory. Meanwhile, I have no idea what the f your garble is about.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Perhaps it's a matter of personal choice?

Hard to hold a man responsible for the choices made by his adult children.
Ah k. I still think it's a fallacious argument. You can be for a war but not think it's your calling to be a soldier.

calling? most every volunteer is motivated to join based on reasoning other than patriotism


My statement is rather self explanatory. Meanwhile, I have no idea what the f your garble is about.

I fail to grasp simple concepts. It's a side effect of nitwit partisanshipness.

cool word, eh? get IT?
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Perhaps it's a matter of personal choice?

Hard to hold a man responsible for the choices made by his adult children.

except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?

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calling? most every volunteer is motivated to join based on reasoning other than patriotism


My statement is rather self explanatory. Meanwhile, I have no idea what the f your garble is about.

I fail to grasp simple concepts. It's a side effect of nitwit partisanshipness.

cool word, eh? get IT?

I wasn't engaging in partisan bickering. You truly made an incoherent argument.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Perhaps it's a matter of personal choice?

Hard to hold a man responsible for the choices made by his adult children.

except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?


Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.
My statement is rather self explanatory. Meanwhile, I have no idea what the f your garble is about.

I fail to grasp simple concepts. It's a side effect of nitwit partisanshipness.

cool word, eh? get IT?

I wasn't engaging in partisan bickering. You truly made an incoherent argument.

well you do get an A in spelling clap, clap, clap...

except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?

Perhaps it's a matter of personal choice?

Hard to hold a man responsible for the choices made by his adult children.

except politicians like Romney, speak often about family and family values. What better way to judge a man than to judge him by his actions and not his words alone? So I believe to judge a family values politician by how his or her family turns out is fair and reasonable.

do you disagree? if so why?


Has he or his family not exhibited good family values in some way? Were any of his kids arrested for possesion of pot? Have they beaten their spouses? Abandoned their children? Committed adultery?

Joining the military is not indicative of family values nor, necessarily, patriotism.

I like Romney. I was ready to consider voting for him (not voting against Obama) until he went lunatic right to capture the GOP base. McCain went there in 2008, but I threw my vote to him because I knew the Dems would win both houses.

I like divided government, go figure.

Romney's sons are exemplary citizens in every way...except, their dad has made comments questioning other people's patriotism. This opens up the debate -- patriotism and family values mixed together.

I've been to Romney's home -- with a relative of his. I do not hate the man.

imagine that

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