Ron Paul calls out Obama's Syrian warmongering


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Ron Paul has called out Obama's warmongering. Here are some of his points:

* Obama is using the Syrian War to distract from his scandals.
* Obama is 'escalating' the war and he doubts our 'humanitarian reasons.'
* Obama shouldn't be starting any wars w/o Congressional approval.
* Obama is supporting Al Quaeda.
* 'WMD' and 'Chemical weapons' is phony excuses from the past and there is no definite proof even being offered.
* Why would Assad, who is winning the war, use gas, anyways, knowing full well the consequnces?
* Over 100K killed but only 100 (allegedly gased) people are the ones who count?
* 100 people is the 'red line?' Well what's others red lines when we're killing civilians with drone missles?
* What are we supposed to get out Syria? It'll just be another Iraq.
* Polls showed 68 percent of people don't want to go to war in Syria.
* We need to mind our own business (foreign policy).
* Our weapons given to Al Quaeda will be used against us.
* Not only no Congressional approval; not even UN approval.
* This is why we're in a constant recession and constant threat of Al Quaeda. It's not just b/'c we're 'free and prosperous.' It's our occupation and oppression.

[ame=]Ron Paul on Obama's Syria WMD Claim - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Ron Paul Blasts NSA Defenders On Piers Morgan: 'You're Justifying Dictatorship!' - YouTube[/ame]
Obama is using this to destabilize the Middle-East.

He wants to jack up the price of gas to over $6/gal so his Chevy Volt will appear like a cost effective alternative.
LOL. Syria is a mess. Neither side is admirable. But Assad is destroying his nation to save his own ass. And the war is spilling over to other nations. So he must go. A bit of help for his opposition, and then the world has to deal with them. No win situation, but Assad is already toast, so being on the side that eventually wins gives us some influence. A policy of containment here, kind of like fencing in the insane asylum.
Who would want to have this Congress in on anything that is not mandated by law? Worst bunch of nonothing ingnoramouses in our history. You Teabaggers and Libertarians represent thinking right out of the stone age.
If Americans rose up in rebellion against the government, what should obama do?

That's what Assad did.

The tactics used so successfully in Libya, were used in Syria and are now being used in Turkey. Democrats just aren't smart enough to recognize it.
Who would want to have this Congress in on anything that is not mandated by law? Worst bunch of nonothing ingnoramouses in our history. You Teabaggers and Libertarians represent thinking right out of the stone age.

You're Shitbagger. You willingly accept a dictatorship.

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