Ron Paul: Holder SHould be 'Fired' Criminally Charged For Fast & Furious...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Republican presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul has now called for Attorney General Eric Holder to be “fired” over Operation Fast and Furious, making only former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich the only GOP candidates who haven’t done so.

In an appearance on Alex Jones’ radio show earlier this week, Paul said President Barack Obama should relieve Holder of his duties, then find out if he can be criminally charged.

“[Eric Holder] should be immediately fired and then there should be an investigation to find out if charges should be made,” Paul said. “And, that’s obviously over the top and all these kinds of sting operations and false flag operations — this is criminal and I think they do it constantly.”

Paul added that he thinks the House oversight committee, which California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa chairs, is “doing a good job investigating” Fast and Furious. He doesn’t, however, know if “charges will be made” against Holder but thinks the attorney general “deserves to have charges up against him.”

Read more: Ron Paul | Eric Holder | Fast and Furious | The Daily Caller
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Eric Holder conducted a False Flag operation against the US in an attempt to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights.

"Fired" isn't good enough, he should be brought to trial.

On second thought, wouldn't it be ironic if Obama took him out with a Predator Drone and a Hellfire missile? :D
Eric Holder conducted a False Flag operation against the US in an attempt to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights.

"Fired" isn't good enough, he should be brought to trial.

On second thought, wouldn't it be ironic if Obama took him out with a Predator Drone and a Hellfire missile? :D

Yea i guess Fast & Furious could be called a False Flag operation. It was all part of Holder's gun control obsession. He didn't care how many innocent people would be murdered with these weapons. He just wanted to make it about his political agenda. And now so many are dead,including Brian Terry. I'm with the good Doctor on this one. Holder should be fully investigated and possibly charged.
Ron Paul: Holder SHould be 'Fired' Criminally Charged For Fast & Furious...

Well, there’s an objective, informed, and unbiased opinion…

And Paul is a lawyer as well as a doctor?
Ron Paul: Holder SHould be 'Fired' Criminally Charged For Fast & Furious...
Well, there’s an objective, informed, and unbiased opinion…

And Paul is a lawyer as well as a doctor?
So you have to be a Lawyer to know a Law has been broken? Gotta' be a Cop to know if someone is speeding or driving drunk right?

"Well, I saw this guy come in the store, point a gun at the cashier and yell; 'Empty the register NOW!' But I'm not a Cop or a Lawyer so I don't know if a crime was committed".

"Yep, this dude got real drunk and beat his old lady, but I don't know if any crime was committed. I didn't go to Law School".
Eric Holder conducted a False Flag operation against the US in an attempt to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights.

"Fired" isn't good enough, he should be brought to trial.

On second thought, wouldn't it be ironic if Obama took him out with a Predator Drone and a Hellfire missile? :D

As long as he doesn't send the 6 guys after him. :lol:
Ron Paul: Holder SHould be 'Fired' Criminally Charged For Fast & Furious...
Well, there’s an objective, informed, and unbiased opinion…

And Paul is a lawyer as well as a doctor?
So you have to be a Lawyer to know a Law has been broken? Gotta' be a Cop to know if someone is speeding or driving drunk right?

"Well, I saw this guy come in the store, point a gun at the cashier and yell; 'Empty the register NOW!' But I'm not a Cop or a Lawyer so I don't know if a crime was committed".

"Yep, this dude got real drunk and beat his old lady, but I don't know if any crime was committed. I didn't go to Law School".

What laws were broken?

It's funny you guys don't object to these sorts of operations when it's something you agree with..
Republican presidential candidate and Texas Rep. Ron Paul has now called for Attorney General Eric Holder to be “fired” over Operation Fast and Furious, making only former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich the only GOP candidates who haven’t done so.

In an appearance on Alex Jones’ radio show earlier this week, Paul said President Barack Obama should relieve Holder of his duties, then find out if he can be criminally charged.
Alex Jones’ handlers need to sub-divide his rubber-room....and, "house" Ron Paul....

Well, there’s an objective, informed, and unbiased opinion…

And Paul is a lawyer as well as a doctor?
So you have to be a Lawyer to know a Law has been broken? Gotta' be a Cop to know if someone is speeding or driving drunk right?

"Well, I saw this guy come in the store, point a gun at the cashier and yell; 'Empty the register NOW!' But I'm not a Cop or a Lawyer so I don't know if a crime was committed".

"Yep, this dude got real drunk and beat his old lady, but I don't know if any crime was committed. I didn't go to Law School".

What laws were broken?

It's funny you guys don't object to these sorts of operations when it's something you agree with..

It's not uncommon for someone to be relieved of their duties while being investigated for committing a crime.
Right wingers like to sell guns like carnival barkers sell candy corn. If they could, everyone in the US over 5 years old would own one. I'm sure many even want to own "bazooka's".

The outrage isn't that guns were "sold", but they were "tracked". Right wingers want no one to know what they are doing ---> ever!
Right wingers like to sell guns like carnival barkers sell candy corn. If they could, everyone in the US over 5 years old would own one. I'm sure many even want to own "bazooka's".

The outrage isn't that guns were "sold", but they were "tracked". Right wingers want no one to know what they are doing ---> ever!

Would you like some herp with that derp?
Right wingers like to sell guns like carnival barkers sell candy corn. If they could, everyone in the US over 5 years old would own one. I'm sure many even want to own "bazooka's".

The outrage isn't that guns were "sold", but they were "tracked". Right wingers want no one to know what they are doing ---> ever!

You should really dig a little deeper into the fiasco of 'Fast & Furious'. If you did you'd see that the weapons WEREN'T tracked once they got over the border. Holder's morons ADMITTED they didn't know WHERE they went.

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