Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

You supported that lame-o Perry and now that he has dropped out it's killing you that Paul is still in it.
Paul has beat Santorum once and Gingrich twice. Romney is the only one that he hasn't beat elsewhere. Romney has been campaigning forever and can barely break out of 20% of the votes.

An essential three-way tie in Iowa, a second place in New Hampshire and he should drop out because he didn't finish high in South Carolina? Only someone with serious hatred towards Paul would say something so idiotic.

He hasn't won in the first major race that ought to have played to all his strengths. But he was a sideshow to Newt-Mitt. He will remain a sideshow, despite the best whistle past the graveyard of his fanboys.
You supported that lame-o Perry and now that he has dropped out it's killing you that Paul is still in it.
Paul has beat Santorum once and Gingrich twice. Romney is the only one that he hasn't beat elsewhere. Romney has been campaigning forever and can barely break out of 20% of the votes.

An essential three-way tie in Iowa, a second place in New Hampshire and he should drop out because he didn't finish high in South Carolina? Only someone with serious hatred towards Paul would say something so idiotic.

It is because he is more concerned with Israels interest than this country

Has the definition of "weak performance" changed? And which Keynesian warmonger should he endorse? A, B, or C?

No, it has not. Three losses in a row, especially in a state like SC that ought to be a natural for him, means he has "no viable way forward."
And btw you were one of the ones beating the drum how he was going to clean up.

South Carolina is the only state where you can make the case that Ron Paul lost. He came in a strong third in Iowa and received the same number of delegates as Romney and Santorum, and came in second in New Hampshire. I don't think anybody counts second in New Hampshire as a loss. I don't see why you think South Carolina should have been a natural win for him. We all knew South Carolina wasn't going to be his best showing, and, as I said before, Florida is unlikely to be much better.

As for beating the drum for a Ron Paul clean up, I'd like to see those posts.

Still waiting on that link for where I claimed Ron Paul was going to clean up.
you supported that lame-o perry and now that he has dropped out it's killing you that paul is still in it.
Paul has beat santorum once and gingrich twice. Romney is the only one that he hasn't beat elsewhere. Romney has been campaigning forever and can barely break out of 20% of the votes.

An essential three-way tie in iowa, a second place in new hampshire and he should drop out because he didn't finish high in south carolina? Only someone with serious hatred towards paul would say something so idiotic.

it is because he is more concerned with israels interest than this country


The article you posted just proves everything that most of us have been saying. We don't expect Paul to win the Nomination, he is building movement that will outlast this race. A movement based on his example of principled government that will not compromise on the important issues. You think that just posting a link somehow vindicates your argument that Paul should drop out when in fact the article proves the exact opposite. Did you think no one would actually read the article? Did you actually read the article?

The article you posted just proves everything that most of us have been saying. We don't expect Paul to win the Nomination, he is building movement that will outlast this race. A movement based on his example of principled government that will not compromise on the important issues. You think that just posting a link somehow vindicates your argument that Paul should drop out when in fact the article proves the exact opposite. Did you think no one would actually read the article? Did you actually read the article?

Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

The article you posted just proves everything that most of us have been saying. We don't expect Paul to win the Nomination, he is building movement that will outlast this race. A movement based on his example of principled government that will not compromise on the important issues. You think that just posting a link somehow vindicates your argument that Paul should drop out when in fact the article proves the exact opposite. Did you think no one would actually read the article? Did you actually read the article?

Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

Let's talk about not being able to see. Anyone who cannot see that Romney and Newt are mirror images of obama is blind as a bat.
Issues and candidates in the last election.

End the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Leave the WTO.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

End the Patriot Act.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Against the bailout.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes

I did not include Paul, Nader, or Kucinich but they fall into the Barr/Baldwin/McKinney camp on most of these issues.
Where do Romney and Grinch stand on these issues?
The article you posted just proves everything that most of us have been saying. We don't expect Paul to win the Nomination, he is building movement that will outlast this race. A movement based on his example of principled government that will not compromise on the important issues. You think that just posting a link somehow vindicates your argument that Paul should drop out when in fact the article proves the exact opposite. Did you think no one would actually read the article? Did you actually read the article?

Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

Let's talk about not being able to see. Anyone who cannot see that Romney and Newt are mirror images of obama is blind as a bat.

You can't see the logic in the thought process that the founder of Obamacare will repeal Obamacare?

The article you posted just proves everything that most of us have been saying. We don't expect Paul to win the Nomination, he is building movement that will outlast this race. A movement based on his example of principled government that will not compromise on the important issues. You think that just posting a link somehow vindicates your argument that Paul should drop out when in fact the article proves the exact opposite. Did you think no one would actually read the article? Did you actually read the article?

Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

What does it matter if he wins as long as his agenda is incorporated into the platform? There are things that are more important than winning a popularity contest. That is the difference between Paul and the others. He actually believes in his message. It's like the story of Solomon. His message is his baby and he would rather give it to someone else than to see it die. This is how we know that Paul is the real deal. He could maybe find a way to compromise on his foreign policy and he would probably get a huge boost. He could back off on some of the other issues too but for him its about principles and he believes in his.
The good thing is Rabbi isn't being a hypocrite.

Perry's numbers have always been lower than Paul's, and even though he supported Perry he was always on here clamoring for Perry to drop out.

Remember all those threads guys?
He's not going anywhere...That's the fact, Jack.


Sadly you're right. He would rather pander to his crazy supporters than consider the good of the GOP. Geez what a loser.

If you would really follow politics you could see Ron Paul spend very little time and money in South Carolina and received 4x the votes he did in 2008. He will be skipping most of Florida.

Talk to me after more than 5% of the delegates have been decided.

Oh... but Gingrich and Santorum aren't on the ballots in a couple states.. wait.. they must be viable because Sean Hannity told me so!
The article you posted just proves everything that most of us have been saying. We don't expect Paul to win the Nomination, he is building movement that will outlast this race. A movement based on his example of principled government that will not compromise on the important issues. You think that just posting a link somehow vindicates your argument that Paul should drop out when in fact the article proves the exact opposite. Did you think no one would actually read the article? Did you actually read the article?

Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

What does it matter if he wins as long as his agenda is incorporated into the platform? There are things that are more important than winning a popularity contest. That is the difference between Paul and the others. He actually believes in his message. It's like the story of Solomon. His message is his baby and he would rather give it to someone else than to see it die. This is how we know that Paul is the real deal. He could maybe find a way to compromise on his foreign policy and he would probably get a huge boost. He could back off on some of the other issues too but for him its about principles and he believes in his.
Ron Paul is King Solomon? Really?? <giggle>

Nothing Ron Paul supports will be included in the platform just because he says so. There is already a strong base in the GOP that wants lower taxes/less government. There is no base for abandoning our allies, welching on our treaties, and making the US vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Except maybe in France.
Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

What does it matter if he wins as long as his agenda is incorporated into the platform? There are things that are more important than winning a popularity contest. That is the difference between Paul and the others. He actually believes in his message. It's like the story of Solomon. His message is his baby and he would rather give it to someone else than to see it die. This is how we know that Paul is the real deal. He could maybe find a way to compromise on his foreign policy and he would probably get a huge boost. He could back off on some of the other issues too but for him its about principles and he believes in his.
Ron Paul is King Solomon? Really?? <giggle>

Nothing Ron Paul supports will be included in the platform just because he says so. There is already a strong base in the GOP that wants lower taxes/less government. There is no base for abandoning our allies, welching on our treaties, and making the US vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Except maybe in France.

Last time I checked Israel said "Nuclear Iran is not a threat," and "Israel can take care of herself."
Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

Wow... speaking of 'bot' behavior. You really don't listen at all. No one's saying he'll win, but it's our hope he'll stay in the race and work to change things.

Whether his influence is disruptive or constructive depends entirely on your perspective. If you're a fan of the status-quo, if you like the way Obama and the other neo-cons have been steering the country, then it's probably in your interest to complain about him and berate his supporters. But if you think the Republicans can dismiss the libertarians without paying a price, you're kidding yourself.
What does it matter if he wins as long as his agenda is incorporated into the platform? There are things that are more important than winning a popularity contest. That is the difference between Paul and the others. He actually believes in his message. It's like the story of Solomon. His message is his baby and he would rather give it to someone else than to see it die. This is how we know that Paul is the real deal. He could maybe find a way to compromise on his foreign policy and he would probably get a huge boost. He could back off on some of the other issues too but for him its about principles and he believes in his.
Ron Paul is King Solomon? Really?? <giggle>

Nothing Ron Paul supports will be included in the platform just because he says so. There is already a strong base in the GOP that wants lower taxes/less government. There is no base for abandoning our allies, welching on our treaties, and making the US vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Except maybe in France.

Last time I checked Israel said "Nuclear Iran is not a threat," and "Israel can take care of herself."
What treaty do we have with Israel, asswipe?
Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

Wow... speaking of 'bot' behavior. You really don't listen at all. No one's saying he'll win, but it's our hope he'll stay in the race and work to change things.

Whether his influence is disruptive or constructive depends entirely on your perspective. If you're a fan of the status-quo, if you like the way Obama and the other neo-cons have been steering the country, then it's probably in your interest to complain about him and berate his supporters. But if you think the Republicans can dismiss the libertarians without paying a price, you're kidding yourself.

And again Paul-mania rears its head. Ron paul is the only one talking about changing things. Everyone else is a clone of Obama.
Got it.

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