Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

Romney and Newt don't support Obamination's foreign policy, national defense, social justice and economic policies.

Quit with the lies.

It's the meme of the Paul-bots: If you're not Ron Paul, you're Barack Obama. There is no other choice.

Not true at all. It's only if you support the same policies that Obama supports. Like Mitt and Newt do.

Romney said he would have signed the NDAA 2012
Newt was a supporter of cap and trade.
Both are mandated healthcare supporters.
Those random areas are nothing compared to Paul's strategy of retreat worldwide that is the same as the anti-US left seen protesting the wars.

Romney said he will reverse Obamacare, so there goes the healthcare angle against him.

Romney said he will open up drilling for domestic oil, coal and natural gas to counter the damage done by Obamination.

Romney will keep the DoD strong after it gets gutted this last year via Obamination much like Bill Clinton did.

Romney and Newt don't support Obamination's foreign policy, national defense, social justice and economic policies.

Quit with the lies.

Not true at all. It's only if you support the same policies that Obama supports. Like Mitt and Newt do.

Romney said he would have signed the NDAA 2012
Newt was a supporter of cap and trade.
Both are mandated healthcare supporters.
Obama II? So Rand Paul will support Obama II? None of the Republicans are like Obama. Sorry you folks can keep saying it, but there is no bases in reality for that kind of stupity.

It's the meme of the Paul-bots: If you're not Ron Paul, you're Barack Obama. There is no other choice.

What is the difference between your candidate and Obama?

Tax reform, none are Alinskyites , all want Obama care gone, all want more domestic energy production, all will not penalize business for doing business here, non would recess appoint when congress is not in recess to get his union cronies more members, none would shut down farmers in favor of some stupid smelt, all would appoint more conservative constitutional judges, all would not be shutting down coal fired power plants while sending billions of tax payer money to failed green energy companies. I could go on
Romney's policies aren't at issue. Republicans like Romney's policies. That's how he got to be as popular as he is.

What he doesn't have is the same ability to express the popular rage.

Joe Scarborough called it a primal scream.

Why is this surprising? When pot smoking filth crapped on the streets of cities across the country. The bobble heads all bobbled about the 99%. Well, now you have seen what the real 99% thinks.
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Those random areas are nothing compared to Paul's strategy of retreat worldwide that is the same as the anti-US left seen protesting the wars.

Romney said he will reverse Obamacare, so there goes the healthcare angle against him.

Romney said he will open up drilling for domestic oil, coal and natural gas to counter the damage done by Obamination.

Romney will keep the DoD strong after it gets gutted this last year via Obamination much like Bill Clinton did.

Romney and Newt don't support Obamination's foreign policy, national defense, social justice and economic policies.

Quit with the lies.

Romney said he would have signed the NDAA 2012
Newt was a supporter of cap and trade.
Both are mandated healthcare supporters.

Oh, well if Romney said it it must be true, right?
I know Romney won't let Iran get nukes like Ron Paul, that is the reason why Paul can't do shit in the current 4 man race.

But you keep supporting the kook....

Those random areas are nothing compared to Paul's strategy of retreat worldwide that is the same as the anti-US left seen protesting the wars.

Romney said he will reverse Obamacare, so there goes the healthcare angle against him.

Romney said he will open up drilling for domestic oil, coal and natural gas to counter the damage done by Obamination.

Romney will keep the DoD strong after it gets gutted this last year via Obamination much like Bill Clinton did.

Romney said he would have signed the NDAA 2012
Newt was a supporter of cap and trade.
Both are mandated healthcare supporters.

Oh, well if Romney said it it must be true, right?
I know Romney won't let Iran get nukes like Ron Paul, that is the reason why Paul can't do shit in the current 4 man race.

But you keep supporting the kook....

Those random areas are nothing compared to Paul's strategy of retreat worldwide that is the same as the anti-US left seen protesting the wars.

Romney said he will reverse Obamacare, so there goes the healthcare angle against him.

Romney said he will open up drilling for domestic oil, coal and natural gas to counter the damage done by Obamination.

Romney will keep the DoD strong after it gets gutted this last year via Obamination much like Bill Clinton did.

Oh, well if Romney said it it must be true, right?

You keep supporting Obama II.
Ron Paul is the nice old family relative people get to see over Thanksgiving and he has good stories to tell the family about his past and good jokes too, but it quickly goes downhill when he tells the family the CIA is monitoring his brainwaves because he knows about the aliens in the woods behind the house.
As Ron Paul's speech in South Carolina shows, he has a script and doesn't deviate from it. For a very long time I was puzzled at some of his debate responses. They had nothing to do with the question asked. Seeing him speak last night clarified it. He doesn't deviate from his script no matter what the question is.

In this career of seeing a presidential nomination, he has never won a primary or a caucus. He likely doesn't care. What he wants is to influence to the discussion and guide it toward narco-libertarian principles. He can't get over that it never works.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

Ron Paul is the nice old family relative people get to see over Thanksgiving and he has good stories to tell the family about his past and good jokes too, but it quickly goes downhill when he tells the family the CIA is monitoring his brainwaves because he knows about the aliens in the woods behind the house.

You're thinking of Jesse Ventura.
Paul has never been in this so-called "race" because he could win. He always knew he could not win.

He's lookin' to make a place for his pathetic teabagger son to move in to.

That probably won't happen though because most people see through the act, see if for what it is - that the crumb doesn't fall far from the fruitcake.

What people see is that Ron Paul, for his nuttiness, means well.

Rand Paul means anything but "well".

Let me tell you one thing,he did something you self serving commie lefties wouldnt do. There was an overage in a budget,and he returned it back to the treasury for the taxpayers. You people would have pocketed it.
As Ron Paul's speech in South Carolina shows, he has a script and doesn't deviate from it. For a very long time I was puzzled at some of his debate responses. They had nothing to do with the question asked. Seeing him speak last night clarified it. He doesn't deviate from his script no matter what the question is.

In this career of seeing a presidential nomination, he has never won a primary or a caucus. He likely doesn't care. What he wants is to influence to the discussion and guide it toward narco-libertarian principles. He can't get over that it never works.
His vote totals have doubled from those of '08.

People are getting sick of the progressive neocon warmonger wing of the GOP and the evidence is right in front of you....But you g'head and see how many elections you can win by marginalizing and smearing the very people whose votes you'll need.
No, Ventura is the 55 year old uncle that stumbles into the family dinner late out of breath and a bit drunk. He pulled up in his beat up 1978 Camaro with rust all over it. He has stories about the cops chasing him, bar brawls and also knows about the CIA monitoring his brainwaves too over the Aliens.

Ron Paul is the nice old family relative people get to see over Thanksgiving and he has good stories to tell the family about his past and good jokes too, but it quickly goes downhill when he tells the family the CIA is monitoring his brainwaves because he knows about the aliens in the woods behind the house.

You're thinking of Jesse Ventura.
But paul loses me on his lack of recoginition of the elimination if islamofacism,however,we have great weapons tech we should be using to wipe out this terrorist threat,and the iranian regime.
As Ron Paul's speech in South Carolina shows, he has a script and doesn't deviate from it. For a very long time I was puzzled at some of his debate responses. They had nothing to do with the question asked. Seeing him speak last night clarified it. He doesn't deviate from his script no matter what the question is.

In this career of seeing a presidential nomination, he has never won a primary or a caucus. He likely doesn't care. What he wants is to influence to the discussion and guide it toward narco-libertarian principles. He can't get over that it never works.
His vote totals have doubled from those of '08.

People are getting sick of the progressive neocon warmonger wing of the GOP and the evidence is right in front of you....But you g'head and see how many elections you can win by marginalizing and smearing the very people whose votes you'll need.

Two percent still sucks.
And that "neo-con" meme is getting way old.
Except that his vote totals are far above 2%.

Face it....Your authoritarian neocon police/warfare state is wearing thin and bankrupting the nation, and people are waking up to the fact.

Mebby y'all could go back to the Democrat Party, where you belong.
Except that his vote totals are far above 2%.

Face it....Your authoritarian neocon police/warfare state is wearing thin and bankrupting the nation, and people are waking up to the fact.

Mebby y'all could go back to the Democrat Party, where you belong.

As I recall teh Democrats are the anti-War apologize for America party. Didn't Ron Paul say that 9/11 was blowback and our chickens were coming home to roost? Or was that Jeremiah Wright? I can't tell them apart.
Someday you'll grow up or wake up that you are on the fringe like Obamination is on the fringe to the left.

Funny that Obamination's national defense policies got stronger once he finally got to see the intelligence he trashed from his Senator seat while not privy to that intel.

Ron Paul is just like Senator Obamination, out of the loop on what is really going on in the world.:eusa_whistle: But like Obamination he has his cult following....

Except that his vote totals are far above 2%.

Face it....Your authoritarian neocon police/warfare state is wearing thin and bankrupting the nation, and people are waking up to the fact.

Mebby y'all could go back to the Democrat Party, where you belong.

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