Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

Nothing Ron Paul supports will be included in the platform just because he says so. There is already a strong base in the GOP that wants lower taxes/less government. There is no base for abandoning our allies, welching on our treaties, and making the US vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Except maybe in France.
Ron Paul doesn't say anything like that. But I wouldn't expect you to know anything Rabbit. You prolly didn't even know "Rick" Perrys' real name ffs! You just liked his nice hair and cowboy boots.

Reporter: "Gov. Perry, how many primaries did you participate in before you dropped out?"

Gov. Perry: "Well there was three. Uh, Iowa, or no, Idaho? I think we went to Florida? When is Texas? I'm from Texas. Yee Haw! Dr. Ron Paul would know why don't you ask him?"

Haha! Derp! :uhoh3:
Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

What does it matter if he wins as long as his agenda is incorporated into the platform? There are things that are more important than winning a popularity contest. That is the difference between Paul and the others. He actually believes in his message. It's like the story of Solomon. His message is his baby and he would rather give it to someone else than to see it die. This is how we know that Paul is the real deal. He could maybe find a way to compromise on his foreign policy and he would probably get a huge boost. He could back off on some of the other issues too but for him its about principles and he believes in his.
Ron Paul is King Solomon? Really?? <giggle>

Nothing Ron Paul supports will be included in the platform just because he says so. There is already a strong base in the GOP that wants lower taxes/less government. There is no base for abandoning our allies, welching on our treaties, and making the US vulnerable to terrorist attacks. Except maybe in France.

I didn't say Ron Paul was Solomon. I was comparing him to the women that had a dispute over who was the mother of a baby. Solomon told them he would cut the baby in half, knowing that the real mother would not allow that. Ron Paul would be the mother and his ideas would be the baby, see? Do I need to draw you a picture?

I am surprised that a Rabbi didn't know this story.
Showing that Paul-bots see only what they want to see.
There is no way for Paul to win. There is no way for Paul to have any effect on the election other than to be disruptive. He needs to withdraw gracefully. Now he is merely grandstanding, which is essentially all he has done for 30 years.

Wow... speaking of 'bot' behavior. You really don't listen at all. No one's saying he'll win, but it's our hope he'll stay in the race and work to change things.

Whether his influence is disruptive or constructive depends entirely on your perspective. If you're a fan of the status-quo, if you like the way Obama and the other neo-cons have been steering the country, then it's probably in your interest to complain about him and berate his supporters. But if you think the Republicans can dismiss the libertarians without paying a price, you're kidding yourself.

And again Paul-mania rears its head. Ron paul is the only one talking about changing things. Everyone else is a clone of Obama.
Got it.

Expanded already lucrative spending, expanded on already unsustainable-sized government, sent debt skyrocketing, meddled in the middle east, same tax plan, bailed out select corporations.

Which of the above characteristics can you say about Obama, but can't say about Bush or any other neocon who signed on or authored his policies?
Wow... speaking of 'bot' behavior. You really don't listen at all. No one's saying he'll win, but it's our hope he'll stay in the race and work to change things.

Whether his influence is disruptive or constructive depends entirely on your perspective. If you're a fan of the status-quo, if you like the way Obama and the other neo-cons have been steering the country, then it's probably in your interest to complain about him and berate his supporters. But if you think the Republicans can dismiss the libertarians without paying a price, you're kidding yourself.

And again Paul-mania rears its head. Ron paul is the only one talking about changing things. Everyone else is a clone of Obama.
Got it.

Expanded already lucrative spending, expanded on already unsustainable-sized government, sent debt skyrocketing, meddled in the middle east, same tax plan, bailed out select corporations.

Which of the above characteristics can you say about Obama, but can't say about Bush or any other neocon who signed on or authored his policies?

Bush isn't running this year.

Yet again we see that the Left and the Narco-Libertarians run off the same play book.
And again Paul-mania rears its head. Ron paul is the only one talking about changing things. Everyone else is a clone of Obama.
Got it.

Expanded already lucrative spending, expanded on already unsustainable-sized government, sent debt skyrocketing, meddled in the middle east, same tax plan, bailed out select corporations.

Which of the above characteristics can you say about Obama, but can't say about Bush or any other neocon who signed on or authored his policies?

Bush isn't running this year.

Yet again we see that the Left and the Narco-Libertarians run off the same play book.

Which of the above characteristics can you say about Obama, but can't say about Bush or any other neocon who signed on or authored his policies?

I'll give you benefit of the doubt and say you just missed that, rather than deliberately didn't answer it. Can i have an answer this time please?
I see people are still butt hurt that Ron Paul isn't going to drop out. This is usually the Israel lovers that should move there and quite claiming they give a fuck about The US.

Here, Ron Paul would like you to have a pretty pretty goose and a pretty race car. Perhaps some peach cobbler in a spit cup? Nick nacks, maybe?

[ame=]&#39;RON PAUL&#39; - A Bad Lip Reading SoundBite - YouTube[/ame]
Here's the real question: If Ron Paul can't win and doesn't matter why do you care if he drops out?

Inquiring minds want to know, Rabbi.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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Here's the real question: If Ron Paul can't win and doesn't matter why do you care if he drops out?

Inquiring minds want to know, Rabbi.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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Of course he won't answer it, because it shows that he just has an agenda against Ron Paul.
I see people are still butt hurt that Ron Paul isn't going to drop out. This is usually the Israel lovers that should move there and quite claiming they give a fuck about The US.

Here, Ron Paul would like you to have a pretty pretty goose and a pretty race car. Perhaps some peach cobbler in a spit cup? Nick nacks, maybe?

'RON PAUL' - A Bad Lip Reading SoundBite - YouTube

Those things are hilarious. I still think the Herman Cain one was the best, but the Paul one is very funny. "Brewskies!"
Inquiring minds want to know, Rabbi.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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Of course he won't answer it, because it shows that he just has an agenda against Ron Paul.

Which makes you wonder why so many of the party line voting type of republican speak out against communism, when that's exactly how they want their party ran.

"If someone doesn't parrot talking points, throw him out!!!"
Expanded already lucrative spending, expanded on already unsustainable-sized government, sent debt skyrocketing, meddled in the middle east, same tax plan, bailed out select corporations.

Which of the above characteristics can you say about Obama, but can't say about Bush or any other neocon who signed on or authored his policies?

Bush isn't running this year.

Yet again we see that the Left and the Narco-Libertarians run off the same play book.

Which of the above characteristics can you say about Obama, but can't say about Bush or any other neocon who signed on or authored his policies?

I'll give you benefit of the doubt and say you just missed that, rather than deliberately didn't answer it. Can i have an answer this time please?
Here's the real question: If Ron Paul can't win and doesn't matter why do you care if he drops out?

Inquiring minds want to know, Rabbi.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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The answer is that he beclowns the GOP and divides the party, which needs to be unified if we want to win this election.
You would know all about beclowning, I'm sure.
Inquiring minds want to know, Rabbi.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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The answer is that he beclowns the GOP and divides the party, which needs to be unified if we want to win this election.
You would know all about beclowning, I'm sure.

Sure. Let's unify around a message that is the same as Obama's, great idea.

Who would think in such a free and "intelligent" country we would have such nominees like Bush, Kerry, Gore, Clinton, McCain, and Romney.. my god. Give me a Reagan and Goldwater aka Ron Paul.

"Jefferson Lives. He is Ron Paul!"
Inquiring minds want to know, Rabbi.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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The answer is that he beclowns the GOP and divides the party, which needs to be unified if we want to win this election.
You would know all about beclowning, I'm sure.

But how does he do this if his level of support is as small as you would have us all believe?
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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The answer is that he beclowns the GOP and divides the party, which needs to be unified if we want to win this election.
You would know all about beclowning, I'm sure.

But how does he do this if his level of support is as small as you would have us all believe?

But how does he do this if his level of support is as small as you would have us all believe?

Yeah... not quite getting that myself. Apparently Ron Paul is either and insignificant nutjob, or a disruptive "homewrecker". I think it depends on Rabbi's 'time of the month'.
Good question. He prolly won't answer though.

Rabbit, do yourself a favor and stop watching MSNBC and FoxNews. If more people did that they might actually wake up.

Turn off your TV, it will make you an idiot. Then, everyday when you get out of bed go here:
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The answer is that he beclowns the GOP and divides the party, which needs to be unified if we want to win this election.
You would know all about beclowning, I'm sure.

But how does he do this if his level of support is as small as you would have us all believe?
What is it? 10-12%. That's certainly a margin of victory. Especially in Florida. Oh yeah, Paul's given up Florida.
What was Ross Perot's level of support? Yet it was enough to throw the election to Clinton.
But how does he do this if his level of support is as small as you would have us all believe?

Yeah... not quite getting that myself. Apparently Ron Paul is either and insignificant nutjob, or a disruptive "homewrecker". I think it depends on Rabbi's 'time of the month'.

If you don't get that Ron Paul is a crank whose views are odious to most Republicans, then why do you imagine you could get this?
The answer is that he beclowns the GOP and divides the party, which needs to be unified if we want to win this election.
You would know all about beclowning, I'm sure.

But how does he do this if his level of support is as small as you would have us all believe?
What is it? 10-12%. That's certainly a margin of victory. Especially in Florida. Oh yeah, Paul's given up Florida.
What was Ross Perot's level of support? Yet it was enough to throw the election to Clinton.

So you probably can't win without us?

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