Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

I like Paul's stance on the drug war. wasting billions fighting something that is lost already. Stupidity that is. American stupidity. I dont agree with everything he stands for but if he wants to run and if people vote for him then who cares? How can ANYBODY have a problem with him running? That is a bizarre stance. If he wants to run then let him run. What is the difference?
I could be wrong, but I am under the impression that many Ron Paul supporters don't see a big difference between Obama and the rest of the GOP field.

It is six of one and half dozen of the other. But then again, I could be wrong and putting words into people's mouths.

Is there any doubt what Romney has supported as Governor?
Was Newt forced to do those commercials supporting cap and trade or saying that he supports a healthcare mandate? Why would Newt support many liberal things and then all of a saddened not support them?
You sdont get it.
If Ron Paul can't win a single primary then how is he supposed to win the general? Maybe he should be running in the Democratic primary? They support smoking pot and blaming the US.

You don't get it no Ron Paul supporter will vote for Romney or Newt. If the excuse is vote for anyone but obama why waste your vote on Romney or newt and give it to Paul?

Then Ron Paul supporters will elect Barack Obama to a second term. Hope you can live with that. Don't complain about him either because you put him there, bubba.

Thats complete Bull shit.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

He wont Drop out bud. Paul has Decided to Stay on all the way to the Convention in hopes of Effecting the Platform of the Party. He has every right to do so. He has all but said he knows he can not win, and that he is in it now to effect change in the Party at the Convention, For the Future. He wants to get things like Auditing the Fed, and his other ideas into the Debate, and hopefully the Agenda of the party.

Not the First time nor will it be the last that a Candidate that clearly can not win, stays in to try to use what support he did have as a Bargaining chip to effect Policy.

Republicans would be very wise to respect him, and Listen to him, Or he might just run 3rd party which we all know virtually assures an Obama win. He says he does not want to, but his message is pretty clear if you ask me. Hear him out or he will.
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Having only watched one debate (tonight's), I'd vote for Paul.

There's nothing mealy-mouthed about him and he doesn't fire off-the-cuff lies out all over the place.
He isn't afraid to say exactly what he thinks and a lot of what he says on domestic issues makes sense.

I like him.

I'm not so sure about his foreign policies though
I hope he stays in and all of the others too. Maybe with 4 candidates enough of the delegates can be spread out to prevent a first ballot nomination. This would open the door for someone to step in and become the candidate such as Huckabee, Daniels, Palin or someone else. Of course everybody else wants the nomination process to be over before 90% of the electorate even gets a chance to vote and that is really what makes these elections a joke!!!
You don't get it no Ron Paul supporter will vote for Romney or Newt. If the excuse is vote for anyone but obama why waste your vote on Romney or newt and give it to Paul?

Then Ron Paul supporters will elect Barack Obama to a second term. Hope you can live with that. Don't complain about him either because you put him there, bubba.

Thats complete Bull shit.

Sorry Full usually agree with you, but no it's not. It might suck that voting 3rd party often simply pulls votes away from one guy and not Both in the Election, But it is true. Paul does pull some Democrat Support but not much. So if by your standard the 15% or so who seem to consistently Support Paul Decide to Stay home if Newt or Romney win. Then they are by there non Participation allowing Obama to win. Or at least making it easier for him to.

Hell man the Guy I want is not even Running, I don't like any of em totally. I like some of what all of them say, but I know what I don't like. Obama's Policies, Obama's Class Warfare Rhetoric, Obama's Hyper Partisan Arrogant governing Style. I Can only Imagine how much further left he will move things in a second Term with no election to worry about.

I will vote for any of them who win, Including Paul. Despite the Fact I think his Foreign Policy is Childishly Short sighted and Idealistic. To get Obama and the Left wing Fringe Democrats out of Power. we just have to keep the Pressure on who ever does win, To do the things we want. To stay true to their Election Promises. Because we damn sure know what Obama wants to do isn't what we think is best.
Then Ron Paul supporters will elect Barack Obama to a second term. Hope you can live with that. Don't complain about him either because you put him there, bubba.

Thats complete Bull shit.

Sorry Full usually agree with you, but no it's not. It might suck that voting 3rd party often simply pulls votes away from one guy and not Both in the Election, But it is true. Paul does pull some Democrat Support but not much. So if by your standard the 15% or so who seem to consistently Support Paul Decide to Stay home if Newt or Romney win. Then they are by there non Participation allowing Obama to win. Or at least making it easier for him to.

Hell man the Guy I want is not even Running, I don't like any of em totally. I like some of what all of them say, but I know what I don't like. Obama's Policies, Obama's Class Warfare Rhetoric, Obama's Hyper Partisan Arrogant governing Style. I Can only Imagine how much further left he will move things in a second Term with no election to worry about.

I will vote for any of them who win, Including Paul. Despite the Fact I think his Foreign Policy is Childishly Short sighted and Idealistic. To get Obama and the Left wing Fringe Democrats out of Power. we just have to keep the Pressure on who ever does win, To do the things we want. To stay true to their Election Promises. Because we damn sure know what Obama wants to do isn't what we think is best.

Not gaining enough support affects every losing candidate. I am amazed on how easily the recent reduction of rights doesnt bother anyone. Romney says he supports NDAA. Newt, although smart I dont believe for a minute he could be trusted. Both big government guys.

:321: them both.

The only way I will come around is if the GOP shows they have some fucking backbone on the upcoming 1.2 trillion debt increase request.

Now what do you think of those odds?
. Paul supporters have a slim grasp on reality.


We are very aware of the fact that the majority of Americans are narcotized.

"Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state."

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

Translation: It is completely and absolutely true.
The 3% does not dictate to the 97% what to do. Paul supporters have a slim grasp on reality.

Keep thinking that. 3%?

I would guess in a General if Ron Ran as a 3rd Party he would get about 9%. His True Core Support. I hope we don't have to find out. :)

Like I said if Paul wins the Nomination I will vote for him even though I don't like his Foreign Policy. As much as I don't like it, I still think we would be better off than with 4 More years of an unhindered by Running again Obama.

I can't Believe you Paul Supporters would stay home and allow Obama to win. I know Paul says there isn't much difference between Newt, Romney and Obama, but he is just saying that because he is in a campaign. If he does not win the Election, and does not run 3rd Party, I am 100% confident he will tell his supporters to support who ever does win. Because deep down he knows there is a Massive Difference between Any of our Candidates and Obama.
Thats complete Bull shit.

Sorry Full usually agree with you, but no it's not. It might suck that voting 3rd party often simply pulls votes away from one guy and not Both in the Election, But it is true. Paul does pull some Democrat Support but not much. So if by your standard the 15% or so who seem to consistently Support Paul Decide to Stay home if Newt or Romney win. Then they are by there non Participation allowing Obama to win. Or at least making it easier for him to.

Hell man the Guy I want is not even Running, I don't like any of em totally. I like some of what all of them say, but I know what I don't like. Obama's Policies, Obama's Class Warfare Rhetoric, Obama's Hyper Partisan Arrogant governing Style. I Can only Imagine how much further left he will move things in a second Term with no election to worry about.

I will vote for any of them who win, Including Paul. Despite the Fact I think his Foreign Policy is Childishly Short sighted and Idealistic. To get Obama and the Left wing Fringe Democrats out of Power. we just have to keep the Pressure on who ever does win, To do the things we want. To stay true to their Election Promises. Because we damn sure know what Obama wants to do isn't what we think is best.

Not gaining enough support affects every losing candidate. I am amazed on how easily the recent reduction of rights doesnt bother anyone. Romney says he supports NDAA. Newt, although smart I dont believe for a minute he could be trusted. Both big government guys.

:321: them both.

The only way I will come around is if the GOP shows they have some fucking backbone on the upcoming 1.2 trillion debt increase request.

Now what do you think of those odds?

They can't understand that it's anyone but obama blues.
But if that were true they would vote for Ron Paul. But they won't because they want politics as usual.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

He's only in second place via electoral votes....

Why the fuck would he drop out??

You're one ignorant person....
Translation: It is completely and absolutely true.
The 3% does not dictate to the 97% what to do. Paul supporters have a slim grasp on reality.

Keep thinking that. 3%?

I would guess in a General if Ron Ran as a 3rd Party he would get about 9%. His True Core Support. I hope we don't have to find out. :)

Like I said if Paul wins the Nomination I will vote for him even though I don't like his Foreign Policy. As much as I don't like it, I still think we would be better off than with 4 More years of an unhindered by Running again Obama.

I can't Believe you Paul Supporters would stay home and allow Obama to win. I know Paul says there isn't much difference between Newt, Romney and Obama, but he is just saying that because he is in a campaign. If he does not win the Election, and does not run 3rd Party, I am 100% confident he will tell his supporters to support who ever does win. Because deep down he knows there is a Massive Difference between Any of our Candidates and Obama.

Don't vote for Ron Paul just because he got nominated, vote for him because that you agree with him and he has some values you have.

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