Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

Thats complete Bull shit.

Sorry Full usually agree with you, but no it's not. It might suck that voting 3rd party often simply pulls votes away from one guy and not Both in the Election, But it is true. Paul does pull some Democrat Support but not much. So if by your standard the 15% or so who seem to consistently Support Paul Decide to Stay home if Newt or Romney win. Then they are by there non Participation allowing Obama to win. Or at least making it easier for him to.

Hell man the Guy I want is not even Running, I don't like any of em totally. I like some of what all of them say, but I know what I don't like. Obama's Policies, Obama's Class Warfare Rhetoric, Obama's Hyper Partisan Arrogant governing Style. I Can only Imagine how much further left he will move things in a second Term with no election to worry about.

I will vote for any of them who win, Including Paul. Despite the Fact I think his Foreign Policy is Childishly Short sighted and Idealistic. To get Obama and the Left wing Fringe Democrats out of Power. we just have to keep the Pressure on who ever does win, To do the things we want. To stay true to their Election Promises. Because we damn sure know what Obama wants to do isn't what we think is best.

Not gaining enough support affects every losing candidate. I am amazed on how easily the recent reduction of rights doesnt bother anyone. Romney says he supports NDAA. Newt, although smart I dont believe for a minute he could be trusted. Both big government guys.

:321: them both.

The only way I will come around is if the GOP shows they have some fucking backbone on the upcoming 1.2 trillion debt increase request.

Now what do you think of those odds?

I don't disagree with you man, But Obama signed the NDAA, and the GOP if they do show back bone on the Debt Increase. Will once again be painted by the Media as trying to fire Cops and Teachers, and Make Granny freeze to death, and they wont risk that in an Election. You know it's true. They will cave, If they want to Defeat Obama and have a chance of actually doing anything, they have to.

So, I ask again if you stay home, or vote 3rd party and Obama wins how are you really going to feel about it? Would you really not have preferred Newt or Romney over that? Do you really want to see how radical and Left wing, and Divisive 4 more years will be?

It's up to you, but I don't think so. I have Not Voted, or voted 3rd party before because I was upset with my party of the time. Never ended up feeling satisfied, and always ended up with the Guy I liked the least winning. Not going that route this time.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

He's only in second place via electoral votes....

Why the fuck would he drop out??

You're one ignorant person....

How do you get second?

Primaries - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

Not doing bad. but its not second.
Sorry Full usually agree with you, but no it's not. It might suck that voting 3rd party often simply pulls votes away from one guy and not Both in the Election, But it is true. Paul does pull some Democrat Support but not much. So if by your standard the 15% or so who seem to consistently Support Paul Decide to Stay home if Newt or Romney win. Then they are by there non Participation allowing Obama to win. Or at least making it easier for him to.

Hell man the Guy I want is not even Running, I don't like any of em totally. I like some of what all of them say, but I know what I don't like. Obama's Policies, Obama's Class Warfare Rhetoric, Obama's Hyper Partisan Arrogant governing Style. I Can only Imagine how much further left he will move things in a second Term with no election to worry about.

I will vote for any of them who win, Including Paul. Despite the Fact I think his Foreign Policy is Childishly Short sighted and Idealistic. To get Obama and the Left wing Fringe Democrats out of Power. we just have to keep the Pressure on who ever does win, To do the things we want. To stay true to their Election Promises. Because we damn sure know what Obama wants to do isn't what we think is best.

Not gaining enough support affects every losing candidate. I am amazed on how easily the recent reduction of rights doesnt bother anyone. Romney says he supports NDAA. Newt, although smart I dont believe for a minute he could be trusted. Both big government guys.

:321: them both.

The only way I will come around is if the GOP shows they have some fucking backbone on the upcoming 1.2 trillion debt increase request.

Now what do you think of those odds?

I don't disagree with you man, But Obama signed the NDAA, and the GOP if they do show back bone on the Debt Increase. Will once again be painted by the Media as trying to fire Cops and Teachers, and Make Granny freeze to death, and they wont risk that in an Election. You know it's true. They will cave, If they want to Defeat Obama and have a chance of actually doing anything, they have to.

So, I ask again if you stay home, or vote 3rd party and Obama wins how are you really going to feel about it? Would you really not have preferred Newt or Romney over that? Do you really want to see how radical and Left wing, and Divisive 4 more years will be?

It's up to you, but I don't think so. I have Not Voted, or voted 3rd party before because I was upset with my party of the time. Never ended up feeling satisfied, and always ended up with the Guy I liked the least winning. Not going that route this time.

Why do you trust the GOP since they also help obama get the NDAA to sign?
Keep thinking that. 3%?

I would guess in a General if Ron Ran as a 3rd Party he would get about 9%. His True Core Support. I hope we don't have to find out. :)

Like I said if Paul wins the Nomination I will vote for him even though I don't like his Foreign Policy. As much as I don't like it, I still think we would be better off than with 4 More years of an unhindered by Running again Obama.

I can't Believe you Paul Supporters would stay home and allow Obama to win. I know Paul says there isn't much difference between Newt, Romney and Obama, but he is just saying that because he is in a campaign. If he does not win the Election, and does not run 3rd Party, I am 100% confident he will tell his supporters to support who ever does win. Because deep down he knows there is a Massive Difference between Any of our Candidates and Obama.

Don't vote for Ron Paul just because he got nominated, vote for him because that you agree with him and he has some values you have.

Clearly I would be. As I said I actually agree with almost everything he says until he starts talking Foreign Policy and Defense.

Even if he does not win, I would actually love to see him in the Administration on some capacity. Sec Tres, Or Something involving Monetary policy. I wager that is part of why he is staying in despite all but Admitting he can not win. To position himself to effect Policy in some way.

If he loses the Primarys and isn't the Nominee and his supporters stay home and Obama wins. He won't be effecting anything.
Not gaining enough support affects every losing candidate. I am amazed on how easily the recent reduction of rights doesnt bother anyone. Romney says he supports NDAA. Newt, although smart I dont believe for a minute he could be trusted. Both big government guys.

:321: them both.

The only way I will come around is if the GOP shows they have some fucking backbone on the upcoming 1.2 trillion debt increase request.

Now what do you think of those odds?

I don't disagree with you man, But Obama signed the NDAA, and the GOP if they do show back bone on the Debt Increase. Will once again be painted by the Media as trying to fire Cops and Teachers, and Make Granny freeze to death, and they wont risk that in an Election. You know it's true. They will cave, If they want to Defeat Obama and have a chance of actually doing anything, they have to.

So, I ask again if you stay home, or vote 3rd party and Obama wins how are you really going to feel about it? Would you really not have preferred Newt or Romney over that? Do you really want to see how radical and Left wing, and Divisive 4 more years will be?

It's up to you, but I don't think so. I have Not Voted, or voted 3rd party before because I was upset with my party of the time. Never ended up feeling satisfied, and always ended up with the Guy I liked the least winning. Not going that route this time.

Why do you trust the GOP since they also help obama get the NDAA to sign?

I don't Trust them. I simply think they would be the lesser evil.

With Obama we get the Failed Policies, Inept Foreign Policy. and all the other Negatives we have listed, AND THE NDAA. lol

I mean that is what has been so disappointing about Obama. Even though I didn't want him to win. Even though I don't agree with 80% of what he wants. I did like some of his Ideas, and most of those I did like, He has not Delivered on. Signing the NDAA is exhibit A.
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I would guess in a General if Ron Ran as a 3rd Party he would get about 9%. His True Core Support. I hope we don't have to find out. :)

Like I said if Paul wins the Nomination I will vote for him even though I don't like his Foreign Policy. As much as I don't like it, I still think we would be better off than with 4 More years of an unhindered by Running again Obama.

I can't Believe you Paul Supporters would stay home and allow Obama to win. I know Paul says there isn't much difference between Newt, Romney and Obama, but he is just saying that because he is in a campaign. If he does not win the Election, and does not run 3rd Party, I am 100% confident he will tell his supporters to support who ever does win. Because deep down he knows there is a Massive Difference between Any of our Candidates and Obama.

Don't vote for Ron Paul just because he got nominated, vote for him because that you agree with him and he has some values you have.

Clearly I would be. As I said I actually agree with almost everything he says until he starts talking Foreign Policy and Defense.

Even if he does not win, I would actually love to see him in the Administration on some capacity. Sec Tres, Or Something involving Monetary policy. I wager that is part of why he is staying in despite all but Admitting he can not win. To position himself to effect Policy in some way.

If he loses the Primarys and isn't the Nominee and his supporters stay home and Obama wins. He won't be effecting anything.
I doubt many stay home they will just write his name in.
I don't disagree with you man, But Obama signed the NDAA, and the GOP if they do show back bone on the Debt Increase. Will once again be painted by the Media as trying to fire Cops and Teachers, and Make Granny freeze to death, and they wont risk that in an Election. You know it's true. They will cave, If they want to Defeat Obama and have a chance of actually doing anything, they have to.

So, I ask again if you stay home, or vote 3rd party and Obama wins how are you really going to feel about it? Would you really not have preferred Newt or Romney over that? Do you really want to see how radical and Left wing, and Divisive 4 more years will be?

It's up to you, but I don't think so. I have Not Voted, or voted 3rd party before because I was upset with my party of the time. Never ended up feeling satisfied, and always ended up with the Guy I liked the least winning. Not going that route this time.

Why do you trust the GOP since they also help obama get the NDAA to sign?

I don't Trust them. I simply think they would be the lesser evil.

With Obama we get the Failed Policies, Inept Foreign Policy. and all the other Negatives we have listed, AND THE NDAA. lol

I don't trust them and making sure that any Republican that voted in support from North Carolina will not get reelected.
Don't vote for Ron Paul just because he got nominated, vote for him because that you agree with him and he has some values you have.

Clearly I would be. As I said I actually agree with almost everything he says until he starts talking Foreign Policy and Defense.

Even if he does not win, I would actually love to see him in the Administration on some capacity. Sec Tres, Or Something involving Monetary policy. I wager that is part of why he is staying in despite all but Admitting he can not win. To position himself to effect Policy in some way.

If he loses the Primarys and isn't the Nominee and his supporters stay home and Obama wins. He won't be effecting anything.
I doubt many stay home they will just write his name in.

Same Result.
Why do you trust the GOP since they also help obama get the NDAA to sign?

I don't Trust them. I simply think they would be the lesser evil.

With Obama we get the Failed Policies, Inept Foreign Policy. and all the other Negatives we have listed, AND THE NDAA. lol

I don't trust them and making sure that any Republican that voted in support from North Carolina will not get reelected.

And Replaced with Whom? Why would you trust anyone. a Democrat Just signed the damn thing into law.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

He's only in second place via electoral votes....

Why the fuck would he drop out??

You're one ignorant person....

How do you get second?

Primaries - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

Not doing bad. but its not second.

Well I haven't checked his delegate votes after SC, however he was in second place before SC...

Paul will certainly win several states... Illinois, California, Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin are all locks for Paul....

Not to mention this race is wide open with no clear candidate having an edge over another.

In theory Ron Paul could continually come in second or third in every state and still win the nomination...
I don't Trust them. I simply think they would be the lesser evil.

With Obama we get the Failed Policies, Inept Foreign Policy. and all the other Negatives we have listed, AND THE NDAA. lol

I don't trust them and making sure that any Republican that voted in support from North Carolina will not get reelected.

And Replaced with Whom? Why would you trust anyone. a Democrat Just signed the damn thing into law.

Does it matter who detains you Republican or democrat? Those Democrats will be dealt with also.
He's only in second place via electoral votes....

Why the fuck would he drop out??

You're one ignorant person....

How do you get second?

Primaries - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

Not doing bad. but its not second.

Well I haven't checked his delegate votes after SC, however he was in second place before SC...

Paul will certainly win several states... Illinois, California, Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin are all locks for Paul....

Not to mention this race is wide open with no clear candidate having an edge over another.

In theory Ron Paul could continually come in second or third in every state and still win the nomination...

:cuckoo:You're delusional, Paul won't win any of those States. He's working on the caucus states, thats the only chance he has at winning anything. None of those are caucus states.

Paul looks past South Carolina to caucus states

GREENVILLE, S.C. – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is already looking past the South Carolina primary with plans to make the most of a few states that could be more receptive to his libertarian, Internet-driven message.

Paul campaigned across seven South Carolina cities the day before Saturday's first-in-the-South primary, flying to a series of rallies in airports to tell voters he hopes his support for limited government and greater personal freedom will resonate in their state.

"We want a free society and a prosperous society, and we are on the verge of a victory for those issues today," Paul said in Greenville.

His campaign announced that it had purchased a substantial ad buy in Nevada and Minnesota, two states holding caucuses next month. His advisers are crafting a strategy built on President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign model, urging supporters to organize themselves online and show up at caucuses to gain a significant number of delegates.

Paul Looks Past South Carolina To Caucus States | Fox News
How do you get second?

Primaries - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

Not doing bad. but its not second.

Well I haven't checked his delegate votes after SC, however he was in second place before SC...

Paul will certainly win several states... Illinois, California, Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin are all locks for Paul....

Not to mention this race is wide open with no clear candidate having an edge over another.

In theory Ron Paul could continually come in second or third in every state and still win the nomination...

:cuckoo:You're delusional, Paul won't win any of those States. He's working on the caucus states, thats the only chance he has at winning anything. None of those are caucus states.

Paul looks past South Carolina to caucus states

GREENVILLE, S.C. – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is already looking past the South Carolina primary with plans to make the most of a few states that could be more receptive to his libertarian, Internet-driven message.

Paul campaigned across seven South Carolina cities the day before Saturday's first-in-the-South primary, flying to a series of rallies in airports to tell voters he hopes his support for limited government and greater personal freedom will resonate in their state.

"We want a free society and a prosperous society, and we are on the verge of a victory for those issues today," Paul said in Greenville.

His campaign announced that it had purchased a substantial ad buy in Nevada and Minnesota, two states holding caucuses next month. His advisers are crafting a strategy built on President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign model, urging supporters to organize themselves online and show up at caucuses to gain a significant number of delegates.

Paul Looks Past South Carolina To Caucus States | Fox News

It doesn't matter - all states are points..

And yes he will win those states...

Don't forget democrats can vote in MANY states, and Ron Paul has quite a democrat following, as well as libertarians, moderates, independents and republicans...
Well I haven't checked his delegate votes after SC, however he was in second place before SC...

Paul will certainly win several states... Illinois, California, Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin are all locks for Paul....

Not to mention this race is wide open with no clear candidate having an edge over another.

In theory Ron Paul could continually come in second or third in every state and still win the nomination...

:cuckoo:You're delusional, Paul won't win any of those States. He's working on the caucus states, thats the only chance he has at winning anything. None of those are caucus states.

Paul looks past South Carolina to caucus states

GREENVILLE, S.C. – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is already looking past the South Carolina primary with plans to make the most of a few states that could be more receptive to his libertarian, Internet-driven message.

Paul campaigned across seven South Carolina cities the day before Saturday's first-in-the-South primary, flying to a series of rallies in airports to tell voters he hopes his support for limited government and greater personal freedom will resonate in their state.

"We want a free society and a prosperous society, and we are on the verge of a victory for those issues today," Paul said in Greenville.

His campaign announced that it had purchased a substantial ad buy in Nevada and Minnesota, two states holding caucuses next month. His advisers are crafting a strategy built on President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign model, urging supporters to organize themselves online and show up at caucuses to gain a significant number of delegates.

Paul Looks Past South Carolina To Caucus States | Fox News

It doesn't matter - all states are points..

And yes he will win those states...

Don't forget democrats can vote in MANY states, and Ron Paul has quite a democrat following, as well as libertarians, moderates, independents and republicans...

I'll bet you reps for a month.
:cuckoo:You're delusional, Paul won't win any of those States. He's working on the caucus states, thats the only chance he has at winning anything. None of those are caucus states.

Paul Looks Past South Carolina To Caucus States | Fox News

It doesn't matter - all states are points..

And yes he will win those states...

Don't forget democrats can vote in MANY states, and Ron Paul has quite a democrat following, as well as libertarians, moderates, independents and republicans...

I'll bet you reps for a month.

What the fuck does that mean?

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