Ron Paul says US Govt considers its citizens to be the enemy

Well, Obama wants to take weapons away from law abiding citizens while he is handing billions of dollars, weapons, fighter jets and tanks to al Qaeda and terrorist-friendly assholes like the Muslim Brotherhood. Stands to reason that he trusts them more than the American people. You know damn well how the MB will use those weapons and it's not against our enemies.
Unless you are willingly closing your eyes and deny you senses the truth, this has been evident since December (right after he won re-election, surprise?)
How does a jihadist get an F-16 and fly without training? How does a jihadist run an Abrahms tank with no experience?
Reagan to Oblama have given weapons to Muslims yet it is only Oblama that is bad for doing it.
Basically we are the world arms dealer, and to go with the title is war starter.We have the best, most and deadliest war material, you should be proud that death is our business.
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Well Konrad said he is a nutjob! That's it end of the thread...ya know just because EVERYTHING he said has come true in the past 10 years must mean he is a nut job....
No they attacked the US...they never invaded...

They did take American soil. Read your history.I'll give you a hint,it was part of Alaska.

To be fair, if you're going to count Alaska, you have to count Guam, Wake and the Philippines too, since it wasn't a state at the time. That being said, Ron Paul is a nutjob.

MR. Paul should try living in a nation where his assumptions are real. Then he could see we don't have it so bad in this nation.
Well Konrad said he is a nutjob! That's it end of the thread...ya know just because EVERYTHING he said has come true in the past 10 years must mean he is a nut job....

10 years? If it's true, you could easily say 75.
They did take American soil. Read your history.I'll give you a hint,it was part of Alaska.

To be fair, if you're going to count Alaska, you have to count Guam, Wake and the Philippines too, since it wasn't a state at the time. That being said, Ron Paul is a nutjob.

MR. Paul should try living in a nation where his assumptions are real. Then he could see we don't have it so bad in this nation.
Its no assumption...its the truth. Remove your head from your ass you would see that.
Well Konrad said he is a nutjob! That's it end of the thread...ya know just because EVERYTHING he said has come true in the past 10 years must mean he is a nut job....

10 years? If it's true, you could easily say 75.
Everything he has ever predicted has come are some examples kiddo.
[ame=]Ron Paul's 2002 Predictions All Come True - Incredible Video! - YouTube[/ame]
The prophecies of Ron Paul -
In a way all governments consider their citizens to be the enemy. Government by it's very nature is about control. And to control the people, to a certain degree they must be considered hostiles. The choice we have is how much control we afford them before it hits a breaking point.

Yet, in my opinion, it would be incorrect to say that the Obama administration has exerted any more control over the people than any other administration. Our very first President was also the first to quash a protest using military force. If something akin to the Whiskey Rebellion were to happen nowadays Republicans would be calling for Obama's head.
To be fair, if you're going to count Alaska, you have to count Guam, Wake and the Philippines too, since it wasn't a state at the time. That being said, Ron Paul is a nutjob.

MR. Paul should try living in a nation where his assumptions are real. Then he could see we don't have it so bad in this nation.
Its no assumption...its the truth. Remove your head from your ass you would see that.
Well Konrad said he is a nutjob! That's it end of the thread...ya know just because EVERYTHING he said has come true in the past 10 years must mean he is a nut job....

10 years? If it's true, you could easily say 75.
Everything he has ever predicted has come are some examples kiddo.
[ame=]Ron Paul's 2002 Predictions All Come True - Incredible Video! - YouTube[/ame]
The prophecies of Ron Paul -

lolz... /owned.
Ron Paul says US Govt considers its citizens to be the enemy

At least Paul is consistent in making paranoid, delusional, and stupid statements.

Yeah.. I remember back when the Patriot Act was passed, that kook was saying it would lead to widespread spying on our our communications by a 'secret surveillance regime' run by the government. What a nutjob.
He's right. The legislation passed and enacted by Wilson and Eisenhower essentially deem the American citizenry as enemy combatants. That legislation still is in force, it's also being used to launch more invasive tactics against them here in the present. If you don't believe me as you did the first time I told you; research:

1) Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917
2) War Powers Act of 1933
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You have to remember that Ron Paul believes that the US Government is the GOP/Teabaggers/Libertarians. So he's correct.

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