Ron Paul says we need to stop free education because its a magnet for mexicans

First of all its not free. I pay personal property taxes ever year to fund the education of our children. I'm still paying now despite my girls being grown. So let's say we listen to Paul and end "free" (tax funded) education. Is this his way of trying to underhandedly support the voucher system?

This is in reference to Perry's stance on illegals receiving in state-tuition in Texas. He's for it.

Yet a legal US hispanic citizen wanting to go to a Texas college would have to pay out of state tuition--Go figure--:cuckoo:
1:07 in Ron Paul says what the OP has taken clearly wrong.

No flip flopping, and the answer is nothing like the OP said, I hope this helps.

Thank you Avorysuds, I thought I was going to have a total meltdown on this. Fucking people need to get there facts strait before they start shooting off at the mouth.

You may continue your meltdown because that wasn't video of the comments that I questioned. That's like me saying its 2pm in KansasCity and you calling me a liar because your in New York and thus ahead of me on the clock.

Ps. If my perception of what a 3rd party says is causing you a meltdown you may want to consult a Dr.
1:07 in Ron Paul says what the OP has taken clearly wrong.

No flip flopping, and the answer is nothing like the OP said, I hope this helps.

Thank you Avorysuds, I thought I was going to have a total meltdown on this. Fucking people need to get there facts strait before they start shooting off at the mouth.

Np, it's best to stay calm and provide information when it comes to Ron Paul. It's all out there.
Rather than spewing crap maybe you could post a video or link or news report or something to settle the matter?

Unlike this dude I have some self respect. When I get home I will upload a vid of Paul making the statement regardless of me misunderstanding him or not.

No you dont, and I dont believe for one second that you misunderstood him. I doubt many people around here disagree with that.

How the hell do you think you know what other people on this board think of me when your a new member? An annoying one at that.
Unlike this dude I have some self respect. When I get home I will upload a vid of Paul making the statement regardless of me misunderstanding him or not.

No you dont, and I dont believe for one second that you misunderstood him. I doubt many people around here disagree with that.

How the hell do you think you know what other people on this board think of me when your a new member? An annoying one at that.

Pot, meet Kettle
I posted Video, you can be lazy and don;t even have to read anything. I gave a time so you can fast forward to that very moment and the other 2 videos are rather short.

Debate over, thank and your welcome.

Thanks, but that's not video of last nights debate which is what I'm referring to and being called a liar and a troll over.

Ahh, well if what you said happened than it was him misspeaking as he has a record on education since 1988 and I doubt he would up and change him mind since one of the last debates. It seems others have somewhat what cleared up what Ron Paul said in regards to Education and the Constitution and it not being for illegal’s.

Anyways I hope this helps, I should warn you not to look into Ron Paul too much, you might find yourself resisting on liking what you find. That has always been the issue with RP, even if you don't like everything Ron says its clear, consistent and there are literally books written on his position, not on "The Awesome life story of Ron Paul."
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.

Like on any issue, someone is right, someone is wrong. But i have a feeling you're going to have a very hard time on this board if you can't even calmly discuss an issue without calling names and having "meltdowns"...especially when you don't know the person at all! Most of us here do like to discuss things like ADULTS. What's wrong with disagreeing with someone and asking for the proof before you go off like a complete A$$??

WATER, your still an ass.

Carry on and if we could have a mod delete this topic as I was wrong and its not relevant that would be fine.

WATER, your still an ass.

Carry on and if we could have a mod delete this topic as I was wrong and its not relevant that would be fine.

At least you can man up to being wrong, unlike everyone else.
This is not true, this is an outright LIE posted by a NEOCON shitbag troll!

Ending free education is in reference to free education for illeagal immigrants. EI ending the incentives to cross the border.

Rather than spewing crap maybe you could post a video or link or news report or something to settle the matter?

Im not the one saying the lie, the burden of proof lies with the one making the allegations.

Hows all that support of Rick Perry working out for ya? I notice the sig is gone. What a way to change your opinions with the way the wind (TV) blows.
In other words you are too lazy to look it up. What a worthless piece of crap you are. You want to refute someone, bring evidence. That's how it works.
My sig line is the same it's always been. Perry will be the nominee and the next POTUS.
They are now using public funds to pay for illegal aliens college tuition here in Idiotfornia.

Rick Perry believes in free markets and equality so much that he has regulated colleges in texas to force them to charge an illeagal less money then an american from another state.

I guess he doesnt believe in free education for illeagals, just subsidized education. Why?

Cause he is a neocon corporate lap dog puppet that has no thoughts of his own, just what polls say and what his corporate sponsership says.
The state of Texas makes every effort to be fair to hard-working people who do their jobs, keep their noses clean, and raise law-abiding children. We acknowledge and appreciate people who work hard and do all we can to see they and their families have a fair chance at the American dream through education.

The Bill you are hanging on Governor Perry's head was passed in the Texas legislature 181-4.

It's called state's rights, and most citizens here think governors should sign bills our representatives pass by a 97% margin.

To do otherwise wouldn't be very friendly, and our state motto is "friendship."

Were you aware of this?

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