Ron Paul speech draws thousands at MSU


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

EAST LANSING — It seemed like a fair trade for an 11th-hour campaign stop in another state where polls indicate Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul likely will finish out of the money in today’s Michigan primary.

For almost an hour Monday afternoon, the Texas congressman showed the people his familiar, libertarian-flavored way of the wilderness. In exchange, the overflow crowd at the 3,700-seat Michigan State University Auditorium showed him the love.

Paul walked onto the stage to a 40-second standing ovation. His standard-stump-speech call for dismantling federal government as it has been known for at least two generations drew applause, cheers and chants — “President Paul, President Paul” primarily. Continued

Comment: the others in the GOP can pull in these crowds, but still the media ignores and does all it can to make the others running bigger than life...but they ain't. Ron Paul 2012 for Liberty, not Slavery.
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Who cares?
No one.

Wake me when Ron Paul wins any delegates, willya?

According to CNN's John King, Ron Paul is 2nd in delegates, far ahead of Santorum and Gingrich. I guess your sleep schedule is REALLY screwed now, huh?
Ron Paul appeals to many people. His message is clearly driven by patriotism...for the ORIGINAL AMERICAN WAY!
Wow....i have to go vote after work. I'm still struggling with this, as i'm not crazy about any of them. But i'm less crazy about Obama! so...what to do? Maybe go in, close my eye's and pick whoever my finger lands on? Just kidding, i'm sure i'll make a decision, hopefully the right one!
Ron Paul draws thousands to speech....of what? Flies?

Get it? Cause he's full of horseshit? And flies like horseshit !?!

Ron Paul appeals to many people. His message is clearly driven by patriotism...for the ORIGINAL AMERICAN WAY!

Of course, his moments of brilliance are overshadowed by the fact that his core beliefs would set this country back a hundred years. He thinks nothing of consigning millions to death by no healthcare or medicare. (I will bet he and his are sucking off the government teat, but that is always okay with him, I guess. Sounds, what is the term they love so much???? Oh, yes socialism! I guess since they are using it, it is not socialism.) Not very impressive for a doctor, eh? Kind of contra-hippocratic oath. I certainly would not let him around me or mine.
Ron Paul appeals to many people. His message is clearly driven by patriotism...for the ORIGINAL AMERICAN WAY!

Of course, his moments of brilliance are overshadowed by the fact that his core beliefs would set this country back a hundred years. He thinks nothing of consigning millions to death by no healthcare or medicare. (I will bet he and his are sucking off the government teat, but that is always okay with him, I guess. Sounds, what is the term they love so much???? Oh, yes socialism! I guess since they are using it, it is not socialism.) Not very impressive for a doctor, eh? Kind of contra-hippocratic oath. I certainly would not let him around me or mine.

What an impressive display of IGNORANCE! It is obvious you know nothing of Dr. Paul OR his solutions to our entitlement problems. Believe me, it has nothing to do with 'consigning people to death', although that is EXACTLY what's in those 'end of life' panels in Obamacare.

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