Ron Paul Texas Straight Talk 2/4/2013:...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
You don't need to create a police state to stop illegal immigration.

[ame=]Ron Paul: Sound Money Will End Illegal Immigration - YouTube[/ame]!
1. Tighten border security.

2. Enforce the business laws about employment.

3. Sensible reform.
Ron Paul obviously places higher priority on legalizing drugs than on immigration reform.
No wonder this guy didn't get anything done during his tenure in Congress, he complained and came up with no solutions. His plan, end welfare state (fat chance), get back to sound money policies (yea because creating a better economy always deters illegals) and create a FEDERAL guest worker program (hey numbnutz I thought you were against all government programs, yet you just proposed one - poser).

You know he started on explaining the McCain-Shumer plan:
(1) Secure the boarder first using a TON of drone! Good idea
(2) Make all the people her illegal go through background checks, pay a fee, pay back taxes and then get to the back of the line! Great idea
(3) Federally mandated eVerify for all employers! AWESOME IDEA
(4) Implement a guest worker program! Even No nothing Paul agrees!

You don't need to create a police state to stop illegal immigration.

Ron Paul: Sound Money Will End Illegal Immigration - YouTube!
He says the solution to illegal immigration is two fold:
(1) Get rid of the welfare state.
(2) Make sound monetary decision and get a robust economy.

LOL what a fool, first, yep a good economy always deters illegals from coming here! Why are the going now? Because there are no jobs. When were they come? When the economy was great and there were plenty of jobs!

He says nothing about border security. He speaks against EVerify. He against drones on the border.

So glad this numbnutz is out of the government!

His son needs to go also. I will donating first to his primary opponent and then I will hold my nose and donate to his Democratic opponent!
He says the solution to illegal immigration is two fold:
(1) Get rid of the welfare state.
(2) Make sound monetary decision and get a robust economy.

LOL what a fool, first, yep a good economy always deters illegals from coming here! Why are the going now? Because there are no jobs. When were they come? When the economy was great and there were plenty of jobs!

He says nothing about border security. He speaks against EVerify. He against drones on the border.

So glad this numbnutz is out of the government!

His son needs to go also. I will donating first to his primary opponent and then I will hold my nose and donate to his Democratic opponent!

Adding more bricks to this Police State Wall isn't the answer. Clearly, the point went way over your head. You go ahead and vote for more NWO Globalist Nazis. Whatever floats your boat i guess. Enjoy your Police State.
He says the solution to illegal immigration is two fold:
(1) Get rid of the welfare state.
(2) Make sound monetary decision and get a robust economy.

LOL what a fool, first, yep a good economy always deters illegals from coming here! Why are the going now? Because there are no jobs. When were they come? When the economy was great and there were plenty of jobs!

He says nothing about border security. He speaks against EVerify. He against drones on the border.

So glad this numbnutz is out of the government!

His son needs to go also. I will donating first to his primary opponent and then I will hold my nose and donate to his Democratic opponent!

Adding more bricks to this Police State Wall isn't the answer. Clearly, the point went way over your head. You go ahead and vote for more NWO Globalist Nazis. Whatever floats your boat i guess. Enjoy your Police State.

Tighten that tinfoil hat troofer!

(1) Protection at the border.
(2) Everify
(3) Fines for hiring illegals (both at the company level, executive board (if a C-Corp) and hiring manager/HR personnel level.
(4) End birthright citizenship
(5) Path to citizenship, except they go to the end of the line!

This is what I want.
Tighten that tinfoil hat troofer!

(1) Protection at the border.
(2) Everify
(3) Fines for hiring illegals (both at the company level, executive board (if a C-Corp) and hiring manager/HR personnel level.
(4) End birthright citizenship
(5) Path to citizenship, except they go to the end of the line!

This is what I want.

(4) will never, ever happen, even in an alternate universe.
It's too late; the police state has arrived. Compared to when I was a child, the authoritarian nature of the US is remarkable and disappointing. True, some things have changed for the better (women, minorities, sexual preference), but as far as surveillance and control, it's sad.
It's too late; the police state has arrived. Compared to when I was a child, the authoritarian nature of the US is remarkable and disappointing. True, some things have changed for the better (women, minorities, sexual preference), but as far as surveillance and control, it's sad.

I wonder if your two points are intertwined.

The white man's control of America in the 1950s had some very dark sides to it.

Yet it was 7 slaves freed for every white soldier's death.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that pushed the13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments.

Yet it was a white man's SCOTUS that opined in Brown.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965.

And, finally, it took white marshals and feebs pointing their weapons in the face of the KKK etc and saying "stand down or die."

Let's have some balance here.
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I have no idea why so many people fret over what Ron Pauls current position is on anything. Ron Paul has the same amount of support today as he did 30 yrs ago 10%.
It's too late; the police state has arrived. Compared to when I was a child, the authoritarian nature of the US is remarkable and disappointing. True, some things have changed for the better (women, minorities, sexual preference), but as far as surveillance and control, it's sad.

I wonder if your two points are intertwined.

The white man's control of America in the 1950s had some very dark sides to it.

Yet it was 7 slaves freed for every white soldier's death.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that pushed the13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments.

Yet it was a white man's SCOTUS that opined in Brown.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965.

And, finally, it took white marshals and feebs pointing their weapons in the face of the KKK etc and saying "stand down or die."

Let's have some balance here.

The improvements in American culture were noted.

It is true that slavery was common everywhere until European enlightenment renounced it and the world followed. Unfortunately, in this country the small egos of the slave owners in the south forced action on a large scale by the central government and that has echoed down US history, reinforced by the great conflagrations of the twentieth century.
Common rights under the constitution have been protected by the federal government, but it has turned in other ways against freedom.
Today, with the almost dictatorial powers the two major parties have allocated themselves, we have undeclared illegal wars, abusive corporate interference, excessive spending on the wrong things and not enough on the proper.
The term used ("white man's") upsets me. I prefer to think of these advancements that did take place being the result of a spirit, an attitude, a use of human intelligence common to all who think.
It's too late; the police state has arrived. Compared to when I was a child, the authoritarian nature of the US is remarkable and disappointing. True, some things have changed for the better (women, minorities, sexual preference), but as far as surveillance and control, it's sad.

I wonder if your two points are intertwined.

The white man's control of America in the 1950s had some very dark sides to it.

Yet it was 7 slaves freed for every white soldier's death.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that pushed the13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments.

Yet it was a white man's SCOTUS that opined in Brown.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965.

And, finally, it took white marshals and feebs pointing their weapons in the face of the KKK etc and saying "stand down or die."

Let's have some balance here.

The improvements in American culture were noted.

It is true that slavery was common everywhere until European enlightenment renounced it and the world followed. Unfortunately, in this country the small egos of the slave owners in the south forced action on a large scale by the central government and that has echoed down US history, reinforced by the great conflagrations of the twentieth century.
Common rights under the constitution have been protected by the federal government, but it has turned in other ways against freedom.
Today, with the almost dictatorial powers the two major parties have allocated themselves, we have undeclared illegal wars, abusive corporate interference, excessive spending on the wrong things and not enough on the proper.
The term used ("white man's") upsets me. I prefer to think of these advancements that did take place being the result of a spirit, an attitude, a use of human intelligence common to all who think.

The term is historically and accurately correct. The term embodies the "spirt, an attitude" that you cherish. The fact is this: none of it could have happened without the "white man" doing it.
I wonder if your two points are intertwined.

The white man's control of America in the 1950s had some very dark sides to it.

Yet it was 7 slaves freed for every white soldier's death.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that pushed the13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments.

Yet it was a white man's SCOTUS that opined in Brown.

Yet it was a white man's Congress that passed the Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965.

And, finally, it took white marshals and feebs pointing their weapons in the face of the KKK etc and saying "stand down or die."

Let's have some balance here.

The improvements in American culture were noted.

It is true that slavery was common everywhere until European enlightenment renounced it and the world followed. Unfortunately, in this country the small egos of the slave owners in the south forced action on a large scale by the central government and that has echoed down US history, reinforced by the great conflagrations of the twentieth century.
Common rights under the constitution have been protected by the federal government, but it has turned in other ways against freedom.
Today, with the almost dictatorial powers the two major parties have allocated themselves, we have undeclared illegal wars, abusive corporate interference, excessive spending on the wrong things and not enough on the proper.
The term used ("white man's") upsets me. I prefer to think of these advancements that did take place being the result of a spirit, an attitude, a use of human intelligence common to all who think.

The term is historically and accurately correct. The term embodies the "spirt, an attitude" that you cherish. The fact is this: none of it could have happened without the "white man" doing it.

If we accept your term, we have to say they were often pushed by white women.
He says the solution to illegal immigration is two fold:
(1) Get rid of the welfare state.
(2) Make sound monetary decision and get a robust economy.

LOL what a fool, first, yep a good economy always deters illegals from coming here! Why are the going now? Because there are no jobs. When were they come? When the economy was great and there were plenty of jobs!

He says nothing about border security. He speaks against EVerify. He against drones on the border.

So glad this numbnutz is out of the government!

His son needs to go also. I will donating first to his primary opponent and then I will hold my nose and donate to his Democratic opponent!

Adding more bricks to this Police State Wall isn't the answer. Clearly, the point went way over your head. You go ahead and vote for more NWO Globalist Nazis. Whatever floats your boat i guess. Enjoy your Police State.

The point didn't go over my head. Paul "Do nothing and never pass one bill in my entire legislative career" Paul bitched for 98% of his rant illogically how the immigration reform won't fix the problem then in the last 2% stated, fix the economy will solve everything, along with sound fiscal policies and ending the welfare system.
The improvements in American culture were noted.

It is true that slavery was common everywhere until European enlightenment renounced it and the world followed. Unfortunately, in this country the small egos of the slave owners in the south forced action on a large scale by the central government and that has echoed down US history, reinforced by the great conflagrations of the twentieth century.
Common rights under the constitution have been protected by the federal government, but it has turned in other ways against freedom.
Today, with the almost dictatorial powers the two major parties have allocated themselves, we have undeclared illegal wars, abusive corporate interference, excessive spending on the wrong things and not enough on the proper.
The term used ("white man's") upsets me. I prefer to think of these advancements that did take place being the result of a spirit, an attitude, a use of human intelligence common to all who think.

The term is historically and accurately correct. The term embodies the "spirt, an attitude" that you cherish. The fact is this: none of it could have happened without the "white man" doing it.

If we accept your term, we have to say they were often pushed by white women.

I would hope so, and also by minority men and women. By men and women of good hope and attitude.
He says the solution to illegal immigration is two fold:
(1) Get rid of the welfare state.
(2) Make sound monetary decision and get a robust economy.

LOL what a fool, first, yep a good economy always deters illegals from coming here! Why are the going now? Because there are no jobs. When were they come? When the economy was great and there were plenty of jobs!

He says nothing about border security. He speaks against EVerify. He against drones on the border.

So glad this numbnutz is out of the government!

His son needs to go also. I will donating first to his primary opponent and then I will hold my nose and donate to his Democratic opponent!

Adding more bricks to this Police State Wall isn't the answer. Clearly, the point went way over your head. You go ahead and vote for more NWO Globalist Nazis. Whatever floats your boat i guess. Enjoy your Police State.

The point didn't go over my head. Paul "Do nothing and never pass one bill in my entire legislative career" Paul bitched for 98% of his rant illogically how the immigration reform won't fix the problem then in the last 2% stated, fix the economy will solve everything, along with sound fiscal policies and ending the welfare system.

Enjoy your Police State dummy. One day you'll regret helping create it.
Op you have never been proven correct on a prediction of policy outcome

why should anyone care what you predict?

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