Ron Paul To Obama & Romney: "Jerusalem Is The Capital Of Israel"...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
From Doug Wead

Ron Paul to Obama and Romney: “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Get over it.”

News is now leaking out about a private meeting between evangelical leaders and presidential candidate Ron Paul which took place last Wednesday night. The leaders asked Dr. Paul about an Executive Order moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “The real issue here is not what America wants but what Israel wants. We have no right to chose their capital,” Dr. Paul said, “If they say it is Jerusalem, then it is Jerusalem.”

The Barack Obama administration has consistently rejected this idea and Governor Mitt Romney steadfastly refuses to make a commitment on the issue.

The meeting held last Wednesday night in Ft. Worth, Texas, had two representatives of evangelicals presenting Dr. Paul with a list of questions they had received from denominational leaders, pastors and television evangelists. In the wake of Senator Rick Santorum’s departure from the presidential race, many evangelical leaders are turning to Ron Paul.

The question to Dr. Paul was posed by Rev. Brian Jacobs, one of the evangelical participants. Jacobs, a former consultant to the Billy Graham Association and a pastor of the Ft. Worth Metroplex Church asked the question at the beginning of the meeting. According to Jacobs, Dr. Paul asked, “How would we feel if some other nation told us that we would have to make our capital in New York and they refused to build their embassy in Washington, D.C. It is none of our business.”

Paul’s answer even surprised some of his own staff.

In earlier interviews Dr. Paul has stated that we should stop being Israel’s master and start being her friend and trading partner. In 1981, Dr. Paul was the only public figure who defended Israel’s military action when she took out the Iraqi nuclear facilities. He, alone, in the U.S. Congress, refused to condemn the action saying that Israel has the right to defend herself without approval of the United States.

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Ron Paul to Obama and Romney: “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel” « Doug Wead The Blog
Doug Wead: Ron Paul to Obama and Romney:
It goes hand in hand with him saying Israel is a sovereign nation and we should not dictate to them what they can do. I believe this was all in reference to moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Something Obama has dragged feet on in acknowledging Jerusalem as the Israeli capitol.
I can't imagine his staff was surprised. This view is consistent with the overall golden rule philosophy.
"We continue to support, within the framework of the United Nations, the internationalization of Jerusalem and the protection of the holy places in Palestine. . . ."

President Harry Truman, October 24, 1948

"The Government of the United States also wishes to convey that in view of its attitude on the Jerusalem question, it has no present intention of transferring the Ambassador of the United States and his staff to Jerusalem."

Aide-Memoire concerning the proposed move of the Israeli Foreign Ministry from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, July 9, 1952

"The United States has never recognized such unilateral actions by any of the states in the area as governing the international status of Jerusalem.

"The policy of the United States will be governed by the President's statement of June 19 and the White House statement this morning.

"The views of the United States have been made clear repeatedly to representatives of all governments concerned."

Department of State statement, June 28, 1967

"On the general question of constructing housing and other permanent civilian facilities in the occupied zone, including Jerusalem, our policy is to call for strict observance of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, to which Israel is a party. This Convention prohibits an occupying power from transferring parts of its own population into occupied territory. We interpret this to include undertaking construction of permanent facilities which have the intent of facilitating transfer of Israeli population into the occupied territories."

Department of State spokesperson, press conference, June 9, 1971

"As to Jerusalem, we strongly believe that Jerusalem should be undivided, with free access to the holy places for all faiths, and that its status should be determined in the negotiations for a comprehensive peace settlement.

President Jimmy Carter, "Explanation of the United States Vote for the Security Council Resolution on the Occupied Territories," March 3, 1980

". . . we remain convinced that Jerusalem must remain undivided, but its final status should be decided through negotiations. . . ."

President Ronald Reagan, Address to the Nation, Burbank, CA, September 1, 1982

"My position is that the foreign policy of the United States says we do not believe there should be new settlements in the West Bank or in East Jerusalem. And I will conduct that policy as if it's firm, which it is, and I will be shaped in whatever decisions we make to see whether people can comply with that policy. And that's our strongly held view. We think it's constructive to peace--the peace process--if Israel will follow that view. . . ."

President George Bush, press conference, Palm Springs, CA, March 3, 1990

U.S. Policy: Jerusalem's Final Status must Be Negotiated — FMEP
im fairly certain Romney already knows that.

Obama... not so sure.
The Israelis may put their capitol anywhere they want to. but they cannot force the US, (or any other foriegn nation) to move our embassy there.
The Israelis may put their capitol anywhere they want to. but they cannot force the US, (or any other foriegn nation) to move our embassy there.

Were they trying to?

It was the question asked of Ron.

News is now leaking out about a private meeting between evangelical leaders and presidential candidate Ron Paul which took place last Wednesday night. The leaders asked Dr. Paul about an Executive Order moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
If the US wants an embassy there they would have to put it in the capitol decided on by the government of that country. If the us doesn't agree with that location then they don't have to put an embassy there. Simple really. They can try and work it out and the US can say what they want but in the end it should be up to Israel.
If the US wants an embassy there they would have to put it in the capitol decided on by the government of that country. If the us doesn't agree with that location then they don't have to put an embassy there. Simple really. They can try and work it out and the US can say what they want but in the end it should be up to Israel.

Yet in Israel the US Embassy is in Tel Aviv.
Ron Paul is kissing up to the Zionist entities that control this country. He is a sell-out.
It is consistent because he has been saying all along that Israel is a sovereign nation and should not be interfered with by the US. Just like he backed them when they bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq. He doesn't think we should be intervening in the affairs of other countries because we don't want them intervening in ours. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
It is consistent because he has been saying all along that Israel is a sovereign nation and should not be interfered with by the US. Just like he backed them when they bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq. He doesn't think we should be intervening in the affairs of other countries because we don't want them intervening in ours. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Isnt moving the embassy intervening?
It is consistent because he has been saying all along that Israel is a sovereign nation and should not be interfered with by the US. Just like he backed them when they bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq. He doesn't think we should be intervening in the affairs of other countries because we don't want them intervening in ours. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Isnt moving the embassy intervening?

No trying to force them have their capitol in a city of our choosing by refusing to move and comply with their wishes is intervening. Moving the embassy to the location they decide to make their capitol would be allowing them to excersize their sovreignty as they should be able to. Of course we don't have to move either we could just not have one and maybe they could pay for the new building and such since it was because it was their decision to move and since they owe us billions but those are just details. The crux of the matter is they should be able to relocate their embassy anywhere within their borders that they choose.
It is consistent because he has been saying all along that Israel is a sovereign nation and should not be interfered with by the US. Just like he backed them when they bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq. He doesn't think we should be intervening in the affairs of other countries because we don't want them intervening in ours. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Don't bother. Ron Paul can do no right when it comes to Rabbi.
It is consistent because he has been saying all along that Israel is a sovereign nation and should not be interfered with by the US. Just like he backed them when they bombed the nuclear reactor in Iraq. He doesn't think we should be intervening in the affairs of other countries because we don't want them intervening in ours. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Isnt moving the embassy intervening?

No trying to force them have their capitol in a city of our choosing by refusing to move and comply with their wishes is intervening. Moving the embassy to the location they decide to make their capitol would be allowing them to excersize their sovreignty as they should be able to. Of course we don't have to move either we could just not have one and maybe they could pay for the new building and such since it was because it was their decision to move and since they owe us billions but those are just details. The crux of the matter is they should be able to relocate their embassy anywhere within their borders that they choose.

Currently our embassy is in Tel Aviv. Wouldnt Israel be forcing us to move our embassy, basically dictating our foreign policy?
Isnt moving the embassy intervening?

No trying to force them have their capitol in a city of our choosing by refusing to move and comply with their wishes is intervening. Moving the embassy to the location they decide to make their capitol would be allowing them to excersize their sovreignty as they should be able to. Of course we don't have to move either we could just not have one and maybe they could pay for the new building and such since it was because it was their decision to move and since they owe us billions but those are just details. The crux of the matter is they should be able to relocate their embassy anywhere within their borders that they choose.

Currently our embassy is in Tel Aviv. Wouldnt Israel be forcing us to move our embassy, basically dictating our foreign policy?

No one is forcing us to have an embassy there. If we want an embassy there we should put it where they deem fit since it is their country. What if China came over and said they were putting their embassy in Chicago whether we liked it or not and said we should make that our capitol?

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