Ron Paul too old?


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Here’s one more tidbit from yesterday’s interview: Asked whether his age would be a detriment to getting elected (he turns 76 tomorrow), Paul smiled and dismissed the hypothesis:

“That’s an old-fashioned idea. In this day and age, what really counts are your ideas and my ideas are promoting liberty – and that’s a very young idea and young people love it.”

He went on to challenge anyone worried about his senior-citizen status to a physical competition. “Anytime any other running candidate wants to come to Houston at 12 o’clock noon when the temperature is 100 and the humidity is 102, I’ll ride 20 miles with them on a bicycle.”

Any takers?

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Gary Johnson might take him up on that challenge being a triathlete, but the rest? I doubt it seriously.
Ron Paul too old?


They tried to write him off as a nutcase 4 years ago. He is still here. The detractors long gone. Who were they anyway?
He's not too old, he's too nuts and too unelectable.

Except that there are plenty of polls where he's ahead of the so-called "electable" candidates, so that nonsense doesn't hold much water.

Let's see these polls.

Well we can start with the Ames Straw Poll where he came in a close second. Not a scientific poll, of course, but certainly a good indication of who has the organizational structure to do well in Iowa.

Both of these polls put Ron Paul in third behind Romney and Perry.

Poll: Romney rocks, Perry pops, Bachmann doesn

New CNN Poll: Perry near top of pack in GOP nomination battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Not to mention how well he does against Obama.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

So is Ron Paul leading the pack? No. Does that mean he's unelectable? The fact that he's rising in the polls, and did very well at Ames should indicate that Ron Paul is indeed electable. Does that necessarily mean that he'll win? No. But Mitt Romney didn't win in 2008, are we going to argue that he was unelectable? I don't think so.
Ron Paul too old?


They tried to write him off as a nutcase 4 years ago. He is still here. The detractors long gone. Who were they anyway?

He was so nuts four years ago that candidates are tripping over each other to steal his ideas. Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich talking about the Fed? Michele Bachmann talking about reading Ludwig von Mises at the beach? Mitt Romney talking about getting troops out of Afghanistan? Of course they're all pale imitations, but the fact remains that Ron Paul has clearly made a mark on the Republican Party.
Ron Paul is sharp as a whip and makes "getting old" look attractive. How can such an "old man" accomplish so much? He is leading a "revolution" and much of this revolution comes from a younger crowd. People in their late teens and early 20's are enthusiastic about Paul and his message of liberty.

Ron Paul makes me opportunistic about getting "old". People in their golden ages can accomplish great feats and that is most heartening. The only other person who got me excited about getting older was Frank Lloyd Wright.

I don't see his age as an obstacle, I see it as something to embrace. I see him as a role model that we can all follow. You are never too old to defend your beliefs and make a positive difference on this world.

You are never too old to Rock n Roll
[ame=]Jethro Tull - Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll Too Young to Die - YouTube[/ame]
Except that there are plenty of polls where he's ahead of the so-called "electable" candidates, so that nonsense doesn't hold much water.

Let's see these polls.

Well we can start with the Ames Straw Poll where he came in a close second. Not a scientific poll, of course, but certainly a good indication of who has the organizational structure to do well in Iowa.

Both of these polls put Ron Paul in third behind Romney and Perry.

Poll: Romney rocks, Perry pops, Bachmann doesn

New CNN Poll: Perry near top of pack in GOP nomination battle – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Not to mention how well he does against Obama.

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

So is Ron Paul leading the pack? No. Does that mean he's unelectable? The fact that he's rising in the polls, and did very well at Ames should indicate that Ron Paul is indeed electable. Does that necessarily mean that he'll win? No. But Mitt Romney didn't win in 2008, are we going to argue that he was unelectable? I don't think so.

Third isn't exactly "ahead of the so-called "electable" candidates," is it?
Ron Paul too old?


They tried to write him off as a nutcase 4 years ago. He is still here. The detractors long gone. Who were they anyway?

He was so nuts four years ago that candidates are tripping over each other to steal his ideas. Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich talking about the Fed? Michele Bachmann talking about reading Ludwig von Mises at the beach? Mitt Romney talking about getting troops out of Afghanistan? Of course they're all pale imitations, but the fact remains that Ron Paul has clearly made a mark on the Republican Party.

Did Mr. Paul invent any of those ideas or concerns? That's sort of silly.

And I'd like a link to Romney on getting out of Afghanistan, please.
Ron Paul too old?


They tried to write him off as a nutcase 4 years ago. He is still here. The detractors long gone. Who were they anyway?

He was so nuts four years ago that candidates are tripping over each other to steal his ideas. Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich talking about the Fed? Michele Bachmann talking about reading Ludwig von Mises at the beach? Mitt Romney talking about getting troops out of Afghanistan? Of course they're all pale imitations, but the fact remains that Ron Paul has clearly made a mark on the Republican Party.

Did Mr. Paul invent any of those ideas or concerns? That's sort of silly.

And I'd like a link to Romney on getting out of Afghanistan, please.

Invent.. no, don't be an imbecile...he was however the only candidate to honestly and consistently raise them or acknowledged them
Ron Paul is sharp as a whip and makes "getting old" look attractive. How can such an "old man" accomplish so much? He is leading a "revolution" and much of this revolution comes from a younger crowd. People in their late teens and early 20's are enthusiastic about Paul and his message of liberty.

Ron Paul makes me opportunistic about getting "old". People in their golden ages can accomplish great feats and that is most heartening. The only other person who got me excited about getting older was Frank Lloyd Wright.

I don't see his age as an obstacle, I see it as something to embrace. I see him as a role model that we can all follow. You are never too old to defend your beliefs and make a positive difference on this world.

You are never too old to Rock n Roll
Jethro Tull - Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll Too Young to Die - YouTube
Give me a fuckin' break.

The late teens and early twenties types are enthusiastic about legal dope and hookers.......They just preach the other Ron Paul stuff in order to get to the legal dope and hookers.

Christ, ya' listen to the lot of them, and it becomes quite clear the majority of 'em are living in mommy's basement, trolling internet porn while sucking on a bong, and wondering why in the hell they can't get laid.
He was so nuts four years ago that candidates are tripping over each other to steal his ideas. Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich talking about the Fed? Michele Bachmann talking about reading Ludwig von Mises at the beach? Mitt Romney talking about getting troops out of Afghanistan? Of course they're all pale imitations, but the fact remains that Ron Paul has clearly made a mark on the Republican Party.

Did Mr. Paul invent any of those ideas or concerns? That's sort of silly.

And I'd like a link to Romney on getting out of Afghanistan, please.

Invent.. no, don't be an imbecile

What does the phrase "steal his ideas" mean to you?
Did Mr. Paul invent any of those ideas or concerns? That's sort of silly.

And I'd like a link to Romney on getting out of Afghanistan, please.

Invent.. no, don't be an imbecile

What does the phrase "steal his ideas" mean to you?

it means jumping on a band wagon to appeal to voters,without any true conviction to the ideals they parrot, so they can garnish votes.."that do not truly belong to them"
Ron Paul is sharp as a whip and makes "getting old" look attractive. How can such an "old man" accomplish so much? He is leading a "revolution" and much of this revolution comes from a younger crowd. People in their late teens and early 20's are enthusiastic about Paul and his message of liberty.

Ron Paul makes me opportunistic about getting "old". People in their golden ages can accomplish great feats and that is most heartening. The only other person who got me excited about getting older was Frank Lloyd Wright.

I don't see his age as an obstacle, I see it as something to embrace. I see him as a role model that we can all follow. You are never too old to defend your beliefs and make a positive difference on this world.

You are never too old to Rock n Roll
Jethro Tull - Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll Too Young to Die - YouTube
Give me a fuckin' break.

The late teens and early twenties types are enthusiastic about legal dope and hookers.......They just preach the other Ron Paul stuff in order to get to the legal dope and hookers.

Christ, ya' listen to the lot of them, and it becomes quite clear the majority of 'em are living in mommy's basement, trolling internet porn while sucking on a bong, and wondering why in the hell they can't get laid.

This is just utter drivel. What teen and early 20's simply focuses on using heroin and banging hookers?

Perhaps, you are apart of this new generation, but my generation never had their goals on using heroin and buying hookers. Sure, some of us delved into drugs and practiced questionable sex. However, that is not what appeals to young people.

Are you this out of touch? Are you really this fucking stupid to believe that all young people are voting for Paul in order to legalize heroin and hookers.

Seriously, are you this fucking stupid?


The truth is that young people are getting sick and tired of the status quo which is ruining this country and Ron Paul is a symbol for taking on the status quo.

p.s. Please don't respond with drivel and utter nonsense. Think before you type.
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[ my generation never had their goals on using heroin and buying hookers. Sure, some of us delved into drugs and practiced questionable sex. However, that is not what appeals to young people.

LOL! How the hell old are you? Oh yeah, young people hate sex and partying...they'd much rather sit around in plush armchairs wearing their smoking jackets stroking their beards and dwelling on today's pressing political matters.

Really Grandpa?

[ my generation never had their goals on using heroin and buying hookers. Sure, some of us delved into drugs and practiced questionable sex. However, that is not what appeals to young people.

LOL! How the hell old are you? Oh yeah, young people hate sex and partying...they'd much rather sit around in plush armchairs wearing their smoking jackets stroking their beards and dwelling on today's pressing political matters.

Really Grandpa?


I think you are a fucking idiot who is not worth responding to besides this response.

You need to strive for answers and questions besides the ones you have. However, I have little faith that you are capable of this.

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