Ron Paul: We Need Alternatives To Social Media Companies That Silence Dissent...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Amen. This censorship/banning-craze is very bad for all of us.

Ron Paul weighs in on social media companies’ purges this week that have affected individuals including popular talk show host Alex Jones and Ron Paul Institute Executive Director Daniel McAdams. Paul argues that purges undertaken by social media companies often are motivated by a desire to silence people “challenging the status quo,” instead of the purported reasons social media companies offer related to “terms of service.” He also chides the companies for doing “the work for the NSA,” or the National Security Agency, in conducting mass surveillance.

Ron Paul: We Need Alternatives to Social Media Companies that Are Silencing Dissent
"Need"? "Social media" barely existed until very recently in human history. It is interesting and useful, but need may be hard to establish. Needing alternatives is even less so.
"Need"? "Social media" barely existed until very recently in human history. It is interesting and useful, but need may be hard to establish. Needing alternatives is even less so.

The People need to punish them for their censorship bans. Viable alternatives will hurt them bigtime.
"Need"? "Social media" barely existed until very recently in human history. It is interesting and useful, but need may be hard to establish. Needing alternatives is even less so.

The People need to punish them for their censorship bans. Viable alternatives will hurt them bigtime.
This is one "market" that will definitely take care of itself. There is no "need" to inflict anything from outside.
Hmmm... Not easy to do when the left has such a monopoly on media. Any site must also include welcoming and not silencing lefties. USMB used to be good but even then lately have been acting like brownshirts on certain topics: mainly social engineering topics like the ones I post.

A suggestion: real life. Real life might be the boycott of horrors to media giants from people already sick of sitting on ass fooling with the internet. Just the other day I saw a teenage boy riding his bike to the water hole with a fishing pole. I thought I'd stepped in a time machine. I ride my horse sometimes through town and people stare like they're looking at an alien space craft that just landed. 20-30 years ago I used to wave at fellow riders as we passed on the trails. Even folks just walking the dog or sitting at the beach without their damned iphones are rare these days.

Just boycott social media altogether until the playing field is fair. Try real life. You'll like it.
"Need"? "Social media" barely existed until very recently in human history. It is interesting and useful, but need may be hard to establish. Needing alternatives is even less so.

The People need to punish them for their censorship bans. Viable alternatives will hurt them bigtime.
This is one "market" that will definitely take care of itself. There is no "need" to inflict anything from outside.

Hopefully, we'll get some alternatives. The current big Socials have proven to be sell-outs. The message being sent by them is, only Democratic Party-approved speech will be tolerated. It's shameful.

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