Ron Paul: "Why Don't We Mind Our Own Business?"...

Nonsense. That man is unelectable

The Constitution is clear - the US is supposed to finance the Palestinian Genocide

It also required to meddle in the internal affairs of every nation on the face of mother earth.

Chill out dawg, its not like we are a quadrillion dollars in the hole. It's just 15 TTTTTTrillion.

And we have the Super Committee working on that as we speak. What could possible go wrong?

Seriously,who likes an annoying nosy neighbor? We really do create most of our enemies. A sad vicious circle for sure.
For all the PC fixation on tolerance, precious few leaders take the concept seriously. Live-and-let-live isn't 'isolationist'. It isn't pacifism. It's the only moral way to treat your neighbors, whether locally or globally.

Ron Paul is one of the good guys.
If China or Russia were doing the same things our gov't was doing all over the world we'd be saying:

"Why don't they mind their own business?"

If a frog had wings he wouldn't hit is ass on the ground every time he hopped.

Let's stay with fact's and not "what if's".

Fact is, we have been asking Russia and China to help in our effort to reign in countries that harbor and offer safe havens for terrorist. We've ask them to help with sanctions on Iran. They refuse to help.

Because they know how to mind their own business....imagine that.'re ten years old?
And for the record as far as im concerned we should bomb Irans nuclear sites.

lol, good call!

War forever, as I keep saying... Or wait, all of a sudden it will be all good because Gramps says so... It's easy to dish it out but that's because you take no responsibility for the future consequences of your actions due to being incredibly simple minded.

You realize there are also consequences to irresponsible neglect and failing to take action when you should, right genius?
On the other hand, we should definitely cut back on bases that are no longer needed to be so big or numerous- see the 500 billion we can definitely cut back on...about to be automatic...probably the only way congress can do it.

Scaring the hell out of Iran is not the best idea. They will change soon anyway.
I am not debating the validity of the war on terror. Im pointing out the stupidity of Pauls positions

lol, man... Get a clue, you're like the half awake "conservative" that pretty much uses the Republican party to talk shit about liberals... You have no honest conservative bone in your body.

I'm pretty sure every reputable report about why 9/11 happened supports Paul's position. Not one reporst says "9/11 happened because we are free..." None.

I have not spoken of a single liberal today. Im too consumed with the idiocy of you Paulbots to bother with them right now.

Paul CANT WIN, WONT WIN. Deal with that fact first then maybe you can claim your ahead of me with your knowlege. Until then your just a vote waiting to be wasted

How can a vote be wasted? The only wasted vote is a vote given to someone you don't fully agree with just because you would rather not have the other guy win, at least in my mind. If I vote according to my principles then my vote isn't wasted even if my candidate loses. I will vote and be true to myself and keep my integrity intact.
I guess we should have let the Japanese slaughter us and to hell with it.. Fuck it, we ran up debt.. fuck all of our allies.. you're on your own.

You are right, because Franklin Delano Rooselvelt was isolationist and he didnt provoke the Japanese with the oil embargo... Japan attacked USA for the LULZ

The People need to demand that our leaders follow the Constitution. Declare Wars the way our Constitution requires. WWII analogies don't apply. Japan forced our hand and War was declared legally. These interventions we're seeing today are nothing like that. So it's time for people to stop using WWII to promote their aggressive foreign interventionist agenda.
One of the most important aspects of diplomacy we have lost these last three years is our firm alliance with allies. Israel is part of this equation and no country is an island in terms of safety in todays troubled world.

and Israel is our ally because...?

Oh yes... attacking the USS liberty, stealing our military secrets... such a great friends :D! I wish we had more friends like them


America hijacked... from world power to simple bodyguard of the apartheid state of the Middle East
The People need to demand that our leaders follow the Constitution. Declare Wars the way our Constitution requires. WWII analogies don't apply. Japan forced our hand and War was declared legally. These interventions we're seeing today are nothing like that. So it's time for people to stop using WWII to promote their aggressive foreign interventionist agenda.

It's time we stopped forgetting the lessons of WWII, Neville.
The People need to demand that our leaders follow the Constitution. Declare Wars the way our Constitution requires. WWII analogies don't apply. Japan forced our hand and War was declared legally. These interventions we're seeing today are nothing like that. So it's time for people to stop using WWII to promote their aggressive foreign interventionist agenda.

It's time we stopped forgetting the lessons of WWII, Neville.

Again,WWII analogies don't apply to what's going on today with our never-ending foreign interventions. War was declared legally as required by our Constitution. That's not happening today.
ron paul is a naive idiot who knows nothing about foreign policy.

Ronald Reagan spoke in support of Paul's foreign policy views, stating "Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country."[7] Daniel Ellsberg, famous for releasing the Pentagon Papers, has said of Paul: "On foreign policy, on the Constitution, on Homeland Security, on intervention, he speaks very well."[
Political positions of Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If China or Russia were doing the same things our gov't was doing all over the world we'd be saying:

"Why don't they mind their own business?"

The Chinese can't afford to. They are too busy loaning us money, so that we can do it. That is a far better investment than meddling themselves.

The greatest world influence of the 21st Century will be economics.
Ron Paul just doesn't understand that the proper response to terrorist attacks is to double down on the foreign policy that led to them. We can't let them tell us what to do! If they whine about our troops stomping around in their homeland, we'll show them who's boss and do it even more! In your face, Abdul!

At home, we should give into the fear and dismantle our free society in favor of a police state. We should concede to the notion that WE ARE AT WAR!!!! And that we will be as long as the terrorists say so.

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