Ron Paul's influence going forward

anti abortion, tax breaks to the rich, deregulations, corporate pollution ok with him too, etc. He's a Republican, no?

I know what makes him different. And again, don't try to convince me when you can only convince 8% of Mississippi or Alabama Republicans to take him seriously. Don't you think you would have a better chance with them? Failure!

Sealy, I generally just try to ignore morons on this board, but you are really over the top. Are you just doing some kind of parody?

Sorry you hate the reality I represent.

You don't represent any reality, silly bozo.

You blather silly opinions.

In the real world, there's a huge difference between such things.
If he's going to leave the Republican Party what was the point of the last four years? Why bother getting his supporters to go out and get put into important positions within local Republican parties? I don't think it's going to happen.

Well, I don't think it's been his goal all along. Since he joined the party he's been trying to change if from within. But that goal won't be served by supporting the same old same old - and I think he's smart enough to know that.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. But I've taken his announcement that he's not running for Congress again as a sign that he's ready to throw in the towel on the Republicans. I've always had misgivings about his approach of working within one of the major parties. They're too entrenched and too deeply invested in the status quo. I don't see how he can come to any other conclusion.

If Ron Paul really wants to spread his message and if the media is really scewing him over, the best thing he could do is run 3rd party. They would have to include him in the debates like Ross Perot and he will never have a grander stage than that. If the GOP are really as corrupt as the Democrats, he has no choice but to run 3rd party. Either that or he's just all talk. Libertarians. HA!
If he's going to leave the Republican Party what was the point of the last four years? Why bother getting his supporters to go out and get put into important positions within local Republican parties? I don't think it's going to happen.

Well, I don't think it's been his goal all along. Since he joined the party he's been trying to change if from within. But that goal won't be served by supporting the same old same old - and I think he's smart enough to know that.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. But I've taken his announcement that he's not running for Congress again as a sign that he's ready to throw in the towel on the Republicans. I've always had misgivings about his approach of working within one of the major parties. They're too entrenched and too deeply invested in the status quo. I don't see how he can come to any other conclusion.

I think he's just ready to throw the towel in on politics in general, and who could blame him? Now that Rand's in the Senate and Justin Amash is in the House I think he saw his chance to be done with this nonsense.
If he's going to leave the Republican Party what was the point of the last four years? Why bother getting his supporters to go out and get put into important positions within local Republican parties? I don't think it's going to happen.

Well, I don't think it's been his goal all along. Since he joined the party he's been trying to change if from within. But that goal won't be served by supporting the same old same old - and I think he's smart enough to know that.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. But I've taken his announcement that he's not running for Congress again as a sign that he's ready to throw in the towel on the Republicans. I've always had misgivings about his approach of working within one of the major parties. They're too entrenched and too deeply invested in the status quo. I don't see how he can come to any other conclusion.

If Ron Paul really wants to spread his message and if the media is really scewing him over, the best thing he could do is run 3rd party. They would have to include him in the debates like Ross Perot and he will never have a grander stage than that. If the GOP are really as corrupt as the Democrats, he has no choice but to run 3rd party. Either that or he's just all talk. Libertarians. HA!

Yes, if Ron Paul ran third party they'd have to include him in the debates, and the media wouldn't be able to ignore him anymore.

Avatar may be on to something with that Bizarro World comment.
No, Obama's a fascist. Just like Bush, Romney, and Santorum.

So you Ron Paulers acknowledge the corruption and waste that exists in the Federal Reserve and military industrial complex. You understand Private Bankers own our Federal Reserves and its a scam. Us liberals agree with you Ron Paulers on this. If you would only confront/challange your Republican brothers and sisters as much as you do us, maybe we would get somewhere. But they like the status quo.

But what do you Ron Paulers say about all the other corporate corruption besides the Federal Reserve? How come you understand the bankers control our country but you refuse to admit to any other corporate corruption. What do you think about Citizens United? What about the other robber barons that control our country? The Koch brothers, the Adelsons, the oil speculators gouging us. The healthcare giants gouging us?

How come you Ron Paulers stop short and only call out the bankers that control the federal reserve? Don't you realize they control much more than that?

You liberals agree with us on the Fed, huh? More like you personally, and a few other liberals agree with us partially on the Fed. If liberals in general agreed with us libertarians on the Fed then something would have been done about the Fed.

As for corporate corruption, no libertarian denies it. We just realize that when it comes to an alliance between big business and big government, big government is always in charge. Without the government your robber barons wouldn't exist.

Ha! The Robber Baron's were there waiting for the Revolution to end to pounce on whatever government came out on top. The Robber Baron's are the cause of the American Revolution. The tax England put on our tea was on behalf of the Great India Tea Company. I may have gotten the name wrong, but I find it hillarious that you think the Robber Baron's wouldn't exist if it weren't for our government.

Our fucking government is the first EVER that was to be run by and for WE THE PEOPLE. Until our fucking government, governments were run by Lords, Popes or Kings. Our founding fathers even warned us about massive wealth and corporations. But Ron Paul doesn't tell you about that.

You think government shouldn't exist? This is why us liberals will never agree with Libertarians. No need to even discuss. I've heard it all before and you are out of your minds. That's like saying lets play basketball and have no referees.

And yes, us liberals agree with you on the Fed. I said Libs, not Democrats. The modern day Corporate Democrats are GOP light. They too serve the corporate master. But they also represent the middle class. Just ask the unions. Just ask teachers, police and firefighters.

You don't get ahead taking on the Federal Reserve. In this respect, yes, Democrats are just as blind to the corrupt federal Reserve, but that's the way it is and has been since 1913 and anyone who has ever tried to change it has been ruined. So either you get marganalized like Ron Paul or you don't get a second term like Bush 1 or you get killed like Kennedy if you try to take on the Robber Baron's too much.
They want Ron Paul supporters support just like Obama wants the gays to support him. Ron Paul got 8% compared to Mitt, Newt and Santorum getting 30% each. Ron Paul is not that important. And his supporters will fall in line because Obama's a socialist, right? All your side cares about is that they are fired up in November.

Ron Paul you got your supporters rilled up?

Sarah Palin, do you have your supporters riled up and ready to vote?

Rush backers? Cain? Mormons? Jews? Racists? Anti abortionists? Rich people? How about Michelle Bachmann fans or Rick Perry?

The GOP just want you all to fall in line in November and vote for Romney, like it or not.

I just heard Santorum won Alabama. I hope that makes the GOP process go on a little longer. This is great comedy.

No, Obama's a fascist. Just like Bush, Romney, and Santorum.

So you Ron Paulers acknowledge the corruption and waste that exists in the Federal Reserve and military industrial complex. You understand Private Bankers own our Federal Reserves and its a scam. Us liberals agree with you Ron Paulers on this. If you would only confront/challange your Republican brothers and sisters as much as you do us, maybe we would get somewhere. But they like the status quo.

But what do you Ron Paulers say about all the other corporate corruption besides the Federal Reserve? How come you understand the bankers control our country but you refuse to admit to any other corporate corruption. What do you think about Citizens United? What about the other robber barons that control our country? The Koch brothers, the Adelsons, the oil speculators gouging us. The healthcare giants gouging us?

How come you Ron Paulers stop short and only call out the bankers that control the federal reserve? Don't you realize they control much more than that?

This has to be one of the more stupid posts I have seen in my life...

The same evil corrupted cooperation’s that support Republicans give Obama and Dems money, the Dems take it and vote in line with Republicans, what do you think the stimulus and Bail outs were?

To even try and sell Paul and Paul supporters as attacking liberals but not attacking Republicans is quite possibly the most politically out of touch comment made this year... How about you watch a Republican debate and you tell me just how "easy going" Paul is on Republicans. Paul fucking destroys bitchs in debates, he calls them all out, he even calls out the Republican party (voters) as a whole in almost every single debate.

What is really telling is how you, a liberal, can sit here and attack Republicans and libertarians for not stopping ‘evil corporations,” the FED and “bankers” yet fucking Obama had a historic supermajority in the House/Senate and all he managed to pass was a giant fucking check to wall street and 0 taxes for corporations he likes… Man you really need to take a look at your own party because at least the Republicans are having a falling out over this shit, you’re still blindly supporting the very thing you claim to hate.
Yes, if Ron Paul ran third party they'd have to include him in the debates, and the media wouldn't be able to ignore him anymore.

Avatar may be on to something with that Bizarro World comment.

I dont think the media's been ignoring him at all.

In fact, I know Glenn Beck has an open invitation for him and all the candidates to come on his show. Oddly enough Romney and Paul dont come and the one time Newt did, he came off looking badly.
The reality of the situation is that Romney can't get the delegates and he will be the only one even close. Every state Santorum and Gingrich wins brings us closer to a brokered convention. Then we will finally see if the delegate strategy was effective. The campaign seems very confident that they can win. Wouldn't t be the sweetest irony to have Ron Paul win the nomination despite all the shenanigans? It's still a pipe dream but I believe that is the end game here.
The reality of the situation is that Romney can't get the delegates and he will be the only one even close. Every state Santorum and Gingrich wins brings us closer to a brokered convention. Then we will finally see if the delegate strategy was effective. The campaign seems very confident that they can win. Wouldn't t be the sweetest irony to have Ron Paul win the nomination despite all the shenanigans? It's still a pipe dream but I believe that is the end game here.

RuPaul couldn't win a single primary or caucus, but he'd "win" a brokered convention?


How the fuck do you guys "figure" that?


The reality of the situation is that Romney can't get the delegates and he will be the only one even close. Every state Santorum and Gingrich wins brings us closer to a brokered convention. Then we will finally see if the delegate strategy was effective. The campaign seems very confident that they can win. Wouldn't t be the sweetest irony to have Ron Paul win the nomination despite all the shenanigans? It's still a pipe dream but I believe that is the end game here.

Not really. But hey, it's your dream.
The reality of the situation is that Romney can't get the delegates and he will be the only one even close. Every state Santorum and Gingrich wins brings us closer to a brokered convention. Then we will finally see if the delegate strategy was effective. The campaign seems very confident that they can win. Wouldn't t be the sweetest irony to have Ron Paul win the nomination despite all the shenanigans? It's still a pipe dream but I believe that is the end game here.

RuPaul couldn't win a single primary or caucus, but he'd "win" a brokered convention?


How the fuck do you guys "figure" that?



Because Ron Paul supporters are positioning themselves as delegates even in states where the delegates are bound to other candidates, this means that in a brokered convention where the delegates become unbound they can vote for their candidate of choice. The caucus states are also sending many many delegates his way but shhhh don't tell anyone.
So you Ron Paulers acknowledge the corruption and waste that exists in the Federal Reserve and military industrial complex. You understand Private Bankers own our Federal Reserves and its a scam. Us liberals agree with you Ron Paulers on this. If you would only confront/challange your Republican brothers and sisters as much as you do us, maybe we would get somewhere. But they like the status quo.

But what do you Ron Paulers say about all the other corporate corruption besides the Federal Reserve? How come you understand the bankers control our country but you refuse to admit to any other corporate corruption. What do you think about Citizens United? What about the other robber barons that control our country? The Koch brothers, the Adelsons, the oil speculators gouging us. The healthcare giants gouging us?

How come you Ron Paulers stop short and only call out the bankers that control the federal reserve? Don't you realize they control much more than that?

You liberals agree with us on the Fed, huh? More like you personally, and a few other liberals agree with us partially on the Fed. If liberals in general agreed with us libertarians on the Fed then something would have been done about the Fed.

As for corporate corruption, no libertarian denies it. We just realize that when it comes to an alliance between big business and big government, big government is always in charge. Without the government your robber barons wouldn't exist.

Ha! The Robber Baron's were there waiting for the Revolution to end to pounce on whatever government came out on top. The Robber Baron's are the cause of the American Revolution. The tax England put on our tea was on behalf of the Great India Tea Company. I may have gotten the name wrong, but I find it hillarious that you think the Robber Baron's wouldn't exist if it weren't for our government.

Our fucking government is the first EVER that was to be run by and for WE THE PEOPLE. Until our fucking government, governments were run by Lords, Popes or Kings. Our founding fathers even warned us about massive wealth and corporations. But Ron Paul doesn't tell you about that.

You think government shouldn't exist? This is why us liberals will never agree with Libertarians. No need to even discuss. I've heard it all before and you are out of your minds. That's like saying lets play basketball and have no referees.

And yes, us liberals agree with you on the Fed. I said Libs, not Democrats. The modern day Corporate Democrats are GOP light. They too serve the corporate master. But they also represent the middle class. Just ask the unions. Just ask teachers, police and firefighters.

You don't get ahead taking on the Federal Reserve. In this respect, yes, Democrats are just as blind to the corrupt federal Reserve, but that's the way it is and has been since 1913 and anyone who has ever tried to change it has been ruined. So either you get marganalized like Ron Paul or you don't get a second term like Bush 1 or you get killed like Kennedy if you try to take on the Robber Baron's too much.

I didn't say robber barons wouldn't exist without the U.S. government. I said they wouldn't exist without government.
Yes, if Ron Paul ran third party they'd have to include him in the debates, and the media wouldn't be able to ignore him anymore.

Avatar may be on to something with that Bizarro World comment.

I dont think the media's been ignoring him at all.

In fact, I know Glenn Beck has an open invitation for him and all the candidates to come on his show. Oddly enough Romney and Paul dont come and the one time Newt did, he came off looking badly.

I've actually said on here before that I thought the media gave him a fair-ish shake this time around. That response was tongue in cheek to sealy.
as a ron paul supporter I want Obama to get reelected to punish the GOP...maybe we will wake up after another 4 years of mediocrity...although I suppose that is what America is now.
The reality of the situation is that Romney can't get the delegates and he will be the only one even close. Every state Santorum and Gingrich wins brings us closer to a brokered convention. Then we will finally see if the delegate strategy was effective. The campaign seems very confident that they can win. Wouldn't t be the sweetest irony to have Ron Paul win the nomination despite all the shenanigans? It's still a pipe dream but I believe that is the end game here.

RuPaul couldn't win a single primary or caucus, but he'd "win" a brokered convention?


How the fuck do you guys "figure" that?



Because Ron Paul supporters are positioning themselves as delegates even in states where the delegates are bound to other candidates, this means that in a brokered convention where the delegates become unbound they can vote for their candidate of choice. The caucus states are also sending many many delegates his way but shhhh don't tell anyone.


The CLAIM that Paul supporters are "positioning themselves as delegates" has no factual underpinning.

There is no way the GOP convention would allow a guy who is openly considering going 3P to get their nod.

Ron Paul has not a chance in the universe.

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